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Structural and biological trait responses of diatom assemblages to organic chemicals in outdoor flow-through mesocosms
Bayona, Yannick | Roucaute, Marc | Cailleaud, K. | Lagadic, Laurent | Basseres, A. | Caquet, Thierry | Écologie et santé des écosystèmes (ESE) ; Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)-AGROCAMPUS OUEST | Service environnement ; Pôle d'Etude et de Recherche de Lacq [Total] (PERL) | Serv ice environnement ; Pôle d'Etude et de Recherche de Lacq [Total] (PERL) | Service environnement ; TOTAL Pôle d'Etude et de Recherche de Lacq | Total S.A.
The sensitivity of diatom taxonomy and trait-based endpoints to chemicals has been poorly used so far in Environmental Risk Assessment. In this study, diatom assemblages in outdoor flow-through mesocosms were exposed to thiram (35 and 170 mu g/L), and a hydrocarbon emulsion (HE; 0.01, 0.4, 2 and 20 mg/L). The effects of exposure were assessed for 12 weeks, including 9 weeks post-treatment, using taxonomic structure and diversity, bioindication indices, biological traits, functional diversity indices, indicator classes and ecological guilds. For both chemicals, diversity increased after the treatment period, and responses of ecological traits were roughly identical with an abundance increase of motile taxa tolerant to organic pollution and decrease of low profile taxa. Bioindication indices were not affected. Traits provided a complementary approach to biomass measurements and taxonomic descriptors, leading to a more comprehensive overview of ecological changes due to organic chemicals, including short- and long-term effects on biofilm structure and functioning. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Effects of environmentally relevant concentrations of citalopram in freshwater mesocosms
Versteegen, Elien | Mou, Tong | Wu, Dailing | Heikamp de Jong, Ineke | Roessink, Ivo | Peeters, Edwin T.H.M. | van den Brink, Paul J.
Increased pharmaceutical usage has led to their widespread presence in aquatic environments, resulting in concerns regarding their potential environmental impacts. Antidepressants, particularly selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) like citalopram, are frequently detected in European surface waters. Acute laboratory studies have demonstrated that citalopram can inhibit algal growth, immobilise Daphnia magna, and may result in foot detachment (i.e. the inability to adhere to a substrate) in snails. However, research on long-term citalopram exposure is scarce, and our understanding of its effects on aquatic community- and ecosystem-level is limited. Therefore, we investigated the impact of 13-week exposure to 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10 and 100 μg/L citalopram in outdoor freshwater mesocosms, focusing on water quality variables (i.e. pH, dissolved oxygen, electrical conductivity, temperature, algal chlorophyll-a, turbidity) and the structure of aquatic communities, with a special focus on mollusc foot detachment (Lymnaea stagnalis, Planorbis sp. and the total snail population). We found that environmentally relevant citalopram concentrations did not affect water quality variables, bacterial composition, zooplankton and macroinvertebrate communities. In contrast to expectations based on literature, snail foot detachment was not observed while the tested concentrations overlapped with the reported effect concentrations. This is in line with the absence of indirect adverse effects of foot detachment, such as population changes that could be the result of an increased vulnerability to predation or the inability to feed or reproduce. Reported sublethal effects in the literature, as found in laboratory studies, do not appear to lead to population- or community-level impacts in a semi-field experiment within the concentration range tested in this study. The experimental outcomes suggest that environmentally relevant concentrations of citalopram might not pose a threat to water quality variables, bacterial composition, zooplankton and macroinvertebrate communities, and snail foot detachment.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Assessing ecological responses to exposure to the antibiotic sulfamethoxazole in freshwater mesocosms
Schuijt, Lara M. | van Drimmelen, Chantal K.E. | Buijse, Laura L. | van Smeden, Jasper | Wu, Dailing | Boerwinkel, Marie Claire | Belgers, Dick J.M. | Matser, Arrienne M. | Roessink, Ivo | Beentjes, Kevin K. | Trimbos, Krijn B. | Smidt, Hauke | Van den Brink, Paul J.
Antibiotics are a contaminant class of worldwide concern as they are frequently detected in aquatic ecosystems. To better understand the impacts of antibiotics on aquatic ecosystems, we conducted an outdoor mesocosm experiment in which aquatic communities were exposed to different concentrations of the antibiotic sulfamethoxazole (0, 0.15, 1.5, 15 and 150 μg/L). These concentrations include mean (0.15 μg/L) and maximum detected concentrations (15 and 150 μg/L) in aquatic ecosystems worldwide. Sulfamethoxazole was applied once a week for eight consecutive weeks to 1530 L outdoor mesocosms in the Netherlands, followed by an eight-week recovery period. We evaluated phytoplankton-, bacterial- and invertebrate responses during and after sulfamethoxazole exposure and assessed impacts on organic matter decomposition. Contrary to our expectations, consistent treatment-related effects on algal and bacterial communities could not be demonstrated. In addition, sulfamethoxazole did not significantly affect zooplankton and macroinvertebrate communities. However, some effects on specific taxa were observed, with an increase in Mesostoma flatworm abundance (NOEC of <0.15 μg/L). In addition, eDNA analyses indicated negative impacts on the insects Odonata at a sulfamethoxazole concentration of 15 μg/L. Overall, environmentally relevant sulfamethoxazole concentration did not result in direct or indirect impairment of entire aquatic communities and ecological processes in our mesocosms. However, several specific macroinvertebrate taxa demonstrated significant (in)direct effects from sulfamethoxazole. Comparison of the results with the literature showed inconsistent results between studies using comparable, environmentally relevant, concentrations. Therefore, our study highlights the importance of testing the ecological impacts of pharmaceuticals (such as sulfamethoxazole) across multiple trophic levels spanning multiple aquatic communities, to fully understand its potential ecological threats.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Evaluation of microplastic pollution using bee colonies : An exploration of various sampling methodologies
Cortés-Corrales, Laura | Flores, Jose Javier | Rosa, Adrian | van der Steen, Jozef J.M. | Vejsnæs, Flemming | Roessink, Ivo | Martínez-Bueno, Maria Jesús | Fernández-Alba, Amadeo R.
Recent research has highlighted the potential of honeybees and bee products as biological samplers for monitoring xenobiotic pollutants. However, the effectiveness of these biological samplers in tracking microplastics (MPs) has not yet been explored. This study evaluates several methods of sampling MPs, using honeybees, pollen, and a novel in-hive passive sampler named the APITrap. The collected samples were characterized using a stereomicroscopy to count and categorise MPs by morphology, colour, and type. To chemical identification, a micro-Fourier transform-infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy was employed to determine the polymer types. The study was conducted across four consecutive surveillance programmes, in five different apiaries in Denmark. Our findings indicated that APITrap demonstrated better reproducibility, with a lower variation in results of 39%, compared to 111% for honeybee samples and 97% for pollen samples. Furthermore, the use of APITrap has no negative impact on bees and can be easily applied in successive samplings. The average number of MPs detected in the four monitoring studies ranged from 39 to 67 in the APITrap, 6 to 9 in honeybee samples, and 6 to 11 in pollen samples. Fibres were the most frequently found, accounting for an average of 91% of the total MPs detected in the APITrap, and similar values for fragments (5%) and films (4%). The MPs were predominantly coloured black, blue, green and red. Spectroscopy analysis confirmed the presence of up to five different synthetic polymers. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) was the most common in case of fibres and similarly to polypropylene (PP), polyethylene (PE), polyacrylonitrile (PAN) and polyamide (PA) in non fibrous MPs. This study, based on citizen science and supported by beekeepers, highlights the potential of MPs to accumulate in beehives. It also shows that the APITrap provides a highly reliable and comprehensive approach for sampling in large-scale monitoring studies.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Heatwaves, elevated temperatures, and a pesticide cause interactive effects on multi-trophic levels of a freshwater ecosystem
Hermann, Markus | Peeters, Edwin T.H.M. | Van den Brink, Paul J.
Climate impacts of elevated temperatures and more severe and frequent weather extremes like heatwaves are globally becoming discernible on nature. While a mechanistic understanding is pivotal for ecosystem management, stressors like pesticides may interact with warming, leading to unpredictable effects on freshwater ecosystems. These multiple stressor studies are scarce and experimental designs often lack environmental realism. To investigate the multiple stressor effects, we conducted a microcosm experiment for 48 days comprising benthic macroinvertebrates, zooplankton, phytoplankton, macrophytes, and microbes. The fungicide carbendazim (100 μg/L) was investigated combined with temperature scenarios representing elevated temperatures (+4 °C) or heatwaves (+0 to +8 °C), both applied with similar energy input on a daily fluctuating ambient temperature (18 °C ± 1.5 °C), which served as control. Measurements showed the highest carbendazim dissipation in water under heatwaves followed by elevated and ambient temperatures. Average carbendazim concentrations were about 50% in water and 16% in sediment of the nominal concentration. In both heated cosms, zooplankton community dynamics revealed an unexpected shift from Rotifera to Cladocera and Copepoda nauplii, indicating variations in their thermal sensitivity, tolerance and resilience. Notably, warming and heatwaves shaped community responses similarly, suggesting heat intensity rather than distribution patterns determined the community structure. Heatwaves led to significant early and longer-lasting adverse effects that were exacerbated over time with Cladocera and Copepoda being most sensitive likely due to significant carbendazim interactions. Finally, a structural equation model demonstrated significant relationships between zooplankton and macrophytes and significantly negative carbendazim effects on zooplankton, whereas positive on macroinvertebrate abundances. The relationship between macroinvertebrate feeding and abundance was masked by significantly temperature-affected microbial leaf litter decomposition. Despite the thermal tolerance of zooplankton communities, our study highlights an increased pesticide threat under temperature extremes. More intense heatwaves are thus likely to cause significant alterations in community assemblages which will adversely affect ecosystem's processes and functions.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Risks of floating microplastic in the global ocean
Despite the ubiquitous and persistent presence of microplastic (MP) in marine ecosystems, knowledge of its potential harmful ecological effects is low. In this work, we assessed the risk of floating MP (1 μm–5 mm) to marine ecosystems by comparing ambient concentrations in the global ocean with available ecotoxicity data. The integration of twenty-three species-specific effect threshold concentration data in a species sensitivity distribution yielded a median unacceptable level of 1.21 ∗ 10⁵ MP m⁻³ (95% CI: 7.99 ∗ 10³–1.49 ∗ 10⁶ MP m⁻³). We found that in 2010 for 0.17% of the surface layer (0–5 m) of the global ocean a threatening risk would occur. By 2050 and 2100, this fraction increases to 0.52% and 1.62%, respectively, according to the worst-case predicted future plastic discharge into the ocean. Our results reveal a spatial and multidecadal variability of MP-related risk at the global ocean surface. For example, we have identified the Mediterranean Sea and the Yellow Sea as hotspots of marine microplastic risks already now and even more pronounced in future decades.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Uptake, toxicity, and maternal transfer of cadmium in the oribatid soil mite, Oppia nitens: Implication in the risk assessment of cadmium to soil invertebrates
Fajana, Hamzat O. | Jegede, Olukayode O. | James, Kyle | Hogan, Natacha S. | Siciliano, Steven D.
Cadmium (Cd) is a heavy metal of concern in contaminated sites because of its high toxicity to soil biota and humans. Typically, Cd exposure is thought to be dominated by dissolved Cd in soil pore water and, thus, dermal uptake. In this study, we investigated the uptake, toxicity, and maternal transfer of Cd in a standard soil invertebrate, the oribatid mite (Oppia nitens), which is common to boreal and temperate ecozones. We found total soil Cd predicted Cd uptake in adult and juvenile O. nitens with no significant uptake from pore water by juvenile mites. Cadmium significantly inhibited juvenile production and recruitment as well as reduced adult fecundity. Adult O. nitens maternally transferred 39–52% of their Cd body burden to juveniles (tritonymphs) while the maternally-acquired Cd accounted for 41% of the juvenile internal Cd load. Our results suggest that dermal adsorption of metal ions is not important for O. nitens and that maternal transfer of Cd in soil invertebrates has ecological and toxicological implications for populations of soil invertebrates. Maternal transfer should be incorporated as a criterion in setting environmental soil quality guidelines (SQGE) for cadmium and other non-essential heavy metals.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Risks of floating microplastic in the global ocean
Everaert, G. | De Rijcke, M. | Lonneville, B. | Janssen, C.R. | Backhaus, T. | Mees, J. | van Sebille, E. | Koelmans, A.A. | Catarino, A.I. | Vandegehuchte, M.
Despite the ubiquitous and persistent presence of microplastic (MP) in marine ecosystems, knowledge of its potential harmful ecological effects is low. In this work, we assessed the risk of floating MP (1 μm – 5 mm) to marine ecosystems by comparing ambient concentrations in the global ocean with available ecotoxicity data. The integration of twenty-three species-specific effect threshold concentration data in a species sensitivity distribution yielded a median unacceptable level of 1.21 * 105 MP m-³ (95% CI: 7.99 * 103 – 1.49 * 106 MP m-³). We found that in 2010 for 0.17% of the surface layer (0 – 5 m) of the global ocean a threatening risk would occur. By 2050 and 2100, this fraction increases to 0.52% and 1.62%, respectively, according to the worst-case predicted future plastic discharge into the ocean. Our results reveal a spatial and multidecadal variability of MP-related risk at the global ocean surface. For example, we have identified the Mediterranean Sea and the Yellow Sea as hotspots of marine microplastic risks already now and even more pronounced in future decades.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Environmental risk assessment of triclosan and ibuprofen in marine sediments using individual and sub-individual endpoints
Pusceddu, F.H. | Choueri, R.B. | Pereira, C.D.S. | Cortez, F.S. | Santos, D.R.A. | Moreno, B.B. | Santos, A.R. | Rogero, J.R. | César, A.
The guidelines for the Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCP) recommend the use of standard ecotoxicity assays and the assessment of endpoints at the individual level to evaluate potential effects of PPCP on biota. However, effects at the sub-individual level can also affect the ecological fitness of marine organisms chronically exposed to PPCP. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the environmental risk of two PPCP in marine sediments: triclosan (TCS) and ibuprofen (IBU), using sub-individual and developmental endpoints. The environmental levels of TCS and IBU were quantified in marine sediments from the vicinities of the Santos submarine sewage outfall (Santos Bay, São Paulo, Brazil) at 15.14 and 49.0 ng g⁻¹, respectively. A battery (n = 3) of chronic bioassays (embryo-larval development) with a sea urchin (Lytechinus variegatus) and a bivalve (Perna perna) were performed using two exposure conditions: sediment-water interface and elutriates. Moreover, physiological stress through the Neutral Red Retention Time Assay (NRRT) was assessed in the estuarine bivalve Mytella charruana exposed to TCS and IBU spiked sediments. These compounds affected the development of L. variegatus and P. perna (75 ng g⁻¹ for TCS and 15 ng g⁻¹ for IBU), and caused a significant decrease in M. charruana lysosomal membrane stability at environmentally relevant concentrations (0.08 ng g⁻¹ for TCS and 0.15 ng g⁻¹ for IBU). Chemical and ecotoxicological data were integrated and the risk quotient estimated for TCS and IBU were higher than 1.0, indicating a high environmental risk of these compounds in sediments. These are the first data of sediment risk assessment of pharmaceuticals and personal care products of Latin America. In addition, the results suggest that the ERA based only on individual-level and standard toxicity tests may overlook other biological effects that can affect the health of marine organisms exposed to PPCP.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]A laboratory assessment of the potential effect of Cry1Ab/Cry2Aj-containing Bt maize pollen on Folsomia candida by toxicological and biochemical analyses
The common soil arthropod Folsomia candida can survive well when fed only maize pollen and thus may be exposed to insecticidal proteins by ingesting insect-resistant genetically engineered maize pollen containing Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) proteins when being released into the soil. Laboratory experiments were conducted to assess the potential effects of Cry1Ab/Cry2Aj-producing transgenic Bt maize (Shuangkang 12–5) pollen on F. candida fitness. Survival, development, and the reproduction were not significantly reduced when F. candida fed on Bt maize pollen rather than on non-Bt maize pollen, but these parameters were significantly reduced when F. candida fed on non-Bt maize pollen containing the protease inhibitor E-64 at 75 μg/g pollen. The intrinsic rate of increase (rm) was not significantly reduced when F. candida fed on Bt maize pollen but was significantly reduced when F. candida fed on non-Bt maize pollen containing E−64. The activities of antioxidant-related enzymes in F. candida were not significantly affected when F. candida fed on Bt maize pollen but were significantly increased when F. candida fed on non-Bt pollen containing E−64. The results demonstrate that consumption of Bt maize pollen containing Cry1Ab/Cry2Aj has no lethal or sublethal effects on F. candida.
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