结果 1-10 的 1,383
Petroleum biodegradation and oil spill bioremediation.
Atlas R.M.
Microbiological remediation of waste-oil polluted soils -Ecotoxicological and toxicological considerations.
Rippen G. | Held T. | Ripper P.
A waste-oil contaminated site situated near a river is supposed to be cleaned-up by means of different but complementary methods. On the basis of a research project, target values have been developed in close cooperation between the participant parties for the saturated and the unsaturated soil layers. The clean-up targets are introduced and discussed.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Conversion of municipal sludge to oil.
Lee K.M. | Griffith P. | Farrell J.B. | Eralp A.E.
Paleotoxicity of petrogenic and pyrogenic hydrocarbon mixtures in sediment cores from the Athabasca oil sands region, Alberta (Canada)
Thomas, Philippe J. | Eickmeyer, David C. | Eccles, Kristin M. | Kimpe, Linda E. | Felzel, Emiel | Brouwer, Abraham | Letcher, Robert J. | Maclean, Bruce D. | Chan, Laurie H.M. | Blais, Jules M.
Despite the economic benefits of the oil and gas industry in Northern Alberta, significant concerns exist regarding the impacts of increased oil production on the environment and human health. Several studies have highlighted increases in the concentrations of polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) and other hydrocarbons in the atmosphere, water, soil and sediments, plants, wildlife and fish in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region (AOSR) as a result of oil sands industrial activity. Sediment cores can provide information on the temporal trends of contaminants to the environment and provide important baseline information when monitoring data are absent. Here we combined analytical chemistry and a mammalian cell-based bioassay in dated lake sediment cores to assess paleotoxicity in freshwater systems in the AOSR. Sediment intervals were radiometrically dated and subsequently analysed for PACs. PAC extracts from select dated intervals were used in cell-based bioassays to evaluate their endocrine disrupting properties. We demonstrated spatial and temporal variability in the PAC composition of sediment cores around the AOSR with some of the highest concentrations of PACs detected near oil sands industrial activity north of Fort McMurray (AB) in La Saline Natural Area. Recent sediment had positive enrichment factors across most PAC analytes at this site with heavier pyrogenic compounds such as benz(a)anthracene/chrysene and benzofluoranthene/benzopyrene dominating. Our study is the first to link chemical analysis of sediment cores with biological effect assessments of endocrine activity showing feasibility of extending the usefulness of sediment cores in monitoring programs interested in complex mixture assessments. While we observed no spatial or temporal differences in ERα mediated signaling, AhR CALUX results mirrored those of the chemical analysis, demonstrating the utility of coupling biological effects assessments to historical reconstructions of contaminant inputs to the natural environment.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Is there a similarity between the 2019 and 2022 oil spills that occurred on the coast of Ceará (Northeast Brazil)? An analysis based on forensic environmental geochemistry
de Azevedo, Rufino Neto A. | Bezerra, Kamylla M.M. | Nascimento, Ronaldo F. | Nelson, Robert K. | Reddy, Christopher M. | do Nascimento, Adriana P. | Oliveira, André H.B. | Martins, Laercio L. | Cavalcante, Rivelino M.
The main objective of this study was to investigate the 2019 and 2022 oil spill events that occurred off the coast of the State of Ceará, Northeastern Brazil. To further assess these mysterious oil spills, we investigated whether the oils stranded on the beaches of Ceará in 2019 and 2022 had the same origin, whether their compositional differences were due to weathering processes, and whether the materials from both were natural or industrially processed. We collected oil samples in October 2019 and January 2022, soon after their appearance on the beaches. We applied a forensic environmental geochemistry approach using both one-dimensional and two-dimensional gas chromatography to assess chemical composition. The collected material had characteristics of crude oil and not refined oils. In addition, the 2022 oil samples collected over 130 km of the east coast of Ceará had a similar chemical profile and were thus considered to originate from the same source. However, these oils had distinct biomarker profiles compared to those of the 2019 oils, including resistant terpanes and triaromatic steranes, thus excluding the hypothesis that the oil that reached the coast of Ceará in January 2022 is related to the tragedy that occurred in 2019. From a geochemical perspective, the oil released in 2019 is more thermally mature than that released in 2022, with both having source rocks with distinct types of organic matter and depositional environments. As the coast of Ceará has vast ecological diversity and Marine Protected Areas, the possibility of occasional oil spills in the area causing severe environmental pollution should be investigated from multiple perspectives, including forensic environmental geochemistry.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Interaction and spatio-taxonomic patterns of the soil microbiome around oil production wells impacted by petroleum hydrocarbons
Geng, Pengxue | Ma, Anzhou | Wei, Xiaoxia | Chen, Xianke | Yin, Jun | Hu, Futang | Zhuang, Xuliang | Song, Maoyong | Zhuang, Guoqiang
Numerous onshore oil production wells currently exist, and the petroleum hydrocarbon contamination of the surrounding soil caused by oil production wells is not well understood. Moreover, the impact of the distribution of the total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) in the soil on the microbiota requires further investigation. Accordingly, in this study, the distribution of petroleum hydrocarbons in the soils around oil production wells was investigated, and their alteration of the microbiota was revealed. The results revealed that in the horizontal direction, the heavily TPH-contaminated soils were mainly distributed within a circle with a radius of 200 cm centered on the oil production well; and in the vertical direction, the heavily TPH-contaminated soils were distributed within the 0–50 cm soil layer. A significant positive correlation was found between the microbial abundance and the TPH concentration in the soil with relatively low total carbon contents. Heavy TPH contamination (TPH concentration of >3000 mg/kg) significantly reduced the microbial diversity and altered the microbiota compared with the light TPH contamination (TPH concentration of around 1000 mg/kg). In the heavily TPH-contaminated soils, the relative abundances of the Proteobacteria and Bacteroides increased significantly; the network complexity among the soil microorganisms decreased; and the co-occurrence patterns were altered. In summary, the results of this study have reference value in the remediation of soils around oil production wells and provide guidance for the construction of microbial remediation systems for petroleum contamination.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]A state-of-the-art review on capture and separation of hazardous hydrogen sulfide (H2S): Recent advances, challenges and outlook
Chan, Yi Herng | Lock, Serene Sow Mun | Wong, Mee Kee | Yiin, Chung Loong | Loy, Adrian Chun Minh | Cheah, Kin Wai | Chai, Slyvester Yew Wang | Li, Claudia | How, Bing Shen | Chin, Bridgid Lai Fui | Chan, Zhe Phak | Lam, Su Shiung
Hydrogen sulfide (H₂S) is a flammable, corrosive and lethal gas even at low concentrations (ppm levels). Hence, the capture and removal of H₂S from various emitting sources (such as oil and gas processing facilities, natural emissions, sewage treatment plants, landfills and other industrial plants) is necessary to prevent and mitigate its adverse effects on human (causing respiratory failure and asphyxiation), environment (creating highly flammable and explosive environment), and facilities (resulting in corrosion of industrial equipment and pipelines). In this review, the state-of-the-art technologies for H₂S capture and removal are reviewed and discussed. In particular, the recent technologies for H₂S removal such as membrane, adsorption, absorption and membrane contactor are extensively reviewed. To date, adsorption using metal oxide-based sorbents is by far the most established technology in commercial scale for the fine removal of H₂S, while solvent absorption is also industrially matured for bulk removal of CO₂ and H₂S simultaneously. In addition, the strengths, limitations, technological gaps and way forward for each technology are also outlined. Furthermore, the comparison of established carbon capture technologies in simultaneous and selective removal of H₂S–CO₂ is also comprehensively discussed and presented. It was found that the existing carbon capture technologies are not adequate for the selective removal of H₂S from CO₂ due to their similar characteristics, and thus extensive research is still needed in this area.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Survival outcomes of rehabilitated riverine turtles following a freshwater diluted bitumen oil spill
Otten, Joshua G. | Williams, Lisa | Refsnider, Jeanine M.
Rehabilitation is often used to mitigate adverse effects of oil spills on wildlife. With an increase in production of alternatives to conventional crude oil such as diluted bitumen (dilbit), emergency spill responders and wildlife rehabilitators need information regarding the health and survival of free-ranging vertebrates exposed to dilbit under natural conditions. In 2010, one of the largest freshwater oil spills in the United States occurred in the Kalamazoo River in Michigan, when over 3.2 million liters of spilled dilbit impacted 56 km of riverine habitat. During 2010 and 2011 cleanup efforts, thousands of northern map turtles (Graptemys geographica) were captured from oiled stretches of the river, cleaned, rehabilitated, and released. We conducted extensive mark-recapture surveys in 2010, 2011, and 2018–2021, and used this dataset to evaluate the monthly survival probability of turtles 1–14 months post-spill and 8–11 years post-spill based on whether turtles were temporarily rehabilitated and released, overwintered in captivity and then released, or were released without rehabilitation. We found that rehabilitated or overwintered turtles had a higher probability of survival 1–14 months post-spill than non-rehabilitated turtles; however, 8–11 years post-spill the among-group differences in monthly survival probability had become negligible. Additionally, following the oil spill in 2010, nearly 6% of northern map turtles were recovered dead, died during rehabilitation, or suffered injuries that precluded release back into the wild. Our results demonstrate that exposure to dilbit in free ranging turtles causes direct mortality, while effort spent on the capture and rehabilitation of oiled freshwater turtles is important as it increases monthly survival 1–14 months post-spill.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Effect of oil pollution on the ecological condition of soils and bottom sediments of the arctic region (Yakutia)
Lifshits, Sara | Glyaznetsova, Yuliya | Erofeevskaya, Larisa | Chalaya, Olga | Zueva, Iraida
Oil and petroleum products are known to be among the most widespread soil pollutants. The risk of emergencies is sure to increase greatly in conditions of abnormally low temperatures. Oil and oil products are not only toxic to the environment, but can also have a negative impact on the state of the permafrost zone, accelerating the processes of permafrost degradation. The goal of the research was to study the soils and bottom sediments for oil pollution in the Arctic region of Yakutia. The research was carried out with using the complex of geochemical and microbiological methods of analysis. It had shown that at present oil pollution was mainly concentrated on the objects bearing a high technogenic load. However, some migration of hydrocarbons was observed with melt, seasonal melt and rainwaters, as a result of which the natural background of the nearby territories became technogenic character. In the Arctic conditions for the first time according to the obtained data on geochemical and microbiological studies oxidative destruction of oil pollutants in soil occurred mainly under the influence of physic and chemical environmental factors, not by microbial oxidation. Sluggish processes of mineralization of organic residues and the transformation of oil pollutants by the type of putrefaction led to the colonization of oil-polluted soils of the Arctic with putrefying and pathogenic microorganisms. The purpose of further research will be studying the possibility of intensification of soil remediation processes of technologically disturbed soils at abnormally low temperatures.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Source apportionment of potentially toxic elements in soils of the Yellow River Delta Nature Reserve, China: The application of three receptor models and geostatistical independent simulation
Zhang, Mengna | Lv, Jianshu
The Yellow River Delta (YRD) wetland, the most important estuary wetland in eastern China, has an important ecosystem service function. Rapid and intensive development has inevitably led to the accumulation of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in soils. Therefore, identifying quantitative sources and spatial distributions of PTEs is essential for soil environmental protection in the YRD. A total of 240 topsoil samples (0–20 cm) were collected in the Yellow River Delta Nature Reserve (YRDNR) and analyzed the PTE contents. To avoid the biases of the single receptor model, positive matrix factorization, factor analysis with nonnegative constraints, and maximum likelihood principal component analysis-multivariate curve resolution-alternating least squares were used for source apportionment of soil PTEs. To promote the efficiency of multivariate geostatistical simulation, a minimum/maximum autocorrelation factor-sequential Gaussian simulation was built to map the spatial patterns of PTEs. Three factors were derived by the three receptor models, and their contributions to the source explanation were similar. As, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, and Zn originated from natural sources, with contributions of 85.6%–96.4 %. A total of 61.5 % of Hg was associated with atmospheric deposition of coal combustion and wastewater from upstream. Agricultural activities and oil exploitation contributed 33.5 % and 15.9 % of the Cd and Pb concentrations. Spatial distributions of soil PTEs were controlled by sedimentary grain size. A total of 47.2 % of the total study area was identified as hazardous area for Cd, 10.3 % for As, and 5.4 % for Hg. This work is expected to provide references for soil pollution assessment and management of YRDNR.
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