结果 181-190 的 3,199
Distribution of mercury in archived fur from little brown bats across Atlantic Canada
Little, Megan E. | Burgess, Neil M. | Broders, Hugh G. | Campbell, Linda M.
Total mercury (Hg) concentrations were measured in archived fur from adult female little brown bats sampled at maternity roosts across Atlantic Canada. Mercury concentrations varied significantly among regions and roosts. Bats from Nova Scotia and Newfoundland had the highest median Hg concentrations (9.67 μg/g and 9.51 μg/g) among regions, and individuals from Kejimkujik National Park had the highest Hg (median: 28.38 μg/g) among roosts. Over one third of individuals sampled had fur Hg concentrations exceeding thresholds associated with neurochemical responses. Within-roost examinations of stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes in fur showed inconsistent associations with Hg concentrations. Therefore, the hypothesis that within-roost variation in Hg is driven by variation in diet is not supported by this data, and it is recommended that key prey items be included in future mercury bioaccumulation studies for bats. The elevated mercury fur concentrations for bats from southern Nova Scotia remains an anomaly of concern even when placed in the larger context of Atlantic Canada.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Can the Air Pollution Index be used to communicate the health risks of air pollution?
Li, Li | Lin, Guo-Zhen | Liu, Hua-Zhang | Guo, Yuming | Ou, Chun-Quan | Chen, Ping-Yan
The validity of using the Air Pollution Index (API) to assess health impacts of air pollution and potential modification by individual characteristics on air pollution effects remain uncertain. We applied distributed lag non-linear models (DLNMs) to assess associations of daily API, specific pollution indices for PM10, SO2, NO2 and the weighted combined API (APIw) with mortality during 2003–2011 in Guangzhou, China. An increase of 10 in API was associated with a 0.88% (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.50, 1.27%) increase of non-accidental mortality at lag 0–2 days. Harvesting effects appeared after 2 days’ exposure. The effect estimate of API over lag 0–15 days was statistically significant and similar with those of pollutant-specific indices and APIw. Stronger associations between API and mortality were observed in the elderly, females and residents with low educational attainment. In conclusion, the API can be used to communicate health risks of air pollution.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Concomitant uptake of antimicrobials and Salmonella in soil and into lettuce following wastewater irrigation
Sallach, J Brett | Zhang, Yuping | Hodges, Laurie | Snow, Dan | Li, Xu | Bartelt-Hunt, Shannon
The use of wastewater for irrigation may introduce antimicrobials and human pathogens into the food supply through vegetative uptake. The objective of this study was to investigate the uptake of three antimicrobials and Salmonella in two lettuce cultivars. After repeated subirrigation with synthetic wastewater, lettuce leaves and soil were collected at three sequential harvests. The internalization frequency of Salmonella in lettuce was low. A soil horizon-influenced Salmonella concentration gradient was determined with concentrations in bottom soil 2 log CFU/g higher than in top soil. Lincomycin and sulfamethoxazole were recovered from lettuce leaves at concentrations as high as 822 ng/g and 125 ng/g fresh weight, respectively. Antimicrobial concentrations in lettuce decreased from the first to the third harvest suggesting that the plant growth rate may exceed antimicrobial uptake rates. Accumulation of antimicrobials was significantly different between cultivars demonstrating a subspecies level variation in uptake of antibiotics in lettuce.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Particle doses in the pulmonary lobes of electronic and conventional cigarette users
Manigrasso, Maurizio | Buonanno, Giorgio | Stabile, Luca | Morawska, L. (Lidia) | Avino, Pasquale
The main aim of the present study was to estimate size segregated doses from e-cigarette aerosols as a function of the airway generation number in lung lobes. After a 2-second puff, 7.7 × 1010 particles (DTot) with a surface area of 3.6 × 103 mm2 (STot), and 3.3 × 1010 particles with a surface area of 4.2 × 103 mm2 were deposited in the respiratory system for the electronic and conventional cigarettes, respectively. Alveolar and tracheobronchial deposited doses were compared to the ones received by non-smoking individuals in Western countries, showing a similar order of magnitude. Total regional doses (DR), in head and lobar tracheobronchial and alveolar regions, ranged from 2.7 × 109 to 1.3 × 1010 particles and 1.1 × 109 to 5.3 × 1010 particles, for the electronic and conventional cigarettes, respectively. DR in the right-upper lung lobe was about twice that found in left-upper lobe and 20% greater in right-lower lobe than the left-lower lobe.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Effects of cyanobacterial extracellular polymeric substances on the stability of ZnO nanoparticles in eutrophic shallow lakes
Xu, Huacheng | Jiang, Helong
Extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) from bloom-forming cyanobacteria exist ubiquitously in eutrophic waters, while their effects on the aggregation/stabilization of nanoparticles remain unknown. In this study, the stability of ZnO nanoparticles (ZNPs) upon adsorption of cyanobacterial EPS was investigated by using two dimensional ATR-FTIR correlation spectroscopy, XPS and DLVO theory. Results showed that the adsorption process followed the Langmuir isotherm and pseudo-second-order kinetics both for the total organic contents as well as the individual parallel factor-derived components. The physicochemical and spectroscopic techniques revealed the mechanism of both electrostatic attraction and surface complexation in EPS adsorption. Further analysis showed increased absorbance and turbidity of ZNPs solutions with EPS addition, demonstrating the enhanced colloidal stability. The DLVO theory explained that the increased energy barriers and values of second energy maximum were responsible for the stability enhancement. This study facilitates a deeper insight into the environmental behavior of nanoparticles in eutrophic algae-rich waters.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Spatial analysis of 4,5-dichloro-2-n-octyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one (Sea-Nine 211) concentrations and probabilistic risk to marine organisms in Hiroshima Bay, Japan
Mochida, Kazuhiko | Hano, Takeshi | Onduka, Toshimitsu | Ichihashi, Hideki | Amano, Haruna | Ito, Mana | Ito, Katsutoshi | Tanaka, Hiroyuki | Fujii, Kazunori
We analyzed the spatial distribution of an antifouling biocide, 4,5-dichloro-2-n-octyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one (Sea-Nine 211) in the surface water and sediments of Hiroshima Bay, Japan to determine the extent of contamination by this biocide. A quantitative estimate of the environmental concentration distribution (ECD) and species sensitivity distributions (SSDs) for marine organisms were derived by using a Bayesian statistical model to carry out a probabilistic ecological risk analysis, such as calculation of the expected potentially affected fraction (EPAF). The spatial distribution analysis supported the notion that Sea-Nine 211 is used mainly for treatment of ship hulls in Japan. The calculated EPAF suggests that approximately up to a maximum of 0.45% of marine species are influenced by the toxicity of Sea-Nine 211 in Hiroshima Bay. In addition, estimation of the ecological risk with a conventional risk quotient method indicated that the risk was a cause for concern in Hiroshima Bay.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Leaf reflectance variation along a vertical crown gradient of two deciduous tree species in a Belgian industrial habitat
Khavaninzadeh, Ali Reza | Veroustraete, Frank | Van Wittenberghe, Shari | Verrelst, Jochem | Samson, Roeland
The reflectometry of leaf asymmetry is a novel approach in the bio-monitoring of tree health in urban or industrial habitats. Leaf asymmetry responds to the degree of environmental pollution and reflects structural changes in a leaf due to environmental pollution. This paper describes the boundary conditions to scale up from leaf to canopy level reflectance, by describing the variability of adaxial and abaxial leaf reflectance, hence leaf asymmetry, along the crown height gradients of two tree species. Our findings open a research pathway towards bio-monitoring based on the airborne remote sensing of tree canopies and their leaf asymmetric properties.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Effect of daily temperature range on respiratory health in Argentina and its modification by impaired socio-economic conditions and PM10 exposures
Carreras, Hebe | Zanobetti, Antonella | Koutrakis, Petros
Epidemiological investigations regarding temperature influence on human health have focused on mortality rather than morbidity. In addition, most information comes from developed countries despite the increasing evidence that climate change will have devastating impacts on disadvantaged populations living in developing countries. In the present study, we assessed the impact of daily temperature range on upper and lower respiratory infections in Cordoba, Argentina, and explored the effect modification of socio-economic factors and influence of airborne particles We found that temperature range is a strong risk factor for admissions due to both upper and lower respiratory infections, particularly in elderly individuals, and that these effects are more pronounced in sub-populations with low education level or in poor living conditions. These results indicate that socio-economic factors are strong modifiers of the association between temperature variability and respiratory morbidity, thus they should be considered in risk assessments.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Can we improve pollen season definitions by using the symptom load index in addition to pollen counts?
Bastl, Katharina | Kmenta, Maximilian | Geller-Bernstein, Carmi | Berger, Uwe | Jäger, Siegfried
Airborne pollen measurements are the foundation of aerobiological research and provide essential raw data for various disciplines. Pollen itself should be considered a relevant factor in air quality. Symptom data shed light on the relationship of pollen allergy and pollination. The aim of this study is to assess the spatial variation of local, regional and national symptom datasets. Ten pollen season definitions are used to calculate the symptom load index for the birch and grass pollen seasons (2013–2014) in Austria. (1) Local, (2) regional and (3) national symptom datasets are used to examine spatial variations and a consistent pattern was found. In conclusion, national datasets are suitable for first insights where no sufficient local or regional dataset is available and season definitions based on percentages provide a practical solution, as they can be applied in regions with different pollen loads and produce more constant results.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Chloride-induced shape transformation of silver nanoparticles in a water environment
Zhang, Lan | Li, Xin | He, Rong | Wu, Lijun | Zhang, Liyun | Zeng, Jie
The effects of chloride on dissolution and toxicity of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) have been well studied. However, their intermediate shapes during the transition have not been illustrated to-date. Herein, the chloride-induced shape transformation process of AgNPs under long-term, low-concentration conditions is explored. A unique triangular Ag–AgCl heterostructure is observed. The structure then evolves into a symmetric hexapod and finally into a smaller AgNP. This transformation process could be affected by other environmental conditions, such as 0.4 mg/mL humic acid, 5% surfactants and 1 mg/mL bovine serum albumin protein. Our results offer new knowledge regarding the shape transformation process of AgNPs in the presence of chloride, which can be valuable in relevant studies concerning the effect of water chemistry on the behavior of AgNPs.
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