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Aquatic macroinvertebrates - bioindicators of Drina River [Serbia] water quality | Akvatični makrobeskičmenjaci – bioindikatori kvaliteta vode reke Drine [Srbija]
Tomović, J., Institut za biološka istraživanja Siniša Stanković, Beograd (Serbia) | Marković, V., Institut za biološka istraživanja Siniša Stanković, Beograd (Serbia) | Vasiljević, B., Institut za biološka istraživanja Siniša Stanković, Beograd (Serbia) | Atanacković, A., Institut za biološka istraživanja Siniša Stanković, Beograd (Serbia) | Vranković, J., Institut za biološka istraživanja Siniša Stanković, Beograd (Serbia) | Paunović, M., Institut za biološka istraživanja Siniša Stanković, Beograd (Serbia)
This paper presents aquatic macroinvertebrate community composition at six investigated localities of Drina River. Sampling was performed during 2004. Field data together with characteristics of the community were used to estimate the status of the river. According to our results good water quality, within the limits of the 2nd category, was evaluated for Drina River.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Macrozoobenthos analysis of River Temstica [Serbia] | Analiza makrozobentosa reke Temštice [Srbija]
Miljanović, B., Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Novi Sad (Serbia) | Petrović, J., Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Novi Sad (Serbia) | Milin, M., Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Novi Sad (Serbia) | Lukovac, I., Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Novi Sad (Serbia) | Matović, N., Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Novi Sad (Serbia)
The research of benthic fauna was done in part of the River Temstica, the right tributary of Nisava. Sampling was conducted on four sites, between 10 and 18 July 2010. Quantitative and qualitative analysis revealed the presence of eight groups of macroinvertebrates. The most frequent groups were Diptera, Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera. Lower presence was shown by the groups of Coleoptera, Chironomidae, Turbellaria, Hydracarina. The greatest species diversity was characterized by order Trichoptera, while the largest number of individuals was characterized by order Diptera. There has been stated a 10 new taxa for this aquifer, with a new taxonomic group – Hydracarina. It is necessary to conduct further research of this river, with a need to analyze more samples from several locations (to conduct a research of the entire river, including the river mouth), and through the annual seasonal dynamics.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Aquatic invertebrates of the Veliki Rzav river [Serbia] (composition of the community and water quality) | Vodeni beskicmenjaci reke Veliki Rzav [Srbija] (sastav zajednice i kvalitet vode)
Atanackovic, A. | Tubic, B. | Jakovcev-Todorovic, D. | Djikanovic, V. | Tomovic, J. | Vasiljevic, B. | Paunovic, M., Univerzitet u Beogradu, Beograd (Serbia). Institut za bioloska istrazivanja Sinisa Stankovic
The paper presents aquatic macroinvertebrate community composition at six investigated localities of the Veliki Rzav river (Serbia). Sampling were carried out during 2005. Characteristics of the macroinvertebrate community with field data were used to estimate the status of the river.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Water quality of rivers in Republica [i.e. the Republic] of Srpska [Bosnia and Herzegovina] based on analysis of benthic macroinvertebrates | Kvalitet vode reka u Republici Srpskoj [Bosna i Hercegovina] na osnovu faune dna 2008. godine
Mitrovic, P. | Zaric, I., Institut za vode d.o.o., Bijeljina, Republika Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Water quality monitoring of surface waters encompasses the watercourses of the river basins of Una, Vrbas, Bosna, Drina, Ukrina and the direct Sava basin. Apart from comprehensive analyses which demand determinations of physical - chemical characteristics, as well as the ihtiofauna composition, special emphasis is given to the analysis of the macrozoobenthos. As a part of all water ecosystems, benthic invertebrate serve as a reliable indicator of the quality and changes of the environment, due to a series of advantages in relation to other communities. Most of the aquatic habitats, especially flowing waters of good quality of water and benthic state, enable various of benthic invertebrates communities with moderate formation of species within the overall number of the present individual species. This kind of communities react to possible changes in the community composition (abundance and macroinvertebrata composition).
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Evaluation of the status of the Gradac river (the Kolubara river watershed, Sava river basin) [Serbia] based on aquatic macroinvertebrates | Ocena statusa reke Gradac (sliv reke Kolubare) [Srbija] na osnovu vodenih makrobeskičmenjaka
Đikanović, V., Institut za biološka istraživanja Siniša Stanković, Beograd (Serbia) | Atanacković, A., Institut za biološka istraživanja Siniša Stanković, Beograd (Serbia) | Tomović, J., Institut za biološka istraživanja Siniša Stanković, Beograd (Serbia) | Vasiljević, B., Institut za biološka istraživanja Siniša Stanković, Beograd (Serbia) | Pantović, N., Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Kragujevac (Serbia) | Cakić, P., Institut za biološka istraživanja Siniša Stanković, Beograd (Serbia)
The paper presents aquatic macroinvertebrate community at four investigated localities of the Gradac river. Sampling was carried out during 2003 and 2006. Community structure and composition, together with field data, were used to estimate the water quality status of the river. A total of 87 taxa have been recorded. Insects were found to be the most diverse component, especially Ephemeroptera. Insects were dominant in the regard of the quantitative structure of the community, as well. Recorded community indicates good water quality, ranged between oligosaprobic and beta-mesosaprobic status (1st-2nd class according national classification scheme).
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Macroinvertebrates in SERCON evaluation of conservation potential on the river Jegricka [Serbia] | Makroinvertebrate u SERCON proceni konzervacionog potencijala vodotoka Jegricka [Srbija]
Pogrmic, S. | Jurca, T. | Mijatovic, B. | Zivic, N. | Pankov, N. | Sipos, S. | Mijic, I., Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Novi Sad (Serbia). Prirodno-matematicki fakultet
Jegricka water body is part of the Main Drainage Channel System. The whole length of Jegricka (65 km, catchment surface 60.380 ha) is located in south part of Backa, Vojvodina Province. This highly modified water flow has become protected area since 2005 due to its specific natural features - diversity and uniqueness of biotic features, especially for birds and plants. In July 2008 survey of freshwater macroinvertebrates was conducted in order to assess water quality and conservation potential according to biotic characteristics according to conservation criteria within SERCON (System for Evaluating Rivers for Conservation) method. The aim of this paper was to evaluate the importance of macroinvertebrates as indicators of conservation potential of Jegricka water using SERCON. Results of analyses of species composition of freshwater invertebrates fauna showed presence of 12 higher taxonomic groups. Within these groups, 23 families were present at eight RHS river sections along investigated part of Jegricka water body. Togheter with SERCON based conservation criteria for macroinvertebrate, two types of biotic indices Biological Monitoring Working Party (BMWP) and Average Score Per Taxon (ASPT) were calculated in order to assess water quality. Results of the survey showed that Jegricka water body belongs probably to moderately polluted water type according to biotic indices. Results of conservation criteria Naturaless showed that observed and expected faunas are similar. Low values of SERCON family richness criteria based on whole length of water body indicate that Jegricka has low conservation potential, and that adequate rehabilitation measures should be considered in the future.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Design of an index of ecological status for the Serbian sector - macroinvertebrates | Izrada indeksa ekoloskog statusa za podrucje Srbije - makroinvertebrati
Tubic, B. | Atanackovic, A. | Djikanovic, V., Institut za bioloska istrazivanja Sinisa Stankovic, Beograd (Serbia) | Gacic, Z., Univerzitet u Beogradu, Beograd (Serbia). Centar za multidisciplinarne studije | Simic, V. | Petrovic, A., Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Kragujevac (Serbia). Prirodno-matematicki fakultet | Paunovic, M., Institut za bioloska istrazivanja Sinisa Stankovic, Beograd (Serbia)
The aim of this paper is to present the use data of aquatic macro-invertebrates community, beside abiotic parameters, to define typology and type of specific reference conditions and index of ecological status, to contribute to the establishment of the system of ecological status/potential of surface waters in Serbia. The investigation involves macroinvertebrates as biological elements that have been widely used in implementation of the Water Framework Directive.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Saprobiologicali analyse [i.e. Saprobiological analysis] of the Peštan River [Serbia] based on aquatic macroinvertebrates | Saprobiološka analiza reke Peštan [Srbija] na osnovu zajednice makrobeskičmenjaka
Kračun, M., Institut za biološka istraživanja Siniša Stanković, Beograd (Serbia) | Marković, V., Institut za biološka istraživanja Siniša Stanković, Beograd (Serbia) | Vasiljević, B., Institut za biološka istraživanja Siniša Stanković, Beograd (Serbia) | Atanacković, A., Institut za biološka istraživanja Siniša Stanković, Beograd (Serbia) | Tomović, J., Institut za biološka istraživanja Siniša Stanković, Beograd (Serbia) | Tubić, B., Institut za biološka istraživanja Siniša Stanković, Beograd (Serbia) | Zorić, K., Institut za biološka istraživanja Siniša Stanković, Beograd (Serbia) | Paunović, M., Institut za biološka istraživanja Siniša Stanković, Beograd (Serbia)
In this paper aquatic macroinvertebrate community of the Peštan River was presented, including the characterisation of the species with regard to saprobic conditions and preference to the mineral substrate type. Sampling was carried out during 2011 at man stream and tributaries. A total of 52 taxa have been identified. According to the ecological classification of the taxa with regard to saprobic conditions for the main stream, the most species belong to the alpha-mesosaprobic group while majority of the species from the tributaries were characterised as beta-mesosaprobic species. The most of registered species preffered substrate type characteristic for lowland river. Results of saprobiological analysis indicate poorer status of the main stream in regard to tributaries.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Preliminary results of the aquatic macroinvertebrates investigation within examined sector of the Sava River between Zagreb [Croatia] and Belgrade [Serbia] | Preliminarni rezultati istraživanja vodenih makrobeskičmenjaka reke Save na sektoru između Zagreba [Hrvatska] i Beograda [Srbija]
Paunović, M., Institut za biološka istraživanja Siniša Stanković, Beograd (Serbia) | Žganec, K., Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb (Croatia). Biološki odsjek | Simić, V., Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Kragujevac (Serbia) | Hudina, S., Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb (Croatia). Biološki odsjek | Lajtner, J., Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb (Croatia). Biološki odsjek | Gottstein, S., Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb (Croatia). Biološki odsjek | Kovačević, S., Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Kragujevac (Serbia) | Tomović, J., Institut za biološka istraživanja Siniša Stanković, Beograd (Serbia) | Zorić, K., Institut za biološka istraživanja Siniša Stanković, Beograd (Serbia) | Lucić, A., Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb (Croatia). Biološki odsjek
The aim of this work is to present preliminary results of the Sava River investigation at five sites within the reach from Martinska Ves (Croatia) to Šabac (Serbia). A total of 70 macroinvertebrate taxa from 13 groups were recorded, with domination of molluscs and oligochaetes. Among them 7 alien species were registered. Invasive clam Corbicula fluminea was recorded at all five sites, while invasive amphipod Dikerogammarus haemobaphes was not recorded only at locality Šabac. It is expected that the taxa list of aquatic macroinvertebrates within investigated reach will contain more species, after the identification of the rest of biological material and more detail identification of certain taxonomic groups.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Waterquality [i.e. Water quality] analysis of Zelengora [Bosnia and Herzegovina] natural lakes based on bentic macroinvertebrates | Analiza kvaliteta vode prirodnih jezera na Zelengori [Bosna i Hercegovina] na osnovu faune dna 2008. godine
Mitrovic, P. | Zaric, I., Institut za vode d.o.o., Bijeljina, Republika Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Water quality analysis of Zelengora natural lakes, were included researches of Kotlanicko, Orlovacko and Lake Donje Bare. Apart from comprehensive analyses which demand determinations of physical-chemical characteristics, special emphasis is given to the analysis of the makrozoobenthos. As a part of all water ecosystems, benthic invertebrate serve as a reliable indicator of the quality and changes of the environment, due to a series of advantages in relation to other aquatic communities. Most of the aquatic environments of good quality of water and benthic state, enable various of benthic invertebrates communities with moderate formation of species within the overall number of the present individual species. This kind of communities react to possible changes in the community composition (abundance and macroinvertebrata composition).
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