结果 1-10 的 80
Mobilisation of antimony from microplastics added to coastal sediment
James, Elanor | Turner, Andrew
Antimony (Sb) widely occurs in plastics as a pigment and reaction residue and through the use and recycling of electronic material enriched in Sb as a flame retardant synergist. In this study, clean estuarine sediment has been contaminated by different microplastics prepared from pre-characterised samples of different types of plastic (including a rubber) containing a range of Sb concentrations (256–47,600 μg g⁻¹). Sediment-plastic mixtures in a mass ratio of 100:1 were subject to 6-h extractions in seawater and in seawater solutions of a protein (bovine serum albumin; BSA) and a surfactant (taurocholic acid; TA) that mimic the digestive conditions of coastal deposit-feeding invertebrates. Most time-courses for Sb mobilisation could be defined by a second-order diffusion equation, with rate constants ranging from 44.6 to 0.0216 (μg g⁻¹)⁻¹ min⁻¹. Bioaccessibilities, defined as maximum extractable concentrations throughout each time course relative to total Sb content, ranged from <0.01% for a polycarbonate impregnated with Sb as a synergist exposed to all solutions, to >1% for acrylonitrile butadiene styrene containing a Sb-based colour pigment exposed to solutions of BSA and TA and recycled industrial polyethylene exposed to BSA solution. The potential for Sb to bioaccumulate or elicit a toxic effect is unknown but it is predicted that communities of deposit-feeders could mobilise significant quantities of Sb in sediment contaminated by microplastics through bioturbation and digestion.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Polychlorinated biphenyls and polybrominated diphenylethers in soils from planted forests and adjacent natural forests on a tropical island
Liu, Xin | Wang, Shuai | Jiang, Yishan | Sun, Yingtao | Li, Jun | Zhang, Gan
Transformation from natural forests to planted forests in tropical regions is an expanding global phenomenon causing major modifications of land cover and soil properties, e.g. soil organic carbon (SOC). This study investigated accumulations of POPs in soils under eucalyptus and rubber forests as compared with adjacent natural forests on Hainan Island, China. Results showed that due to the greater forest filter effect and the higher SOC, the natural forest have accumulated larger amounts of POPs in the top 20 cm soil. Based on correlation and air-soil equilibrium analysis, we highlighted the importance of SOC in the distribution of POPs. It is assumed that the elevated mobility of POPs in the planted forests was caused by greater loss of SOC and extensive leaching in the soil profile. This suggests that a better understanding of global POPs fate should take into consideration the role of planted forests.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Sorption of apolar and polar organic contaminants by waste tire rubber and its chars in single- and bi-solute systems
Lian, Fei | Huang, Fang | Chen, Wei | Xing, Baoshan | Zhu, Lingyan
Single- and bi-solute sorption of organic compounds [1,3-dichlorbenzene (DCB), 1,3-dinitrobenzene (DNB) and 2,4-dichlorophenol (DCP)] on ground tire rubber and its chars was studied. The chars were prepared by pyrolyzing tire rubber at different temperatures (200–800 °C). Their surface area, aromaticity and hydrophobicity increase greatly with pyrolytic temperature, and the polymeric phase is partly converted into a condensed phase. The sorption of DNB and DCP increases with pyrolytic temperature and is characterized by a transition from a partition dominant to an adsorption dominant process. However, the sorption of DCB linearly decreases with the pyrolytic temperature. The enhanced adsorption of DNB and DCP on carbonized phase is primarily attributed to nonhydrophobic interactions such as π–π electron-donor–acceptor interactions and/or H bonding. The higher partition of DCB to polymeric phase is attributed to its high hydrophobicity. Competitive sorption between DCB and DCP on the tire chars is highly dependent on dissociation of the latter.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]A look down the drain: Identification of dissolved and particle bound organic pollutants in urban runoff waters and sediments
Fuchte, Hanna E. | Beck, Natascha | Bieg, Evelyn | Bayer, Viviane J. | Achten, Christine | Krauss, Martin | Schäffer, Andreas | Smith, Kilian E.C.
Urban runoff contains a range of organic micropollutants which, if not removed during wastewater treatment, pose a risk to aquatic environments. These mixtures are complex and often site-specific. Street drains provide an ideal sampling point given they collect the runoff from local and defined catchments. In this study, runoff was collected and sampled in five street drains located in a medium sized town in Germany. A specially constructed trap was used to collect the particulate and total water fractions of the runoff. In addition, passive samplers were deployed to determine the freely dissolved concentrations of selected compounds in the runoff. In sum, 187 polar organic micropollutants could be quantified using LC-HRMS. Thirty of these could only be detected by the use of passive samplers. Traffic derived pollutants such as corrosion inhibitors, rubber- and plastic additives, but also pollutants of industrial origin were strongly represented with sum median concentrations of 100 μg/kg dry weight (DW) in the sediment and 400 ng/L in the water fraction. Several of these substances are of concern due to their environmental persistence and mobility. Perfluorinated compounds and pesticides occurred at lower levels of several μg/kg DW sediment or ng/L water. A number of substances including pharmaceuticals, sweeteners and stimulants indicated domestic wastewater influences. Furthermore, a total of 62 parent and alkylated PAHs were quantified by GC-MS and contributed 30–70% to the sum concentrations of the micropollutants. Non-EPA PAHs dominated the carcinogenic PAH toxicity. The increased PAH alkylation indices (0.7–0.9) showed these primarily came from combustion sources. The runoff particles were additionally microscopically characterized, and correlations were found between the rubber particle counts and the PAH alkylation-index as well as the levels of 2-(methylthio)benzothiazole, a marker compound for tire leaching.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Microplastic distribution and composition on two Galápagos island beaches, Ecuador: Verifying the use of citizen science derived data in long-term monitoring
Jones, Jen S. | Guézou, Anne | Medor, Sara | Nickson, Caitlin | Savage, Georgie | Alarcón-Ruales, Daniela | Galloway, Tamara S. | Muñoz-Pérez, Juan Pablo | Nelms, Sarah E. | Porter, Adam | Thiel, Martin | Lewis, Ceri
Monitoring beach plastic contamination across space and time is necessary for understanding its sources and ecological effects, and for guiding mitigation. This is logistically and financially challenging, especially for microplastics. Citizen science represents an option for sampling accessible sites to support long term monitoring, but challenges persist around data validation. Here we test a simple citizen science methodology to monitor visible microplastic contamination on sandy beaches using a standard quadrat unit (50 cm × 50 cm x 5 cm depth) sieved to 1 mm, to support the analysis of microplastic on two islands within the marine protected area of the Galápagos Archipelago, Ecuador (San Cristóbal and Santa Cruz islands). High school and university students undertook supervised sampling of two beaches in 2019–2020 collecting over 7000 particles. A sub-sample of the suspected microplastics collected (n = 2,213, ∼30% total) were analysed using FTIR spectrometry, confirming 93% of particles >1 mm visually identified by students were microplastics or rubber, validating this method as a crowd-sourced indicator for microplastic contamination. These data provide important insights into the plastic contamination of Galápagos, revealing plastic abundances of 0–2524 particles m⁻² over the two beaches (the highest reported in Galápagos). Strong accumulation gradients were measured parallel to the waterline at Punta Pitt (San Cristobal island) and perpendicular to the waterline at Tortuga Bay (Santa Cruz island), where four-fold higher concentrations were recorded at the sea turtle nesting habitat on the back-beach dune. No significant seasonal trends were measured during one year. These results demonstrate the value of citizen science in filling spatiotemporal knowledge gaps of beach contamination to support intervention design and conservation.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Accumulation and depuration of microplastic fibers, fragments, and tire particles in the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica: A toxicokinetic approach
Weinstein, John E. | Ertel, Bonnie M. | Gray, Austin D.
Along the South Carolina coast (U.S.) where the ecologically and economically important eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) forms extensive intertidal reefs, recent surface water surveys found that fibers, fragments, and microscopic tire particles represented 43.6%, 30.9%, and 17.7% of the total microplastics, respectively. The aim of this study was to characterize accumulation and depuration of these particles in eastern oysters. Oysters were exposed to purple polyethylene fibers, green nylon fragments, or micronized crumb rubber at a concentration of 5000 microplastics/L, and sacrificed after 0, 24, 48, and 96 h to characterize uptake. Following 96 h, remaining oysters were transferred to microplastic-free brackish water and sacrificed at 24, 48, and 96 h to characterize depuration. For fibers and fragments, levels increased in a nonlinear fashion reaching 1.61 ± 0.6 particles/g w. w. (mean ± SE) and 0.46 ± 0.1 particles/g w. w. after 96 h, respectively. Conditional uptake clearance rate constants (kᵤ) were estimated to be 0.0084 and 0.0025 mL/g*h for fibers and fragments, respectively. For crumb rubber, levels increased in a linear fashion reaching 3.62 ± 0.8 particles/g w. w. after 96 h, and the kᵤ value was estimated to be 0.0077 mL/g*h. Depuration was best described using a two-compartment (double exponential) model suggesting the presence of fast and slow compartments. Conditional depuration rate constants (kd) for the slow compartments were 0.0084, 0.0205, and 0.0048/h for fibers, fragments, and crumb rubber, respectively. These results demonstrate accumulation and depuration of microplastics in eastern oysters is size-and shape-dependent. Depuration, which is a common practice for shellfish safety, is an effective way to reduce microplastic loads in eastern oysters, but the minimum recommended time of 44 h would only reduce loads of these particles by 55.5–67.6%.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Static modelling of the material flows of micro- and nanoplastic particles caused by the use of vehicle tyres
Prenner, Stefanie | Allesch, Astrid | Staudner, Margarethe | Rexeis, Martin | Schwingshackl, Michael | Huber-Humer, Marion | Part, Florian
The emissions of tyre wear particles (TWPs) into the environment are increasing and have negative impacts on the environment and human health. The aim of this study was therefore to establish a mass balance for vehicle tyres und TWP emissions in Austria using static material flow analysis, which enabled a quantification of mass flows of rubber including carbon black as the most mass-relevant tyre filler. Vehicle-specific and mileage-dependent emission factors were used to calculate the TWP emissions. The results for the year 2018 indicate that 80% of the tyre rubber remained in use, while 14% was re-treaded, recycled, incinerated or exported as end-of-life tyres and 6% was emitted as TWPs to air, soil or surface water. Of these 21,200 t/y released and dissipative lost TWPs, 6% were microscale, with a possible size between 0.1 and 10 μm, and 0.3% were nanoscale below 0.1 μm. The mass balance on the substance level shows that the TWPs contained 5,500 t/y of carbon black emitted in the form of airborne TWPs (6%) or entering in the soil or surface waters (47% each). Regarding air pollution from road vehicles, about 3,600 t/y were non-exhaust emissions, including tyre, brake and road-surface wear, which contributed to 9% of total dust emissions across Austria. Scenario analysis for 2050 with regard to e-mobility and the European Green Deal reveals that non-exhaust emissions can only be significantly reduced by a general reduction of the mileage or an environmentally friendly tyre design. This modelling approach provides a solid basis for decision makers in traffic planning as well as for chemical risk assessment. However, dynamic models with higher temporal and spatial resolution are needed to predict future mass flows of TWPs and their environmental fate, including their degradation products and possible accumulation effects.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Development of film-based passive samplers for in situ monitoring of trace levels of pyrethroids in sediment
Xu, Chenye | Wang, Jie | Richards, Jaben | Xu, Tianbo | Liu, Weiping | Gan, Jay
Residues of pyrethroid insecticides tend to accumulate in bed sediments due to their strong hydrophobicity. Rather than the total or bulk sediment concentration, it is the freely dissolved concentration (Cfᵣₑₑ) that drives toxicity to benthic invertebrates. In this study we developed thin film-based samplers for in situ ambient monitoring of pyrethroids at trace levels in sediment. Out of five common polymer materials, polyethylene (PE) and silicone rubber (SR), were identified to offer superior enrichment for pyrethroids from sediment. To circumvent the slow equilibrium process, ¹³C-permethrin and bifenthrin-d₅ were preloaded onto the films as performance reference compounds (PRCs). The PRC-preloaded film samplers were deployed at five sites in Southern California under field conditions for 7 d and retrieved for analysis. The sediment porewater Cfᵣₑₑ of eight pyrethroids derived from PRC-PE films ranged from 173 to 903 ng/L, accounting for 18.2–36.1% of the corresponding total porewater concentrations. The PRC-SR film samplers yielded Cfᵣₑₑ values closely mimicking those from the PRC-PE samplers, cross-validating the two sampling devices. Additionally, a significant positive association was found between the observed mortality from toxicity tests using Hyalella azteca and the Cfᵣₑₑ of bifenthrin (r = 0.628, p = 0.02). A significant linear correlation (R² = 0.99) between Cfᵣₑₑ derived from in situ monitoring and that of ex situ measurement under equilibrium conditions was also observed. Results from this study demonstrated that the film-based samplers may be used for in situ ambient monitoring to detect biologically relevant contamination of pyrethroids in bed sediments, which may contribute to improved risk assessment for this class of widely used insecticides.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Occurrence and effects of tire wear particles in the environment - A critical review and an initial risk assessment
Wik, Anna | Dave, Göran
This review summarizes the existing knowledge on the occurrence of tire wear particles in the environment, and their ecotoxicological effects. A meta-analysis on tire components in the environment revealed that tire wear particles are present in all environmental compartments, including air, water, soils/sediments, and biota. The maximum Predicted Environmental Concentrations (PECs) of tire wear particles in surface waters range from 0.03 to 56 mg l-1 and the maximum PECs in sediments range from 0.3 to 155 g kg-1 d.w. The results from our previous long-term studies with Ceriodaphnia dubia and Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata were used to derive Predicted No Effect Concentrations (PNECs). The upper ranges for PEC/PNEC ratios in water and sediment were >1, meaning that tire wear particles present potential risks for aquatic organisms. We suggest that management should be directed towards development and production of more environmentally friendly tires and improved road runoff treatment.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Predicting the global environmental distribution of plastic polymers
Hoseini, Maryam | Bond, Tom
This study represents the first quantitative global prediction of the mass distribution of six widespread polymers, plus plastic fibers and rubber across four environmental compartments and 11 sub-compartments. The approach used probabilistic material flow analysis for 2015, with model input values and transfer coefficients between compartments taken from literature. We estimated that 3.2 ± 1.8 Mt/year of polyethylene, 1.3 ± 0.8 Mt/year of polypropylene, 0.5 ± 0.3 Mt/year of polystyrene, 0.3 ± 0.15 Mt/year of polyvinyl chloride, 1.6 ± 0.9 Mt/year of polyethylene terephthalate and 2.4 ± 1.2 Mt/year of plastic fibers enter the environment. Combining all plastic, including rubber, 4.9 ± 1.3, 4.8 ± 1.9 and 1.8 ± 1.2 Mt/year accumulated in the soil, ocean, and freshwater, respectively. Urban soils and ocean shorelines were predicted as hotspots for plastic accumulation, accounting for 33% and 25% of total plastic, respectively. The floor of freshwater systems and the ocean were predicted as hotspots for high density plastic such as polyethylene terephthalate, polyvinyl chloride and plastic fibers. Furthermore, 59% of environmental rubber was predicted to accumulate in soil. The findings of this study provide baseline data for quantifying plastic transport and accumulation, which can inform future ecotoxicity studies and risk assessments, as well as targeting efforts to mitigate plastic pollution.
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