结果 41-50 的 97
Trend and Variability of Total Gaseous Mercury (TGM) in the State of Connecticut, U.S.A. during 1997–1999
Chen, Hao | Yang, Xiusheng | Perkins, Christopher
A statewide total gaseous mercury (TGM) monitoring campaign was conducted from January 1997 to December 1999 in the State of Connecticut, U.S.A. Eight monitoring sites with different characteristics of geographical location (coastal vs. interior) and land use (rural vs. urban) were included in the monitoring program. Statistical procedures were utilized to evaluate the temporal trend and spatial distribution of the TGM concentration in the State, and the influence of long-range transport from non-local sources. The statewide mean TGM concentration was 2.08 ng m⁻³. The annual mean concentration had no significant differences among the three years of measurements for all the sites. Weak seasonal variations were detected in the State with higher ambient TGM concentration found in warmer seasons. Urban areas in general had higher TGM concentrations than rural areas. The effect of site location of the monitoring sites on TGM concentration was interacted with land use characteristics. Waterbury site with extremely high concentration measurements was the major cause for this interaction. The long-range transport of TGM from remote sources showed an important influence on local ambient concentrations, by explaining over 45% of the total variance of the ambient TGM concentration for most sites. Local sources were responsible for the extremely high TGM concentration in the Waterbury site. The TGM concentrations at Voluntown, Hammonasset and Avery Point in southeast Connecticut were likely to be affected by some local sources.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn Concentrations in Atmospheric Wet Deposition at a Coastal Station in Western Europe
Deboudt, Karine | Flament, Pascal | Bertho, Marie-Laure
Bulk rainfalls were sampled during ten months in the Eastern Channel (Northern France). Chloride and sodium are the heavily loaded major ions in wet deposition, indicating a high influence of seasalt. However, the presence of heavy metals is independent of seasalt emissions and various anthropogenic sources should have an impact on their atmospheric concentrations.The comparison between heavy metals concentrations, always ranked as [Zn] ≫ [Pb] > [Cu] ≫ [Cd], with other values obtained during the same period on European coastal or on urban sites, confirms that ourwestern European station is in a semi-rural area where no local source strongly influences the abundance of atmospheric heavy metals. This semi-rural site could be disturbed by medium and/or long range transportepisodes.The observation of literature data confirms a decrease of Cd, Cu and Pb concentrations in rain waters from the beginning of the nineties. On the other hand, no sharp evolution has been observed for zinc concentrations.The structuring of data by clustering has permitted to extract five clusters, including four different types of origins. Two marine clusters, with relatively low levels of heavy metals, are opposite to three other clusters with higher heavy metal levels and a more important impact of continental polluted sources. In 47% of cases, the heavy metals collected at Cap Gris-Nez could originate from British Islands or north western Europe.Heavy metals fluxes show that this rural coastal European site has a level of contamination higher than those measured in remote area. The wet depositions of heavy metals to the English channel and the southern bight of the north sea are not negligible in the evaluation of global fluxes for this area, representing from 20 to 70% of the total input (riverine, direct and atmospheric inputs).
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Mercury Emissions from Background and Altered Geologic Units Throughout Nevada
Nacht, David M. | Gustin, Mae S.
To date there have only been a few studies that measured mercury emissions from background substrate worldwide, and only a small amount of mercury flux data, from background substrate, exists for the Western United States. Because of this, the database of mercury emissions from background units < 0.1 mg kg⁻¹ mercury) is incomplete. This study focused on the collection of in-situ mercury flux data from representative lithologic units in Nevada. Measured mercury fluxes from substrate with background mercury concentration throughout Nevada were low (mean 2.0 ± 4.1 ng m⁻² hr⁻¹), and ranged from –3.7 to 9.3 ng m⁻² hr⁻¹. The mean measured mercury flux is slightly higher than those measured from background substrate from various locations throughout the world. The mean mercury flux from in-situ mercury measurements from substrate located near altered geologic units across Nevada was 15.5 ± 24.2 ng m⁻² hr⁻¹. These mercury fluxes are higher than the values applied in published global models for naturally enriched geologic units.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Chlorothalonil Degradation under Anaerobic Conditions in an Agricultural Tropical Soil
Carlo-Rojas, Zarhelia | Bello Mendoza, Ricardo | Salvador Figueroa, Miguel | Sokolov, Mikhail Y.
Chlorothalonil, a halogenated benzonitrile compound, is one of the most widely used fungicides in the world. Anaerobic microcosm assays were established to evaluate the combined effect of the initial content of carbon (6.3, 9.45 and 12.6 mg g⁻¹), nitrogen (0.6, 1.8 and 3 mg g⁻¹)and chlorothalonil (432, 865 and 1298 ηg g⁻¹) on the biodegradation of this fungicide by microbiota from an agricultural tropical soil. A Box-Behnken experimental design was used and chlorothalonil depletion was followed by HPLC with UV detection. The initial carbon content and fungicide dose were found to have a significant effect on removal efficiency. After 25 days of incubation, a high chlorothalonil depletion was observed in all biologically active microcosms (56–95%) although abiotic loss in a sterile blank was also notable (37%). The results suggest a high potential for chlorothalonil biodegradation under anaerobic conditions by indigenous microbial communities from soil that has been continuously exposed to high doses of the fungicide.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Ozone impact on young maize plants : changes in biomass, leaf area and pigment content
Leitao, Louis | Castell, Jean-François, J.-F. | Dizengremel, Pierre, P. | Cellier, Pierre | Le Thiec, Didier | Bethenod, Olivier, O. | Lebard, Stéphanie | Roche, Romain, R. | Biolley, J.P. | Laboratoire d'Ecologie Moléculaire, IBEAS, EA 3525 ; Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (UPPA) | Environnement et Grandes Cultures (EGC) ; Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)-AgroParisTech | Ecologie et Ecophysiologie Forestières [devient SILVA en 2018] (EEF) ; Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)-Université de Lorraine (UL) | Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (UPPA)
International audience
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]L`azote, de la parcelle au cours d`eau : mesures en vue de la modélisation des transformations dans les zones humides et les cours d`eau
Oehler, François | Turlan, T.
L`intensification de l`agriculture en Bretagne ces 20 dernières années a notamment généré une augmentation des apports azotés au milieu naturel, et a ainsi provoqué une augmentation des concentrations en nitrate dans les eaux de surface. Bien souvent au-delà les normes sanitaires, cette augmentation entraîne des surcoûts (assainissement, respect des directives européennes, coût environnemental). Les recherches menées au sein de l`équipe TERREAU (Cemagref Rennes), notamment dans le cadre de 2 thèses, ont pour but de mieux comprendre les mécanismes de transformation de l`azote lors de son transfert de la parcelle agricole à l`exutoire du bassin versant. Ces travaux sont nécessaires à la mise en oeuvre et l`amélioration des modèles agro-hydrologiques spatialisés à l`échelle du bassin versant, qui sont les outils les plus élaborés d`aide à l`aménagement et à la reconquête de la qualité de l`eau.Un des axes de recherche est la mesure spatialisée, dans un bassin versant agricole, de la dénitrification hétérotrophe. En effet, en Bretagne, on constate une déconnexion entre les pratiques agricoles et les flux d`azote. Quelle que soit la méthode de calcul, il y a en général une différence entre le solde du bilan de l `azote et le flux annuel mesuré dans l `eau à l`exutoire (abattement). Une partie de cet abattement est attribuable à la dénitrification hétérotrophe dans les zones humides, mais de fortes incertitudes existent encore sur sa quantification à l`échelle du paysage. Grâce à un suivi exhaustif des pratiques agricoles et des flux d`azote du bassin versant de la Fontaine du Theil, complété par des mesures in-situ régulières et réparties dans tout le bassin de la dénitrification, un modèle agro-hydrologique spatialisé permettra une estimation mieux contrainte et plus fiable de la dénitrification et des autres termes du bilan azoté. Cette étude est réalisée en lien avec de nombreux programmes de recherche portés par le CAREN auquel l`unité GERE est associée.L`autre axe de recherche se focalise sur les transferts et transformations de l`azote au sein du système zone riparienne / cours d`eau / sédiments. En effet, il existe des relations importantes mais non quantifiées des évolutions. L`un des objectifs de cette seconde thèse est la quantification fine des interactions entre les petits cours d`eau et leurs sédiment à travers des bilans de matière (flux d`azote et carbone) entrée-sortie sur des tronçons de réseau hydrographique. Ces études des flux portent sur différents types de substrats sédimentaires et différentes concentrations en nitrates dans la colonne d`eau. Une relation simple est recherchée entre la rétention d`azote, la concentration en nitrate et la typologie des sédiments, afin de permettre une intégration dans les modèles. Ces deux axes de recherche, de part leur complémentarité spatiale, permettront à terme de modéliser plus finement les processus d` auto-épuration et de rétention de l`azote à l`échelle du bassin-versant.Nous présenterons les méthodes employées pour l`évaluation des flux, c`est à dire les techniques de traçage et les techniques d`évaluation des émissions gazeuses utilisées (traçage au brome et blocage à l`acétylène), et les premiers résultats obtenus.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Micro-bassin de démonstration du Coisbrac
Bégué, V. | Mérot, Emmanuel | Turpin, N. | Bioteau, Thierry | Bordenave, Pierre | Le Saos, E. | Saint Cast, P. | Birgand, F. | Leparoux, P.
Dans le cadre de l`opération Ferti-Mieux « le Don, l`eau, la vie », les équipes de la Chambre d`agriculture de Loire Atlantique et du Cemagref se sont associées depuis 1997 pour quantifier le risque de pollution des eaux superficielles par l`azote et les produits phytosanitaires issus de l`activité agricole, et amorcer la proposition de solutions correctives sur ce bassin versant. Pour cela, nous travaillons sur trois bassins emboîtés, le Don (650 km2), le Cétrais (35 km2), et le micro-bassin du Coisbrac (0,5 km2). Pour appuyer les propositions de solutions correctives, nous avons choisi de montrer leurs effets sur les sols et l`eau, en nous appuyant sur le micro bassin de démonstration du Coisbrac. Sur ce micro-bassin, les agriculteurs ont accepté de modifier leurs pratiques. Nous constatons, dès la première année, que la mise en place d`outils d`aide à la fertilisation raisonnée se traduit par une diminution nette des apports d`engrais azotés aux cultures sur le micro-bassin du Coisbrac. Cette année a de plus vu des rendements exceptionnels sur céréales. Ces deux facteurs se sont conjugués pour diminuer les quantités d`azote potentiellement transférables vers les eaux. Cette diminution est cependant tempérée par la minéralisation de l`azote organique du sol et les arrière-effets des pratiques des années antérieures, qui sont dorénavant prépondérants dans les quantités d`azote minéral du sol.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Bassin du Coisbrac, un micro-bassin de démonstration et d'expérimentation
Bégué, V. | Mérot, Emmanuel | Leparoux, P. | Turpin, N. | Bioteau, Thierry | Bordenave, Pierre | Le Saos, E. | Saint Cast, P. | Birgand, F.
Dans le cadre de l`opération Ferti-Mieux « le Don, l`eau, la vie », les équipes de la Chambre d`agriculture de Loire Atlantique et du Cemagref se sont associées depuis 1997 pour quantifier le risque de pollution des eaux superficielles par l`azote et les produits phytosanitaires issus de l`activité agricole, et amorcer la proposition de solutions correctives sur ce bassin versant.Pour appuyer les propositions de solutions correctives, nous avons choisi de montrer leurs effets sur les sols et l`eau, en nous appuyant sur un micro bassin de démonstration. Sur ce micro-bassin (bassin du Coisbrac), les agriculteurs ont accepté de modifier leurs pratiques, selon les recommandations formalisées lors des premières années d`étude.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Des stratégies différenciées de conseil aux agriculteurs pour améliorer la qualité de l`eau sur le bassin versant du Don
Bégué, V. | Mérot, Emmanuel | Leparoux, P. | Turpin, N. | Bioteau, Thierry
Le projet européen AgriBMPWater a pour objectif de réaliser une comparaison de différentes modifications de pratiques agricoles élaborées pour améliorer la qualité de l`eau. Cette comparaison est réalisée sur le coût des modifications, leur efficacité attendue, et leur acceptabilité potentielle. Un des résultats novateurs de ce projet est que différencier les politiques de restauration de la qualité de l`eau selon les types d`agriculteurs permet d`accroître l`efficacité de ces politiques tout en diminuant leur coût et en augmentant leur acceptabilité. La traduction sur le terrain de ce résultat de recherche pose cependant de nombreuses questions. C`est cette traduction, sur le bassin versant du Don, qui est exposée ici.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Assessing the Efficacy of Dredged Materials from Lake Panasoffkee, Florida: Implication to Environment and Agriculture. Part 2: Pasture Establishment and Forage Productivity
Sigua, Gilbert C. | Holtkamp, Mike L. | Coleman, Samuel W.
Background, Aims and Scope: Current dredged material disposal alternatives have several limitations. Options for dealing with dredged materials include leaving them alone, capping them with clean sediments, placing them in confined facilities, disposing of them at upland sites, treating them chemically, or using them for wetlands creation or other beneficial uses. The ability to reuse lake-dredge materials (LDM) for agricultural purposes is important because it reduces the need for offshore disposal and provides an alternative to disposal of the materials in landfills. Often these materials can be obtained at little or no cost to the farmers or landowners. Thus, forage production offers an alternative to waste management since nutrients in the LDM are recycled into crops that are not directly consumed by humans. The objective of this study (Part 2) were to: (1) assess dredge materials from Lake Panasoffkee, Florida as a soil amendment to establish bahiagrass (BG) in a subtropical beef cattle pasture in Sumter County, Florida; and (2) determine the effect of LDM application on the crude protein (CP) and nutrient uptake of BG. This series of two papers aims at providing assessment of the efficacy of lake-dredged materials especially its implication to environment (soil quality, Part 1) and agriculture (forage quality and pasture establishment. Part 2). Methods: The experimental treatments that were evaluated consisted of different ratios of natural soil (NS) to LDM: LDMO (100% NS:0% LDM); LDM25 (75% NS:25% LDM); LDM50 (50% NS:50% LDM); LDM75 (25% NS:75% LDM); and LDM100 (0% NS:100% LDM). Bahiagrass plots at its early establishment were cut to a 5-cm stubble height on Julian days 112 and harvested to the same stubble height on Julian days 238 and on Julian days 546 following the double-ring method. Field layout was based on the principle of a completely randomized block design with four replications. Plant samples harvested at 546 Julian days were ground to pass through a 1-mm mesh screen in a Wiley mill. Ground forage was analyzed for crude protein. Ground forage samples were also analyzed for tissue P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Cu, Fe, Al, and Mo concentrations using an ICP spectroscopy. The effects of dredged materials addition on forage yield and on crude protein and nutrient uptake that were taken at 546 Julian days were analyzed statistically following the PROC ANOVA procedures. Results and Discussion: Part 1 of this study demonstrated that the heavy and trace metal contents of LDM were below the probable effect levels and threshold effect levels. As such, the agricultural or livestock industry could utilize these LDM to produce forages. Results showed consistently and significantly (p < or = 0.001) higher BG biomass production and CP from plots amended with LDM than those of BG planted on plots with 0% LDM. Forage yield of BG during its establishment increased linearly (Forage Yield = 1724.3 + 25.64*LDM; R2 = 0.83; p < or = 0.0001) with increasing rates of LDM application. The CP of BG also varied significantly with varying levels of LDM applications. The tissues of BG with 100% LDM had the greatest CP content while the lowest CP content was from the control plots (LDMO). The CP of BG increased linearly with increasing rates of LDM application. The crude protein response to BG application can be described by a linear equation: Crude Protein = 10.38 + 0.052*LDM; R2 = 0.85 p < or = 0.0001. Addition of LDM had increased the levels of Ca by about 1811 % when compared with the level of soil Ca among plots with no LDM application. Liming the field could have some direct and indirect effects on the chemical status of the soils. The physiological functions performed by Ca in plants are not clearly defined, but it has been suggested that Ca favors the formation of and increases the protein content of mitochondria. Conclusions: Beneficial uses of dredged materials from LP, Florida are both economical and environmental. Often these materials can be obtained at little or no cost to the farmers or landowners. Results showed that dredged materials can be used as soil amendments (lime and fertilizer) for early establishment of BG in beef cattle pastures. Environmentally, dredging of sediments that are rich in CaCO3 should restore the 19.4-sq km LP by removing natural sediments from the lake bottom to improve the fishery, water quality, and navigation of the lake. The nutritional uptake of BG grown in unfertile sandy soils of Sumter County was enhanced significantly (p < or = 0.001) by LDM addition. Uptake of TKN, TP, K, Ca, and Mg were remarkably increased as a result of LDM. Recommendation and Outlook: Land application of LDM from LP may not only provide substantial benefits that will enhance the environment, community, and society in south Florida, but also in other parts of the world especially those areas with forage-based beef cattle pastures and similar climatic conditions. The heavy and trace metal contents of these materials were below the PEL and TEL (see Part 1). As such, the agricultural or livestock industry could utilize these LDM to produce forages. LDM should be regarded as a beneficial resource, as a part of the ecological system. Although our results have demonstrated the favorable and beneficial effects of added LDM on the early establishment of BG in pasture fields., further studies are still needed not only in pastures of south Florida, but also in other areas with subtropical or tropical climatic conditions to determine whether the environmental and ecological implications of LDM application are satisfied over the longer term.
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