[ 发表于: Pollution ]

结果 1-7 的 7

Monitoring and environmental risk assessment of pesticide residues and some of their degradation products in natural waters of the Spanish vineyard region included in the Denomination of Origin Jumilla


Herrero-Hernández, Eliseo | Simón-Egea, Ana B. | Sánchez-Martín, María J. | Rodríguez-Cruz, M Sonia | Andrades, M Soledad

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Leaching of herbicidal residues from gravel surfaces – A lysimeter-based study comparing gravels with agricultural topsoil


Albers, Christian Nyrop | Jacobsen, Ole Stig | Bester, Kai | Jacobsen, Carsten Suhr | Carvalho, Pedro N.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Can Simple Soil Parameters Explain Field-Scale Variations in Glyphosate-, Bromoxyniloctanoate-, Diflufenican-, and Bentazone Mineralization?


Norgaard, Trine | de Jonge, Lis W. | Moldrup, Per | Olsen, Preben | Johnsen, Anders R.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Residues of plant protection products in grey partridge eggs in French cereal ecosystems


Bro, Elisabeth | Devillers, James | Millot, Florian | Decors, Anouk

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Microbial and enzymatic activity of soil contaminated with a mixture of diflufenican + mesosulfuron-methyl + iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium


Baćmaga, Małgorzata | Borowik, Agata | Kucharski, Jan | Tomkiel, Monika | Wyszkowska, Jadwiga

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Pesticide pressure and fish farming in barrage pond in Northeastern France. Part II: residues of 13 pesticides in water, sediments, edible fish and their relationships


Lazartigues, Angélique | Thomas, Marielle | Cren-Olivé, Cécile | Brun-Bellut, Jean | Le Roux, Yves | Banas, Damien | Feidt, Cyril

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Analysis of airborne pesticides from different chemical classes adsorbed on Radiello® Tenax® passive tubes by thermal-desorption-GC/MS


Raeppel, Caroline | Fabritius, Marie | Nief, Marie | Appenzeller, Brice M. R. | Briand, Olivier | Tuduri, Ludovic | Millet, Maurice

National Agricultural Library - United States of America