结果 1-10 的 15
Isotopic evolution of atmospheric Pb from metallurgical processing in Flin Flon, Manitoba: Retrospective analysis using peat cores from bogs
Shotyk, W. | Rausch, N. | Outridge, P.M. | Krachler, M.
Atmospheric Pb deposition was reconstructed using peat cores from bogs in the vicinity of Flin Flon, Manitoba, Canada, home to a zinc refinery and copper smelter. The Sask Lake (SL4-1) core was collected 85 km NW of Flin Flon and Kotyk Lake (KOL) 30 km NE. The distribution of Sr and U show that both profiles are predominantly minerotrophic (ie groundwater-fed), but the Pb concentration profile shows that Pb was received exclusively from the atmosphere. Graphs of 208Pb/206Pb against 206Pb/207Pb document atmospheric Pb contamination dating from the early to mid-1800’s, well before the start of metallurgical processing (in 1930) and attributable to long-range atmospheric transport from other regions of North America. Industrial activities at Flin Flon clearly affected the concentrations, enrichment factor (calculated using Sc), and accumulation rates of Pb, but it is the similarity in isotopic composition, and contrast with crustal values (206Pb/207Pb ca. 1.20 to 1.22) which makes the connection to the Flin Flon ores. The KOL samples dating from 1925–1976 CE have a 206Pb/207Pb of 1.032 ± 0.002 (n = 11) which approach the values for the Flin Flon ores (206Pb/207Pb = 1.008). But even at SL4-1, the peat samples dating from 1925–1976 CE have a 206Pb/207Pb of 1.061 ± 0.022 (n = 18) which is well below the corresponding ratio of Canadian leaded gasoline (206Pb/207Pb = ca. 1.15). The SL4-1 site too, therefore, was clearly impacted by Pb from mining and metallurgy, despite the distance (88 km) from Flin Flon and being predominantly upwind. These two bogs not only provide the chronology of atmospheric Pb deposition for the past decades, but suggest that the extent of contamination may have been underestimated by previous studies.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Health risks from arsenic-contaminated soil in Flin Flon-Creighton, Canada: Integrating geostatistical simulation and dose-response model
Zhang, Hua | Huang, Guo-he | Zeng, Guang-ming
Elevated concentrations of arsenic were detected in surface soils adjacent to a smelting complex in northern Canada. We evaluated the cancer risks caused by exposure to arsenic in two communities through combining geostatistical simulation with demographic data and dose-response models in a framework. Distribution of arsenic was first estimated using geostatistical circulant-embedding simulation method. We then evaluated the exposures from inadvertent ingestion, inhalation and dermal contact. Risks of skin caner and three internal cancers were estimated at both grid scale and census-unit scale using parametric dose-response models. Results indicated that local residents could face non-negligible cancer risks (skin cancer and liver cancer mainly). Uncertainties of risk estimates were discussed from the aspects of arsenic concentrations, exposed population and dose-response model. Reducing uncertainties would require additional soil sampling, epidemic records as well as complementary studies on land use, demographic variation, outdoor activities and bioavailability of arsenic. Cancer risks induced by arsenic in soil were evaluated using geostatistical simulation and dose-response model.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Phosphorus mobilization in unamended and magnesium sulfate-amended soil monoliths under simulated snowmelt flooding
Vitharana, Udaya W.A. | Kumaragamage, Darshani | Balasooriya, B.L.W.K. | Indraratne, Srimathie P. | Goltz, Doug
Enhanced release of phosphorus (P) from soils with snowmelt flooding poses a threat of eutrophication to waterbodies in cold climatic regions. Reductions in P losses with various soil amendments has been reported, however effectiveness of MgSO₄ has not been studied under snowmelt flooding. This study examined (a) the P release enhancement with flooding in relation to initial soil P status and (b) the effectiveness of MgSO₄ at two rates in reducing P release to floodwater under simulated snowmelt flooding. Intact soil monoliths were collected from eight agricultural fields from Southern Manitoba, Canada. Unamended and MgSO₄ surface-amended monoliths (2.5 and 5.0 Mg ha⁻¹) in triplicates were pre-incubated for 7 days, then flooded and incubated (4 °C) for 56 days. Pore water and floodwater samples collected at 7-day intervals were analyzed for dissolved reactive P (DRP), pH, Ca, Mg, Fe and Mn. Redox potential (Eh) was measured on each day of sampling. Representative soil samples collected from each field were analyzed for Olsen and Mehlich 3-P. Simulated snowmelt flooding enhanced the mobility of soil P with approximately 1.2–1.6 -fold increase in pore water DRP concentration from 0 to 21 days after flooding. Mehlich-3 P content showed a strong relationship with the pore water DRP concentrations suggesting its potential as a predictor of P loss risk during prolonged flooding. Surface application of MgSO₄ reduced the P release to pore water and floodwater. The 2.5 Mg ha⁻¹ rate was more effective than the higher rate with a 21–75% reduction in average pore water DRP, across soils. Soil monoliths amended with MgSO₄ maintained a higher Eh, and had greater pore water Ca and Mg concentrations, which may have reduced redox-induced P release and favored re-precipitation of P with Ca and Mg, thus decreasing DRP concentrations in pore water and floodwater.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Associations between concentrations of perfluoroalkyl substances in human plasma and maternal, infant, and home characteristics in Winnipeg, Canada
Workman, Clare E. | Becker, Allan B. | Azad, Meghan B. | Moraes, Theo J. | Mandhane, Piush J. | Turvey, Stuart E. | Subbarao, Padmaja | Brook, Jeffrey R. | Sears, Malcolm R. | Wong, Charles S.
Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are known to be toxic, bioaccumulative, and persistent. However, exposure routes and toxic effects to humans are still widely unknown. Our objectives were to evaluate potential correlations between concentrations of PFASs in maternal plasma and infant cord blood with home characteristics and developmental effects, including wheezing. The concentrations of 17 PFASs were measured in plasma from prenatal women (n = 414), postnatal women (n = 247), and cord blood (n = 50) from a subset of participants in a population-based birth cohort in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, using online solid phase extraction (SPE) with liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Multiple linear regression and principal component analysis (PCA) were used to evaluate possible associations with PFAS concentrations. Surveys were used to collect information regarding maternal characteristics (e.g. age, parity, duration of breastfeeding), infant characteristics (e.g. birth weight, birth length, head circumference, gestational age, and incidence of recurrent wheezing), and home characteristics (e.g. home age,carpet coverage in the most used room, presence of new furniture, or recent home renovations). PFASs in plasma were associated with maternal characteristics but not home characteristics or early childhood wheezing. PFASs were not associated with developmental effects, with the exception that perfluoroundecanoic acid (PFUA) was negatively associated with birth weight. Further studies investigating the potential influences of PFUA on birth weight are warranted.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Major correlates of mercury in small fish and common loons (Gavia immer) across four large study areas in Canada
Scheuhammer, A.M. | Lord, S.I. | Wayland, M. | Burgess, N.M. | Champoux, L. | Elliott, J.E.
We investigated mercury (Hg) concentrations in small fish (mainly yellow perch, Perca flavescens; ∼60% of fish collected) and in blood of common loons (Gavia immer) that prey upon them during the breeding season on lakes in 4 large, widely separated study areas in Canada (>13 lakes per study area; total number of lakes = 93). Although surface sediments from lakes near a base metal smelter in Flin Flon, Manitoba had the highest Hg concentrations, perch and other small fish and blood of common loon chicks sampled from these same lakes had low Hg concentrations similar to those from uncontaminated reference lakes. Multiple regression modeling with AIC analysis indicated that lake pH was by far the most important single factor influencing perch Hg concentrations in lakes across the four study areas (R2 = 0.29). The best model was a three-variable model (pH + alkalinity + sediment Se; Wi = 0.61, R2 = 0.85). A single-variable model (fish Hg) best explained among-lake variability in loon chick blood Hg (Wi = 0.17; R2 = 0.53). From a toxicological risk perspective, all lakes posing a potential Hg health risk for perch and possibly other small pelagic fish species (where mean fish muscle Hg concentrations exceeded 2.4 μg/g dry wt.), and for breeding common loons (where mean fish muscle Hg concentrations exceeded 0.8 μg/g dry wt., and loon chick blood Hg exceeded 1.4 μg/g dry wt.) had pH < 6.7 and were located in eastern Canada.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Oil behavior in sea ice: Changes in chemical composition and resultant effect on sea ice dielectrics
Desmond, Durell S. | Saltymakova, Diana | Neusitzer, Thomas D. | Firoozy, Nariman | Isleifson, Dustin | Barber, David G. | Stern, Gary A.
There has been increasing urgency to develop methods for detecting oil in sea ice owing to the effects of climate change in the Arctic. A multidisciplinary study of crude oil behavior in a sea ice environment was conducted at the University of Manitoba during the winter of 2016. In the experiment, medium-light crude oil was injected underneath young sea ice in a mesocosm. The physical and thermodynamic properties of the oil-infiltrated sea ice were monitored over a three-week time span, with concomitant analysis of the oil composition using analytical instrumentation. A resonant perturbation technique was used to measure the oil dielectric properties, and the contaminated sea ice dielectric properties were modeled using a mixture model approach. Results showed that the interactions between the oil and sea ice altered their physical and thermodynamic properties. These changes led to an overall decrease in sea ice dielectrics, potentially detectable by remote sensing systems.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]A lack of association between increases in gastrointestinal, liver, and urologic cancers and cyanobacterial contamination of fresh water lakes in Manitoba
Labine, Meaghan A. | Shu, Emma | Xue, Lin | Mak, Giselle | Griffith, Jane | Minuk, Gerald Y.
Cyanobacteria or blue-green algae are becoming increasingly abundant in North American fresh water lakes. Toxins produced by cyanobacteria have been associated with gastrointestinal injury, liver failure, and nephrotoxicity. They have also been implicated in the pathogenesis of gastrointestinal and liver cancers. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether the incidence rates of gastrointestinal, liver, and urologic cancers are increasing in the province of Manitoba and, if so, whether these increases spatially and/or temporally correlate with areas where cyanobacterial contamination of fresh water lakes have been identified. Cancer incidence data were obtained from the Manitoba Cancer Registry. Cyanobacterial contamination data, as reflected by microcystin toxin concentrations, were available from the Manitoba Water Stewardship. ArcGIS mapping was employed to document spatial and temporal relationships between cancer incidence and cyanobacterial data. The results revealed that although the incidence rates for all three cancers have increased over the past 20–25 years, these increases were not disproportionally higher in zones with high microcystin toxin determinations. The results of this study argue against increased exposure to cyanotoxins as an explanation for the increase in gastrointestinal, liver and urologic cancers in Manitoba.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Phosphorus Removal Mechanisms in a Facultative Wastewater Stabilization Pond
Vendramelli, Richard A. | Vijay, Saloni | Yuan, Qiuyan
The objective of the study is to improve understanding of natural phosphorus removal processes to limit the need for chemical addition in an existing facultative wastewater stabilization pond in Manitoba, Canada. Surface samples were collected from lagoon cells and analyzed. The windward and leeward sides of the ponds were sampled and the results were averaged. Phosphorus appears to be removed by assimilation into biomass; and precipitation at alkaline pH. When the nitrogen to phosphorus (N/P) ratio and ideal theoretical N/P ratio for cellular growth are compared, there appears to be nitrogen-limiting conditions in the secondary cells of the stabilization system. There is evidence ammonia removal by free ammonia volatilizing to the atmosphere may be contributing to nitrogen-limiting conditions in the secondary lagoon cells. Additional nitrogen may need to be supplied to remove more phosphorus by assimilation into biomass.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Current-Use Herbicides in Air as Influenced by Their Estimated Agricultural Use at Various Distances from Six Sampling Locations
Messing, Paul G. | Farenhorst, Annemieke | Waite, Don T. | Sproull, James F.
Passive air samplers were deployed at six locations across the province of Manitoba, Canada, to represent areas with, or at various distances from, agricultural herbicide applications. During the growing seasons in 2008 and 2009, the four southern sites always demonstrated mixtures of current-use herbicides (CUHs) in air, but CUHs were not detected at the two northern sites that were 400 and 800 km away from Manitoba’s most northern boundary of agricultural herbicide applications. The masses of the CUHs detected in the air were most strongly positively associated with their estimated masses typically applied in a ~100-km²township area surrounding the sampling sites (r = 0.70 to 0.74) and to a lesser extent with their estimated mass applied in incrementally larger areas (r = 0.53 to 0.59). The masses of CUHs detected in air were also significantly positively associated with their estimated masses applied at a provincial level (r = 0.45 to 0.52) but not with their reported half-lives in air, suggesting that a system of maintaining records of herbicide use data, even at a coarse scale, can strongly improve agri-environmental risk assessments. Of the nine CUHs detected, MCPA [(4-chloro-2-methylphenoxy)acetic acid] and bromoxynil, which are widely applied in Manitoba agriculture, were the only herbicides detected at all four southern sites. Triallate and metolachlor which have low use in Manitoba were the only CUHs detected in the winter months, confirming that these herbicides are relatively persistent in the air and may undergo long-range transport. Four passive air samplers, each installed 0.5 to 1.5 km apart at the same location, showed variations in the herbicide masses detected with the coefficient of variation ranging from 10 % for bromoxynil in 2008 to 137 % for MCPA in 2009. These variations were particularly observed not only for the two herbicides applied on-site (MCPA and clopyralid) but also for four herbicides transported into the area from longer distances (2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid), bromoxynil, ethalfluralin, and triallate). Future regional-scale research should therefore consider deploying multiple sets of passive air samplers at a site to obtain a more representative measure of herbicide air concentrations.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Crushed recycled glass as a substrate for constructed wetland wastewater treatment: a case study of its potential to facilitate pharmaceutical removal
Chaves-Barquero, Luis G. | Humeniuk, Braedon W. | Luong, Kim H. | Cicek, Nazim | Wong, Charles S. | Hanson, Mark L.
The use of recycled glass as a substrate for constructed wetlands was assessed through two studies. The first study examined the dissipation of atenolol, carbamazepine, and sulfamethoxazole in mesocosm-modeled wetlands using glass or limestone gravel as substrates, with or without cattails (Typha spp.). Following pseudo-first-order kinetics, atenolol dissipated the fastest from the water surface of the mesocosms (t₁/₂~1 day), followed by sulfamethoxazole (t₁/₂~14 days), and carbamazepine (t₁/₂~48 days), with no significant differences across treatments. Increased half-lives were observed at greater depth, likely due to light screening. A Monte Carlo sensitivity analysis diagnosed sunlight absorption rates and second-order hydroxyl-mediated indirect photolysis rates to be the main sources of uncertainty in our dissipation rate estimates, compared to our observed rates. The second study examined in situ pharmaceutical removal in tertiary pilot-scale subsurface filters made of crushed recycled glass or sand in a wastewater treatment facility in Manitoba, Canada. Glass and sand showed no significant differences for pharmaceutical removals; atenolol and metoprolol were removed below limits of detection, while carbamazepine and sulfamethoxazole persisted over a retention time of 24 h. Overall, recycled glass performed similarly to traditional substrates for wetland-based wastewater treatment.
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