结果 41-50 的 7,989
Developing an Environmental-Friendly Trend of Thermal and Electrical Load Profiles in Ilam Industrial Town
Taheri, Ramezan | Nasrabadi, Touraj | Yousefi, Hossein
Recently, making use of emerging fuels such as municipal waste has been proposed as an alternative for conventional fuels and also as a way for municipal waste disposal. This research, while modeling the thermal and electrical profiles of Ilam Industrial Town, examines the possibility of supplying the required fuel from municipal waste by the year 2041. For this purpose, different combined heat and power (CHP) scenarios were implemented in the LEAP software. According to the results, electricity generation will start gradually from the year of operation of the power plants in 2025 and reach more than 4.3 GWh in 2026. The production process will be incremental and is expected to reach 115.9, 119.1, 111.8, 118.4, 123.1, 118.9, 118.4, 118.4 GWh, respectively under the scenarios of gasifier CHP, CHP turbine incinerator, CHP steam incinerator, landfill CHP, syngas CHP, anaerobic digester CHP, combined gasifier and incinerator CHP, and ultimately improve to 118.9 GWh under the scenario of optimized gasifier and incinerator CHP. The required power plant capacity under the above-mentioned scenarios is expected to be approximately 21 MW by the year 2041and modify to 20.5 MW under the optimization scenario. The incinerator, combined-incinerator-and-gasifier, and optimization scenarios meet the supply and demand conditions of the generated waste, and in other scenarios, either the CHP supply share should be lower than 50% or the additional waste should be supplied from the nearby villages and towns.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Investigation of Suspended Particle Concentrations (PM10, PM2.5, TSP) in Tehran Subway Line one Stations in the Spring and Autumn
Mousavi Fard, Zahra Sadat | Asilian Mahabadi, Hassan | Khajehnasiri, Farahnaz
Today, indoor air pollution is a major concern. So far, many quantitative and qualitative studies have been conducted on particulate matter pollution in closed environments, but not much research has been done to measure air pollution in subway station. In this study, we have investigated the concentrations of PM10, PM2.5 and TSP particles in 12 underground stations on the oldest and main Tehran metro line, in two seasons, autumn and spring. For sampling suspended particles, we have used a portable direct reading device for monitoring suspended-particles (HAZDUST EPMA5000). We also used Pair T- test to compare the particle concentrations in different modes of the ventilation system (on, off, and inlet air) and Three-way variance analyze. According to the results, the mean concentrations of PM2.5-PM10 - TSP values in line-1 on the station platforms are significantly higher in spring than in autumn, off state of the ventilation system than on state of the ventilation system (P <0.001). Also, the concentration of particles measured in the air of subway stations is higher in the off state of ventilation systems, compared to Inlet air to stations (P<0.001). There is a correlation between concentration of particles measured in different sampling season, condition of the ventilation mode (on, off, inlet air) (P<0.001). Improving the efficiency of ventilation systems (equipped with a suitable filter) and fan in stations is suggested as one of the factors to reduce the concentration of particles, especially in spring.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Particulate Matter and Adverse Respiratory Health Outcome: Exposure of Street Vendors in Kolkata city in India
Ghosh, Nabanita | Das, Biplob | Das, Nandini | Chatterjee, Souran | Debsarkar, Anupam | Dutta, Amit | Chakrabarty, Shibnath | Roy, Joyashree
Exposure to airborne particulates is a major occupational hazard especially for outdoor workers who spending time outdoors at ground level getting exposed to traffic fumes and roadside dust. Aim of this study was to assess respiratory health symptoms and determine the change of lung functions of the roadside vendors and its association with traffic-related exposures and their working experience. A cross-sectional study was conducted in key market places of Kolkata – Gariahat (GH), Esplanade-Park Street (EP), Shyambazar-Hatibagan (SH) and Behala (BE). Particulate (PM10 and PM2.5) levels and meteorological parameters (wind speed, temperature and relative humidity) were monitored in the morning, afternoon and night over the period of October 2019 to February 2020. Lung function status (FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC ratio and PEF) was measured for 111 purposively selected participants. PM concentration was observed higher in the morning and night peak hours for all sites. At SH area the average occupational exposure level for PM10 and PM2.5 were observed as 1502.22 μg/m3h and 684.01 μg/m3h. Percentage predicted FEV1 (%FEV1) of street vendors was found decreasing with their work experience and the worst-case scenario was observed in the EP area, with the corresponding value being 70.75%, 49.15% and 47.3% for less than 10 years, 10 to 20 years and more than 20 years participation respectively. The higher particulate burden was observed to have declining lung function status of the street vendors. A strong policy framework should be adopted to improve outdoor working environment for outdoor workers.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Seasonal Dynamics of Heavy Metal Concentrations in Water, Fish and Sediments from Haor Region of Bangladesh
Islam, Md. Sirajul | Rahman, Md. Mazedur | Kabir, Md. Humayun | Hoq, Md. Enamul | Meghla, Nowara Tamanna | Suravi, Suravi | Al Mamun, Shamim | Sarker, Md. Eusuf
Heavy metal concentrations in water, fish, and sediments from Bangladesh's haor region were investigated. Fish and sediment samples were taken once a season and evaluated using standard methods, while water samples were collected monthly. Results showed that metals in water (mg/L) were found in order of Mn (0.1694) > Cu (0.0189) > Zn (0.0045) > Pb (0.0040) > Cd (0.0028) within the maximum permissible level of Environment Conservation Rules (ECR). Mean concentrations of metal in fish (mg/kg–dry wt.) found in order of Zn (56.16) > Cu (25.47) > Mn (4.36) > Pb (2.19) > Cd (1.27) that were higher than maximum allowable level of Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) except Cu. Metal in sediments (mg/kg) found in order of Mn (127.61) > Zn (32.51) > Pb (10.09) > Cu (5.40) > Cd (0.43), and except Cu all metal concentrations were lower than the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) probable effect concentrations. In water and sediments, pollution indices revealed a critical pollution threshold for water, and a range of unpolluted to highly polluted for sediments. Sampling sites had low potential ecological risk, despite the fact that metals were showing signs of a negative impact on people' health. Furthermore, bio-concentration factor for fish and water was low to extremely high, but for fish and sediment was low. The level of heavy metal contamination in haor shows the situation is alarming for biota and residents of the region. The relevant authority should control and monitor the aquatic ecology in order to protect it.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The Effect of Land Use Changes on Water Quality (Case Study: Zayandeh-Rud Basin, Isfahan, Iran)
Saedpanah, Mahin | Reisi, Marzieh | Ahmadi Nadoushan, Mozhgan
The present study aims at investigating land use changes (as one of the effective human factors on water systems) as well as its relation with water quality at spatial scales of the entire basin, sub-basin and defined buffers (10 and 15 km) in Zayandeh-Rud Basin, Isfahan, Iran. By means of supervised classification method along with maximum likelihood algorithm, it classifies the land use map into five categories, including agriculture, bare lands, urban areas, vegetation, and water. The research collects data for 11 water quality parameters in seven sampling stations of Zayandeh-Rud Basin in 2002, 2009, and 2015 from Isfahan Water and Sewerage Organization. Correlation analysis is then conducted to investigate the effect of land use changes on water quality at different spatial scales. Land use analysis in the entire basin shows that despite an increase in urban and agricultural lands from 2002 to 2015, bare lands, vegetation, and water covers have had a decreasing trend. Moreover, various land uses at different scales show some correlation with water quality parameters. The strongest correlations in this study belong to sub-basin scale. Therefore, it is recommended to use this spatial scale to investigate the relation between land use and water quality parameters
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The Effect of Monsoon on Chemical Composition and Bioaccumulation of Heavy Metals in Scomberomorus commerson, Lacepede 1800, from Oman Sea
Esmaeilzade Ashini, Asma | Sadeghi, Parvin | Tootooni, Mohammad Mansoor
This study was performed to determine the chemical compositions and heavy metals in the muscle of Scomberomorus commerson from the Oman Sea, during the two seasons, pre-monsoon and post-monsoon in 2018. The protein, fat, moisture, and ash contents were determined by AOAC (Association of Official Analytical Chemists) methods. Heavy metal (Zn, Cu, and Pb) analyses were performed by atomic absorption spectrophotometer after acid digestion. There were significant differences between protein, fat, moisture, and ash values in muscle tissue in two seasons (P< 0.05). The highest content of protein (22.53±2.09%) and fat (4.15±1.25%) was recorded in pre-monsoon. The mean concentrations of heavy metals (μg g-1dw) in muscle tissue were 0.08-0.05 for Zn, 0.04-0.02 for Cu, and 0.02-0.01 for Pb in the pre and post-monsoon, respectively. The accumulation of heavy metals in muscle followed the Zn>Cu>Pb. The amounts of Zn, Cu, and Pb were below maximum permissible limits (MPL) recommended by international standards (FAO, FAO/WHO, and MAFF). Results revealed that estimated daily and weekly intakes of Zn, Cu, and Pb were far below the permissible tolerable daily intake (PTWI) recommended by FAO/WHO. Therefore, consumption of S. commerson in the pre and post-monsoon has no risks for human health in the Oman Sea.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Analysis of Water Quality Trends Using the Mann-Kendall Test and Sen’s Estimator of Slope in a Tropical River Basin
Hashim, Mohmadisa | Nayan, Nasir | Setyowati, Dewi Liesnoor | Said, Zahid Mat | Mahat, Hanifah | Saleh, Yazid
Trends in water quality, either increasing or decreasing over the long term, are becoming an essential guide to understanding water quality. This study aims to analyse the trends in water quality in the upstream part of the Bernam River Basin, Malaysia from 1998 to 2018. This study involved the collection of data on water quality from the Department of Environment, Malaysia. Six main parameters of the water quality index (WQI) were chosen, including the dissolved oxygen (DO), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), ammoniacal nitrogen (NH3-N), total suspended solids (TSS) and pH. The analysis methods applied are the Mann-Kendall test and Sen’s estimator of slope. The results of the WQI value trend analysis revealed that most stations have decreasing trends. A trend analysis of the parameters found that most stations had increasing trends for the DO, BOD, NH3-N and pH parameters, while decreasing trends for the COD and TSS parameters were observed. An increasing trend indicated that the water quality parameters were getting better, and a decreasing trend indicated the opposite. This study will benefit the parties responsible for planning and monitoring developments to reduce water pollution around the upstream Bernam River Basin. In the upstream of Bernam River Basin, land use changes have occurred rapidly, especially forest areas have been explored for human settlements, agricultural and industrial activities. Thus, the sustainability of the river basin can be maintained and valued by the various parties in the future. The river basin is also important as a domestic water supply for the residents of Selangor and Perak.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Investigation of Heavy Metal Traces during Drilling Operations in the Bibi Hakimeh Oil Field, Iran
Baikpour, Shahram | Noorani, Mohammad Javad
Drilling operations release considerable amounts of drilling fluids that contain pollutants such as heavy metals and hydrocarbons. By means of the ICP-OES device, the concentration of metals in the drilling mud deposited in the accumulation pools (around the drill rigs), the drilling mud used in the well (initial, input, and output mud), the soil around the drilling rig, and the control sample can be determined. Comparison of metal accumulation volume with current standards (upper crust and the region’s soil) indicates that the initial drilling mud contains As, Cd, Mo, Cu, and Ag metals. Also, the outflow and associated cuttings are contaminated with Sb, showing a geological formation origin for this metal. In case of Pb, Ba, Cr, and Mn, the level of contamination is in a medium range wherein the source of the contamination is recycled mud and drilling rocks in the previous phases. Contamination of other metals is evaluated in the low range. Geo-accumulation index (Igeo), Enrichment Coefficient (EF), and Contamination Factor (CF) are used to determine the level of pollution. Results show that As, Pb, Ba, Mn, Mo, Cd, Co, Cu, and Zn have caused a lot of pollution in the area and their amounts should be controlled.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Profiling of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Diagnostic Ratios of Kpite Oil Spill Impacted Site in Rivers State, Nigeria
Onojake, M. C. | Eromosele, G. O. | Osuji, Leo C.
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon profile of Kpite oil spill impacted site in Rivers state, Nigeria was evaluated to determine the level of contamination of the soil. Four composite oil impacted soil samples were collected at different depths; surface (0-15cm) and subsurface (15-30cm) after a field reconnaissance. Extraction of the oil was carried out on the soil samples and the Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons were quantified using the Gas Chromatography- flame ionization detector. Results showed that Naphthalene was the most abundant in the range of 0.25 to 1.49 mg kg-1. Fluoranthene followed closely with concentrations in the range of 0.01 to 1.28 mg kg-1. PAHs like Benzo (k) fluoranthene, Benzo (e) pyrene, Dibenzo (a, h)anthracene, Indeno (1, 2, 3-cd) pyrene and Benzo (g, h, i) showed low concentrations of less than 0.01 indicating that strong weathering had occurred. The diagnostic ratios such as Phenanthrene/Anthracene (Phen/Anth), Benzo (a) anthracene Chrysene ((BaA)/Chry) and Fluoranthene/Pyrene (Flth/Py) and sum of chrysene/Phenanthrene ΣChry/ΣPhen were calculated and used to unravel the source of hydrocarbons. Results showed ratios of Flth/Py >1.0 and Phen/Anth ranges from 1.19 to 2.03 (< 10) which denote contamination sources, implying that the hydrocarbon sources are not just petrogenic but rather may due to contamination sources of combustion processes or the area was exposed to bush burning.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Screening of hyperaccumulator plants tolerant to drought and salinity and its medicinal value evaluation for ecological reconstruction of copper silver tailings in Northwest China
Meng, C. | Song, N. P. | Yue, J. M. | Xie, L. | Zhong, Y. X. | Du, L. T.
The heavy metal pollution in soil caused by mining area development is a global problem. In order to screen the ecological restoration plants of copper silver tailings in arid and high saline alkali areas, and evaluate their economic value, nine kinds of plants naturally growing in the northwest copper silver tailings pond were selected, the enrichment and transfer characteristics of eight heavy metals by this plants was analyzed, and potential health risks for humans of plants were focused. The results showed that the heavy metals such as Cd, As, Cu, Hg and Ag are all from the open-air accumulation of tailings slag. Translocation factors of Cu, Ni and Cr by C. tragacanthoides are 2.1205, 53.1548 and 13.7622, bioconcentration factor of Cu, Ni and Cr by C. tragacanthoides are 1.8888, 7.1979, 7.4653, C. tragacanthoides is the hyperaccumulator for Cu, Ni and Cr. Hazard index in roots of S. collina, C. virgata and A. splendens to adults is more than 1, it has a potential non-cancer effects for more than half of adults, and for over 86.23% of children. Ag, Cr and As contribute the best to HI, and the cumulative contribution rate of the three elements can reach 85.59% to 96.39%. It is necessary to improve the treatment of tail slag to reduce environmental pollution, C. tragacanthoides can be considered as heavy metal remediation plants in arid and high saline copper tailing areas, but there is no medicinal value for these plants as ecological reconstruction in tailings area.
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