结果 1691-1700 的 4,926
Distribution and accumulation of artificial radionuclides in marine products around Korean Peninsula
Kim, Suk Hyun | Lee, Hyunmi | Yi, Sang-han | Kim, Intae
We investigated the distributions of the artificial radionuclides ¹³⁷Cs, ²³⁹⁺²⁴⁰Pu, and ⁹⁰Sr in the various marine products around Korean Peninsula collected in 2015–2017. The activities of ¹³⁷Cs, ²³⁹⁺²⁴⁰Pu, and ⁹⁰Sr were in the ranges of 12.2–258.4 mBq kg⁻¹, 0.014–1.879 mBq kg⁻¹, and 11.3–18.3 mBq kg⁻¹, respectively. The higher ²³⁹⁺²⁴⁰Pu (a factor of 10–50) relative to fishes were observed in mollusks. ¹³⁷Cs in fishes were significantly enriched with growths. The calculated concentration factors (CFs) of ¹³⁷Cs, ²³⁹⁺²⁴⁰Pu, and ⁹⁰Sr in marine products were 7–143, 3–407, and 15–25, respectively. Overall, no noticeable artificial radioactivity was detected in marine organisms when comparing these results with previous data reported before the Fukushima nuclear accident and recommended CF values. The annual effective doses of ¹³⁷Cs, ²³⁹⁺²⁴⁰Pu, and ⁹⁰Sr by seafood consumption in South Korea were estimated to be 1.1 × 10⁻⁴, 1.6 × 10⁻⁵ and, 2.9 × 10⁻⁵ mSv yr⁻¹, respectively, which is insignificant relative to that of natural radionuclides.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Microplastic ingestion by Atlantic chub mackerel (Scomber colias) in the Canary Islands coast
Herrera, A. | Ŝtindlová, A. | Martínez, I. | Rapp, J. | Romero-Kutzner, V. | Samper, M.D. | Montoto, T. | Aguiar-González, B. | Packard, T. | Gomez, M.
In recent years, due to the increasing concerns about their negative impact on wildlife and possible toxicity to living organisms (including humans), microplastics have become the subject of intense investigations. In the ocean, microplastics can be easily ingested by numerous marine organisms because of their small size (<5 mm). The Northwest African upwelling system is an important fishery area, and the present study is the first one in the region to reveal the presence of microplastic particles in the digestive tract of Atlantic chub mackerel (Scomber colias). From the 120 examined fish gastrointestinal tracts, 78.3% contained some type of microplastics, 74.2% contained fibres, 17.5% plastic fragments, and 16.7% paint. More studies are needed on fish, but S. colias is a candidate for being a good indicator of microplastic contamination in the region.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Effects of artificial reefs on the meiofaunal community and benthic environment - A case study in Bohai Sea, China
Yang, Xinyuan | Lin, Chenggang | Song, Xiaoyue | Xu, Min | Yang, Hongsheng
Artificial reefs are widely deployed for fishery enhancement and marine conservation. A comprehensive assessment on the effects of artificial reefs could minimize the negative consequence of blindly developing artificial reefs. We examined the meiofaunal community and benthic environment adjacent to and <5 m from artificial reefs in Xiangyun Bay, Bohai Sea, China. We found the highest total meiofaunal abundance beside the artificial reef. Shannon-Wiener and Pielou indexes had no significant difference among different distances from the artificial reefs. The presence of artificial reefs impeded the surrounding flow and provided additional substrate for bivalves and kelps, which could cause finer sediment and organic enrichment around it. Sediment grain size and total organic matter were the most important parameters influencing the meiofauna. We suggest that the shape, material, configuration and location of artificial reefs should be related with a specific goal to avoid mindless proliferation.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Assessment of the metal contamination evolution in the Loire estuary using Cu and Zn stable isotopes and geochemical data in sediments
Araújo, Daniel F. | Ponzevera, Emmanuel | Briant, Nicolas | Knoery, Joël | Sireau, Teddy | Mojtahid, Meryem | Metzger, Edouard | Brach-Papa, Christophe
In this work, a multi-elemental approach combining Cu and Zn stable isotopes is used to assess the metal contamination evolution in the Loire estuary bulk sediments. Elemental geochemical data indicate an increase of metal concentrations from the beginning of the industrial period peaking in the 1990s, followed by an attenuation of metal contamination inputs to the estuary. Zinc isotope compositions suggest a binary mixing process between Zn derived from terrigenous material and multi-urban anthropogenic sources. Copper isotope systematics indicate a single natural dominant source represented by weathered silicate particles from soils and rocks. This work demonstrates the applicability of Zn isotopes to identify anthropogenic Zn sources in coastal systems, even under a low to moderate degree of contamination. Further studies are required to constrain Cu sources and to elucidate possible effects of grain-size and mineralogy in the Cu isotope composition of sediment in the Loire estuary.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Examining the physical processes of corn oil (medium crude oil surrogate) in sea ice and its resultant effect on complex permittivity and normalized radar cross-section
Desmond, Durell S. | Neusitzer, Thomas D. | Firoozy, Nariman | Isleifson, Dustin | Lemes, Marcos | Barber, David G. | Stern, Gary A.
Due to the effects of heightened warming in the Arctic, there has been an urgency to develop methods for detecting oil in (or under) sea ice, owing to increasing potential for oil exploration and ship traffic in the more accessible Arctic regions. To test the potential for radar utilizing the normalized radar cross section (NRCS) of the sea ice, an oil-in-ice mesocosm experiment was performed. Throughout the experiment, corn oil was used as a surrogate for medium crude oil, to assess oil movement tendencies in sea ice, and the resultant impact on the complex permittivity through measurement and modelling techniques. We performed a modelling study to establish the effects of corn oil on the NRCS of sea ice. The oil presence in the sea ice increased the temperature and reduced the salinity of the sea ice, thereby lowering its complex permittivity and modeled NRCS when compared to control sea ice.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Differential impact of anthropogenic pressures on Caspian Sea ecoregions
Lattuada, Matteo | Albrecht, Christian | Wilke, Thomas
Over the past decades, overall ecological conditions in the Caspian Sea have deteriorated. However, a comprehensive understanding of lake-wide spatial differences in anthropogenic pressures is lacking and the biological consequences of human impacts are poorly understood. This paper therefore aims at assessing the individual and combined effects of critical anthropogenic pressures on the Caspian Sea ecoregions. First, cumulative pressure scores were calculated with a cumulative environmental assessment (CEA) analysis. Then, the individual contribution of anthropogenic pressures was quantified. Finally, ecoregion-specific differences were assessed. The analyses show that both cumulative and individual pressure scores are unevenly distributed across the Caspian Sea. The most important individual pressures are invasive species, chemical pollution and poaching. This uneven distribution of pressure scores across Caspian Sea ecoregions creates new challenges for future conservation strategies, as different ecoregions usually require different conservation measures.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Baseline levels of antioxidant activities in Mytilus galloprovincialis along the coast of Cape Town, South Africa
Sparks, Conrad | Marnewick, Jeanine | Toefy, Rashieda | Snyman, Reinette | Odendaal, James
Antioxidant activities in Mytilus galloprovincialis were determined from samples collected at Scarborough, Hout Bay, Green Point, Milnerton and Bloubergstrand in Cape Town, South Africa. Antioxidant enzyme activity was determined by measuring CAT, SOD and GSH. The total antioxidant capacity was measured using FRAP and ORAC, while the content and lipid peroxidation marker levels of CDs and TBARS. Antioxidant activities and responses in mussels varied between sites with significant correlations for 85% and 71% of all antioxidant measurements made for Fe and Zn, respectively. The oxidative stress results reported here are novel for the region and indicated that mussels in Cape Town do not have (relatively) high levels of antioxidant activities as a result of exposure to metals. The research undertaken suggests that antioxidant responses was an appropriate biomarker of exposure to metals but more environmental parameters should be considered when interpreting antioxidant responses in the natural environment.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Comparing quantity of marine debris to loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) nesting and non-nesting emergence activity on Jekyll Island, Georgia, USA
Martin, Jeannie Miller | Jambeck, Jenna R. | Ondich, Breanna L. | Norton, Terry M.
Marine debris is defined as any manmade item, commonly plastics, which ends up in the ocean regardless of the source. Debris found along coastlines can cause harm or even death to nesting and hatchling sea turtles through ingestion, entrapment, or entanglement. Jekyll Island is a prominent nesting beach for loggerhead sea turtles with over 1700 emergences from 2012 to 2017. This study uses debris logged through NOAA's Marine Debris Tracker and loggerhead sea turtle nesting activity on Jekyll Island to generate density maps and evaluate possible interactions. These maps provide valuable information on portions of the coast most at risk for debris and sea turtle interactions. Using these maps help the GSTC Marine Debris Initiative focus citizen science efforts in high overlap areas of the beach. With marine debris being a global issue that impacts all sea turtle and beach nesting species, lessons learned can be applied across a wide range of taxa and management strategies.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Macroalgae bloom decay decreases the sediment organic carbon sequestration potential in tropical seagrass meadows of the South China Sea
Liu, Songlin | Jiang, Zhijian | Wu, Yunchao | Deng, Yiqin | Chen, Qiming | Zhao, Chunyu | Cui, Lijun | Huang, Xiaoping
Seagrass meadows are experiencing worldwide declines mainly because of nutrient enrichment, which always result in macroalgae bloom and consequently periodic collapse and decomposition. However, effects of macroalgae decay on the sediment organic carbon (SOC) sequestration capacity remain unknown. Depending on the macroalgae biomass in eutrophic seagrass meadows of South China Sea, we carried out a laboratory chamber experiment to investigate the sediment labile organic carbon (OC) compositions and the influencing SOC transformation enzyme activity variations of seagrass meadows in response to common macroalgae bloom species (Cladophora spp.) decomposition. Although the dehydrogenase and β-glucosidase activities were not affected by macroalgae decomposition, the macroalgae decomposition significantly elevated the salt-extractable carbon (SEC) content, SEC/SOC, levels of invertase and polyphenol oxidase activities, and the CO₂ release. Overall, this study indicates that macroalgae decomposition stimulates the SOC transformation, and therefore, it is not benefit for SOC sequestration within seagrass meadows of the South China Sea.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Anthropogenic carbon as a basal resource in the benthic food webs in the Neva Estuary (Baltic Sea)
Golubkov, Sergey M. | Golubkov, Mikhail S. | Tiunov, Alexei V.
Organic pollution is a serious environmental problem for the coastal zones of seas. The study tested the hypothesis that allochthonous organic carbon derived from St. Petersburg wastewaters is a significant basal resource of carbon for the benthic food webs. We analyzed stable isotope composition of carbon and nitrogen in suspended organic matter in the Neva Estuary and in the tissues of macroinvertebrates and fish. The Stable Isotope Bayesian mixing model showed that waste waters were an important source of carbon for the most of consumers in the Neva Estuary. The autochthonous carbon produced by phytoplankton was a significant source of carbon only for some macroinvertebrates. The main consumers of the carbon derived from waste waters were tubificid worms, chironomid larvae and alien polychaete, which currently dominate in the zoobenthos of the estuary. These species replaced the former dominants, native crustaceans, which to a lesser extent use anthropogenic carbon.
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