结果 1-10 的 33
Occurrence, spatial distribution, and partitioning behavior of marine lipophilic phycotoxins in the Pearl River Estuary, South China
Li, Jing | Ruan, Yuefei | Wu, Rongben | Cui, Yongsheng | Shen, Jincan | Mak, Yim Ling | Wang, Qi | Zhang, Kai | Yan, Meng | Wu, Jiaxue | Lam, Paul K.S.
The occurrence, spatial distribution, and partitioning behavior of 17 marine lipophilic phycotoxins (MLPs) in surface and bottom seawater, particulate organic matter (POM), and surface sediment from the Pearl River Estuary (PRE) were investigated to understand current contamination and the potential risks to marine ecosystems in this region. Nine MLPs were detected, including azaspiracid1−3, gymnodimine, okadaic acid, dinophysistoxin 1−2, pectenotoxin2 (PTX2), and homoyessotoxin, with Σ₁₇MLP concentrations ranging 545–12,600 pg L⁻¹ and 619−8,800 pg L⁻¹ in surface and bottom seawater, respectively; 0–294 ng g⁻¹ and 0.307–300 ng g⁻¹ dry weight (dw) in surface and bottom POM, respectively; and 3.90–982 pg g⁻¹ dw in surface sediment. Lower Σ₁₇MLP levels in the seawater were found at the mouth of the PRE, and gradually increased with increasing distance offshore. According to the calculated partition coefficient, the affinity of MLPs for the aquatic environment components was as follows (from highest to lowest): POM > seawater > sediment. Overall, the distribution and migration of MLPs in the PRE may depend on partition coefficients, the organic carbon fraction, and environmental factors.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Capture, swallowing, and egestion of microplastics by a planktivorous juvenile fish
Ory, Nicolas Christian | Gallardo, Camila | Lenz, Mark | Thiel, Martin
Microplastics (<5 mm) have been found in many fish species, from most marine environments. However, the mechanisms underlying microplastic ingestion by fish are still unclear, although they are important to determine the pathway of microplastics along marine food webs. Here we conducted experiments in the laboratory to examine microplastic ingestion (capture and swallowing) and egestion by juveniles of the planktivorous palm ruff, Seriolella violacea (Centrolophidae). As expected, fish captured preferentially black microplastics, similar to food pellets, whereas microplastics of other colours (blue, translucent, and yellow) were mostly co-captured when floating close to food pellets. Microplastics captured without food were almost always spit out, and were only swallowed when they were mixed with food in the fish's mouth. Food probably produced a ‘gustatory trap’ that impeded the fish to discriminate and reject the microplastics. Most fish (93% of total) egested all the microplastics after 7 days, on average, and 49 days at most, substantially longer than food pellets (<2 days). No acute detrimental effects of microplastics on fish were observable, but potential sublethal effects of microplastics on the fish physiological and behavioural responses still need to be tested. This study highlights that visually-oriented planktivorous fish, many species of which are of commercial value and ecological importance within marine food webs, are susceptible to ingest microplastics resembling or floating close to their planktonic prey.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Environmentally relevant concentrations of polyethylene microplastics negatively impact the survival, growth and emergence of sediment-dwelling invertebrates
Ziajahromi, Shima | Kumar, Anupama | Neale, Peta A. | Leusch, Frederic D.L.
Microplastics are a widespread environmental pollutant in aquatic ecosystems and have the potential to eventually sink to the sediment, where they may pose a risk to sediment-dwelling organisms. While the impacts of exposure to microplastics have been widely reported for marine biota, the effects of microplastics on freshwater organisms at environmentally realistic concentrations are largely unknown, especially for benthic organisms. Here we examined the effects of a realistic concentration of polyethylene microplastics in sediment on the growth and emergence of a freshwater organism Chironomus tepperi. We also assessed the influence of microplastic size by exposing C. tepperi larvae to four different size ranges of polyethylene microplastics (1–4, 10–27, 43–54 and 100–126 μm). Exposure to an environmentally relevant concentration of microplastics, 500 particles/kgsediment, negatively affected the survival, growth (i.e. body length and head capsule) and emergence of C. tepperi. The observed effects were strongly dependent on microplastic size with exposure to particles in the size range of 10–27 μm inducing more pronounced effects. While growth and survival of C. tepperi were not affected by the larger microplastics (100–126 μm), a significant reduction in the number of emerged adults was observed after exposure to the largest microplastics, with the delayed emergence attributed to exposure to a stressor. While scanning electron microscopy showed a significant reduction in the size of the head capsule and antenna of C. tepperi exposed to microplastics in the 10–27 μm size range, no deformities to the external structure of the antenna and mouth parts in organisms exposed to the same size range of microplastics were observed. These results indicate that environmentally relevant concentrations of microplastics in sediment induce harmful effects on the development and emergence of C. tepperi, with effects greatly dependent on particle size.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]In vitro and in vivo approaches for the measurement of oral bioavailability of lead (Pb) in contaminated soils: A review
Zia, Munir Hussain | Codling, Eton E. | Scheckel, Kirk G. | Chaney, Rufus L.
We reviewed the published evidence of lead (Pb) contamination of urban soils, soil Pb risk to children through hand-to-mouth activity, reduction of soil Pb bioavailability due to soil amendments, and methods to assess bioaccessibility which correlate with bioavailability of soil Pb. Feeding tests have shown that urban soils may have much lower Pb bioavailability than previously assumed. Hence bioavailability of soil Pb is the important measure for protection of public health, not total soil Pb. Chemical extraction tests (Pb bioaccessibility) have been developed which are well correlated with the results of bioavailability tests; application of these tests can save money and time compared with feeding tests. Recent findings have revealed that fractional bioaccessibility (bioaccessible compared to total) of Pb in urban soils is only 5–10% of total soil Pb, far lower than the 60% as bioavailable as food-Pb presumed by U.S.-EPA (30% absolute bioavailability used in IEUBK model).
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Ingestion of microplastics by nematodes depends on feeding strategy and buccal cavity size
Fueser, Hendrik | Mueller, Marie-Theres | Weiss, Linette | Höss, Sebastian | Traunspurger, W. (Walter)
Microplastics are hardly biodegradable and thus accumulate rather than decompose in the environment. Due to sedimentation processes, meiobenthic fauna is exposed to microplastics. Within the meiofauna, nematodes are a very abundant taxon and occupy an important position in benthic food webs by connecting lower and higher trophic levels. However, the key determinants of the uptake of microplastics by freshwater nematodes are still unknown. To investigate the bioaccessibility of microplastics for nematodes, we performed single- and multi-species ingestion experiments in which the ability of seven nematode species (six bacterial and one fungal feeder), diverse in their buccal cavity morphology (1.3–10.5 μm), to ingest fluorescence-labelled polystyrene (PS) beads along with their natural diet was examined. Applied beads sizes (0.5, 1.0, 3.0 and 6.0 μm), exposure time (4, 24 and 72 h) and concentration (3 × 10⁶ PS beads ml⁻¹ and 10⁷ PS beads ml⁻¹) were varied. Ingested beads were localized and quantified via fluorescence microscopy in the nematodes. In contrast to fungal-feeding nematode species with a stylet, bacterial-feeding species ingested 0.5- and 1.0-μm PS beads with up to 249 and 255 beads after 24 h, respectively. Microplastics ≥0.5 μm could only be ingested and transported into the gastrointestinal tract, if the buccal cavities were considerably (>1.3 times) larger than the beads. At concentrations of 10⁷ PS beads ml⁻¹ ingestion rates were influenced by exposure time and PS bead concentration. In case of a known microplastic size distribution in the environment, predictions on the potential ingestion for nematode communities can be made based on the feeding type composition and the size of their buccal cavities.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine pesticides in European hake (Merluccius merluccius) muscle from the Western Mediterranean Sea
Moraleda-Cibrián, Núria | Carrassón, Maite | Rosell-Melé, A. (Antoni)
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) were quantified in muscle tissue of European hake, an ecologically and commercially important species. Samples were collected from the Western Mediterranean, in seven different stations at different depths and a batch was bought in a local market. PCBs are the dominant pollutants, but the overall concentrations do not show significant differences between the different specimens analyzed from various locations, with the exception of the concentration of PCBs at a shallow station close to the River Besòs mouth. This probably suggests that generally the pollutants in hake from the Western Mediterranean derive from historical and non-point sources. The occurrence of pollutants is widespread in the samples but their concentration is below recommended legal limits for fish or other foodstuffs.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Macrofaunal recolonization of copper-contaminated sediments in San Diego Bay
Neira, Carlos | Mendoza, Guillermo | Porrachia, Magali | Stransky, Chris | Levin, Lisa A.
Effects of Cu-loading on macrofaunal recolonization were examined in Shelter Island Yacht Basin (San Diego Bay, California). Sediments with high and low Cu levels were defaunated and Cu-spiked, translocated, and then placed back into the environment. These demonstrated that the alteration observed in benthic communities associated with Cu contamination occurs during initial recolonization. After a 3-month exposure to sediments with varying Cu levels, two primary colonizing communities were identified: (1) a “mouth assemblage” resembling adjacent background fauna associated with low-Cu levels that was more diverse and predominantly dominated by surface- and subsurface-deposit feeders, burrowers, and tube builders, and (2) a “head assemblage” resembling adjacent background fauna associated with high-Cu concentrations, with few dominant species and an increasing importance of carnivores and mobile epifauna. Cu loading can cause reduced biodiversity and lower structural complexity that may last several months if high concentrations persist, with a direct effect on community functioning.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Effect of heavy metals on the carbon and nitrogen ratio in Avicennia marina from polluted and unpolluted regions
Yadav, Ajay | Ram, Anirudh | Majithiya, Divya | Salvi, Shailesh | Sonavane, Swati | Kamble, Archana | Ghadigaonkar, Suman | Jaiswar, Jiyalal Ram M. | Gajbhiye, S.N.
The accumulation of heavy metals and its impact on the C/N ratio of Avicennia marina of the Patalganga and Amba estuaries were studied. Vadinar was selected as a relatively uncontaminated location for comparison. Cd was accumulated in leaves of the Patalganga and Amba estuarine mangroves; however, at Vadinar it was accumulated and arrested only in roots and stems. Negative correlation of Cr, Cd, Pb and Zn with C in the mangroves suggested that their accumulation may lead to lowered C content in the mangroves. The average C/N ratios in mangroves of the inner Patalganga estuary, Patalganga mouth, and Amba estuary were found to be 80.1±7.3, 105.8±12.5 and 52.4±3.4 respectively, whereas at Vadinar it was well within the expected range (26.4±2.8). The results of the present study suggest: (i) metal accumulation, leading to less carbon content in plants; (ii) heavy metal enrichment in the root zone sediment, affecting the uptake of nitrogen by plants and resulting in altered C/N ratio.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Abnormally high phytoplankton biomass near the lagoon mouth in the Huangyan Atoll, South China Sea
Ke, Zhixin | Liu, Huajian | Wang, Junxing | Liu, Jiaxing | Tan, Yehui
Nutrient concentration and phytoplankton biomass were investigated in Huangyan Atoll in May 2015. The concentrations of nutrients were very low, and dissolved inorganic nitrogen was composed mainly of ammonia. Nitrogen likely was the primary limiting factor for phytoplankton growth. The spatial variation of phytoplankton biomass was significant among the lagoon, reef flats, and outer reef slopes. Extremely high chlorophyll a concentration and micro-phytoplankton abundance were found in the region near the lagoon mouth. This high phytoplankton biomass might be due to nutrient input from fishing vessels and phytoplankton aggregation driven by the southwestern wind. Our results indicate that phytoplankton biomass could be a reliable indicator of habitat differences in this coral reef ecosystem, and micro-phytoplankton seems to be more sensitive to nutrient input than pico-phytoplankton.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Comprehensive assessment of coastal eutrophication in Taiwan and its implications for management strategy
Liu, Dagang | Chen, Ping | Chen, Hou-Yu
Due to the rapid population growth, anthropogenic activities result in agricultural, industrial, and urban diffuse runoffs that elevate the level of nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus in coastal waters. Currently there is no integrated analysis for coastal eutrophication in Taiwan. A comprehensive analysis of the coastal eutrophic status was performed in this study based on decade-long coastal water quality monitoring data from Taiwan’s Environmental Protection Administration. A 3-tiered monitoring strategy is recommended based on the severity of the current eutrophication state. Results indicate that the most problematic area of coastal eutrophication is located in the estuary of the Donggang River (DGR) and its adjacent coastal waters, i.e., the Kao-Ping mouth (KPM) and Dapeng Bay (DPB) in south-western Taiwan. With a worsening eutrophic status, these areas demand intensive monitoring and research with higher spatial and temporal resolutions to evaluate the stresses of nutrient forcing and predict possible future responses.
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