[ 发表于: Pollution ]

结果 1-10 的 82

Examining the relationships between blubber steroid hormones and persistent organic pollutants in common bottlenose dolphins


Galligan, Thomas M. | Balmer, Brian C. | Schwacke, Lori H. | Bolton, Jennie L. | Quigley, Brian M. | Rosel, Patricia E. | Ylitalo, Gina M. | Boggs, Ashley S.P.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Bioaccumulation of organic pollutants in Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin: A review on current knowledge and future prospects


Sanganyado, Edmond | Rajput, Imran Rashid | Liu, Wenhua

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Contamination status by persistent organic pollutants of the Atlantic spotted dolphin (Stenella frontalis) at the metapopulation level


Méndez-Fernandez, Paula | Taniguchi, Satie | Santos, Marcos C.O. | Cascão, Irma | Quérouil, Sophie | Martín, Vidal | Tejedor, Marisa | Carrillo, Manuel | Rinaldi, Carolina | Rinaldi, Renato | Montone, Rosalinda C.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Retrospective study of foreign body-associated pathology in stranded cetaceans, Canary Islands (2000–2015)


Puig-Lozano, R. | Bernaldo de Quirós, Y. | Díaz-Delgado, J. | García-Álvarez, N. | Sierra, E. | Fuente, J. de la | Sacchini, S. | Suárez-Santana, CM. | Zucca, D. | Câmara, N. | Saavedra, P. | Almunia, J. | Rivero, M.A. | Martínez Fernández, Ángel | Arbelo, M.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Mercury, selenium and stable isotopes in four small cetaceans from the Southeastern Brazilian coast: Influence of feeding strategy


Baptista, Gilberto | Kehrig, Helena A. | Di Beneditto, Ana Paula M. | Hauser-Davis, Rachel A. | Almeida, Marcelo G. | Rezende, Carlos E. | Siciliano, Salvatore | de Moura, Jailson F. | Moreira, Isabel

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

PCB and PBDE levels in a highly threatened dolphin species from the Southeastern Brazilian coast


Lavandier, Ricardo | Arêas, Jennifer | Quinete, Natalia | de Moura, Jailson F. | Taniguchi, Satie | Montone, Rosalinda | Siciliano, Salvatore | Moreira, Isabel

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Bioaccumulation and biomagnification of classical flame retardants, related halogenated natural compounds and alternative flame retardants in three delphinids from Southern European waters


Barón, E. | Giménez, J. | Verborgh, P. | Gauffier, P. | De Stephanis, R. | Eljarrat, E. | Barceló, D.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Organohalogen compounds in blubber of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops aduncus) and spinner dolphin (Stenella longirostris) from Zanzibar, Tanzania


Mwevura, Haji | Amir, Omar A. | Kishimba, Michael | Berggren, P. | Kylin, Henrik

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Franciscana dolphins, Pontoporia blainvillei, as environmental sentinels of the world's largest mining disaster: Temporal trends for organohalogen compounds and their consequences for an endangered population


de Oliveira-Ferreira, Nara | Manhães, Bárbara M.R. | Santos-Neto, Elitieri B. | Rocha, Yasmin | Guari, Emi B. | Botta, Silvina | Colosio, Adriana C. | Ramos, Hernani G.C. | Barbosa, Lupércio | Cunha, Ian A.G. | Bisi, Tatiana L. | Azevedo, Alexandre F. | Cunha, Haydée A. | Lailson-Brito, José

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Long-term increase in mortality of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins (Sousa chinensis) in the Pearl River Estuary following anthropic activities: Evidence from the stranded dolphin mortality analysis from 2003 to 2017


Sun, Xian | Guo, Lang | Luo, Dingyu | Yu, Ri-Qing | Yu, Xinjian | Liang, Yuqin | Liu, Zhiwei | Wu, Yuping

National Agricultural Library - United States of America