结果 1-10 的 11
Etude prospective d' implantation de stations de mesures dans les Vosges. 1. Organisation, realisations. 2. Quelques resultats sur l' acidite des pluies en Lorraine. 3. La circulation atmospherique et la repartition des polluants dans le Massif Vosgien. 4. Premiers resultats, interpretation, hypotheses [deperissement des forets].
Thuillier Anziani C. | Frecault R. | Roussel I. | Livertoux M.H.
Caracterisation de l' environnement atmospherique en zone forestiere. Station laboratoire du Donon.
Biren J.M. | Elichegaray C. | Vidal J.P.
[Characterization of the atmospheric environment in a forestry area. Donon laboratory station]
Biren, J.M. (Agence pour la Qualite de l'Air, Paris (France)) | Elichegaray, C. | Vidal, J.P.
[Prospective study of the implantation of measuring stations in the Vosges. 1. Organisation, realizations. 2. Some results about the rain acidity in Lorraine region. 3. The air circulation and the distribution of pollutants in the Vosges mountains. 4. First results, interpretation, hypothesis [forest dieback]]
Thuillier-Anziani, C. | Frecault, R. | Roussel, I. | Livertoux, M.H.
[Map of net precipitation: an example of detailed regional net precipitation mapping]
Thirup, C.
Forest damage - a status report on inventory methods [crown damage]
Becher, G. (Bundesforschungsanstalt fuer Forst- und Holzwirtschaft, Hamburg (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Weltforstwirtschaft)
Inventory of forest damage in Sweden [needle loss, crown density]
Bengtsson, G. (Sveriges Lantbruksuniv., Umeaa (Sweden). Inst. foer Skogstaxering)
[Direct contamination by humid deposits on Picea omorika (Pancic) Purkyne stands in Belgium]
Myttenaere, C. | Hauzeur, J. (Universite Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium). Lab. de Physiologie Vegetale)
Vertical concentration profile of photochemical oxidant along a mountain slope
Sasaki, K. (Nagano-ken. Research Inst. for Health and Pollution (Japan)) | Kurita, H. | Uchida, H.