结果 1-10 的 63
Highly effective remediation of high-arsenic wastewater using red mud through formation of AlAsO4@silicate precipitate
Lu, Zhixu | Qi, Xianjin | Zhu, Xing | Li, Xuezhu | Li, Kongzhai | Wang, Hua
High-arsenic wastewater derived from the metallurgical industry of nonferrous minerals is one of the most dangerous arsenic (As) sources that usually follow the emission of massive hazardous arsenic-bearing wastes. Considering the properties of red mud (RM), we propose an alternative and environmentally friendly method for the efficient remediation of high-arsenic wastewater using RM through formation of AlAsO₄@silicate precipitate, aiming at ''zero-emission of hazardous solid waste''. The results show nearly 100% of arsenic could be stepwisely removed from high-arsenic wastewater and reduce the arsenic concentration from 6100 mg/L to 40 μg/L using RM at room temperature. The highest arsenic removal capacity of RM reaches 101.5 mg/g at a RM-to-wastewater ratio of 40 g/L due to the superior arsenic adsorption and the co-precipitation of arsenate and Al³⁺ to form insoluble aluminum arsenate. The silicate shell of arsenic-loaded RM created at an alkaline condition acts as an arsenic stabilizer, resulting in a leached arsenic concentration of 1.2 mg/L in TCLP tests. RM acts as a highly effective arsenic remover and stabilizer for the disposal of high-arsenic wastewater. It shows great potential for the remediation of wastewater containing heavy metals with varying concentrations to produce clean water available for industrial purpose.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Isotopic evolution of atmospheric Pb from metallurgical processing in Flin Flon, Manitoba: Retrospective analysis using peat cores from bogs
Shotyk, W. | Rausch, N. | Outridge, P.M. | Krachler, M.
Atmospheric Pb deposition was reconstructed using peat cores from bogs in the vicinity of Flin Flon, Manitoba, Canada, home to a zinc refinery and copper smelter. The Sask Lake (SL4-1) core was collected 85 km NW of Flin Flon and Kotyk Lake (KOL) 30 km NE. The distribution of Sr and U show that both profiles are predominantly minerotrophic (ie groundwater-fed), but the Pb concentration profile shows that Pb was received exclusively from the atmosphere. Graphs of 208Pb/206Pb against 206Pb/207Pb document atmospheric Pb contamination dating from the early to mid-1800’s, well before the start of metallurgical processing (in 1930) and attributable to long-range atmospheric transport from other regions of North America. Industrial activities at Flin Flon clearly affected the concentrations, enrichment factor (calculated using Sc), and accumulation rates of Pb, but it is the similarity in isotopic composition, and contrast with crustal values (206Pb/207Pb ca. 1.20 to 1.22) which makes the connection to the Flin Flon ores. The KOL samples dating from 1925–1976 CE have a 206Pb/207Pb of 1.032 ± 0.002 (n = 11) which approach the values for the Flin Flon ores (206Pb/207Pb = 1.008). But even at SL4-1, the peat samples dating from 1925–1976 CE have a 206Pb/207Pb of 1.061 ± 0.022 (n = 18) which is well below the corresponding ratio of Canadian leaded gasoline (206Pb/207Pb = ca. 1.15). The SL4-1 site too, therefore, was clearly impacted by Pb from mining and metallurgy, despite the distance (88 km) from Flin Flon and being predominantly upwind. These two bogs not only provide the chronology of atmospheric Pb deposition for the past decades, but suggest that the extent of contamination may have been underestimated by previous studies.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Identification of environmental lead sources and pathways in a mining and smelting town: Mount Isa, Australia
Mackay, A.K. | Taylor, M.P. | Munksgaard, N.C. | Hudson-Edwards, K.A. | Burn-Nunes, L.
Lead (Pb) concentrations and isotopic compositions from soils, dusts and aerosols from public land and residential lots adjacent to the copper and Pb mine and smelter at Mount Isa, Australia, were examined to understand the sources and risks of environmental Pb exposure. Urban soil samples contain elevated Pb concentrations (mean 1560 mg/kg), of which 45–85% of the Pb is bioaccessible. The Pb isotopic composition of surface soils (0–2 cm), aerosols and dusts (206Pb/207Pb, 208Pb/207Pb range: 1.049, 2.322–1.069, 2.345) are dominated by Pb derived from the Mount Isa Pb–zinc ore bodies. Underlying soil horizons (10–20 cm) have distinctly different Pb isotopic compositions (206Pb/207Pb, 208Pb/207Pb range: 1.093, 2.354–1.212, 2.495). Surface soil-, dust- and aerosol-Pb are derived predominantly from smelter emissions and fugitive mining sources and not from in situ weathered bedrock. Remediation strategies should target legacy and ongoing sources of environmental Pb to mitigate the problem of Pb exposure at Mount Isa.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Using a two site-reactive model for simulating one century changes of Zn and Pb concentration profiles in soils affected by metallurgical fallout
Kochem Mallmann, Fábio Joel | Rheinheimer dos Santos, Danilo | Cambier, Philippe | Labanowski, Jérôme | Lamy, Isabelle | Santanna, Maria Alice | Tessier, Daniel | van Oort, Folkert
Predicting the transfer of contaminants in soils is often hampered by lacking validation of mathematical models. Here, we applied Hydrus-2D software to three agricultural soils for simulating the 1900–2005 changes of zinc and lead concentration profiles derived from industrial atmospheric deposition, to validate the tested models with plausible assumptions on past metal inputs to reach the 2005 situation. The models were set with data from previous studies on the geochemical background, estimated temporal metal deposition, and the 2005 metal distributions. Different hypotheses of chemical reactions of metals with the soil solution were examined: 100% equilibrium or partial equilibrium, parameterized following kinetic chemical extractions. Finally, a two-site model with kinetic constant values adjusted at 1% of EDTA extraction parameters satisfactory predicted changes in metal concentration profiles for two arable soils. For a grassland soil however, this model showed limited applicability by ignoring the role of earthworm activity in metal incorporation.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Environmental-geochemical characteristics of Cu in the soil and water in copper-rich deposit area of southeastern Hubei Province, along the middle Yangtze River, Central China
Zhang, Ling | Wang, Lu | Yin, Kedong | Lv, Ying | Zhang, Derong
In this study, the natural Cu background concentration and Cu natural and anthropogenic contamination in soil, water and crop were investigated systematically in Huangshi area. The results show that regional geology is the dominant factor controlling the natural Cu background concentration in soil and water, and that pH is important to control the vertical distribution of Cu in soil under the same geographical and climatic conditions. The mineralization of rock bodies causes the natural Cu increase in soil and water, whereas, a large number of mining-smelting plants and chemical works are the main sources of Cu anthropogenic contamination. Cu in naturally and anthropogenically polluted soil displays differences in total and available contents, vertical distribution patterns and physico-chemical properties, the same happens in water. Consider the rock-soil-water-crop as a system to study the geochemical activities and environmental pollution of copper.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Food chain transfer of cadmium and lead to cattle in a lead-zinc smelter in Guizhou, China
Cai, Qiu | Long, Mei-Li | Zhu, Ming | Zhou, Qing-Zhen | Zhang, Ling | Liu, Jie
Cadmium (Cd) and Lead (Pb) are environmental pollutants. Environmental samples and bovine tissues were collected from the areas around a lead-zinc smelter in Guizhou, China for Cd, Pb, zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu) analysis. Cd in soil (10 mg/kg) and feed (6.6 mg/kg) from the polluted areas was 10 times higher than the Chinese Standards, resulting in higher Cd in bovine kidney (38 mg/kg) and liver (2.5 mg/kg). Pb in feed (132 mg/kg) from the polluted area was much higher than unpolluted areas, causing higher Pb levels in bovine tissues. Environmental Zn was elevated, but bovine tissue Zn was normal. Cu in bovine liver decreased with increased Cd and Pb. Metals in drinking water and in bovine muscle were within the Standard range. Thus, in the areas of this lead-zinc smelter, the environment has been contaminated with Cd and Pb, which has been transferred to cattle through the food chain. Cd and Pb from lead-zinc smelters contaminate the environment and accumulate in bovine tissues.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Uptake kinetics of metals by the earthworm Eisenia fetida exposed to field-contaminated soils
Nahmani, Johanne | Hodson, Mark E. | Devin, Simon | Vijver, Martina G.
It is well known that earthworms can accumulate metals. However, most accumulation studies focus on Cd-, Cu-, Pb- or Zn-amended soils, additionally few studies consider accumulation kinetics. Here we model the accumulation kinetics of 18 elements by Eisenia fetida, exposed to 8 metal-contaminated and 2 uncontaminated soils. Tissue metal concentrationwas determined after 3, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 42 days. Metal elimination rate was important in determining time to reach steady-state tissue metal concentration. Uptake flux to elimination rate ratios showed less variation and lower values for essential than for non-essential metals. In theory kinetic rate constants are dependent only on species and metal. Therefore it should be possible to predict steady-state tissue metal concentrations on the basis of very few measurements using the rate constants. However, our experiments show that it is difficult to extrapolate the accumulation kinetic constants derived using one soil to another.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Widespread waterborne pollution in central Swedish lakes and the Baltic Sea from pre-industrial mining and metallurgy
Bindler, Richard | Renberg, Ingemar | Rydberg, Johan | Andrén, Thomas
Metal pollution is viewed as a modern problem that began in the 19th century and accelerated through the 20th century; however, in many parts of the globe this view is wrong. Here, we studied past waterborne metal pollution in lake sediments from the Bergslagen region in central Sweden, one of many historically important mining regions in Europe. With a focus on lead (including isotopes), we trace mining impacts from a local scale, through a 120-km-long river system draining into Mälaren - Sweden's third largest lake, and finally also the Baltic Sea. Comparison of sediment and peat records shows that pollution from Swedish mining was largely waterborne and that atmospheric deposition was dominated by long-range transport from other regions. Swedish ore lead is detectable from the 10th century, but the greatest impact occurred during the 16th-18th centuries with improvements occurring over recent centuries, i.e., historical pollution > modern industrial pollution. Pollution in Sweden during AD 900-1900 was often greater than modern industrial pollution.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Evaluation on the stabilization of Zn/Ni/Cu in spinel forms: Low-cost red mud as an effective precursor
Su, Minhua | Liao, Chang-Zhong | Ma, Shengshou | Zhang, Kuibao | Tang, Jinfeng | Liu, Chengshuai | Shih, Kaimin
Red mud, which is from the aluminum industry, is a potentially under-utilized resource. Technological processes for using low-cost red mud as an alternative precursor for detoxifying metal pollutants urgently need to be developed. In this study, we systematically investigated the feasibility of using red mud to detoxify metal-containing wastes (e.g., fly ash) via the formation of preferable crystalline phases. To understand the mechanism of metal detoxification by red mud, CuO, NiO, and ZnO were blended with red mud at different weight ratios and the mixtures were then subjected to ceramic-sintering. After sintering, the X-ray diffraction results revealed that all of the metals (i.e., Cu, Ni, and Zn) were able to be crystallographically incorporated into spinel lattices. Sintering the red mud at 1100 °C for 3 h effectively converted the metals into spinels. The mixing weight ratios strongly affected the efficiency of the metal incorporation. The red mud was able to incorporate 15 wt% of metal oxides. The incorporation mechanisms mainly occurred between the metal oxide(s) and hematite. Modified TCLP tests were conducted to further evaluate the metal stabilization performance of the red mud, which demonstrated the leachabilities of ZnO and the sintered red mud + ZnO product. The concentration of leached metal was substantially reduced after the incorporation process, thus demonstrating that red mud can be successfully used to detoxify metals. The results of this study reveal that waste red mud can be feasibly reused as a promising waste-to-resource strategy for stabilizing heavy metal wastes.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Tracing the source of Beijing soil organic carbon: A carbon isotope approach
Guo, Qingjun | Strauss, Harald | Chen, Tong-Bin | Zhu, Guangxu | Yang, Jun | Yang, Junxing | Lei, Mei | Zhou, Xiaoyong | Peters, Marc | Xie, Yunfeng | Zhang, Hanzhi | Wei, Rongfei | Wang, Chunyu
Bulk soil organic carbon concentration and isotopic composition characterize its sources and fate, identify the anthropogenic input of organic carbon into the soil, and trace soil carbon turnover. Coal and/or coal combustion products represent the prime anthropogenic input of organic carbon into three soil profiles located in the vicinity of a steel company. Three profiles positioned away from any direct industrial contribution display vertical pattern in soil organic carbon concentration and isotopic composition that resemble more commonly observed downward gradients in soil carbon chemistry and indicate microbial soil carbon turnover. Two additional profiles located outside of the immediate industrial area display vertical carbon isotope profiles between typical of those from industrial and non-industrial areas. Eight soil profiles and their vertical distribution of bulk organic carbon isotopic composition and concentration collected in the Beijing area reveal and distinguish both anthropogenic and natural contributions of carbon to these soils.
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