结果 1-10 的 23
Anthropogenic nitrate attenuation versus nitrous oxide release from a woodchip bioreactor
White, Shane A. | Morris, Shaun A. | Wadnerkar, Praktan D. | Woodrow, Rebecca L. | Tucker, James P. | Holloway, Ceylena J. | Conrad, Stephen R. | Sanders, Christian J. | Hessey, Samantha | Santos, Isaac R.
Nitrogen loss via overland flow from agricultural land use is a global threat to waterways. On-farm denitrifying woodchip bioreactors can mitigate NO₃⁻ exports by increasing denitrification capacity. However, denitrification in sub-optimal conditions releases the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N₂O), swapping the pollution from aquatic to atmospheric reservoirs. Here, we assess NO₃⁻-N removal and N₂O emissions from a new edge-of-field surface-flow bioreactor during ten rain events on intensive farming land. Nitrate removal rates (NRR) varied between 5.4 and 76.2 g NO₃⁻-N m⁻³ wetted woodchip d⁻¹ with a mean of 30.3 ± 7.3 g NO₃⁻-N m⁻³. The nitrate removal efficiency (NRE) was ∼73% in ideal hydrological conditions and ∼18% in non-ideal conditions. The fraction of NO₃⁻-N converted to N₂O (rN₂O) in the bioreactor was ∼3.3 fold lower than the expected 0.75% IPCC emission factor. We update the global bioreactor estimated Q₁₀ (NRR increase every 10 °C) from a recent meta-analysis with previously unavailable data to >20 °C, yielding a new global Q₁₀ factor of 3.1. Mean N₂O CO₂-eq emissions (431.9 ± 125.4 g CO₂-eq emissions day⁻¹) indicate that the bioreactor was not significantly swapping aquatic NO₃⁻ for N₂O pollution. Our estimated NO₃⁻-N removal from the bioreactor (9.9 kg NO₃⁻-N ha⁻¹ yr⁻¹) costs US$13.14 per kg NO₃⁻-N removed and represents ∼30% NO₃⁻-N removal when incorporating all flow and overflow events. Overall, edge-of-field surface-flow bioreactors seem to be a cost-effective solution to reduce NO₃⁻-N runoff with minor pollution swapping to N₂O.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Microplastics in composting of rural domestic waste: abundance, characteristics, and release from the surface of macroplastics
Gui, Jiaxi | Sun, Yue | Wang, Jingli | Chen, Xu | Zhang, Shuchi | Wu, Donglei
The rural domestic waste (RDW) compost has been widely used in agriculture and horticulture, but little is known about microplastics (MPs) in RDW composting. The current work deals with the abundance and characteristics of MPs in RDW composting, and the effects of composting processes on the composition of MPs. Compost samples from two RDW treatment stations were investigated, and a lab-scale experiment was carried out to verify the possible release of MPs from macroplastics (>25 mm) contained in the RDW during composting. MPs were identified using stereo-microscope and μ-FTIR. The average abundance of MPs (0.05–5 mm) in the RDW compost products was 2400 ± 358 items/kg (dry weight), and the main MPs shapes were fibers and films. Polyester, polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) were the most common polymer types. MPs having a size <1 mm accounted for more than 50% of the total quantity. With the progress of composting, the proportion of MPs having size <1 mm increased, and more foam MPs were observed in the late stage of composting. Under the influence of mechanical force, oxidation and biodegradation, a piece of expanded polystyrene (EPS), PP and PE macroplastic could release 4–63 MPs particles during the composting. Thus, the RDW compost was a significant source of MPs in soils, and the MPs in compost products were closely related to the quantity and type of plastic waste present in RDW, which helped to suggest better MPs control strategies.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Cryptic night-time trace metal and metalloid contamination in an intensively cultivated coastal catchment
Conrad, Stephen R. | Santos, Isaac R. | White, Shane A. | Woodrow, Rebecca L. | Sanders, Christian J.
Detailed, high resolution time-series observations were performed to investigate sources, diel cycling, natural attenuation, and loadings of dissolved trace metals/metalloids in a subtropical headwater stream draining intensive horticulture in Australia. A transect of ∼3 km away from the source (farms) showed >75% reduction in concentration and loads of most trace elements. Mercury and arsenic had elevated loads downstream relative to other elements. Hourly time-series sampling revealed elevated creek discharge at night, accompanied by elevated nickel, selenium, copper, and mercury loads. Inputs from groundwater or treated sewage used for irrigation within the catchment are likely sources. Groundwater bore and treated sewage samples were highly contaminated with either zinc, copper, or mercury. Comparisons of daily and hourly samples indicated common sampling strategies can underestimate horticultural contaminant loadings. Load estimates for mercury and copper derived from hourly samples were 1.6- to 7- fold greater than loads from daily sample data collected over 79 days with varying rainfall. These high contaminant concentrations and loads are of concern to food products receiving irrigation and protected waterbodies downstream.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Nitrate loads in sub-tropical headwater streams driven by intensive horticulture
White, Shane A. | Santos, Isaac R. | Hessey, Samantha
Nitrogen runoff from fertiliser intensive land uses has become an issue worldwide, contributing to algal blooms, hypoxic waters and aquatic biodiversity losses. This study assessed potential nutrient pollution from blueberry farms in subtropical Australia and examines whether nutrient loads were driven by groundwater discharge and/or surface water runoff. Streams downstream of eight blueberry farms were compared to eight nearby control sites without any blueberry activity. In the 90 day sample period, there were three rain events >90 mm day⁻¹ that produced runoff sufficient to create flooding. Overall, the results revealed a clear link between blueberry farming and nitrogen runoff in headwater streams. While NOX (nitrate + nitrite) was the dominant nitrogen species downstream of blueberry farms, dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) was the dominant species in control sites. The concentrations and loads of NOₓ were one order of magnitude lower in the eight non-blueberry (6.3 ± 2.0 μmol L⁻¹; 1.6 ± 1.2 kg N-NOX ha⁻¹ yr⁻¹) than the eight blueberry (56.9 ± 14.2 μmol L⁻¹; 21.8 ± 8.0 kg N-NOX ha⁻¹ yr⁻¹) sites. NOX concentrations and loads were highest following rain events. Radon (²²²Rn, a natural groundwater tracer) observations and low nitrogen concentration in groundwater samples further suggest that surface runoff dominates the delivery of nitrogen to the creeks investigated. NOX concentrations and loads in creeks correlated with blueberry farm density. At >15% of blueberry land use in a catchment, there was a detectable influence in NOX concentrations and loads in the headwater streams. Assuming that our load estimates can be up-scaled to annual nitrogen creek exports, and that local farmers use the recommended amount of fertiliser (121 kg N ha⁻¹ yr⁻¹), between 18 and 25% of the used fertiliser was lost to the creeks. This implies that there are opportunities for decreasing the use of fertilisers in this catchment and managing any nitrogen that escapes to the creeks.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Setting ozone critical levels for protecting horticultural Mediterranean crops: Case study of tomato
González Fernández, I. | Calvo, E. | Gerosa, G. | Bermejo, V. | Marzuoli, R. | Calatayud, V. | Alonso, R.
Seven experiments carried out in Italy and Spain have been used to parameterising a stomatal conductance model and establishing exposure– and dose–response relationships for yield and quality of tomato with the main goal of setting O3 critical levels (CLe). CLe with confidence intervals, between brackets, were set at an accumulated hourly O3 exposure over 40 nl l−1, AOT40 = 8.4 (1.2, 15.6) ppm h and a phytotoxic ozone dose above a threshold of 6 nmol m−2 s−1, POD6 = 2.7 (0.8, 4.6) mmol m−2 for yield and AOT40 = 18.7 (8.5, 28.8) ppm h and POD6 = 4.1 (2.0, 6.2) mmol m−2 for quality, both indices performing equally well. CLe confidence intervals provide information on the quality of the dataset and should be included in future calculations of O3 CLe for improving current methodologies.These CLe, derived for sensitive tomato cultivars, should not be applied for quantifying O3-induced losses at the risk of making important overestimations of the economical losses associated with O3 pollution.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Pesticide occurrence in an agriculturally intensive and ecologically important coastal aquatic system in Australia
Laicher, Dylan | Benkendorff, Kirsten | White, Shane | Conrad, Steve | Woodrow, Rebecca L. | Butcherine, Peter | Sanders, Christian J.
Coastal agricultural practices are often located in catchments upstream of ecologically important aquatic systems. Here, we investigate the occurrence of pesticides in a coastal creek flowing into a habitat-protected area within the Solitary Islands Marine Park, Australia. Water samples were collected from six sites along a creek transect during three sampling periods. Samples were analysed for 171 pesticide analytes, including organochlorines, organophosphates, herbicides, and fungicides. Five insecticides, two herbicides, and two fungicides were detected. The neonicotinoid imidacloprid was detected at 5 out of 6 sites, with concentrations reaching 294 μg L⁻¹, the highest yet detected in Australian waterways. The organophosphate insecticide dimethoate was detected at 4 sites, which occurred at the 2nd highest detected concentration in the study (12.8 μg L⁻¹). The presence of these pesticides in the aquatic environment downstream of horticulture in this and other regions may have serious implications for stream biota and ecologically important marine ecosystems.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Motivators and barriers to adoption of Improved Land Management Practices. A focus on practice change for water quality improvement in Great Barrier Reef catchments
Coggan, Anthea | Thorburn, Peter | Fielke, Simon | Hay, Rachel | Smart, James C.R.
To protect and improve water quality in the Great Barrier Reef, the Queensland Government's Reef 2050 Water Quality Improvement Plan targets that 90% of sugarcane, horticulture, cropping and grazing lands in priority areas be managed using best management practices for sediment, nutrient and pesticides by 2025. Progress towards this target is insufficient and variable across catchments and industries. The motivation to adopt improvements in management practices is heavily influenced by social, economic, cultural and institutional dimensions. In this paper we synthesise the literature on how these human dimensions influence decision making for land management practice and highlight where future investment could be focussed. We highlight that focussing on —1) investigating systems to support landholder decision making under climate uncertainty (risk); 2) generating a better understanding of the extent and drivers of landholder transaction cost; 3) understanding if there are competing ‘right’ ways to farm; and 4) improving understanding of the social processes, trust and power dynamics within GBR industries and what these means for practice change— could improve practice change uptake in the future.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]A review of sediment and nutrient concentration data from Australia for use in catchment water quality models
Bartley, Rebecca | Speirs, William J. | Ellis, Tim W. | Waters, David K.
Land use (and land management) change is seen as the primary factor responsible for changes in sediment and nutrient delivery to water bodies. Understanding how sediment and nutrient (or constituent) concentrations vary with land use is critical to understanding the current and future impact of land use change on aquatic ecosystems. Access to appropriate land-use based water quality data is also important for calculating reliable load estimates using water quality models. This study collated published and unpublished runoff, constituent concentration and load data for Australian catchments. Water quality data for total suspended sediments (TSS), total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) were collated from runoff events with a focus on catchment areas that have a single or majority of the contributing area under one land use. Where possible, information on the dissolved forms of nutrients were also collated. For each data point, information was included on the site location, land use type and condition, contributing catchment area, runoff, laboratory analyses, the number of samples collected over the hydrograph and the mean constituent concentration calculation method. A total of ∼750 entries were recorded from 514 different geographical sites covering 13 different land uses. We found that the nutrient concentrations collected using “grab” sampling (without a well defined hydrograph) were lower than for sites with gauged auto-samplers although this data set was small and no statistical analysis could be undertaken. There was no statistically significant difference (p<0.05) between data collected at plot and catchment scales for the same land use. This is most likely due to differences in land condition over-shadowing the effects of spatial scale. There was, however, a significant difference in the concentration value for constituent samples collected from sites where >90% of the catchment was represented by a single land use, compared to sites with <90% of the upstream area represented by a single land use. This highlights the need for more single land use water quality data, preferably over a range of spatial scales. Overall, the land uses with the highest median TSS concentrations were mining (∼50,000mg/l), horticulture (∼3000mg/l), dryland cropping (∼2000mg/l), cotton (∼600mg/l) and grazing on native pastures (∼300mg/l). The highest median TN concentrations are from horticulture (∼32,000μg/l), cotton (∼6500μg/l), bananas (∼2700μg/l), grazing on modified pastures (∼2200μg/l) and sugar (∼1700μg/l). For TP it is forestry (∼5800μg/l), horticulture (∼1500μg/l), bananas (∼1400μg/l), dryland cropping (∼900mg/l) and grazing on modified pastures (∼400μg/l). For the dissolved nutrient fractions, the sugarcane land use had the highest concentrations of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) and dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP). Urban land use had the highest concentrations of dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP). This study provides modellers and catchment managers with an increased understanding of the processes involved in estimating constituent concentrations, the data available for use in modelling projects, and the conditions under which they should be applied. Areas requiring more data are also discussed.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Pollution in horticulture
Ormrod, D. P.
Horticultural products irrigated with treated sewage: are they acceptable?
Deh-Haghi, Zoherh | Bagheri, Asghar | Damalas, Christos A. | Fotourehchi, Zahra
Public acceptance of treated sewage (TS) reuse in agriculture is a key element in successful implementation of TS reuse projects, but relevant research on the topic is limited. This study examined public willingness to accept (WTA) and willingness to pay (WTP) for agricultural products derived by irrigation with TS in Lorestan province, Iran, applying the contingent valuation (CV) method. The agricultural products determined for the study included corn, peaches, apricots, and plums, while TS was introduced in three qualities [Q1, complete TS treatment (i.e., physical treatment, aeration, and chemical treatment); Q2, partial TS treatment (i.e., physical treatment and aeration); and Q3, no TS treatment]. With reference to WTA, products irrigated with Q1 TS received 62.7% positive responses, while products irrigated with Q2 TS and Q3 TS received 21.3% and 17.0% positive responses, respectively. With reference to WTP, data showed that if the price of products derived by irrigation with TS was less than that of products irrigated with fresh water, some people would be willing to pay for these products (52.0% positive responses versus 48.0% negative responses). Awareness had a significantly positive impact on WTA1 and WTA2 (products irrigated with Q1 TS and Q2 TS, respectively) as well as on WTP1, WTP2, and WTP3 (products irrigated with Q1 TS, Q2 TS, and Q3 TS, respectively). Similarly, information sources had a significantly positive effect on WTP1, WTP2, and WTP3. Overall, individuals with high levels of health risk perception and high awareness showed high WTA, while non-processed corn and men were associated with low WTA. Concerning WTP, individuals with high awareness and those who had access to information sources showed high WTP, while men were associated with low WTP. Information about the importance of TS reuse, reduction of prices of products derived by irrigation with TS, and promotion of public confidence in TS are essential to increase public WTA and WTP.
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