结果 1-10 的 50
Dissolved organic carbon in the unsaturated zone under land irrigated by wastewater effluent.
Amiel A.J. | Magaritz M. | Ronen D. | Lindstrand O.
Quality changes of aquifer a relating to plant production
Belic, S. (Poljoprivredni fakultet, Novi Sad (Yugoslavia). Institut za uredjenje voda) | Belic, A. | Bugarski, R.
Neither soil nor water has very distinct function when seen in isolation. Therefore, analyses of water and soil can get real value only by their linkages. Taking into consideration irrigated land, water and soil interaction degree can cause different changes of soil, plants and aquifer A. All negative changes which are occur in the soil (in case of using unsuitable water quality for irrigation or applying of not rational fertilizers amount) have influence to the changes aquifer A quality. Interaction between soil and aquifer A are require investigation of groundwater quality changes relating to plant production, especially in irrigation. Intensity and type of aquifer A properties change, in case of different soil use in agricultural production, have been studying since 1991 at the Lysimetric Station Rimski Sancevi (Serbia, Yugoslavia). The results are point out satisfactory quality of aquifer A after irrigation with wastewater and well water, and applying of different mineral fertilizers amount. The soil capability to receive water with unsuitable quality, to influence their change and change of aquifer A quality as the final recipient, are showed by received results.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The influence of hydrogeological conditions to the water source of the Jablanica river [Serbia, Yugoslavia] in the period of recession
Nikic, Z. (Sumarski fakultet, Beograd (Yugoslavia)) | Cubrilovic, P. (Geozavod, Beograd (Yugoslavia))
In this paper we have pointed out the hydrogeological condition in the catchment area of the Jablanica river in the south Serbia (Yugoslavia). The two units are separately presented here. The first one is mountainous part of the catchment area upstream of the gaging station of Lebane and the second one is the part of the terrain in the plain down stream to the river mounth near Pecenjevac. The hydrogeological characteristics of the two mentioned regions are given to explain the reasons of existing the constant flow of the Jablanica to Lebane and its disappearing course in the period of recession in the plain downstream. The quality of water in the Jablanica river at Lebane is good. Down stream of this gaging station the waste water collector flows into the river. In the part of recession period the ratio between them is unfavourable. We have also discussed the quality of water at the gaging station of Pecenjevac and pointed out the function of sandy-gravel deposits in the process of natural purification of the Jablanica flow.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The REC-framework: Risk reduction, Environmental merit and Costs
Okx, J.P. | Nijboer, M.H. | Visser-Westerweele, E.P.C. | Nijhof, A.G.
[On-site aerobic biodegradation of organic paint residues in groundwater: pilot trial [fluid-bed]]
Nielsen, P.B.
[On-site cleaning of groundwater with various organic pollutants]
Aktor, H. | Oestergaard, H.
Using elevated temperatures to enhance in-situ remediation in low-permeable soils and groundwater
Heron, G.
[The pesticide research in the Strategic Environment Framework]
Albrechtsen, H.-J. | Hansen, J.M.
[Application of in-situ technique against an inorganic pollution: an example [bioventing]]
Petersen, P.A. | Vestergaard, A.B.
[Bioslurping: a method for simultaneous elimination of the free phase and bioventilation [site remediation technology]]
Illeris, J.