[ 发表于: Pollution ]

结果 1-10 的 23

Evaluation of ketoprofen toxicity in two freshwater species: Effects on biochemical, physiological and population endpoints


Alkimin, G.D. | Soares, A.M.V.M. | Barata, C. | Nunes, B.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Antibiotics adaptation costs alter carbon sequestration strategies of microorganisms in karst river


Xiang, Shizheng | Li, Yiqiang | Wang, Wanying | Zhang, Biao | Shi, Wenyu | Zhang, Jia | Huang, Fuyang | Liu, Fei | Guan, Xiangyu

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Uptake and transcriptional effects of polystyrene microplastics in larval stages of the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis


Capolupo, Marco | Franzellitti, Silvia | Valbonesi, Paola | Lanzas, Claudia Sanz | Fabbri, Elena

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Evaluation of the water quality of the upper reaches of the main Southern Brazil river (Iguaçu river) through in situ exposure of the native siluriform Rhamdia quelen in cages


Souza-Bastos, Luciana R. | Bastos, Leonardo P. | Carneiro, Paulo Cesar F. | Guiloski, Izonete C. | Silva de Assis, Helena C. | Padial, André A. | Freire, Carolina A.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Ocean acidification interacts with growth light to suppress CO2 acquisition efficiency and enhance mitochondrial respiration in a coastal diatom


Qu, Liming | Campbell, Douglas A. | Gao, Kunshan

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Shell form and enzymatic alterations in Lottia subrugosa (Gastropoda, Lotiidae) transplanted to a contaminated site


Harayashiki, Cyntia Ayumi Yokota | Sadauskas-Henrique, Helen | de Souza-Bastos, Luciana Rodrigues | Gouveia, Nayara | Pont, Giorgi Dal | Ostrensky, Antonio | Castro, Italo Braga

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Interactive effect of nitrogen source and high CO2 concentration on the growth of the dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense and its toxicity to zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos


Guan, Wanchun | Si, Ranran | Li, Xi | Cai, Jingbo | Chen, Shaobo

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Effects of low seawater pH on the marine polychaete Platynereis dumerilii


Wäge, Janine | Hardege, Jorg D. | Larsson, Tomas A. | Simakov, Oleg | Chapman, Emma C. | Arendt, Detlev | Rotchell, Jeanette M.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Lipid profiling differentiates the effect of ambient microenriched copper on a coral as an advanced tool for biomonitoring


Tang, Chuan-Ho | Shi, Shu-Han | Lin, Jingyu | Wang, Wei-Hsien

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Effect of the UV filter, Benzophenone-3, on biomarkers of the yellow clam (Amarilladesma mactroides) under different pH conditions


Chaves Lopes, Fernanda | Rosa de Castro, Micheli | Caldas Barbosa, Sergiane | Primel, Ednei Gilberto | de Martinez Gaspar Martins, Camila

National Agricultural Library - United States of America