[ 发表于: Pollution ]
结果 1-9 的 9
The REC-framework: Risk reduction, Environmental merit and Costs
Okx, J.P. | Nijboer, M.H. | Visser-Westerweele, E.P.C. | Nijhof, A.G.
Det Biovidenska belige Fakultets bibliotek - Denmark
ISMAP: an integrated approach to the management of agricultural pollution-major orientations after two years
Gatti, S. | Grech, G. | Vandevelde, T. | Jasjulke, E. | Cunge, J. | Usseglio-Polatera, J.M. (A.I. TEC, Milan (Italy))
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - United Kingdom
Setting international targets for controlling atmospheric emissions of pollutants - now and in the future
Bull, K.R. | Hall, J.R. (ITE Monks Wood, Abbots Ripton, Huntingdon PE17 2LS (United Kingdom))
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - United Kingdom
The state of transboundary air pollution: effects and control
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Italy
Effects and control of long-range transboundary air pollution. Report prepared within the framework of the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Italy
[The state of transboundary air pollution: effects and control]
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Italy
[Effects and control of long-range transboundary air pollution. Report prepared within the framework of the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution]
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Italy
L' etat de la pollution atmospherique transfrontiere. Rapport redige dans le cadre de la Convention sur la pollution atmospherique transfrontiere a longue distance.
Wolters Kluwer - United States of America