[ 发表于: Pollution ]

结果 1-10 的 80

Carbon isotope composition, macronutrient concentrations, and carboxylating enzymes in relation to the growth of Pinus halepensis mill. when subject to ozone stress


Inclan , Rosa (Ecotoxicology of Air Pollution, Madrid(Espagne).) | Gimeno , Benjamin S. (Ecotoxicology of Air Pollution, Madrid(Espagne).) | Peñuelas , Josep (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, Barcelone(Espagne).) | Gerant , Dominique (INRA , Champenoux (France). UMR 1137 Ecologie et Ecophysiologie Forestières) | Querido , Alberto (Ecotoxicology of Air Pollution, Madrid(Espagne).)

Institut national de la recherche agronomique - France

A slight recovery of soils from Acid Rain over the last three decades is not reflected in the macro nutrition of beech (Fagus sylvatica) at 97 forest stands of the Vienna Woods


Berger, Torsten W. | Türtscher, Selina | Berger, Petra | Lindebner, Leopold

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Plant senescence: A mechanism for nutrient release in temperate agricultural wetlands


Kröger, R. | Holland, M.M. | Moore, M.T. | Cooper, C.M.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Root fungal colonisation in Deschampsia flexuosa: Effects of pollution and neighbouring trees


Ruotsalainen, A.L. | Markkola, A. | Kozlov, M.V.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Use of ethylenediurea (EDU) to ameliorate ozone effects on purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea)


Szantoi, Z. | Chappelka, A.H. | Muntifering, R.B. | Somers, G.L.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Tolerance of transgenic canola plants (Brassica napus) amended with plant growth-promoting bacteria to flooding stress at a metal-contaminated field site


Farwell, A.J. | Vesely, S. | Nero, V. | Rodriguez, H. | McCormack, K. | Shah, S. | Dixon, D.G. | Glick, B.R.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Effects of nitrogen addition on plant-soil micronutrients vary with nitrogen form and mowing management in a meadow steppe


Liu, Heyong | Wang, Pi | Lü, Xiao-Tao | Cai, Jiangping | Feng, Xue | Yang, Guojiao | Li, Hui | Zhang, Yuge | Han, Xingguo | Jiang, Yong

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Cd-tolerant Suillus luteus: A fungal insurance for pines exposed to Cd


Krznaric, Erik | Verbruggen, Nathalie | Wevers, Jan H.L. | Carleer, Robert | Vangronsveld, Jaco | Colpaert, Jan V.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America