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Field assessment of a snap bean ozone bioindicator system under elevated ozone and carbon dioxide in a free air system
Burkey, Kent O. | Booker, Fitzgerald L. | Ainsworth, Elizabeth A. | Nelson, Randall L.
Ozone-sensitive (S156) and -tolerant (R123 and R331) genotypes of snap bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) were tested as a plant bioindicator system for detecting O₃ effects at current and projected future levels of tropospheric O₃ and atmospheric CO₂ under field conditions. Plants were treated with ambient air, 1.4× ambient O₃ and 550 ppm CO₂ separately and in combination using Free Air Concentration Enrichment technology. Under ambient O₃ concentrations pod yields were not significantly different among genotypes. Elevated O₃ reduced pod yield for S156 (63%) but did not significantly affect yields for R123 and R331. Elevated CO₂ at 550 ppm alone did not have a significant impact on yield for any genotype. Amelioration of the O₃ effect occurred in the O₃ + CO₂ treatment. Ratios of sensitive to tolerant genotype pod yields were identified as a useful measurement for assessing O₃ impacts with potential applications in diverse settings including agricultural fields.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Toxicity of vanadium in soil on soybean at different growth stages
Yang, Jinyan | Wang, Mei | Jia, Yanbo | Gou, Min | Zeyer, Josef
Vanadium(V) is present in trace amounts in most plants and widely distributed in soils. However, the environmental toxicity of V compound in soils is controversial. A greenhouse study with soybean from germination to bean production under exposure to pentavalent V [V(V)] was conducted to elucidate the interaction of plants and V fractions in soils and to evaluate the toxicity of V at different plant growth stages. Soybean growth has no effect on non-specific-bond and specific-bond fractions of V in soils, but V fractionation occurred in more extraction-resistant phases at high V concentrations. High concentrations of V(V) postponed the germination and growth of the soybeans. Bean production was less than half of that of the control at 500 mg kg⁻¹ spiked V(V). For the 0 mg kg⁻¹ spiked V(V) treated plants, the root was not the main location where V was retained. Vanadium in the soils at ≤ 250 mg kg⁻¹ did not significantly affect the V concentration in the shoot and leaf of soybeans. With the increase in V concentration in soil, V concentrations in roots increased, whereas those in beans and pods decreased. From vegetative growth to the reproductive growth, the soybeans adsorbed more V and accumulated more V in the roots, with <20% transported to the aboveground parts. Hence, the analysis of V concentration in vegetative tissues or beans may not be a useful indicator for V pollution in soil. Meanwhile, the ratio of V concentration in cell wall to the total V concentration in the root increased with the increase in V(V) concentration in soils. Our results revealed that high concentrations of V inhibited soybean germination and biomass production. However, plants may produce self-defense systems to endure V toxicity.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Accumulation of atmospheric deposition of As, Cd and Pb by bush bean plants
De Temmerman, L. | Waegeneers, N. | Ruttens, A. | Vandermeiren, K.
Bush bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) was exposed to atmospheric deposition of As, Cd and Pb in a polluted and a reference area. The atmospheric deposition of these elements was significantly related to the concentrations in leaves, stems and pods at green harvest. Surprisingly there was also a clear relation for As and Pb in the seeds at dry harvest, even though these seeds were covered by the husks. Root uptake of accumulated atmospheric deposits was not likely in such a short term experiment, as confirmed by the fact that soil pore water analysis did not reveal significant differences in trace element concentrations in the different exposure areas. For biomonitoring purposes, the leaves of bush bean are the most suitable, but also washed or unwashed pods can be used. This means that the obtained relationships are suitable to estimate the transfer of airborne trace elements in the food chain via bush bean.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Effects of foliar applications of ceria nanoparticles and CeCl3 on common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)
Xie, Changjian | Ma, Yuhui | Yang, Jie | Zhang, Boxin | Luo, Wenhe | Feng, Sheng | Zhang, Junzhe | Wang, Guohua | He, Xiao | Zhang, Zhiyong
In this study, comparative effects of foliar application of ceria nanoparticles (NPs) and Ce3+ ions on common bean plants were investigated. Soil grown bean seedlings were exposed to ceria NPs and Ce3+ ions at 0, 40, 80, and 160 mg Ce·L−1 every other day at the vegetative growth stage for 17 d. The plants were harvested 47 d after the last treatment. Performed analyses involved growth, physiological and biochemical parameters of the plants and nutritional quality of the pods. Ceria NPs at 40 mg Ce·L−1 increased dry weight of the plants by 51.8% over the control. Neither ceria NPs nor Ce3+ ions significantly affected other vegetative growth parameters. Pod yields and nutrient contents except for several mineral elements were also not significantly different among groups. Compared to control, pods from ceria NPs at 80 mg Ce·L−1 had significantly less S and Mn. At 40 and 80 mg Ce·L−1, ceria NPs reduced pod Mo by 27% and 21%, while Ce3+ ions elevated Mo contents by 20% and 18%, respectively, compared with control. Ce3+ ions at 80 and 160 mg Ce·L−1 significantly increased pod Zn by 25% and 120%, respectively, compared with control. At the end of the experiment, Ce3+ ions at 40, 80, and 160 mg Ce·L−1 increased contents of malondialdehyde (MDA) by 46%, 65%, and 82% respectively as compared with control. While ceria NPs led to a significant increase of MDA level only at the highest concentration. X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) analysis of the leaf samples revealed that both ceria NPs and Ce3+ ions kept their original chemical species after foliar applications, suggesting the observed effects of ceria NPs and Ce3+ ions on the plants were probably due to their nano-specific properties and ionic properties respectively.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Advances on the determination of thresholds of Cu phytotoxicity in field-contaminated soils in central Chile
Mondaca, Pedro | Catrin, Joanie | Verdejo, José | Sauvé, Sébastien | Neaman, Alexander
To better determine phytotoxicity thresholds for metals in the soil, studies should use actual field-contaminated soil samples rather than metal-spiked soil preparations. However, there are surprisingly few such data available for Cu phytotoxicity in field-contaminated soils. Moreover, these studies differ from each other with regards to soil characteristics and experimental setups. This study aimed at more accurately estimating Cu phytotoxicity thresholds using field-collected agricultural soils (Entisols) from areas exposed to contamination from Cu mining. For this purpose, the exposure to Cu was assessed by measuring total soil Cu, soluble Cu, free Cu2+ activity, and Cu in the plant aerial tissues. On the other hand, two bioassay durations (short-term and long-term), three plant species (Avena sativa L., Brassica rapa CrGC syn. Rbr, and Lolium perenne L.), and five biometric endpoints (shoot length and weight, root length and weight, and number of seed pods) were considered. Overall plant growth was best predicted by total Cu content of the soil. Despite some confounding factors, it was possible to determine EC10, EC25 and EC50 of total Cu in the soil. Brassica rapa was more sensitive than Avena sativa for all endpoints, while Lolium perenne was of intermediate sensitivity. For the short-term bioassay (21 days for all three species), the averaged EC10, EC25 and EC50 values of total soil Cu (in mg kg−1) were 356, 621, and 904, respectively. For the long-term bioassay (62 days for oat and 42 days for turnip), the averaged EC10, EC25 and EC50 values of total soil Cu (in mg kg−1) were 355, 513, and 688, respectively. The obtained results indicate that chronic test is a suitable method for assessing Cu phytotoxicity in field-contaminated soils.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Morpho-physiological characteristics of Vigna unguiculata [L.] Walp grown in a controlled environment using effluents from a beverage bottling company
Abiodun, Olaitan Pelumi | Owoade, Oyediran Kayode | Oladipo, OlaniranTemitope | Agboola, Oludare Oladipo | Akinloye, Akinwumi Johnson | Ogundele, Lasun Tunde | Fawole, Olusegun Gabriel | Olise, Felix Samuel
The use of industrial effluents for agricultural practices due to waste management properties, water scarcity, or cultural belief affects both the physiology and morphology of cultivated crops. This study reports the investigation of the agro-potentiality of the effluents from a beverage bottling company on cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) under a controlled environment. This greenhouse experiment was carried out within Obafemi Awolowo University. The effluents were applied at 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50% concentrations using untreated (A) and treated (B) effluents separately in two groups. Physicochemical properties of the effluents were determined using standard methods. Exchangeable cations present in the effluents were investigated via the ammonium acetate exchange way. Morphological and yield parameters were measured in ten replicates. Transverse sections of the leaf, petiole, and stem were also investigated under a light microscopy. General linear model was used for statistical analysis with means compared using Tukey’s HSD test at p < 0.05. The effluents had pH, electrical conductivity, and total dissolved solids in the range of 7.4–7.5, 599.0–693.0 μS/cm, and 395.0–455.0 mg/l, respectively. The exchangeable calcium and potassium concentrations in the effluents range 1067.00–1937.50 and 190.0–343.50 mg/l. Application of effluent A had no significant effect on number of pods per group, seeds per pod, leaf length, leaf width, and leaf area of cowpea (p > 0.05). There was a significant effect of effluent A on the number of leaves and shoot height (p < 0.05). The application of effluent B had a significant effect on the mean number of leaves and seeds per pod at higher (40–50%) concentrations (p < 0.05). Amendment with effluent B showed no significant effect on the mean shoot height, leaf length, width and area, pods per group, pod length, and girth size (p > 0.05). The frequency of guard cells was observed to decrease with increasing effluents (A and B) concentration on the abaxial epidermis. Likewise, a “black deposit” was observed in the vessels in the stem taken from group amended with effluent A at high concentrations (30–50%). No anatomical differences were observed in the petiole and leaf transverse sections of the control and amended subgroups. The untreated and treated effluents showed agro-potentiality. However, crops grown need to be monitored for the health impacts on man and animal, as risk of crop cellular disruption exist.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Effects of alkaloid extracts of mesquite pod on the products of in vitro rumen fermentation
de Jesus Pereira, Taiala Cristina | Pereira, Mara Lúcia Albuquerque | Moreira, Jeruzia Vitória | Azevêdo, José Augusto Gomes | Batista, Ronan | de Paula, Vanderlúcia Fonseca | Oliveira, Brena Santos | de Jesus dos Santos, Edileusa
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of alkaloid extracts of Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) D.C. pods obtained by two extraction methods as compared with sodium monensin on the gas production kinetic, mitigation of methane, and rumen fermentation products using wheat bran or Tifton 85 hay as substrates, by the semi-automatic in vitro gas production technique. A completely randomized design was adopted, and two natural additives were tested made from mesquite pod (alkaloid extract I and alkaloid extract II) at three levels (3.9, 7.9, and 12 μg), sodium monensin 5 μM (positive control), and no inclusion of additives (negative control). The volume of gases produced by the degradation of the fibrous fraction of wheat bran was influenced by the concentration of the extract I added to the medium, and the amounts of 7.9 and 12 μg were equal to monensin at the lowest value. The degradation rate of the fibrous carbohydrates with additive extract I at 12 μg was lower in relation to monensin. When Tifton 85 hay was utilized, alkaloid extract I provided a shorter colonization time as compared with monensin at the added amounts of 7.9 and 12 μg and higher production of gases from the fibrous fraction but without interfering with the total volume of gases produced during 96 h of fermentation of carbohydrates. In the periods of 12 and 24 h of incubation, utilizing alkaloid extract I, the mean values of methane production with wheat bran and Tifton 85 hay were lower than monensin (p < 0.05) when the respective amounts of 7.9 and 12 μg were added. Alkaloid extract I has similar potential to sodium in reducing production of total gases, methane, and the acetate/propionate ratio.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Copper-resistant bacteria reduces oxidative stress and uptake of copper in lentil plants: potential for bacterial bioremediation
Islam, Faisal | Yasmeen, Tahira | Qāsim ʻAlī Nīshāpūrī, | Nūrzād, Muḥammad Mubīn | Ali, Shafaqat | Arif, Muhammad Saleem | Ḥussain, Ṣābir | Riaz, Muhammad | Abbas, Farhat
For effective microbe-assisted bioremediation, metal-resistant plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) must facilitate plant growth by restricting excess metal uptake in plants, leading to prevent its bio-amplification in the ecosystem. The aims of our study were to isolate and characterize copper (Cu)-resistant PGPB from waste water receiving contaminated soil. In addition, we investigated the phytotoxic effect of copper on the lentil plants inoculated with copper-resistant bacteria Providencia vermicola, grown in copper-contaminated soil. Copper-resistant P. vermicola showed multiple plant growth promoting characteristics, when used as a seed inoculant. It protected the lentil plants from copper toxicity with a considerable increase in root and shoot length, plant dry weight and leaf area. A notable increase in different gas exchange characteristics such as A, E, C ᵢ , g ₛ , and A/E, as well as increase in N and P accumulation were also recorded in inoculated plants as compared to un-inoculated copper stressed plants. In addition, leaf chlorophyll content, root nodulation, number of pods, 1,000 seed weight were also higher in inoculated plants as compared with non-inoculated ones. Anti-oxidative defense mechanism improved significantly via elevated expression of reactive oxygen species -scavenging enzymes including ascorbate peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, catalase, and guaiacol peroxidase with alternate decrease in malondialdehyde and H₂O₂ contents, reduced electrolyte leakage, proline, and total phenolic contents suggesting that inoculation of P. vermicola triggered heavy metals stress-related defense pathways under copper stress. Overall, the results demonstrated that the P. vermicola seed inoculation confer heavy metal stress tolerance in lentil plant which can be used as a potent biotechnological tool to cope with the problems of copper pollution in crop plants for better yield.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Cadmium re-distribution from pod and root zones and accumulation by peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.)
Wang, Kairong | Song, Ningning | Zhao, Qiaoqiao | van der Zee, S. E. A. T. M.
Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) genotypes may differ greatly with regard to cadmium (Cd) accumulation, but the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. To determine the key factors that may contribute to Cd re-distribution and accumulation in peanut genotypes with different Cd accumulating patterns, a split-pot soil experiment was conducted with three common Chinese peanut cultivars (Fenghua-6, Huayu-20, and Huayu-23). The growth medium was separated into pod and root zones with varied Cd concentrations in each zone to determine the re-distribution of Cd after it is taken up via different routes. The peanut cultivars were divided into two groups based on Cd translocation efficiency as follows: (1) high internal Cd translocation efficiency cultivar (Fenghua-6) and (2) low internal Cd translocation efficiency cultivars (Huayu-20 and Huayu-23). Compared with Fenghua-6, low Cd translocation cultivars Huayu-20 and Huayu-23 showed higher biomass production, especially in stems and leaves, leading to dilution of metal concentrations. Results also showed that Cd concentration in roots increased significantly with increasing Cd concentrations in soils when Cd was applied in the root zone. However, there were no significant differences in the root Cd concentrations between different pod zone Cd treatments and the control, suggesting that root uptake, rather than pod uptake, is responsible for Cd accumulation in the roots of peanuts. Significant differences of Cd distribution were observed between pod and root zone Cd exposure treatments. The three peanut cultivars revealed higher kernel over total Cd fractions for pod than for root zone Cd exposure if only extra applied Cd was considered. This suggests that uptake through peg and pod shell might, at least partially, be responsible for the variation in Cd re-distribution and accumulation among peanut cultivars. Cd uptake by plants via two routes (i.e., via roots and via pegs and pods, respectively) and internal Cd translocation appear to be important mechanisms in determining Cd accumulation in the kernels of peanuts.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Characteristics and mechanisms of cadmium adsorption from aqueous solution using lotus seedpod-derived biochar at two pyrolytic temperatures
Chen, Zhang | Liu, Tao | Tang, Junjie | Zheng, Zhijian | Wang, Huimin | Shao, Qi | Chen, Guoliang | Li, Zhixian | Chen, Yuanqi | Zhu, Jiawen | Feng, Tao
Herein, biochar derived from lotus seedpods, as an effective adsorbent, was prepared by pyrolysis method at 300 and 600 °C. The physicochemical characteristics and cadmium adsorption properties were studied systematically by batch adsorption experiments, FTIR, SEM–EDX, XRD, and XPS. Cd adsorption onto lotus seedpod-derived biochar was better fitted using Freundlich isotherm and pseudo-second-order model. Adsorption capacity of biochar produced at 300 and 600 °C was 31.69 and 51.18 mg g⁻¹, respectively. The Cd adsorption capacity of biochar was related to its characteristics determined by pyrolysis temperature, including carbonization, surface area, surface morphology, and surface functional groups. Cd adsorption on lotus seedpod-derived biochar revealed that adsorption was controlled by multiple mechanisms including surface complexation, ion exchange, surface precipitation, and Cd–π interaction. This study showed that lotus seedpod-derived biochar is an effective and environmentally friendly adsorbent for water treatment.
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