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Satellite-Based Chlorophyll-a Analysis of River Tapi: An Effective Water Quality Management tool with Landsat-8 OLI and Acolite Software
Punde, Bhagavat | Jariwala, Namrata
Most pollutants found in rivers come from the discharge of raw sewage from both point and nonpoint sources. So, monitoring the pollution levels in surface water sources is essential. River pollution monitoring is a real challenge. Using remote sensing, precise outcomes can be achieved with the help of the selection of the right combination of satellite images and algorithms. Generally, established available algorithms are site-specific, indicating that they may not work at all areas on Earth's surface due to differences in altitude, cloud cover, and sun glint. The present work determined Chlorophyll-a concentrations in the Tapi River at various locations using Landsat-8 satellite images and Acolite software from 2017 to 2021 Period. The outcomes reveal that applying the dark spectrum fitting with sun glint correction when processing Landsat-8 satellite images is needed. In the present study, water quality results were obtained very precisely for the months of January, February, November, and December after processing and analysing satellite images. Due to factors such as sun glare, cloud cover, cloud shadow, and haze, the desired effect could not be achieved in the remaining months of the study period. This research provides a solid foundation for estimating the impact of eutrophication in the water body by estimating chlorophyll-a concentration from satellite images.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Algal Indices as a Biomonitoring Tool to Assess Eutrophication in the Urban Ponds: a Case Study
Vishal, R. | Meeta, B.
Eutrophication of the urban water bodies is one the biggest challenge causing severe ecological and economic loss. Urban ponds are more prone to eutrophication due to their small size and polluted catchment areas. Biomonitoring using phytoplankton provides cost-effective estimation of the level of eutrophication. Ten urban ponds in different areas of the Mumbai city were chosen to investigate the phytoplankton community structure, and level of eutrophication. We assessed the 3 algal indices viz. Shannon-Wiener indices, Palmer and Nygard's (Myxophycean and diatom) indices. Linear relationship of these indices was tested against Carlson trophic state indices in order to assess the effectiveness of these indices to measure the degree of eutrophication in urban lakes. All ten lakes were found to be eutrophic, of which two were very low eutrophic (TSI – 53.74-53.95), four were low-mid eutrophic (TSI – 55.18 – 57.5), and four lakes were mid eutrophic (TSI 61.4 – 62.2). Shannon-Wiener indices (r= -0.73) and Myxophycean indices (r= 0.77) showed strong correlation with TSI whereas Diatom indices (r= -0.12) and Palmer’s Algal Pollution Indices (r= - 0.47) showed weak correlation with TSI. Thus study found that Shannon-Wiener indices and Myxophycean indices are reliable and cost effective means to assess the eutrophication of urban ponds in Mumbai.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Charges critiques pour la vegetation.
Thimonier A. | Dupouey J.L.
Water quality, phosphorus input reductions, analytical methods and lake internal/self-purification measures: a case study of Lake Froylandsvatn, Norway.
Bratli J.L.
Partial recovery of macrozoobenthos on the northwestern shelf of the Black Sea.
Chevalier, Séverine | Beauchard, Olivier | Teacă, Adrian | Soetaert, Karline | Grégoire, Marilaure
peer reviewed | The northwestern shelf of the Black Sea has been affected by eutrophication and bottom hypoxia since the sixties. Consequently, the macrozoobenthos has suffered a well-established decline in biodiversity. However, the nature of the current benthic communities remains questionable. From 1995 to 2017, we compiled species and abiotic data for 138 sites over the shelf. Through an appropriate multivariate analytical approach, we identified benthic community changes solely due to organic pollution variations. Our results show signs of recovery with an increase in biodiversity and proportion of species vulnerable to organic enrichment. These changes were related to a decrease in riverine loads and subsequent eutrophication. However, some long-lived species typical of the area still did not exhibit noticeable recovery, which suggests that either the recovery process has not yet been achieved or some environmental conditions are still not met to warrant a sea floor ecosystem state substantially healthy. | 14. Life below water
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Biodiversity buffer the impact of eutrophication on ecosystem functioning of submerged macrophytes on the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, Southwest China
Wang, Hao | Zhang, Xiaolin | Shan, Hang | Chaochao lv, | Ren, Wenjing | Wen, Zihao | Tian, Yuqing | Weigel, Benjamin | Ni, Leyi | Cao, Te
Increasing eutrophication poses a considerable threat to freshwater ecosystems, which are closely associated with human well-being. As important functional entities for freshwater ecosystems, submerged macrophytes have suffered rapidly decline with eutrophication. However, it is unclear whether and how submerged macrophytes maintain their ecological functions under increasing eutrophication stress and the underlying patterns in the process. In the current study, we conducted an extensive survey of submerged macrophytes in 49 lakes and reservoirs (67% of them are eutrophic) on the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau of southwestern China to reveal the relationship between submerged macrophyte biodiversity and ecosystem functioning (BEF) under eutrophication stress. Results showed that submerged macrophytes species richness, functional diversity (FD), and β diversity had positive effects on ecosystem functioning, even under eutrophication. Functional diversity was a stronger predictor of community biomass than species richness and β diversity, while species richness explained higher coverage variability than FD and β diversity. This suggests that species richness was a reliable indicator when valid functional traits cannot be collected in considering specific ecological process. With increasing eutrophication in water bodies, the mechanisms underlying biodiversity-ecosystem functioning evolved from “niche complementarity” to “selection effects”, as evidenced by decreased species turnover and increased nestedness. Furthermore, the relative growth rate, specific leaf area, and ramet size in trade-off of community functional composition became smaller along eutrophication while flowering duration and shoot height became longer. This study contributes to a better understanding of positive BEF in freshwater ecosystems, despite increasing anthropogenic impacts. Protecting the environment remained the effective way to protect biodiversity and corresponding ecological functions and services. We hope focus on specific eco-functioning in future studies so as to effective formulation of management plans.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Fine particles and pyrogenic carbon fractions regulate PAH partitioning and burial in a eutrophic shallow lake
Ya, Miaolei | Wu, Yuling | Wang, Xinhong | Wei, Hengchen
Aquatic particles and organic carbon (OC) regulate the occurrence and transport of hydrophobic organic contaminants such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in water-suspended particle-sediment interfaces. Conventional studies on the mechanisms regulating the relationships between PAHs and total particles/OC have ignored micro-scale regulatory factors such as particle size and OC composition. Field research in the eutrophic shallow Lake Taihu, China, revealed that the fine particle fractions 2.7–10 μm in diameter had stronger PAH adsorption capacity and significantly regulated PAH particle size distribution and water-particle partitioning. Selective PAH biodegradation by planktonic microorganisms probably significantly weakened the capacity of the coarse fractions to regulate PAHs. OC fragments at different temperature gradients had markedly different influences on the particle size distribution of PAHs. High-temperature pyrogenic OC fractions (part of black carbon) were the principal OC regulatory factors for medium-to high-molecular-weight PAHs. However, the OC fragments did not directly affect the particle distribution of low-molecular-weight PAHs. During particle deposition and burial, microbial PAH utilization and efficiency probably regulated the burial potential of various hydrophobic PAH species. Biodegradation of relatively less hydrophobic PAHs with octanol-water partition coefficients (log Kₒw) < 5.8 showed an increasing trend with decreasing PAH hydrophobicity. Biological pump action of the relatively higher hydrophobic PAH species (log Kₒw > 5.8) showed a decreasing trend with increasing PAH hydrophobicity. The discoveries of the present work further clarified the mechanisms of PAH partitioning and burial in a eutrophic shallow lake and collectively provides a valuable reference for modeling the transport and dispersal mechanisms of hydrophobic, particle-bound organic contaminants in other aquatic ecosystems.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Occurrence and distribution of Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacterales and carbapenemase genes along a highly polluted hydrographic basin
Teixeira, Pedro | Tacão, Marta | Henriques, Isabel
We determined the distribution and temporal variation of Carbapenem Resistant Enterobacterales (CRE), carbapenemase-encoding genes and other antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in a highly polluted river (Lis River; Portugal), also assessing the potential influence of water quality to this distribution. Water samples were collected in two sampling campaigns performed one year apart (2018/2019) from fifteen sites and water quality was analyzed. CRE were isolated and characterized. The abundance of four ARGs (blaNDM, blaKPC, tetA, blaCTX₋M), two Microbial Source Tracking (MST) indicators (HF183 and Pig-2-Bac) and the class 1 integrase gene (IntI1) was measured by qPCR. confirmed the poor quality of the Lis River water, particularly in sites near pig farms. A collection of 23 CRE was obtained: Klebsiella (n = 19), Enterobacter (n = 2) and Raoultella (n = 2). PFGE analysis revealed a clonal relationship between isolates obtained in different sampling years and sites. All CRE isolates exhibited multidrug resistance profiles. Klebsiella and Raoultella isolates carried blaKPC while Enterobacter harbored blaNDM. Conjugation experiments were successful for only four Klebsiella isolates. All ARGs were detected by qPCR on both sampling campaigns. An increase in ARGs and IntI1 abundances was detected in sites located downstream of wastewater treatment plants. Strong correlations were observed between blaCTX₋M, IntI1 and the human-pollution marker HF183, and also between tetA and the pig-pollution marker Pig-2-bac, suggesting that both human- and animal-derived pollution in the Lis River are a potential source of ARGs. Plus, water quality parameters related to eutrophication and land use were significantly correlated with ARGs abundances. Our findings demonstrated that the Lis River encloses high levels of antibiotic resistant bacteria and ARGs, including CRE and carbapenemase-encoding genes. Overall, this study provides a better understanding on the impacts of water pollution resulting from human and animal activities on the resistome of natural aquatic systems.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Local environment modulates whole-transcriptome expression in the seagrass Posidonia oceanica under warming and nutrients excess
Pazzaglia, Jessica | Santillán-Sarmiento, Alex | Ruocco, Miriam | Dattolo, Emanuela | Ambrosino, Luca | Marín-Guirao, Lazaro | Procaccini, Gabriele
The intensification of anomalous events of seawater warming and the co-occurrence with local anthropogenic stressors are threatening coastal marine habitats, including seagrasses, which form extensive underwater meadows. Eutrophication highly affects coastal environments, potentially summing up to the widespread effects of global climate changes. In the present study, we investigated for the first time in seagrasses, the transcriptional response of different plant organs (i.e., leaf and shoot apical meristem, SAM) of the Mediterranean seagrass Posidonia oceanica growing in environments with a different history of nutrient enrichment. To this end, a mesocosm experiment exposing plants to single (nutrient enrichment or temperature increase) and multiple stressors (nutrient enrichment plus temperature increase), was performed. Results revealed a differential transcriptome regulation of plants under single and multiple stressors, showing an organ-specific sensitivity depending on plants' origin. While leaf tissues were more responsive to nutrient stress, SAM revealed a higher sensitivity to temperature treatments, especially in plants already impacted in their native environment. The exposure to stress conditions induced the modulation of different biological processes. Plants living in an oligotrophic environment were more responsive to nutrients compared to plants from a eutrophic environment. Evidences that epigenetic mechanisms were involved in the regulation of transcriptional reprogramming were also observed in both plants’ organs. These results represent a further step in the comprehension of seagrass response to abiotic stressors pointing out the importance of local pressures in a global warming scenario.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Severe cyanobacteria accumulation potentially induces methylotrophic methane producing pathway in eutrophic lakes
Zhou, Chuanqiao | Peng, Yu | Yu, Miaotong | Deng, Yang | Chen, Li | Zhang, Lanqing | Xu, Xiaoguang | Zhang, Siyuan | Yan, Yan | Wang, Guoxiang
Although cyanobacteria blooms lead to an increase in methane (CH₄) emissions in eutrophic lakes have been intensively studied, the methane production pathways and driving mechanisms of the associated CH₄ emissions are still unclear. In this study, the hypereutrophic Lake Taihu, which has extreme cyanobacteria accumulation, was selected to test hypothesis of a potential methylotrophic CH₄ production pathway. Field observation displayed that the CH₄ emission flux from the area with cyanobacteria accumulation was 867.01 μg m⁻²·min⁻¹, much higher than the flux of 3.44 μg m⁻²·min⁻¹ in the non-cyanobacteria accumulation area. The corresponding abundance of methane-producing archaea (MPA) in the cyanobacteria-concentrated area was 77.33% higher than that in the non-concentrated area via RT-qPCR technologies. Synchronously, sediments from these areas were incubated in anaerobic bottles, and results exhibited the high CH₄ emission potential of the cyanobacteria concentrated area versus the non-concentrated area (1199.26 vs. 205.76 μmol/L) and more active biological processes (CO₂ emission, 2072.8 vs. −714.62 μmol/L). We also found evidence for the methylotrophic methane producing pathway, which contributed to the high CH₄ emission flux from the cyanobacteria accumulation area. Firstly, cyanobacteria decomposition provided the prerequisite of abundant methyl thioether substances, including DMS, DMDS, and DMTS. Results showed that the content of methyl thioethers increased with the biomass of cyanobacteria, and the released DMS, DMDS, and DMTS was up to 96.35, 3.22 and 13.61 μg/L, respectively, in the highly concentrated 25000 g/cm³ cyanobacteria treatment. Then, cyanobacteria decomposition created anaerobic microenvironments (DO 0.06 mg/L and Eh −304.8Mv) for methylotrophic methane production. Lastly, the relative abundance of Methanosarcinales was increased from 7.67% at the initial stage to 36.02% at the final stage within a sediment treatment with 10 mmol/L N(CH₃)₃. Quantitatively, the proportion of the methylotrophic methane production pathway was as high as 32.58%. This finding is crucial for accurately evaluating the methane emission flux, and evaluating future management strategies of eutrophic lakes.
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