[ 发表于: Pollution ]


结果 1701-1710 的 4,926

Isotopic evidence for the shift of nitrate sources and active biological transformation on the western coast of Guangdong Province, South China


Lao, Qibin | Chen, Fajin | Liu, Guoqiang | Chen, Chunqing | Jin, Guangzhe | Zhu, Qingmei | Wei, Chunlei | Zhang, Chunhua

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Establishment of a NORM baseline for selected seafood in the Gulf of Mexico


Wilson, Charles A. | Hamideh, Amin M. | Wang, Wei-Hsung

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Distribution patterns and ecological risk of endocrine-disrupting chemicals at Qingduizi Bay (China): A preliminary survey in a developing maricultured bay


Wang, Lili | Yang, Xiaolong | Zhang, Anguo | Bidegain, Gorka | Li, Ruijing | Na, Guangshui | Yuan, Xiutang

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Evaluation of the artificial sweetener sucralose as a sanitary wastewater tracer in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, USA


Cantwell, Mark G. | Katz, David R. | Sullivan, Julia | Kuhn, Anne

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Effects of salinity and temperature on seed germination and seedling establishment in the endangered seagrass Zostera japonica Asch. & Graebn. in northern China


Yue, Shidong | Zhou, Yi | Zhang, Yu | Xu, Shaochun | Gu, Ruiting | Xu, Shuai | Zhang, Xiaomei | Zhao, Peng

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Marine litter on the Baltic seafloor collected by the international fish-trawl survey


Zablotski, Yury | Kraak, Sarah B.M.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Distribution of petrogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in seafood following Deepwater Horizon oil spill


Fernando, Harshica | Ju, Hyunsu | Kakumanu, Ramu | Bhopale, Kamlesh K. | Croisant, Sharon | Elferink, Cornelis | Kaphalia, Bhupendra S. | Ansari, G.A Shakeel

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Associations between organohalogen exposure and thyroid- and steroid-related gene responses in St. Lawrence Estuary belugas and minke whales


Simond, Antoine E. | Houde, Magali | Lesage, V. | Michaud, Robert | Zbinden, Dany | Verreault, Jonathan

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Multi-annual survey of health status disturbance in the Bilbao estuary (Bay of Biscay) based on sediment chemistry and juvenile sole (Solea spp.) histopathology


Briaudeau, T. | Zorita, I. | Cuevas, N. | Franco, J. | Marigómez, I. | Izagirre, U.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Inter-hemispherical shoreline surveys of anthropogenic marine debris – A binational citizen science project with schoolchildren


Honorato-Zimmer, Daniela | Kruse, Katrin | Knickmeier, Katrin | Weinmann, Anna | Hinojosa, Ivan A. | Thiel, Martin

National Agricultural Library - United States of America