结果 1-6 的 6
The experimental phytotoxicology of germanium in relation to silicon.
Puerner N.J. | Siegel S.M. | Siegel B.Z.
Relationship between fluoride contents and loss of lichens near an aluminium works
Perkins, D.F. (Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Bangor, Gwynedd (United Kingdom))
Technetium-99 toxicity in Phaseolus vulgaris: ultrastructural evidence for metabolic disorders
Bennassar, A. (Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona (Spain). Lab. of Plant Physiology) | Vazquez, M.D. | Cabot, C. | Poschenrieder, C. | Barcelo, J.
Diagnosis of damage to Norway spruce (Picea abies) and silver fir (Abies alba) through visible and biochemical criteria. A comparison of both diagnostic methods on permanent-observation sites in Baden-Wuerttemberg
Schmitt, V. (Mainz Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Allgemeine Botanik) | Wild, A.
[Anatomical and histochemical studies on the clarification of biotic agents' occurrence in forest dieback]
Fink, S. (Freiburg Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Forstbotanik und Holzbiologie)
[Necroses phenology and counting in healthy and diseased spruce stands, field surveys [in Belgium; Hertogenwald]. Morphological and histological aspects of air pollution on spruce needles]
Hanotiaux, G. | Praag, H.J. van (Faculte des Sciences Agronomiques de l'Etat, Gembloux (Belgium). Lab. de la Science du Sol) | Waterkeyn, L. | Albert, A. | Andre, P. | Weissen, F.