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Assessing Heavy Metal Accumulation in Urban Plants: Implications for Environmental Health and Traffic-Related Pollution in Al-Diwaniyah City, Iraq
Luma Abdalalah Sagban Alabadi, Wafaa Sahib Abbood Alawsy and Dunya A. AL-jibury
This study aimed to compare the ability of five plant species, including (Conocarpus erectus, Acacia sensu lato (s.l.), Melaleuca viminalis, Dodonaea viscosa and Lantana camara) to absorb and accumulate heavy elements in their tissues, which were grown in the central islands in the city of Diwaniyah. This included areas of street in front of the medical college, Umm Al Khail First Street, Umm Al-Khail Street, near Abbas Attiwi Bridge, Al-Adly Street in the Euphrates District, and Clock Field Street, respectively. Results showed that soil samples S1 and S3 were contaminated by Pb, and the rest of the sites were contaminated with nickel only. This indicates through the table findings a rise in these heavy metals’ concentrations with a rise in traffic momentum. Thus, the Pb concentrations in the growing plants’ shoot parts with respect to this research had surpassed the allowed critical limit of 5.00 mg.kg-1 dry matter, in which the highest value was recorded at the site with respect to S3 as well as S2. Meanwhile, the findings indicate that Cd concentrations in S3 and S1 had increased and exceeded the allowable limit of 0.20 mg.kg-1 dry matter. In the meantime, the nickel concentrations were within the permissible limits of 67.90 mg.kg-1 dry matter. The Zn concentration exceeded the permitted limits of 60.00 mg.kg-1 dry matter except for plants (Acacia s.l. and Lantana camara) in sites S5 and S2. The results confirmed that the values of Heavy Metals Bioaccumulation Coefficient (BAC) for most of the study elements had recorded the highest value in the Dodonaea plant for Zn, Cd, and Pb, except for Ni. It was more accumulated in the Melaleuca viminalis plant, which indicates the superiority of the Dodonaea plant in accumulating Pb, Cd, and Zn over the rest of the study plants, as they took the following order: Lantana camara < Acacia s.l. < Conocarpus erectus < Melaleuca viminalis < Dodonaea viscosa. The best plants accumulated nickel in the following order: Acacia s.l. < Lantana camara < Conocarpus erectus < Dodonaea viscosa < Melaleuca viminalis.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Combined Application of Biochar and Silicon Fertilizer for Improved Soil Properties and Maize Growth
Muhammad Wasil Bin Abu Bakar, M. K. Uddin, Susilawati Kasim, Syaharudin Zaibon, S. M. Shamsuzzaman, A. N. A. Haque and A. Reza
Biochar can be a good soil amendment to reduce the soil pH, increase crop growth rate, and improve the efficient use of fertilizer. Other than that, silicon fertilizer also would promote photosynthetic ability on plant development that would help to produce high yield. In this work, a series of experiments was conducted to observe the effect of rice husk biochar and silicon fertilizer on the maize growth rate and soil pH. A 45-day pot experiment in the greenhouse with three replicates of 9 experimental treatment combinations of RHB at two rates (5 and 2.5 t.ha-1) with silicon fertilizer at three rates (125%, 100%, 75%), sole biochar (10 t.ha-1), sole silicon fertilizer (100%) and control (NPK) to observe the best rate and combination to improve growth rate and change in soil chemical in acid soil. The result showed that the co-application of sole biochar and biochar with Silicon significantly improved growth development, increased photosynthesis rate, altered soil pH, and reduced Fe concentration compared to control. The plant height increased 88.35% from T4 (5 t.ha-1 RHB + 100% Si) compared to the control and the conductance was higher in T4 (0.53) followed by T8 (0.438) while T1 (0.071) recorded the lowest conductance. The shoot fresh weight was higher in T4 (127.83 g) followed by T8 (57.14 g). However, the weight increased by 343.7% at T4 followed by T8 (2.5 t.ha-1 RHB + 75% Si) at 98.33%. The highest pH increment of 1.24 units (T1 = 5.53, T4 = 6.77) of soil pH was noted from T4 (5 t.ha-1 RHB + 100% Si) compared to control (NPK), and the highest total Fe in soil was observed from T1 (442.30 mg.kg-1). The current study results showed that T4 (50% RHB + 100% Silicon) was the best treatment over the other rates of RHB and silicon increased plant height, photosynthetic rate, and biomass.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Nitrogen Nutrition-Induced Changes in Macronutrient Content and Their Indirect Effect on N-Metabolism Via an Impact on Key N-Assimilating Enzymes in Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
Vandna, Vasundhara Sharma, Kalidindi Usha, Dalveer Singh, Ranjan Gupta, V. K. Gupta and Bhupinder Singh
Judicious application of nitrogen (N) fertilizers in crop production is critical for reducing the nitrate pollution of groundwater and greenhouse gas emissions. It is, thus, important to improve the nitrogen use efficiency under the reduced application of nitrogen. A genotypic variation in N-uptake and N-use efficiency particularly under low N-input conditions exists across crops that can be deciphered and exploited for environmentally sustainable farming without any significant penalty of yield and quality. The present research conducted under the nutrient solution culture aimed to explore the inherent variability in the growth response of ten genetically diverse wheat varieties to low fertilizer N-application (N-, 10 μM N) in comparison to N sufficient control (N+, 8.5 mM N) viz., a viz., the activity of various key N-assimilating enzymes and to delineate the indirect effect of low N on uptake and partitioning of other major macronutrients viz., P, K, S, which may indirectly regulate the N-use efficiency. A notable increase in sulfur, potassium, and phosphorus content was observed under nitrogen-deficient conditions. Varieties such as Carnamah and HD 2824 exhibit a significant increase in shoot phosphorus content, emphasizing their potential to optimize phosphorus acquisition and utilization efficiency under nutrient-limited conditions. The findings highlight the complex interplay between nutrient availability and plant responses, showcasing varietal-specific adaptations to nitrogen limitations.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Energy Intervention Model in Public Education Institutions that Contribute to Sustainable Development
J. Velez-Ramos, D. Mayorga and F. Gonzalez
Sustainable development is a global policy that requires the collective effort of the actors present in each territory. In this sense, an energy renewal intervention model is presented at the Juan XXIII Educational Institution in the city of Monteria, Córdoba, Colombia, which results from alliances between international, national, and regional actors, becoming a reference that could serve as a basis. To be replicated in other institutions with characteristics similar to those described in this case. The model generally describes the entire process carried out in the intervention and focuses on the benefits generated for the educational community. Among the main results, the increase in thermal, lighting, and acoustic comfort of the educational community stands out, according to a survey and semi-structured interviews carried out. A fact that could be attributed to the perception of increased comfort in the community is the increase in the student population in 2022, going from 1,478 in 2019 to 1,909 in 2022, with a growth of approximately 29%. Energy renovation also resulted in the improvement of the indoor climate of the classrooms (from 35°C to 27°C), the improvement in the physical infrastructure of the institution, the integration of photovoltaic solar energy, and the subsequent reduction of energy cost.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Survey and Characterization of Edible Fruit and Ethnomedicinal Trees in the Forest Landscape of Apayao Province
Hannie T. Martin, Olivia C. Tomas, Ryan W. Gabit, Maria Christina Z. Manicad and David A. Rodolfo
This study was conducted in the six municipalities of Apayao Province, namely, Luna, Pudtol, Flora, Conner, Kabugao, and Calanasan. This aimed to survey and characterize the edible fruit and ethnomedicinal trees in the forest landscape of Apayao province. It determined the geographical location, morphological characteristics, ecological status, DNA sequencing, phytochemical contents, uses, and threats of the edible and ethnomedicinal trees in the forests of Apayao. The methods used were qualitative and quantitative research. Fifteen (15) edible and 10 ethnomedicinal trees were surveyed with sixteen (16) families were identified.Out of 25 edible and ethnomedicinal trees, the conservation status is endangered, threatened, rare, vulnerable, and least concerned. Out of 25 edible and ethnomedicinal fruit trees, most are with identity results that range from 93 to 100% identity. Flavonoids, tannins, and sapotin compounds are mostly present in edible and ethnomedicinal trees. The community members are using 15 different ethnomedicinal trees to address 32 health-related conditions. The results of the phytochemical analyses provide support evidence to support the traditional uses of ethnomedicinal trees. All surveyed trees are susceptible to pests, diseases, and destruction brought by natural phenomena such as the effect of climate change. A policy recommendation for the conservation and protection of edible and ethnomedicinal trees is then proposed.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The Nexus Between Climate Variability and Undernutrition: A Systematic Review
Niraj K.C. and Kuaanan Techato
Undernutrition is a confront to the health and output of the populace. It is viewed as one of the five leading contrary health impacts of climate variability and is defined as different measures of nutritional status. We aimed to assess the scientific evidence base for the impact of climate variability on childhood undernutrition (particularly wasting and underweight) in low- and middle-income countries. A systematic review was conducted to identify the peer-reviewed and gray full-text studies in English with no limits for the year of publication and study design. This review covers only published studies from four databases (PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Science Direct). The risk of bias was assessed using the ROVBIS tool in individual studies. The PRISMA Statement checklist for systematic reviews was referred for this review process. A significant correlation between climate variables, temperature, rainfall, and drought, and at least one undernutrition parameter in 19 out of 22 studies was observed in this systematic review. In addition, we note that crop yield, maternal education, nutritional status of mothers, wealth status at the household level, and individual levels also play substantial roles in mediating the nutritional impacts. The findings of our analysis imply that exposure to climate variables may be linked to an increased risk of undernutrition both during and for several years following climate events. This may imply that undernutrition is never caused by temperature, precipitation, drought, or other weather-related factors alone but rather that undernutrition is triggered in children who are already at risk.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Zinc and Boron Foliar Application Effects on Primed Mung Bean (Vigna radiata L.) Growth and Productivity
Lalit Saini, Prasann Kumar and Hina Upadhyay
Mung bean is recognized for its abundant high-quality protein content. For human consumption, it is a high-quality protein source and also serves various purposes crops, its arvested residue is used for green manuring and also used for fodder purposes. The research aimed to assess the impact of foliar micronutrient application on primed mung bean (Vigna radiata). The experimental procedures were executed in the sandy loam soil prevalent in the central plain region of Punjab. The investigation was conducted during the Zaid season 2022, focusing on the (SML-1827) mung bean variety. Specifically, the research assessed the impact of foliar micronutrient applications involving zinc and boron at 15 and 45 days after sowing (DAS) on primed mung bean growth characteristics. The experimental design employed a Randomized Block Design, incorporating 11 distinct treatment combinations, each replicated thrice. The investigation revealed that foliar micronutrient treatment on primed mung bean substantially influenced growth and yield parameters. Growth indicators for mung bean exhibited a positive trend when zinc and boron were jointly applied to primed seeds with gibberellic acid, followed by a decline in the control group, which experienced typical growth conditions devoid of growth regulators and micronutrients. Specifically, the highest recorded plant height was 70.1 cm in the T9 (GA(50 mg.L-1) + ZnSO4 (0.5%) + B (1%)) treatment, while the lowest height was 58 cm in the T0 (control) treatment. Similarly, the most significant fresh weight was observed in T9 (GA(50 mg.L-1) + ZnSO4 (0.5%)+ B (1%)) treatments at 136.8 g, with the lowest weight recorded in T0 (control) treatments at 86.6g. the most significant grain yield was achieved in T9 112 g.m-2, followed by T10 (SA(150 mg.L-1)+ ZnSO4 (0.5%)+B (1%)) at 105.7 g.m-2. This study suggests micronutrients and growth regulators can be sustainable agricultural inputs to enhance soil health and productivity.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]A Review on Bioremediation of Tannery Effluent using Immobilized Bacteria
J. Raveena Jayam and Priya Chokkalingam
Tannery effluent is a significant contributor to contaminants such as heavy metals within the ecosystem. Effluents generally contain heavy metals, and they also contain more bacteria that can thrive in such an environment. Bioremediation has ancestrally been performed using bacteria; in recent decades, the implementation of “immobilized” bacteria has acquired recognition as an intriguing technique due to manifold assistance. This review systematizes a humongous amount of extant literature on multifarious toxicants that can be tackled with immobilized bacteria. We further explore assorted deterministic facets using immobilized bacteria for environmental remediation with an emphasis on encapsulation in biomaterials and their role in detoxifying toxic compounds. We explore multiple techniques for immobilizing bacteria in numerous complementary arrays incorporating multiple species of bacteria, factors that influence the remediation process, such as bioreactor layouts used in pilot, lab-scale applications. Exploits and drawbacks of using immobilized bacteria in fermenters to treat tannery effluent are also described. The imperishable future aspects, recovery of significant commodities, in addition to bioremediation, represent an important incentive of the immobilized treatment process that makes more cost-effective, legitimate treatment enforcement that is also congruent with the precepts of the bioeconomy.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Navigating Nepal’s Economic Growth and Carbon Emissions: Insights into the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC)
R. Adhikari, B. Niroula and S. K. Singh
This research aims to employ the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) method within the insight into the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) to verify whether EKC exists in the Nepalese economy. In this research, variables were used, such as carbon emissions per capita, GDP per capita, energy use per capita, trade volume, and urbanization from 1980 to 2021, and the ARDL method was used. The data has been taken in this research except trade volume from the World Bank and the Ministry of Finance, Nepal. The data sets are converted into the natural logarithmic form to minimize the problem of heteroskedasticity. The findings provide compelling evidence for the existence of the EKC in Nepal, that economic growth has an inverted U-shaped impact on carbon emissions. In the early stages of development, economic growth leads to rising carbon emissions, but in the later stages, economic growth becomes associated with declining emissions. Besides economic growth, per capita energy consumption and urbanization emerge as significant drivers of carbon emissions. However, the trade volume is not found to be the driving factor of carbon emissions. The findings of this study have significant policy implications for global climate change issues and Nepal’s transition from an underdeveloped to a developing nation. To achieve harmonious economic growth and emissions reduction, donor countries and agencies to partner with Nepal in its ambitious endeavors. This partnership can take shape through multifaceted support as fueling socio-economic progress that aligns with Nepal’s commitment to reduce carbon emissions, ensuring that development and sustainability walk together. This research recommends the government of Nepal electrify the transportation landscape by incentivizing the adoption of electric vehicles, paving the way for cleaner air and a healthier planet, empowering Nepal’s natural guardians by strengthening public and private forest programs, safeguarding invaluable ecosystems and biodiversity and curbing the tide of waste mismanagement through strict regulations and robust enforcement, transforming a potential threat into a source of innovation and resourcefulness. These measures, aligned with sustainable employment generation, can pave the way for a brighter and greener future for Nepal.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Emerging Issues in Energy Sustainability: A Systematic Review and Research Agenda
Aqsa Anjum, Jahangir Chauhan, Marghoob Enam and Irfan Ali
This research paper seeks to investigate and categorize previous studies to understand better the role of energy generation technology in promoting sustainable development of a country country. The primary aim of this review is to identify and emphasize key issues related to energy sustainability. The study employs a systematic review approach, drawing on academic publications from the Web of Science and Scopus database. The analysis reveals five key issues: the nexus between energy generation and greenhouse gas emissions, energy generation and employment, the impact of energy generation and land use intensity, the association between energy generation and water footprint, and the nexus between energy generation and human health. This study delves into the theoretical dimensions of research concerning the interplay between energy sustainability and various aspects of energy generation technologies. Furthermore, it contributes to the existing body of knowledge concerning Sustainable Development Goal 7, with the overarching goal of enhancing both human well-being and economic prosperity through advancements in energy generation technologies. The study comprehensively explores the subject matter, offering an in-depth analysis of energy sustainability. Its unique contribution lies in its extensive examination of multiple facets of energy sustainability, making it a significant addition to the field of research.
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