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Prediction of N2O emission from local information with Random Forest
Philibert, Aurore, A. | Loyce, Chantal | Makowski, David | Agronomie ; Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)-AgroParisTech
Nitrous oxide is a potent greenhouse gas, with a global warming potential 298 times greater than that of CO2. In agricultural soils, N2O emissions are influenced by a large number of environmental characteristics and crop management techniques that are not systematically reported in experiments. Random Forest (RF) is a machine learning method that can handle missing data and ranks input variables on the basis of their importance. We aimed to predict N2O emission on the basis of local information, to rank environmental and crop management variables according to their influence on N2O emission, and to compare the performances of RI: with several regression models. RF outperformed the regression models for predictive purposes, and this approach led to the identification of three important input variables: N fertilization, type of crop, and experiment duration. This method could be used in the future for prediction of N2O emissions from local information. (c) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The importance of edaphic niches and pioneer plant species succession for the phytomanagement of mine tailings
Parraga-Aguado, Isabel | Gonzalez-Alcaraz, Maria Nazaret | Alvarez-Rogel, Jose | Jimenez-Carceles, Francisco J. | Conesa, Hector M.
Phytomanagement in terms of phytostabilisation is considered a suitable method to decrease environmental risks of metal(loid) enriched mine tailings. The goal of this study was to identify plant-favourable edaphic niches in mine tailings from a semiarid area, in order to obtain relevant information for further phytostabilisation procedures. For this purpose, a transect-designed sampling from non-disturbed soils to two mine tailings was performed, including the description of soil and plant ecology gradients. Plant ecological indicators showed several stages in plant succession: from weeds to stable patches of late successional plant species. PCA results revealed that plant distribution at the tailings was driven mainly by salinity while metal(loid) concentrations played a minor role. The presence of soil desiccation cracks generated low salinity patches which facilitated favourable niches for plant establishment. Edaphic-patch distribution may condition phytostabilisation since ploughing or the employment of certain amendments should take into account favourable niches for plant growth.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Effects of plant species identity, diversity and soil fertility on biodegradation of phenanthrene in soil
Oyelami, Ayodeji O. | Okere, Uchechukwu V. | Orwin, Kate H. | De Deyn, Gerlinde B. | Jones, K. C. (Kevin C.) | Semple, K. T. (Kirk T.)
The work presented in this paper investigated the effects of plant species composition, species diversity and soil fertility on biodegradation of 14C-phenanthrene in soil. The two soils used were of contrasting fertility, taken from long term unfertilised and fertilised grassland, showing differences in total nitrogen content (%N). Plant communities consisted of six different plant species: two grasses, two forbs, and two legume species, and ranged in species richness from 1 to 6. The degradation of 14C-phenanthrene was evaluated by measuring indigenous catabolic activity following the addition of the contaminant to soil using respirometry. Soil fertility was a driving factor in all aspects of 14C-phenanthrene degradation; lag phase, maximum rates and total extents of 14C-phenanthrene mineralisation were higher in improved soils compared to unimproved soils. Plant identity had a significant effect on the lag phase and extents of mineralisation. Soil fertility was the major influence also on abundance of microbial communities.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Beyond the bed: Effects of metal contamination on recruitment to bedded sediments and overlying substrata
Hill, Nicole A. | Simpson, Stuart L. | Johnston, Emma L.
Metal-contaminated sediments pose a recognised threat to sediment-dwelling fauna. Re-mobilisation of contaminated sediments however, may impact more broadly on benthic ecosystems, including on diverse assemblages living on hard substrata patches immediately above sediments. We used manipulative field experiments to simultaneously test for the effects of metal contamination on recruitment to marine sediments and overlying hard substrata. Recruitment to sediments was strongly and negatively affected by metal contamination. However, while assemblage-level effects on hard-substratum fauna and flora were observed, most functional groups were unaffected or slightly enhanced by exposure to contaminated sediments. Diversity of hard-substratum fauna was also enhanced by metal contamination at one site. Metal-contaminated sediments appear to pose less of a hazard to hard-substratum than sediment-dwelling assemblages, perhaps due to a lower direct contaminant exposure or to indirect effects mediated by contaminant impacts on sediment fauna. Our results indicate that current sediment quality guidelines are protective of hard-substrata organisms.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Global assessment of the effects of terrestrial acidification on plant species richness
Azevedo, Ligia B. | van Zelm, Rosalie | Hendriks, A Jan | Bobbink, Roland | Huijbregts, Mark A.J.
This study estimates the potential losses of vascular plant species richness due to terrestrial acidification for different world's biomes. We used empirical occurrence data of 2409 species from 140 studies and estimated the relative species richness – pH response curves using logistic regressions. The regressions were then used to quantify the fraction of species that are potentially lost due to soil pH changes. Although we found considerable variability within biomes, out results show that the pH at which species richness was maximized was found to be the lowest in (sub)tropical forests (pH = 4.1) and the highest in deserts (pH = 7.4). We also found that (sub)tropical moist forests are highly sensitive to decreases of in soil pH below 4.1. This study can be coupled with existing atmospheric deposition models to quantify the risk of species richness loss following soil acidification.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Impacts of fish farm pollution on ecosystem structure and function of tropical headwater streams
Rosa, Rodrigo dos Santos | Aguiar, Anna Carolina Fornero | Boëchat, Iola Gonçalves | Gücker, Björn
We investigated the impacts of effluent discharge from small flow-through fish farms on stream water characteristics, the benthic invertebrate community, whole-system nitrate uptake, and ecosystem metabolism of three tropical headwater streams in southeastern Brazil. Effluents were moderately, i.e. up to 20-fold enriched in particulate organic matter (POM) and inorganic nutrients in comparison to stream water at reference sites. Due to high dilution with stream water, effluent discharge resulted in up to 2.0-fold increases in stream water POM and up to 1.8-fold increases in inorganic nutrients only. Moderate impacts on the benthic invertebrate community were detected at one stream only. There was no consistent pattern of effluent impact on whole-stream nitrate uptake. Ecosystem metabolism, however, was clearly affected by effluent discharge. Stream reaches impacted by effluents exhibited significantly increased community respiration and primary productivity, stressing the importance of ecologically sound best management practices for small fish farms in the tropics.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Low concentrations, potential ecological consequences: Synthetic estrogens alter life-history and demographic structures of aquatic invertebrates
Souza, María Sol | Hallgren, Per | Balseiro, Esteban | Hansson, Lars-Anders
Contraceptive drugs are nowadays found in aquatic environments around the globe. Particularly, 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2) may act even at low concentrations, such as those recorded in natural ecosystems. We evaluated the physiological effects of EE2 on cyclopoids and calanoids, common copepods in both marine and freshwater communities. We used three EE2 concentrations and assessed its impact on activity of different physiological endpoints: Acetylcholinesterase (neurotransmission), Glutathione S-transferase (detoxifying system), and Caspase-3 (apoptosis). While EE2 exerts, distinctive effect on detoxifying and apoptotic systems, no effect on AChE was observed at environmental doses. Our results show that EE2 exposure affects differently copepod physiology endpoints, altering moulting process, adult recruitment in calanoids and calanoid to cyclopoid ratio. The ecological consequences of this underlying physiological process may affect since life history to population and community structures, and this represent a new aspects of this xenobiotic in natural systems.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Enhancement of life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology to include the effect of surface albedo on climate change: Comparing black and white roofs
Susca, Tiziana
Traditionally, life cycle assessment (LCA) does not estimate a key property: surface albedo. Here an enhancement of the LCA methodology has been proposed through the development and employment of a time-dependent climatological model for including the effect of surface albedo on climate. The theoretical findings derived by the time-dependent model have been applied to the case study of a black and a white roof evaluated in the time-frames of 50 and 100 years focusing on the impact on global warming potential. The comparative life cycle impact assessment of the two roofs shows that the high surface albedo plays a crucial role in offsetting radiative forcings. In the 50-year time horizon, surface albedo is responsible for a decrease in CO₂eq of 110–184 kg and 131–217 kg in 100 years. Furthermore, the white roof compared to the black roof, due to the high albedo, decreases the annual energy use of about 3.6–4.5 kWh/m².
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Stream habitat structure influences macroinvertebrate response to pesticides
Rasmussen, Jes Jessen | Wiberg-Larsen, Peter | Baattrup-Pedersen, Annette | Friberg, Nikolai | Kronvang, Brian
Agricultural pesticides continue to impair surface water ecosystems, although there are few assessments of interactions with other modifications such as fine sediment and physical alteration for flood drainage. We, therefore, surveyed pesticide contamination and macroinvertebrates in 14 streams along a gradient of expected pesticide exposure using a paired-reach approach to differentiate effects between physically modified and less modified sites. Apparent pesticides effects on the relative abundance of SPEcies At Risk (SPEAR) were increased at sites with degraded habitats primarily due to the absence of species with specific preferences for hard substrates. Our findings highlight the importance of physical habitat degradation in the assessment and mitigation of pesticide risk in agricultural streams.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Reducing total mercury and methylmercury accumulation in rice grains through water management and deliberate selection of rice cultivars
Peng, Xiaoyan | Liu, Fengjie | Wang, Wen-Xiong | Ye, Zhihong
Rice consumption has been identified as a major route of methylmercury (MeHg) exposure in some areas of inland China. We investigated two potential mitigation methods (water management and deliberate selection of rice cultivars) to reduce the amount of total mercury (Hg) and MeHg within the grain. Rice grown aerobically had markedly reduced total Hg and MeHg concentrations as well as a much lower proportion of MeHg in the grain. Remarkably, there were considerable variations in the total Hg and MeHg concentrations as well as the proportion of MeHg in the grain among the 24 cultivars grown in the same paddy soil. The Hg tolerance index (expressed as % mean of control root growth) also varied substantially among the different cultivars. Furthermore, negative correlations were found between the total Hg and MeHg concentrations (P<0.05) of grain and the proportion of MeHg in the grain (P<0.01).
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