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Coagulation of natural organic matter in groundwater using aluminium salts
Karlovic, E. (Prirodno-matematicki fakultet, Novi Sad (Yugoslavia). Institut za hemiju) | Dalmacija, B. | Zejak, J. | Bajevic, Lj. | Djeric, J. | Djuric, Z.
Removal of natural organic matter (NOM) from groundwater by aluminium sulphate and polyaluminium chloride (PACl) was investigated. The maximal decrease of UV absorbance at 254 nm was near 70%. Decrease of permanganate value about 50% was achieved by PACl coagulation. Similar effect can be achieved using 2.5 fold higher concentration of aluminium sulphate. Coagulation process at pH 5.5 was successful with 3-5 times less concentration of coagulant. The heterogenous composition of NOM in water had been changing by coagulation. The total trihalomethane formation potential is 50-60% lower in coagulated water. The greatest removal was success for chloroform precursors.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Macrozoobenthos as an indicator of the river Kolubara [Serbia, Yugoslavia] water quality
Markovic, Z. (Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd - Zemun (Yugoslavia). Institut za stocarstvo) | Miljanovic, B. | Mitrovic-Tutundzic, V.
During three years period from 1991 to 1994, investigation of the river Kolubara (Serbia, Yugoslavia) was carried out along 35 km of water course from Valjevo to Lajkovac. The macrozoobenthos community was composed of 117 determined taxa. Of the found taxa Oligochaeta were the most diverse with 40 taxa determined. The greatest diversity of macrozoobenthos community was foound at the river section in Valjevo, upstream the mouth of Gradac (69), while the community was most uniform downstream Valjevo at Bela Stena (24 taxa). A decrease as well as an increase in the macrozoobenthos diversity was not in accordance with similar decrease or increase in saprobic index values since they were in narrow range from 2.37 to 2.59.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Some aspects of the effects of lindane to the nutrition of Serranus scriba in the sea water
Kovacevic, A. (Institut za biologiju mora, Kotor (Yugoslavia))
The experiment was performed on marine Teleost Serranus scriba with lower concentrations of lindane then MPC (due to our valid law). The aim of this study was to find the effects of lindane to fish activities connected with nutrition. This motive is among the strongest. It includes parameters as: number of fish movements in the presence of prey or without it and the number of onslaughts to the prey during one hour. The results have shown that the increasing of lindane concentration caused considerable decreasing and even complete cessation of activity. Interest for prey and decreasing activity of predators in the presence of prey (typical for Serranus - as a fish of prey and the hunter) endures till the moment of convulsion.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-][Microbiological aspect of the water quality of small rivers in eastern Backa [Serbia, Yugoslavia]]
Matavulj, M. | Radnovic, D. | Zeremski, J. | Bokorov, M. (Prirodno-matematicki fakultet, Novi Sad (Yugoslavia). Institut za biologiju)
According to microbiological parameters, waters of both small rivers of eastern Backa, Serbia (Yugoslavia), are slightly and moderately polluted by organic matter at the most of the investigated localities in summer season. The satisfactory power of water selfpurification has been preserved in these aquatic ecosystems. In order to prevent further eutrophication processes, certain measures of river water protection and conservation should be undertaken, especially in stagnant parts of investigated waters. Also, the regular monitoring of water quality should be established.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Monitoring of the sea-water quality in the coastal montenegrin area [Adriatic Sea, Montenegro (Yugoslavia)]
Regner, D. (Institut za biologiju mora, Kotor (Yugoslavia)) | Vuksanovic, N. | Dutina, M. | Joksimovic, D. | Stjepcevic, B.
Some new results of the monitoring and control of the sea-water quality along the Montenegrin coast of the Adriatic sea, Montenegro (Yugoslavia) are presented. The recent data from summer 1998 are compared with some previous results. So, increasing of temperature mean values and decreasing of salinity and sea-water density were found in comparison with the previous years in the whole investigated area. At the same time, the quality of the sea is growing worse, step by step. Faster changes were found in Boka Kotorska Bay, Montenegro (Yugoslavia) than outside of the bay, in the zone which is exposed to the stronger influence of the open sea. Finally, the most essential conclusion is that the solution of wastewater discharges becomes more and more important, especially in semienclosed Boka Kotorska Bay (Adriatic Sea, Montenegro, Yugoslavia).
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Potential erodibility of small watershed on the base of their geological structure
Stefanovic, J. | Bulajic, Z. | Stefanovic, S. (Institut za zemljiste, Beograd (Yugoslavia))
There was investigated potential erodibility of two small experimental watersheds, which belongs to the watershed of Topciderska river, Serbia (Yugoslavia), on the base of geological structure of the watershed area. The investigations of potential erodibility of watersheds were included the analysis of tectonical and every geological formation, as from viewpoint of its possible erodibility as well as of possible sediment type (load, suspended and mixed) which were originated in desintegration processes. The sediment type domination, which was produced from watershed, was confirmed from granulometric composition of sediment in experimental watersteams. The synthesis of results of this analyses is presented with map of potenatial source of sediments from experimental watersheds.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Expert systems in water quality management
Djordjevic, B. (Univerzitet u Beogradu, Beograd (Yugoslavia). Gradjevinski fakultet)
Expert system (ES) is a software which unites mathematical models, empirical knowledge, expert evaluation, engineering intuition, heuristic rules and necessary informations which through the inference engine gives useful advise to the decision maker, to reach a correct and timely decision. The objectives of ES cover a wide range of tasks of protection of waters, out of which the following seem to be the most important: diagnostics, monitoring, estimation, interpretation, planning and design of systems, maintenance, trouble shooting, education, management.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Phytoplankton size-fractions as indicators of eutrophication in the Montenegrin coastal sea [Adriatic Sea, Montenegro (Yugoslavia)]
Vuksanovic, N. | Regner, D. | Vukanic, D. | Dutina, M. (Institut za biologiju mora, Kotor (Yugoslavia))
Studies of phytoplankton in the Montenegrin coastal sea (Adriatic Sea), Montenegro (Yugoslavia), have been done in August and September 1998. Simultaneously, investigations were carried out in the area of Boka Kotorska Bay (Kotor and Tivat Bays) and outside the Bay, i.e. in the zone exposed to the influence of the open sea (Petrovac and Budva). It was found that the density of microphytoplankton is higher during summer, than in the autumn. So in the summer-period, as a consequence of stronger eutrophication process, mean-value of microphytoplankton density was 10**5 cells/cubic dm, and in autumn 4 x 10**4 cells/cubic dm. On the contrary, mean-value of nanophytoplankton density was higher in the autumn (5.2 x 10**6 cells/cubic dm) than in summer (3.5 x 10**5 cells/cubic dm), being a consequence of a decreasing eutrophication during colder period of the year. Having in mind the direct influence of the open sea outside the Bay, it is intelligible that population density of both phytoplankton size-fractions is lower along the Montenegrin coast, than in the Boka Kotorska Bay (Montenegro, Yugoslavia).
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The Vlasina river [Serbia, Yugoslavia] - water quality, environmental quality assessment and preservation
Paunovic, M. | Kalafatic, V. | Martinovic, J. | Jakovcev, D. | Martinovic-Vitanovic, V. (Institut za bioloska istrazivanja "Sinisa Stankovic", Beograd (Yugoslavia))
The paper presents results of the hydroecological investigations of the Vlasina river basin, Serbia (Yugoslavia). The researches were performed in May and September 1996, as a part an annual investigation cycle. Samples were collected from five localities on the Vlasina river, and on two spots on its main tributaries - the Gradska river and Luznica, just before entering into the Vlasina. Qualitative and quantitative data on composition of phyto- and zooplankton, periphytic and benthic communities together with data obtained from physico-chemical water examinations were analysed to assess water quality of examined water courses. The results of performed monitoring were compared with informations on the sources of pollution, as well as with the data on hydrology, geomorphology, demographic variations, and recent development of tourism and industry in the Region in order to assess environmental quality of aquatic ecosystem and to suggest the conservation strategy.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Content of harmful and dangerous matter in waters for irrigation from Vizelj channel, Padinska Skela - Beograd [Serbia, Yugoslavia]
Stefanovic, S. | Zdravkovic, M. (Institut za zemljiste, Beograd (Yugoslavia))
From two locations in the Vizelj channel (Serbia, Yugoslavia) in the early spring and before irrigation water samples were systematically taken in order to examination the content of harmful and dangerous matter. Content of Cd, Pb, Hg, As, Cr, Ni, F, Cu, B in water samples was analyzed. The origin of these elements in the water and the effect of potentinal pollutants were analyzed. Also, deviation of content of these elements from permissible amounts which were announced in the Book of Regulation was commented.
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