结果 1-10 的 180
Diesel exhaust particulate emissions and in vitro toxicity from Euro 3 and Euro 6 vehicles
Zerboni, Alessandra | Rossi, Tommaso | Bengalli, Rossella | Catelani, Tiziano | Rizzi, Cristiana | Priola, Marco | Casadei, Simone | Mantecca, Paride
Incomplete combustion processes in diesel engines produce particulate matter (PM) that significantly contributes to air pollution. Currently, there remains a knowledge gap in relation to the physical and chemical characteristics and also the biological reactivity of the PM emitted from old- and new-generation diesel vehicles. In this study, the emissions from a Euro 3 diesel vehicle were compared to those from a Euro 6 car during the regeneration of a diesel particulate filter (DPF). Different driving cycles were used to collect two types of diesel exhaust particles (DEPs). The particle size distribution was monitored using an engine exhaust particle sizer spectrometer and an electrical low-pressure impactor. Although the Euro 6 vehicle emitted particulates only during DPF regeneration that primarily occurs for a few minutes at high speeds, such emissions are characterized by a higher number of ultrafine particles (<0.1 μm) compared to those from the Euro 3 diesel vehicle. The emitted particles possess different characteristics. For example, Euro 6 DEPs exhibit a lower PAH content than do Euro 3 samples; however, they are enriched in metals that were poorly detected or undetected in Euro 3 emissions. The biological effects of the two DEPs were investigated in human bronchial BEAS-2B cells exposed to 50 μg/mL of PM (corresponding to 5.2 μg/cm²), and the results revealed that Euro 3 DEPs activated the typical inflammatory and pro-carcinogenic pathways induced by combustion-derived particles, while Euro 6 DEPs were less effective in regard to activating such biological responses. Although further investigations are required, it is evident that the different in vitro effects elicited by Euro 3 and Euro 6 DEPs can be correlated with the variable chemical compositions (metals and PAHs) of the emitted particles that play a pivotal role in the inflammatory and carcinogenic potential of airborne PM.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Identification of inhalable rutile and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) nanoparticles in the atmospheric dust
Gallego-Hernández, Ana L. | Meza-Figueroa, Diana | Tanori, Judith | Acosta-Elías, Mónica | González-Grijalva, Belem | Maldonado-Escalante, Juan F. | Rochín-Wong, Sarai | Soto-Puebla, Diego | Navarro-Espinoza, Sofia | Ochoa-Contreras, Roberto | Pedroza-Montero, Martín
Addressing the presence of rutile nanoparticles (NPs) in the air is a work in progress, and the development of methodologies for the identification of NPs in atmospheric dust is essential for the assessment of its toxicological effects. To address this issue, we selected the fast growing desertic city of Hermosillo in northern Mexico. Road dust (n = 266) and soils (n = 10) were sampled and bulk Ti-contents were tested by portable X-ray fluorescence. NPs were extracted from atmospheric dust by PM₁.₀-PTFE filters and further characterized by Confocal Raman Microscopy, Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) coupled to Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Results showed (i) the average concentration of Ti in road dust (3447 mg kg⁻¹) was similar to natural values and worldwide urban dusts; (ii) the bulk geochemistry was not satisfactory for Ti-NPs identification; (iii) 76% of the total extracted PM₁.₀ sample corresponded to NPs; (iv) mono-microaggregates of rutile NPs were identified; (v) ubiquitous polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were linked to NPs. The genotoxicity of rutile and PAHs, in connection with NPs content, make us aware of a crucial emerging environmental issue of significant health concern, justifying further research in this field.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Characteristics and health risk assessment of heavy metals in indoor dust from different functional areas in Hefei, China
Zhou, Li | Liu, Guijian | Shen, Mengchen | Hu, Ruoyu | Sun, Mei | Liu, Yuan
Metals in indoor dust pose potential health risks to humans. Dust deposition on air conditioner filters can represent the resuspended particulate matter in indoor air. However, few studies have examined this until now. This study investigated the total concentrations and different chemical fractionations of Cd, Cr, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, V, and Zn in indoor dust from three different functional zones (the Chief District, Commercial District (CmD), and Industrial District) in Hefei. The mean metal concentrations in indoor dust decreased in the following order: Zn > Mn > Pb > Cr > Ni > V > Cd > Sb. Cd, Pb, and Zn mainly existed in the mobile fraction. Cr and V mainly existed in the residual fraction. The enrichment factor and geo-accumulation index values of heavy metals were all ranked in the order of Cd > Zn > Pb > Sb > Ni > Cr > V, and these values in indoor dust were larger than those in outdoor dust. In addition, the enrichment patterns of these elements were similar in the three functional areas. The orders of non-carcinogenic risk (hazard index; HI) for the different functional areas for children were roughly the same, but there were clear differences for adults. In general, all the HIs were less than 1, which were within the internationally recognized safe range. The total carcinogenic risk (TR) was in the order of Cr > Pb > Cd for both children and adults in the three functional zones. The TRs from Cr exposure were not negligible. The TRs were significantly higher in the CmD.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Performance of ceramic disk filter coated with nano ZnO for removing Escherichia coli from water in small rural and remote communities of developing regions
Huang, Jing | Huang, Guohe | An, Chunjiang | He, Yuan | Yao, Yao | Zhang, Peng | Shen, Jian
Global water safety is facing great challenges due to increased population and demand. There is an urgent need to develop suitable water treatment strategy for small rural and remote communities in low-income developing countries. In order to find a low-cost solution, the reduction of E. coli using ceramic water disk coated with nano ZnO was investigated in this study. The performance of modified ceramic disk filters was influenced by several factors in the filter production process. Based on the factorial analysis, the pore size of the disk filters was the most significant factor for influencing E. coli removal efficiency and the clay content was the most significant one for influencing flow rate of modified disk filters. The coating of nano ZnO led to the change of disk filter surface and porosity. The reduction of E. coli could be attributed to both filter retention and photocatalytic antibacterial activity of nano ZnO. The effects of filter operation factors including initial E. coli concentration, illumination time and lamp power on E. coli removal effectiveness were also revealed. The results can help find a safe and cost-effective approach to solve drinking water problems in small rural and remote communities of developing regions.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Microplastic abundance and characteristics in French Atlantic coastal sediments using a new extraction method
Phuong, Nam Ngoc | Poirier, Laurence | Lagarde, Fabienne | Kamari, Abderrahmane | Zalouk-Vergnoux, Aurore
The ubiquitous presence of microplastics (MPs) has been demonstrated in all environmental compartments in the recent years. They are detected in air, freshwater, soil, organisms and particularly in marine ecosystems. Since sediments are known to be the major sink of many organic and inorganic pollutants, the aim of this study was to develop and validate a fast and cheap methodology to assess the MP contamination in intertidal sediments from the Gulf of Biscay (Pays de la Loire region, France). Sediments were sampled at three locations (Pays de la Loire region, France) and during two seasons: October 2015 and March 2016. The analytical protocol involved MP extraction from dried sediments using milliQ water and a centrifugation technique. After a filtration step of supernatants, MPs were detected and directly identified on the membrane filters using μFTIR spectroscopy in reflection mode. For the first time, the number of replicates allowing to obtain a satisfying representativeness of the whole sampled sediment was also evaluated at 10 replicates of 25 g each. The average number of MPs in sediments was 67 (±76) MPs/kg dw (N = 60) with no significant difference between sites and seasons. Ten different compositions of MPs were defined by μFT-IR with a high proportion of polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE), 38 and 24%, respectively. Among MPs, mainly fragments (84%) were observed with main size classes corresponding to [>100 μm] and [50–100 μm] but no particles > 1 mm could be found suggesting that mainly small microplastics (<1 mm) were subject to vertical transport.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Assessment of lung cell toxicity of various gasoline engine exhausts using a versatile in vitro exposure system
Bisig, Christoph | Comte, Pierre | Güdel, Martin | Czerwiński, Janusz | Mayer, Andreas | Müller, Loretta | Petri-Fink, Alke | Rothen-Rutishauser, Barbara
Adverse effect studies of gasoline exhaust are scarce, even though gasoline direct injection (GDI) vehicles can emit a high number of particles.The aim of this study was to conduct an in vitro hazard assessment of different GDI exhausts using two different cell culture models mimicking the human airway. In addition to gasoline particle filters (GPF), the effects of two lubrication oils with low and high ash content were assessed, since it is known that oils are important contributors to exhaust emissions.Complete exhausts from two gasoline driven cars (GDI1 and GDI2) were applied for 6 h (acute exposure) to a multi-cellular human lung model (16HBE14o-cell line, macrophages, and dendritic cells) and a primary human airway model (MucilAir™). GDI1 vehicle was driven unfiltered and filtered with an uncoated and a coated GPF. GDI2 vehicle was driven under four settings with different fuels: normal unleaded gasoline, 2% high and low ash oil in gasoline, and 2% high ash oil in gasoline with a GPF. GDI1 unfiltered was also used for a repeated exposure (3 times 6 h) to assess possible adverse effects.After 6 h exposure, no genes or proteins for oxidative stress or pro-inflammation were upregulated compared to the filtered air control in both cell systems, neither in GDI1 with GPFs nor in GDI2 with the different fuels. However, the repeated exposure led to a significant increase in HMOX1 and TNFa gene expression in the multi-cellular model, showing the responsiveness of the system towards gasoline engine exhaust upon prolonged exposure.The reduction of particles by GPFs is significant and no adverse effects were observed in vitro during a short-term exposure. On the other hand, more data comparing different lubrication oils and their possible adverse effects are needed. Future experiments also should, as shown here, focus on repeated exposures.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Presence and fate of veterinary antibiotics in age-dated groundwater in areas with intensive livestock farming
Kivits, Tano | Broers, Hans Peter | Beeltje, Henry | van Vliet, Mariëlle | Griffioen, Jasper
The combination of emerging antibiotic resistance and lack of discovery of new antibiotic classes poses a threat to future human welfare. Antibiotics are administered to livestock at a large scale and these may enter the environment by the spreading of manure on agricultural fields. They may leach to groundwater, especially in the Netherlands which has some of the most intensive livestock farming and corresponding excessive manure spreading in the world. This study investigates the presence of antibiotics in groundwater in two regions with the most intensive livestock farming in the Netherlands. If so, the hydrochemical conditions were further elaborated. Ten multi-level wells with in total 46 filters were sampled, focusing on relatively young, previously age-dated groundwater below agricultural fields. Twenty-two antibiotics were analyzed belonging to the following antibiotic groups: tetracyclines, sulfonamides, trimethoprims, β-lactams, macrolides, lincosamides, quinolones, nitrofurans and chloramphenicol. The samples were analyzed for these antibiotics by LC-MS/MS ESI-POS/NEG (MRM) preceded by solid phase extraction which resulted in importantly low detection limits. Six antibiotics were found above detection limits in 31 filters in seven wells: sulfamethazine, sulfamethoxazole, lincomycin, chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, and sulfadiazine. The concentrations range from 0.3 to 18 ng L−1. Sulfonamides were detected at all measured depths down to 23 meters below surface level with apparent groundwater ages up to 40 years old. No antibiotics were detected below the nitrate/iron redox cline, which suggests that the antibiotics might undergo degradation or attenuation under nitrate-reducing redox conditions. This study provides proof that antibiotics are present in groundwater below agricultural areas in the Netherlands due to the spreading of animal manure.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Source apportionment of Pb-containing particles in Beijing during January 2013
Cai, Jing | Wang, Jiandong | Zhang, Yanjun | Tian, Hezhong | Zhu, Chuanyong | Gross, Deborah S. | Hu, Min | Hao, Jiming | He, Kebin | Wang, Shuxiao | Zheng, Mei
Although leaded gasoline has been banned in some megacities in China since 1997 and nationally since 2000, atmospheric lead (Pb) pollution is still an important issue in China, as its concentration in megacities such as Beijing remains high. To measure the Pb concentration and identify sources of Pb-containing particles in Beijing during January 2013, both an online Single Particle Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (SPAMS) and offline filters analyzed by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) were used at a monitoring site on the Peking University (PKU) campus. The average Pb concentration in PM2.5 was 370 ng/m3 in January 2013 and the highest daily concentration was as high as 1.3 μg/m<sup>3</sup> during our sampling period. Based on the mass spectra from the SPAMS, these particles were classified into 4 major types, including NO3-rich (61%), ECOC-rich (18%), Fe-rich (14%), and SO4-rich (7%). Results from this study suggest that combustion processes and the iron/steel industry were the major primary sources of Pb in Beijing. On clean days, the importance of the primary combustion particle type (ECOC-rich) increased, while during severe haze episodes, Pb-containing particles mixed with secondary ions and Fe were dominant. Based on estimates from the CMAQ model, on average 45% of Pb in PM2.5 in urban Beijing was transported in January 2013, with a much higher percent transported during the haze episodes. The percentage of transported Pb increased with the concentration of Pb and PM2.5, indicating that emissions from the surrounding areas need to be controlled during high Pb episodes in Beijing in winter.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]UV filters induce transcriptional changes of different hormonal receptors in Chironomus riparius embryos and larvae
Ozáez, Irene | Aquilino, Mónica | Morcillo, Gloria | Martínez-Guitarte, José-Luis
Organic ultraviolet (UV) filters are emerging contaminants that are ubiquitous in fresh and marine aquatic systems due to their extensive use in cosmetics, plastics, paints, textiles, and many other industrial products. The estrogenic effects of organic UV filters have been long demonstrated in vertebrates, and other hormonal activities may be altered, according to more recent reports. The impact of UV filters on the endocrine system of invertebrates is largely unknown. We have previously reported that some UV filters may affect ecdysone-related genes in the aquatic insect Chironomus riparius, an ecotoxicologically important model organism. To further analyze other possible effects on endocrine pathways, we first characterized four pivotal genes related with hormonal pathways in insects; thereafter, these genes were assessed for alterations in transcriptional activity after exposure to 4-methylbenzylidene camphor (4MBC) or benzophenone-3 (BP-3), two extensively used sunscreens. We found that both chemicals disturbed the expression of all four genes analyzed: hormonal receptor 38 (HR38), methoprene-tolerant (Met), membrane-associate progesterone receptor (MAPR) and insulin-like receptor (INSR), measured by changes in mRNA levels by real-time PCR. An upregulatory effect at the genomic level was detected in different developmental stages. Interestingly, embryos appeared to be more sensitive to the action of the UV filters than larvae. Our results suggest that the risk of disruption through different endocrine routes is not negligible, considering the significant effects of UV filters on key hormonal receptor and regulatory genes. Further effort is needed to develop environmental risk assessment studies on these pollutants, particularly for aquatic invertebrate model organisms.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Urban PM2.5 oxidative potential: Importance of chemical species and comparison of two spectrophotometric cell-free assays
Visentin, M. (Marco) | Pagnoni, Antonella | Sarti, Elena | Pietrogrande, Maria Chiara
Oxidative potential (OP) of particulate matter (PM) − defined as the capacity of PM to oxidize target molecules generating reactive oxygen species (ROS) − has been proposed as a more health relevant metric than PM mass. In this study two cell-free methods were used to assess the OP of PM filters collected at an urban site and to evaluate correlation with PM mass and PM composition.Among the different assays existing, two inexpensive and user-friendly methods were used both based on spectrophotometric measurements of depletion rate of target reagents oxidized by redox-active species present in PM. One assay measures the consumption of dithiothreitol (OPDTT) and the other the ascorbate (OPAA).Although both assays respond to the same redox-active species, i.e., quinones and transition metals, no correlations were found between OPDTT and OPAA responses to compounds standard solutions as well as to ambient samples. When expressed in relation to air volume, OPDTT m−3 strongly correlates with PM2.5 mass whereas no correlation was found for OPAA m−3 with PM2.5. When expressed on mass basis, both OPDTT μg−1 and OPAA μg−1 show a strong dependence on the sample composition, with higher OP for summer samples. OPDTT m−3 were highly correlated with the determined metals (Cu, Zn, Cr, Fe, Ni, Mn) whereas OPAA m−3 showed only moderate correlation with Cu and Mn.Thus, the two assays could potentially provide complementary information on oxidative potential characteristic of PM. Consequently, the combination of the two approaches can strengthen each other in giving insight into the contribution of chemical composition to oxidative properties of PM, which can subsequently be used to study health effects.
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