[ 发表于: Pollution ]

结果 1-10 的 32

Microplastic retention by marine vegetated canopies: Simulations with seagrass meadows in a hydraulic flume


de los Santos, Carmen B. | Krång, Anna-Sara | Infantes, Eduardo

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Elevated mercury concentrations in biota despite reduced sediment concentrations in a contaminated coastal area, Harboøre Tange, Denmark


Bjerregaard, Poul | Schmidt, Torben Grau | Mose, Maria Pedersen

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Do adult eelgrass shoots rule seedling fate in a large seagrass meadow in a eutrophic bay in northern China?


Xu, Shaochun | Xu, Shuai | Zhou, Yi | Yue, Shidong | Zhang, Xiaomei | Gu, Ruiting | Zhang, Yu | Qiao, Yongliang | Liu, Mingjie | Zhang, Yunling | Zhang, Zhenhai

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Effects of depth and overgrowth of ephemeral macroalgae on a remote subtidal NE Atlantic eelgrass (Zostera marina) community


Baden, S. (Susanne) | Fredriksen, Stein | Christie, Hartvig | Eriander, Louise | Gustafsson, Camilla | Holmer, Marianne | Olesen, Birgit | Thormar, Jonas | Boström, Christoffer

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Microplastic accumulation in a Zostera marina L. bed at Deerness Sound, Orkney, Scotland


Jones, Katherine L. | Hartl, Mark G.J. | Bell, Michael C. | Capper, Angela

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Sheaths of Zostera marina L. as ecological indicators of shoot length and the elemental stoichiometry of aboveground tissues


Xu, Shaochun | Wang, Pengmei | Zhou, Yi | Wang, Feng | Zhang, Xiaomei | Gu, Ruiting | Xu, Shuai | Yue, Shidong | Zhang, Yu | Suonan, Zhaxi

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Severe shifts of Zostera marina epifauna: Comparative study between 1997 and 2018 on the Swedish Skagerrak coast


Riera, Rodrigo | Vasconcelos, Joana | Baden, S. (Susanne) | Gerhardt, Linda | Sousa, R. (Ricardo) | Infantes, Eduardo

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

The influence of plastic pollution and ocean change on detrital decomposition


Litchfield, Sebastian G. | Schulz, Kai G. | Kelaher, Brendan P.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Trace elements in Mediterranean seagrasses: Accumulation, tolerance and biomonitoring. A review


Bonanno, Giuseppe | Orlando Bonaca, Martina

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Measures for environmental conservation in enclosed coastal seas


Tomita, Akio | Nakura, Yoshio | Ishikawa, Takuya

National Agricultural Library - United States of America