结果 1-10 的 29
Microplastics trapped in soil aggregates of different land-use types: A case study of Loess Plateau terraces, China
Cheung, Joys H. Y. | Huiyan, | An, Shaoshan | Zhao, Junfeng | Xiao, Li | Li, Haohao | Huang, Qian
Land-use types may affect soil aggregates' stability and organic carbon (OC) distribution characteristics, but little is known about the effects on the distribution characteristics of microplastics (MPs) in the aggregates. Hence, the MPs abundance of soil aggregates and analyzed aggregates’ stability, composition, and OC content from two soil layers of four land-use types in Gansu Province were investigated in this study. The total MPs abundances in woodland, farmland (wheat, maize, and potato), orchard, and intercropping (potato + apple orchard) of top and deep soils were 1383.3 and 1477.9, 1324.6 and 931.1, 1757.1 and 1930.9, 2127.2 and 1998.0, 1335.9 and 886.7, and 1777.5 and 1683.3 items kg⁻¹, respectively. The largest MPs abundance was detected in the >5 mm fractions of topsoil in potato (3077.3 items kg⁻¹), followed by maize (3044.7 items kg⁻¹) and intercropping (2718.4 items kg⁻¹). In the topsoil, the total MPs abundance increased significantly with decreasing aggregate stability, and also was positively correlated with bulk density, microbial biomass, and total nitrogen contents of bulk soil. Summarizing, the abundance distribution of MPs correlates with the soil aggregate characteristics of the different land-use types.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Red mud based passivator reduced Cd accumulation in edible amaranth by influencing root organic matter metabolism and soil aggregate distribution
Xu, Zhimin | Lu, Ziyan | Zhang, Liangshi | Fan, Hanyun | Wang, Yifan | Li, Junwei | Lin, Yanlin | Liu, Hui | Guo, Shihong | Xu, Mingyu | Wang, Junfeng
Red mud was a highly alkaline hazardous waste, and their resource utilization was a research hotspot. In this study, influencing mechanisms of red mud based passivator on the transformation of Cd fraction in acidic Cd-polluted soil, photosynthetic property, and Cd accumulation in edible amaranth were investigated based on the evaluation of Cd adsorption capacity, root metabolic response, and soil aggregate distribution. Results showed that red mud exhibited good Cd adsorption capacities at about 35 °C and pH 9 in an aqueous solution, and the adsorption behavior of red mud on Cd in rhizosphere soil solution was considered to have some similarity. In the soil-pot trial, red mud application significantly facilitated edible amaranth growth by enhancing the maximum photochemical efficiency and light energy absorption by per unit leaf area by activating more reaction centers. The main mechanisms of rhizosphere soil Cd immobilisation by red mud application included: i) the reduction of mobilized Cd caused by the increasing negative surface charge of soil and precipitation of Cd hydroxides and carbonates at high pH; ii) the increase of organics-Cd complexes caused by the increasing –OH and –COOH amounts adsorbed on the surface of rhizosphere soil after red mud application; and iii) the decrease of available Cd content in soil aggregates caused by the increasing organic matters after red mud application. This study would provide the basis for the safe utilization of red mud remediating acidic Cd-polluted soil.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Changes in microbial community structure due to chronic trace element concentrations in different sizes of soil aggregates
Song, Jiuwei | Shen, Qunli | Shi, Jiachun | Xu, Jianming | Brookes, Philip C. | Liu, Xingmei
Studies on the effects of trace elements (TEs) (e.g. Cu, Cd, Zn) on soil microbial communities have provided useful information on the toxicity of TEs to microbes. However, previous studies mainly focused on the effects of TEs on microbial community structure in intact soil, while there are few studies on the impact of TEs on microbial community structure in soil aggregates. In this study, soils previously polluted for 20 years, and now containing low and high TE concentrations derived from, now abandoned, metal smelters were sampled from the surface layer (0–15 cm) of two adjacent Chinese paddy fields. The aim was to determine the effects of TEs on the soil microbial biomass and community structure in different sized soil aggregates. Long-term high TE pollution decreased microbial biomass concentration and species, changed the proportion of bacteria and fungi and decreased the diversity of bacteria in the different sized aggregates. The microbial communities in soil aggregates became clustered with increasing TE concentrations.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Effects of land use and rainfall on sequestration of veterinary antibiotics in soils at the hillslope scale
Zhao, Fangkai | Chen, Liding | Yang, Lei | Sun, Long | Li, Shoujuan | Li, Min | Feng, Qingyu
Veterinary antibiotics have been detected as contaminants of emerging concern in soil environment worldwide. Animal manure is frequently applied to agricultural fields to improve soil fertility, which can result in introducing large amount of antibiotics into soil environment. However, few attempts have been made to identify the spatial and temporal dynamics of veterinary antibiotics in soil at the hillslope scale with different land uses. This study was performed to explore the pattern and variability of veterinary antibiotics in the soil in response to rainfall events. Results showed that higher concentrations of veterinary antibiotics were generally found in cropland (292.6 ± 280.1 ng/g) and orchard (228.1 ± 230.5 ng/g) than in forestland (13.5 ± 9.9 ng/g). After rainfall events, antibiotics accumulated in the soil at the positions where manure was applied, especially under high-intensity rainfall conditions. However, the antibiotic concentration in soil slightly increased from the top to the bottom of hills, thus indicating the restricted contribution of runoff to antibiotic transport, especially under low-intensity rainfall conditions. In addition, most antibiotics were sequestered in the surface soil (0–10 cm), and higher antibiotic concentrations were observed in deep soil (20–40 cm) in cropland than orchard. The soil aggregate, organic matter, and clay content played important roles in antibiotic sequestration along the hillslope subject to low-, medium-, and large-amount rainfall events, respectively. This study identified that land use, rainfall conditions, and soil structures jointly affect the spatial and temporal variability of antibiotics in soils on hillslopes.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Insights into the removal efficiencies of aged polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in humic acids of different soil aggregate fractions by various oxidants
Tan, Wenbing | Liu, Niankai | Dang, Qiuling | Cui, Dongyu | Xi, Beidou | Yu, Hong
Chemically oxidative removal of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in soil is related to their occurrence state. Whether the heterogeneity of natural organic matter has an effect on the occurrence of PAHs in soil and, if there is an effect, on the oxidative removal efficiency of PAHs remains unknown. In this study, the removal efficiencies of 16 priority PAHs aged in humic acids (HAs) of different soil aggregate fractions by various oxidants were investigated by combining soil fractionation and microreaction experiments. Results showed that the accumulations of PAHs in particulate HA (P-HA) and microaggregate occluded HA (MO-HA) mainly occurred in the early period of the aging time frame. In contrast, PAH accumulation in non-aggregated silt and clay associated HA (NASCA-HA) was relatively slow and tended to saturate in the late period of the aging time frame. The cumulative contents of PAHs throughout the entire aging period in MO-HA and NASCA-HA were significantly greater than that in P-HA. The aged PAHs in P-HA and NASCA-HA exhibited the highest and lowest removal efficiencies, respectively. This ranking was mainly governed by the molecular size and polarity of HAs. Sodium persulfate and potassium permanganate had the highest removal efficiencies in total PAHs in HAs, with average efficiencies of 85.8% and 79.1%, respectively, in P-HA. Hydrogen peroxide had the lowest degradation efficiency in PAHs. In particular, the degradation efficiency of total PAHs in NASCA-HA was lowered to 31.0%. PAH congeners in HAs showed a large difference in oxidative removal efficiency. Low-ring PAH was more easily degraded than medium- and high-ring PAHs, and in most treatments, fluoranthene and pyrene in the medium ring and benzo[a]pyrene in the high ring demonstrated higher efficiencies than other PAHs with the same number of rings. Our findings are useful in promoting the accurate and green remediation of PAH-contaminated soils.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Nitrogen addition promotes the transformation of heavy metal speciation from bioavailable to organic bound by increasing the turnover time of organic matter: An analysis on soil aggregate level
Li, Renfei | Tan, Wenbing | Wang, Guoan | Zhao, Xinyu | Dang, Qiuling | Yu, Hanxia | Xi, Beidou
Nitrogen (N) addition can change physicochemical properties and biogeochemical processes in soil, but whether or not these changes further affect the transport and transformation of heavy metal speciation is unknown. Here, a long-term (2004–2016) field experiment was conducted to assess the responses of different heavy metal speciation in three soil aggregate fractions to N additions in a temperate agroecosystem of North China. The organic matter turnover time was quantified based on changes in δ13C following the conversion from C3 (wheat) to C4 crop (corn). Averagely, N addition decreases and increases the heavy metal contents in bioavailable and organic bound fractions by 27.5% and 16.6%, respectively, suggesting N addition promotes the transformation of heavy metal speciation from bioavailable to organic bound, and such a promotion in a small aggregate fraction is more remarkable than that in a large aggregate fraction. The transformations of heavy metal speciation from bioavailable to organic bound in all soil aggregate fractions are largely dependent on the increments in the turnover time of organic matter. The increase in organic matter turnover time induced by N addition may inhibit the desorption of heavy metals from organic matter by prolonging the interaction time between heavy metals and organic matter and enhance the capacity of organic matter to adsorb heavy metals by increasing the humification degree and functional group. Our work can provide insights into the accumulation, migration, and transformation of heavy metals in soils in the context of increasing global soil N input from a microenvironmental perspective.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Elevated carbon dioxide does not offset loss of soil carbon from a corn-soybean agroecosystem
Moran, Kelly K. | Jastrow, Julie D.
The potential for storing additional C in U.S. Corn Belt soils – to offset rising atmospheric [CO2] – is large. Long-term cultivation has depleted substantial soil organic matter (SOM) stocks that once existed in the region's native ecosystems. In central Illinois, free-air CO2 enrichment technology was used to investigate the effects of elevated [CO2] on SOM pools in a conservation tilled corn–soybean rotation. After 5 and 6 y of CO2 enrichment, we investigated the distribution of C and N among soil fractions with varying ability to protect SOM from rapid decomposition. None of the isolated C or N pools, or bulk-soil C or N, was affected by CO2 treatment. However, the site has lost soil C and N, largely from unprotected pools, regardless of CO2 treatment since the experiment began. These findings suggest management practices have affected soil C and N stocks and dynamics more than the increased inputs from CO2-stimulated photosynthesis. Soil carbon from microaggregate-protected and unprotected fractions decreased in a conservation tilled corn–soybean rotation despite increases in primary production from exposure to atmospheric CO2 enrichment.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Inhibitory effect of microplastics on soil extracellular enzymatic activities by changing soil properties and direct adsorption: An investigation at the aggregate-fraction level
Yu, Hong | Fan, Ping | Hou, Junhua | Dang, Qiuling | Cui, Dongyu | Xi, Beidou | Tan, Wenbing
Microplastics (MPs), as a new type of environmental pollutant, pose a serious threat to soil ecosystems. The activities of soil extracellular enzymes produced by microorganisms are the potential sensitive indicators of soil quality. However, little is known about the response mechanism of enzyme activities toward MPs on a long-term scale. Moreover, information on differences in enzyme activities across different soil aggregates is lacking. In this study, 150 days of incubation experiments and soil aggregate fractionation were combined to investigate the influence of MPs on extracellular enzyme activities in soil. 28% concentration of polyethylene with size 100 μm was adopted in the treatments added with MPs. The results show that MPs inhibited enzyme activities through changing soil nutritional substrates and physicochemical properties or through adsorption. Moreover, MPs competed with soil microorganisms for physicochemical niches to reduce microbial activity and eventually, extracellular enzyme activity. Enzyme activities in different aggregate-size fractions responded differently to the MPs exposure. The catalase in the coarse particulate fraction and phenol oxidase and β-glucosidase in the micro-aggregate fraction exerted the greatest response. With comparison, urease, manganese peroxidase, and laccase activities showed the greatest responses in the non-aggregated silt and clay fraction. These observations are believed to stem from differences in the key factors determining the enzyme activities in different aggregate-size fractions.The inhibitory pathway of microplastics on activities of extracellular enzymes in soil varies significantly across different aggregate fractions.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Variations in aggregate-associated organic carbon and polyester microfibers resulting from polyester microfibers addition in a clayey soil
Zhang, G.S. | Zhang, F.X.
Organic carbon is an essential element for sustainable soil management. While the effects of microplastics on soil physical and biological properties are presenting, it remains unclear whether the organic carbon dynamics of soil are altered by increased microplastic accumulation. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the influences of different polyester microfiber (PMF 0, 0.1% and 0.3% of soil dry weight) and organic material (OM 0, 1%, 2% and 3% of soil dry weight) addition levels on soil organic carbon and to determine the PMF distribution in aggregates from a pot experiment. After 75 days of incubation under 6 wet-dry cycles, the concentrations of soil total organic carbon did not differ significantly between the PMF (9.7 ± 6.6 g kg⁻¹) and control (9.7 ± 6.9 g kg⁻¹) treatments. However, PMF addition significantly reduced the organic carbon concentration in the large (>2 mm) macro-aggregates compared to the control treatment (10.6 ± 4.8 g kg⁻¹ vs. 11.7 ± 4.4 g kg⁻¹), but the results were opposite in the small (2–0.25 mm)macro-aggregates (10.2 ± 4.9 g kg⁻¹ vs. 8.4 ± 3.8 g kg⁻¹). In this study, less than 30% of added PMFs were incorporated into soil aggregates. In addition, the abundance and average length of aggregate-associated PMF in the large (2210 ± 180 particles per g aggregate and 2.08 ± 0.17 mm) and small (1820 ± 150 particles per g aggregate and 1.68 ± 0.11 mm) macro-aggregates were significantly greater than those in the micro-aggregates (1010 ± 70 particles per g aggregate and 0.72 ± 0.05 mm). Our results demonstrate that the distribution of organic carbon in soil macro-aggregates is affected by PMFs addition. Thus, we propose that the behavior of microplastics inside soil aggregates should be further explored to clarify their effects on the physical protection of soil organic carbon.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Plants mitigate restrictions to phosphatase activity in metal contaminated soils
Vaidya, Bhagyashree P. | Hagmann, Diane F. | Balacco, Jennifer | Passchier, Sandra | Krumins, Jennifer Adams | Goodey, Nina M.
Soil anthropogenic contaminants can limit enzymatic nutrient mineralization, either by direct regulation or via impacts on the microbial community, thus affecting plant growth in agricultural and non-agricultural soils. The impact on phosphatase activity of mixing two contaminated, post-industrial rail yard soils was investigated; one was vegetated and had high phosphatase function, the other was barren and had low enzymatic function. The two soils had different abiotic properties, including contaminant load, vegetation cover, soil aggregate size distribution, and phosphatase potential. An experimental gradient was established between the two soils to systematically vary the abiotic properties and microbial community composition of the two soils, creating a gradient of novel ecosystems. The time dependence of extracellular phosphatase activity, soil moisture, and organic matter content was assessed along this gradient in the presence and absence of plants. Initially, mixtures with higher percentages of functional, vegetated soil had higher phosphatase activities. Phosphatase activity remained unchanged through time (65 days) in all soil mixtures in unplanted pots, but it increased in planted pots. For example, in the presence of plants, phosphatase activity increased from 0.6 ± 0.1 to 2.4 ± 0.3 μmol•h⁻¹•gdᵣy ₛₒᵢₗ⁻¹ from day one to day 65 in the 1:1 functional:barren soil mixture. The presence of plants also promoted moisture retention. Inoculation of poorly functioning soil with 10% of the functional soil with its microbial community did not, over 65 days, revitalize the poorly functioning soil. The findings showed that abiotic limitations to enzymatic activity in barren brownfield soils could be mitigated by establishing primary production but not by the addition of enzymatically active microbial communities alone.
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