[ 发表于: Pollution ]

结果 1-10 的 47

Structural and biological trait responses of diatom assemblages to organic chemicals in outdoor flow-through mesocosms


Bayona, Yannick | Roucaute, Marc | Cailleaud, K. | Lagadic, Laurent | Basseres, A. | Caquet, Thierry | Écologie et santé des écosystèmes (ESE) ; Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)-AGROCAMPUS OUEST | Service environnement ; Pôle d'Etude et de Recherche de Lacq [Total] (PERL) | Serv ice environnement ; Pôle d'Etude et de Recherche de Lacq [Total] (PERL) | Service environnement ; TOTAL Pôle d'Etude et de Recherche de Lacq | Total S.A.

Institut national de la recherche agronomique - France

Effects of environmentally relevant concentrations of citalopram in freshwater mesocosms


Versteegen, Elien | Mou, Tong | Wu, Dailing | Heikamp de Jong, Ineke | Roessink, Ivo | Peeters, Edwin T.H.M. | van den Brink, Paul J.

Wageningen University & Research - Netherlands

Assessing ecological responses to exposure to the antibiotic sulfamethoxazole in freshwater mesocosms


Schuijt, Lara M. | van Drimmelen, Chantal K.E. | Buijse, Laura L. | van Smeden, Jasper | Wu, Dailing | Boerwinkel, Marie Claire | Belgers, Dick J.M. | Matser, Arrienne M. | Roessink, Ivo | Beentjes, Kevin K. | Trimbos, Krijn B. | Smidt, Hauke | Van den Brink, Paul J.

Wageningen University & Research - Netherlands

Evaluation of microplastic pollution using bee colonies : An exploration of various sampling methodologies


Cortés-Corrales, Laura | Flores, Jose Javier | Rosa, Adrian | van der Steen, Jozef J.M. | Vejsnæs, Flemming | Roessink, Ivo | Martínez-Bueno, Maria Jesús | Fernández-Alba, Amadeo R.

Wageningen University & Research - Netherlands

Heatwaves, elevated temperatures, and a pesticide cause interactive effects on multi-trophic levels of a freshwater ecosystem


Hermann, Markus | Peeters, Edwin T.H.M. | Van den Brink, Paul J.

Wageningen University & Research - Netherlands

Risks of floating microplastic in the global ocean


National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Uptake, toxicity, and maternal transfer of cadmium in the oribatid soil mite, Oppia nitens: Implication in the risk assessment of cadmium to soil invertebrates


Fajana, Hamzat O. | Jegede, Olukayode O. | James, Kyle | Hogan, Natacha S. | Siciliano, Steven D.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Risks of floating microplastic in the global ocean


Everaert, G. | De Rijcke, M. | Lonneville, B. | Janssen, C.R. | Backhaus, T. | Mees, J. | van Sebille, E. | Koelmans, A.A. | Catarino, A.I. | Vandegehuchte, M.

Wageningen University & Research - Netherlands

Environmental risk assessment of triclosan and ibuprofen in marine sediments using individual and sub-individual endpoints


Pusceddu, F.H. | Choueri, R.B. | Pereira, C.D.S. | Cortez, F.S. | Santos, D.R.A. | Moreno, B.B. | Santos, A.R. | Rogero, J.R. | César, A.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

A laboratory assessment of the potential effect of Cry1Ab/Cry2Aj-containing Bt maize pollen on Folsomia candida by toxicological and biochemical analyses


National Agricultural Library - United States of America