结果 401-410 的 4,298
Fast and safe gas detection from underground coal fire by drone fly over
Dunnington, Lucila | Nakagawa, Masami
Underground coal fires start naturally or as a result of human activities. Besides burning away the important non-renewable energy resource and causing financial losses, burning coal seams emit carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur oxide and methane, and is a leading cause of smog, acid rain, global warming, and air toxins. In the U.S. alone, the combined cost of coal-fire remediation projects that have been completed, budgeted, or projected by the U.S. Department of the Interior's Office of Surface Mining Remediation and Enforcement (OSM), exceeds $1 billion. It is estimated that these fires generate as much as 3% of the world's annual carbon dioxide emissions and consume as much as 5% of its minable coal. Considering the magnitude of environmental impact and economic loss caused by burning underground coal seams, we have developed a new, safe, reliable surface measurement of coal fire gases to assess the nature of underground coal fires. We use a drone mounted with gas sensors. Drone collected gas concentration data provides a safe alternative for evaluating the rank of a burning coal seam. In this study, a new method of determining coal rank by gas ratios is developed. Coal rank is valuable for defining parameters of a coal seam such as burn temperature, burn rate, and volume of burning seam.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Heavy metal contamination in sandy beach macrofauna communities from the Rio de Janeiro coast, Southeastern Brazil
Cabrini, Tatiana M.B. | Barboza, Carlos A.M. | Skinner, Viviane B. | Hauser-Davis, Rachel A. | Rocha, Rafael C. | Saint'Pierre, Tatiana D. | Valentin, Jean L. | Cardoso, Ricardo S.
We evaluated concentrations of eight heavy metals Cr, Zn, Pb, Ni, Cu, Cd, Co and V, in tissues of representative macrofauna species from 68 sandy beaches from the coast of Rio de Janeiro state. The links between contamination levels and community descriptors such as diversity, evenness, density and biomass, were also investigated. Metal concentrations from macrofaunal tissues were compared to maximum permissible limits for human ingestion stipulated by the Brazilian regulatory agency (ANVISA). Generalized linear models (GLM's) were used to investigate the variability in macrofauna density, richness, eveness and biomass in the seven different regions. A non-metric multidimensional scaling analysis (n-MDS) was used to investigate the spatial pattern of heavy metal concentrations along the seven regions of Rio de Janeiro coast. Variation partitioning was applied to evaluate the variance in the community assemblage explained by the environmental variables and the heavy metal concentrations. Our data suggested high spatial variation in the concentration of heavy metals in macrofauna species from the beaches of Rio de Janeiro. This result highlighted a diffuse source of contamination along the coast. Most of the metals concentrations were under the limits established by ANVISA. The variability in community descriptors was related to morphodynamic variables, but not with metal contamination values, indicating the lack of direct relationships at the community level.Concentration levels of eight heavy metals in macrofauna species from 68 sandy beaches on Rio de Janeiro coast (Brazil) were spatially correlated with anthropogenic activities such as industrialization and urbanization.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The psychoactive pollutant fluoxetine compromises antipredator behaviour in fish
Martin, Jake M. | Saaristo, Minna | Bertram, Michael G. | Lewis, Phoebe J. | Coggan, Timothy L. | Clarke, Bradley O. | Wong, Bob B.M.
Pharmaceuticals are increasingly being detected in aquatic ecosystems worldwide. Particularly concerning are pharmaceutical pollutants that can adversely impact exposed wildlife, even at extremely low concentrations. One such contaminant is the widely prescribed antidepressant fluoxetine, which can disrupt neurotransmission and behavioural pathways in wildlife. Despite this, relatively limited research has addressed the behavioural impacts of fluoxetine at ecologically realistic exposure concentrations. Here, we show that 28-day fluoxetine exposure at two ecologically relevant dosages—one representing low surface water concentrations and another representing high effluent flow concentrations—alters antipredator behaviour in Eastern mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki). We found that fluoxetine exposure at the lower dosage resulted in increased activity levels irrespective of the presence or absence of a predatory dragonfly nymph (Hemianax papuensis). Additionally, irrespective of exposure concentration, fluoxetine-exposed fish entered the predator ‘strike zone’ more rapidly. In a separate experiment, fluoxetine exposure reduced mosquitofish freezing behaviour—a common antipredator strategy—following a simulated predator strike, although, in females, this reduction in behaviour was seen only at the lower dosage. Together, our findings suggest that fluoxetine can cause both non-monotonic and sex-dependent shifts in behaviour. Further, they demonstrate that exposure to fluoxetine at environmentally realistic concentrations can alter antipredator behaviour, with important repercussions for organismal fitness.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Reductive solubilization of arsenic in a mining-impacted river floodplain: Influence of soil properties and temperature
Simmler, Michael | Bommer, Jérôme | Frischknecht, Sarah | Christl, Iso | Kot︠s︡ev, T︠S︡vetan | Kretzschmar, Ruben
Mining activities have contaminated many riverine floodplains with arsenic (As). When floodplain soils become anoxic under water-saturated conditions, As can be released from the solid phase. Several microbially-driven As solubilization processes and numerous influential factors were recognized in the past. However, the interplay and relative importance of soil properties and the influence of environmental factors such as temperature remain poorly understood, especially considering the (co)variation of soil properties in a floodplain. We conducted anoxic microcosm experiments at 10, 17.5, and 25 °C using 65 representative soils from the mining-impacted Ogosta River floodplain in Bulgaria. To investigate the processes of As solubilization and its quantitative variation we followed the As and Fe redox dynamics in the solid and the dissolved phase and monitored a range of other solution parameters including pH, Eh, dissolved organic C, and dissolved Mn. We related soil properties to dissolved As observed after 20 days of microcosm incubation to identify key soil properties for As solubilization. Our results evidenced reductive dissolution of As-bearing Fe(III)-oxyhydroxides as the main cause for high solubilization. The availability of nutrients, most likely organic C as the source of energy for microorganisms, was found to limit this process. Following the vertical nutrient gradient common in vegetated soil, we observed several hundred μM dissolved As after 1–2 weeks for some topsoils (0–20 cm), while for subsoils (20–40 cm) with comparable total As levels only minor solubilization was observed. While high Mn contents were found to inhibit As solubilization, the opposite applied for higher temperature (Q10 2.3–6.1 for range 10–25 °C). Our results suggest that flooding of nutrient-rich surface layers might be more problematic than water-saturation of nutrient-poor subsoil layers, especially in summer floodings when soil temperature is higher than in winter or spring.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Altered vulnerability to asthma at various levels of ambient Benzo[a]Pyrene by CTLA4, STAT4 and CYP2E1 polymorphisms
Choi, Hyunok | Tabashidze, Nana | Rossner, Pavel | Dostal, Miroslav | Pastorkova, Anna | Kong, Sek Won | Gmuender, Hans | Sram, Radim J.
Within fossil- and solid-fuel dependent geographic locations, mechanisms of air pollution-induced asthma remains unknown. In particular, sources of greater genetic susceptibility to airborne carcinogen, namely, benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) has never been investigated beyond that of a few well known genes.To deepen our understanding on how the genotypic variations within the candidate genes contribute to the variability in the children's susceptibility to ambient B[a]P on doctor-diagnosed asthma.Clinically confirmed asthmatic versus healthy control children (aged, 7–15) were enrolled from historically polluted and rural background regions in Czech Republic. Contemporaneous ambient B[a]P concentration was obtained from the routine monitoring network. The sputum DNA was genotyped for 95 genes. B[a]P interaction with SNPs was studied by two-stage, semi-agnostic screening of 621 SNPs.The median B[a]P within the highly polluted urban center was 8-times higher than that in the background region (7.8 vs. 1.1 ng/m³) during the period of investigation. Within the baseline model, which considered B[a]P exposure-only, the second tertile range was associated with a significantly reduced odds (aOR = 0.28) of asthma (95% CI, 0.16 to 0.50) compared to those at the lowest range. However, the highest range of B[a]P was associated with 3.18-times greater odds of the outcome (95% CI, 1.77 to 5.71). Within the gene-environment interaction models, joint occurrence of a high B[a]P exposure range and having a high-risk genotype at CTLA4 gene (rs11571316) was associated with 9-times greater odds (95% CI, 4.56–18.36) of the asthma diagnosis. Similarly, rs11571319 at CTLA4 and a high B[a]P exposure range was associated with a 8-times greater odds (95% CI, 3.95–14.27) of asthma diagnosis. Furthermore, having TG + GG genotypes on rs1031509 near STAT4 was associated with 5-times (95% CI, 3.03–8.55) greater odds of asthma diagnosis at the highest B[a]P range, compared to the odds at the reference range. Also CYP2E1 AT + TT genotypes (rs2070673) was associated with 5-times (95% CI, 3.1–8.8) greater odds of asthma diagnosis at the highest B[a]P exposure.The children, who jointly experience a high B[a]P exposure (6.3–8.5 ng/m3) as well as susceptible genotypes in CTLA4 (rs11571316 and rs11571319), STAT4 (rs1031509), and CYP2E1 (rs2070673), respectively, are associated with a significantly greater odds of having doctor-diagnosed asthma, compared to those with neither risk factors.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Occurrence of pharmaceutical, recreational and psychotropic drug residues in surface water on the northern Antarctic Peninsula region
González-Alonso, Silvia | Moreno Merino, Luis | Esteban, Sara | López de Alda, Miren | Barceló, Damià | Durán, Juan José | López Martínez, Jerónimo | Aceña, Jaume | Pérez, Sandra | Mastroianni, Nicola | Silva, Adrián | Catalá, Myriam | Valcárcel, Yolanda
Human presence in the Antarctic is increasing due to research activities and the rise in tourism. These activities contribute a number of potentially hazardous substances. The aim of this study is to conduct the first characterisation of the pharmaceuticals and recreational drugs present in the northern Antarctic Peninsula region, and to assess the potential environmental risk they pose to the environment. The study consisted of a single sampling of ten water samples from different sources, including streams, ponds, glacier drains, and a wastewater discharge into the sea. Twenty-five selected pharmaceuticals and 21 recreational drugs were analysed. The highest concentrations were found for the analgesics acetaminophen (48.74 μg L−1), diclofenac (15.09 μg L−1) and ibuprofen (10.05 μg L−1), and for the stimulant caffeine (71.33 μg L−1). All these substances were detected in waters that were discharged directly into the ocean without any prior purification processes. The hazard quotient (HQ) values for ibuprofen, diclofenac and acetaminophen were far in excess of 10 at several sampling points. The concentrations of each substance measured and used as measured environmental concentration values for the HQ calculations are based on a one-time sampling. The Toxic Unit values indicate that analgesics and anti-inflammatories are the therapeutic group responsible for the highest toxic burden.This study is the first to analyse a wide range of substances and to determine the presence of pharmaceuticals and psychotropic drugs in the Antarctic Peninsula region. We believe it can serve as a starting point to focus attention on the need for continued environmental monitoring of these substances in the water cycle, especially in protected regions such as the Antarctic. This will determine whether pharmaceuticals and recreational drugs are hazardous to the environment and, if so, can be used as the basis for risk-assessment studies to prioritise the exposure to risk.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Exposure to DDT and diabetic nephropathy among Mexican Americans in the 1999–2004 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
Everett, Charles J. | Thompson, Olivia M. | Dismuke, Clara E.
Concentrations of the pesticide DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) and its metabolite DDE (dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene), in the blood of Mexican Americans, were evaluated to determine their relationships with diabetes and diabetic nephropathy. The data were derived from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 1999–2004 (unweighted N = 1,411, population estimate = 13,760,609). The sample included teens, 12–19 years old, which accounted for 19.8% of the data. The time of the study overlapped the banning of DDT in Mexico in the year 2000, and those participants born in Mexico were exposed to DDT before they immigrated to the US. We sought to better understand the relationship of DDT with diabetes in a race/ethnicity group prone to develop diabetes and exposed to DDT. In this study, nephropathy was defined as urinary albumin to creatinine ratio >30 mg/g, representing microalbuminuria and macroalbuminuria, and total diabetes was defined as diagnosed and undiagnosed diabetes (glycohemoglobin, A1c ≥ 6.5%). The proportion with the isomer p,p′-DDT >0.086 ng/g (above the maximum limit of detection) was 13.3% for Mexican Americans born in the US, and 36.9% for those born in Mexico. Levels of p,p′-DDT >0.086 ng/g were associated with total diabetes with nephropathy (odds ratio = 4.42, 95% CI 2.23–8.76), and with total diabetes without nephropathy (odds ratio = 2.02, 95% CI 1.19–3.44). The third quartile of p,p′-DDE (2.99–7.67 ng/g) and the fourth quartile of p,p′-DDE (≥7.68 ng/g) were associated with diabetic nephropathy and had odds ratios of 5.32 (95% CI 1.05–26.87) and 14.95 (95% CI 2.96–75.48) compared to less than the median, respectively, whereas p,p′-DDE was not associated with total diabetes without nephropathy. The findings of this study differ from those of a prior investigation of the general adult US population in that there were more associations found with the Mexican Americans sample.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Using nicotine in scalp hair to assess maternal passive exposure to tobacco smoke
Li, Zhenjiang | Li, Zhiwen | Zhang, Jingxu | Huo, Wenhua | Zhu, Yibing | Xie, Jing | Lu, Qun | Wang, Bin
Quantifying population exposure level to tobacco smoke is important for investigating its adverse effects on human health. We aimed to investigate the feasibility and application of using population hair concentrations of nicotine and cotinine to indicate their exposure level to tobacco smoke among pregnant women. Our study recruited 256 mothers who delivered healthy babies and collected their hair samples from scalp, of which 172 mothers were self-reported non-passive smokers and the other 84 mothers were self-reported passive smokers. We analyzed nicotine and cotinine concentrations of the hair section grown during the early pregnancy. The linear relationship between cotinine and nicotine was developed and validated by internal cross-validation method. Our results revealed that self-reported passive smokers had higher concentrations of nicotine [2.08 (1.00–4.46) ng/mg hair, i.e. median value (inter-quartile range)] and cotinine [0.063 (0.041–0.148) ng/mg hair] than non-passive smokers [1.35 (0.58–2.59) ng/mg hair of nicotine and 0.049 (0.022–0.087) ng/mg hair of cotinine, respectively]. There existed a linear regression model between hair cotinine and nicotine concentrations, i.e. [cotinine] = 0.024 × [nicotine]+0.0184 (R2 = 0.756) for this population. The internal cross-validation squared correlation coefficient slightly increased from 0.689 to 0.734 with the training subjects varying from 20% to 90%, suggesting that this regression model had high robustness and predictive accuracy. It was concluded that nicotine in maternal hair can evaluate the hair cotinine level and reflect maternal passive exposure level to ambient tobacco smoke with high sensitivity.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Microplastics ingestion by a common tropical freshwater fishing resource
Silva-Cavalcanti, Jacqueline Santos | Silva, José Diego B. | França, Elton José de | Araújo, Maria Christina Barbosa de | Gusmão, Felipe
Microplastics pollution is widespread in marine ecosystems and a major threat to biodiversity. Nevertheless, our knowledge of the impacts of microplastics in freshwater environments and biota is still very limited. The interaction of microplastics with freshwater organisms and the risks associated with the human consumption of organisms that ingested microplastics remain major knowledge gaps. In this study, we assessed the ingestion of microplastics by Hoplosternum littorale, a common freshwater fish heavily consumed by humans in semi-arid regions of South America. We assessed the abundance and diversity of both plastic debris and other food items found in the gut of fishes caught by local fishermen. We observed that 83% of the fish had plastic debris inside the gut, the highest frequency reported for a fish species so far. Most of the plastic debris (88.6%) recovered from the guts of fish were microplastics (<5 mm), fibres being the most frequent type (46.6%). We observed that fish consumed more microplastics at the urbanized sections of the river, and that the ingestion of microplastics was negatively correlated with the diversity of other food items in the gut of individual fish. Nevertheless, microplastics ingestion appears to have a limited impact on H. littorale, and the consequences of human consumption of this fish were not assessed. Our results suggest freshwater biota are vulnerable to microplastics pollution and that urbanization is a major factor contributing to the pollution of freshwater environments with microplastics. We suggest the gut content of fish could be used as a tool for the qualitative assessment of microplastics pollution in freshwater ecosystems. Further research is needed to determine the processes responsible for the high incidence of microplastics ingestion by H. littorale, and to evaluate the risk posed to humans by the consumption of freshwater fish that ingested microplastics.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Nonylphenol biodegradation characterizations and bacterial composition analysis of an effective consortium NP-M2
Bai, Naling | Abuduaini, Rexiding | Wang, Sheng | Zhang, Meinan | Zhu, Xufen | Zhao, Yuhua
Nonylphenol (NP), ubiquitously detected as the degradation product of nonionic surfactants nonylphenol polyethoxylates, has been reported as an endocrine disrupter. However, most pure microorganisms can degrade only limited species of NP with low degradation efficiencies. To establish a microbial consortium that can effectively degrade different forms of NP, in this study, we isolated a facultative microbial consortium NP-M2 and characterized the biodegradation of NP by it. NP-M2 could degrade 75.61% and 89.75% of 1000 mg/L NP within 48 h and 8 days, respectively; an efficiency higher than that of any other consortium or pure microorganism reported so far. The addition of yeast extract promoted the biodegradation more significantly than that of glucose. Moreover, surface-active compounds secreted into the extracellular environment were hypothesized to promote high-efficiency metabolism of NP. The detoxification of NP by this consortium was determined. The degradation pathway was hypothesized to be initiated by oxidization of the benzene ring, followed by step-wise side-chain biodegradation. The bacterial composition of NP-M2 was determined using 16S rDNA library, and the consortium was found to mainly comprise members of the Sphingomonas, Pseudomonas, Alicycliphilus, and Acidovorax genera, with the former two accounting for 86.86% of the consortium. The high degradation efficiency of NP-M2 indicated that it could be a promising candidate for NP bioremediation in situ.
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