结果 401-410 的 5,138
Characteristics of CH4 and CO2 emissions and influence of water and salinity in the Yellow River delta wetland, China
Chen, Qingfeng | Guo, Beibei | Zhao, Changsheng | Xing, Baoxiu
Due to the severe degradation and environmental pollution of coastal wetlands by human activities, they have gradually become an important source of greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions, so exploring the characteristics of their emission is important to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from coastal wetlands. In this study, the dynamics of methane (CH₄) and carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions were investigated in five kinds of typical tidal flats from the Yellow River delta wetland during the years 2011–2013, and the influences of water level and salinity on their emissions were explored in laboratory experiments. The mean fluxes of CO₂ and CH₄ were −20.98 to 68.12 mg m⁻² h⁻¹ and −0.12 to 0.44 mg m⁻² h⁻¹ across all seasons in the five kinds of representative tidal flats. The highest and lowest mean fluxes of CO₂ were mainly observed during summer and winter, respectively, whereas the seasons with the highest and lowest mean fluxes of CH₄ varied according to the type of tidal flat. The results showed that the summer season and the mud flat environment had the largest contributions to greenhouse gas emissions. In laboratory experiments, the largest sequestration fluxes of CO₂ and CH₄ were observed with +4/+2 cm and −4 cm water levels, respectively, indicating that a moderately high water level was beneficial for CO₂ sequestration but led to the increase of CH₄ emission. In the study of salinity, we found that the largest sequestration fluxes of CO₂ and CH₄ were both detected at 24 g L⁻¹ salinity, indicating that high salinity level was advantageous for CO₂ and CH₄ sequestration in the five simulation devices. Furthermore, a carbon cycle pathway of coastal wetlands was proposed, which could have a vital significance for research into the global carbon cycle. We can reduce GHG emissions by protecting the coastal wetlands and lessening human activities.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Impact of copper nanoparticles and ionic copper exposure on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) root morphology and antioxidant response
Zhang, Zhenyan | Ke, Mingjing | Qu, Qian | Peijnenburg, W.J.G.M. | Lu, Tao | Zhang, Qi | Ye, Yizhi | Xu, Pengfei | Du, Benben | Sun, Liwei | Qian, Haifeng
Copper nanoparticles (nCu) are widely used in industry and in daily life, due to their unique physical, chemical, and biological properties. Few studies have focused on nCu phytotoxicity, especially with regard to toxicity mechanisms in crop plants. The present study examined the effect of 15.6 μM nCu exposure on the root morphology, physiology, and gene transcription levels of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), a major crop cultivated worldwide. The results obtained were compared with the effects of exposing wheat to an equivalent molar concentration of ionic Cu (Cu²⁺ released from CuSO₄) and to control plants. The relative growth rate of roots decreased to approximately 60% and the formation of lateral roots was stimulated under nCu exposure, possibly due to the enhancement of nitrogen uptake and accumulation of auxin in lateral roots. The expression of four of the genes involved in the positive regulation of cell proliferation and negative regulation of programmed cell death decreased to 50% in the Cu²⁺ treatment compared to that of the control, while only one gene was down-regulated to about half of the control in nCu treatment. This explained the decreased root cell proliferation and higher extent of induced cell death in Cu²⁺- than in nCu-exposed plants. The increased methane dicarboxylic aldehyde accumulation (2.17-fold increase compared with the control) and decreased antioxidant enzyme activities (more than 50% decrease compared with the control) observed in the Cu²⁺ treatment in relation to the nCu treatment indicated higher oxidative stress in Cu²⁺- than in nCu-exposed plants. Antioxidant (e.g., proline) synthesis was pronouncedly induced by nCu to scavenge excess reactive oxygen species, alleviating phytotoxicity to wheat exposed to this form of Cu. Overall, oxidative stress and root growth inhibition were the main causes of nCu toxicity.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Research on air pollutant concentration prediction method based on self-adaptive neuro-fuzzy weighted extreme learning machine
Li, Yongan | Jiang, Peng | She, Qingshan | Lin, Guang
In order to improve the prediction accuracy and real-time of the air pollutant concentration prediction, this paper proposes self-adaptive neuro-fuzzy weighted extreme learning machine (ANFIS-WELM) based on the weighted extreme learning machine (WELM) and the adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) combined air pollutant concentration prediction method. Firstly, Gaussian membership function parameters are selected to fuzzify the input values and calculate the membership degree of each input variable. Secondly, corresponding fuzzy rules are activated, and the firing strength is normalized to calculate the output matrix of hidden nodes. Then, the optimal parameters (C, M), weights are assigned to weighted ELM by using locally weighted linear regression, and the regularized WELM target formula with equality constraint is optimized by the Karush–Kuhn–Tucker (KKT) conditions, the output weight matrix is calculated, and finally the prediction output matrix is calculated. Based on the air pollutant concentration data collected in Datong, Taiwan, the data on the pollutants containing carbon monoxide (CO), nitric oxide (NO), PM2.5 (particulate matter) and PM10, are selected by different historical time series lengths, using genetic algorithm-backpropagation neural network (GA-BPNN), support vector regression (SVR), extreme learning machine (ELM), WELM, ANFIS, regularized extreme learning adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (R-ELANFIS) and ANFIS-WELM are built for predict the concentration of each pollutant collected by single monitoring point in single-step time series. The experimental results show that the ANFIS-WELM presented in this paper has better prediction accuracy and real-time performance, realizes the prediction of multi-step time series on the basis of the ANFIS-WELM, and realizes the engineering application of the ANFIS-WELM algorithm package on the self-developed mobile source emissions online monitoring data center software system.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Investigating antibiotics, antibiotic resistance genes, and microbial contaminants in groundwater in relation to the proximity of urban areas
Szekeres, Edina | Chiriac, Cecilia Maria | Baricz, Andreea | Szőke-Nagy, Tiberiu | Lung, Ildiko | Soran, Maria-Loredana | Rudi, Knut | Dragoș, Nicolae | Coman, Cristian
Groundwater is an essential public and drinking water supply and its protection is a goal for global policies. Here, we investigated the presence and prevalence of antibiotic residues, antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs), mobile genetic elements (MGEs), and microbial contamination in groundwater environments at various distances from urban areas. Antibiotic concentrations ranged from below detection limit to 917 ng/L, being trimethoprim, macrolide, and sulfonamide the most abundant antibiotic classes. A total of eleven ARGs (aminoglycoside, β-lactam, chloramphenicol, Macrolide-Lincosamide-Streptogramin B - MLSB, sulfonamide, and tetracycline), one antiseptic resistance gene, and two MGEs were detected by qPCR with relative abundances ranging from 6.61 × 10−7 to 2.30 × 10−1 copies/16S rRNA gene copies. ARGs and MGEs were widespread in the investigated groundwater environments, with increased abundances not only in urban, but also in remote areas. Distinct bacterial community profiles were observed, with a higher prevalence of Betaproteobacteria and Bacteroidetes in the less-impacted areas, and that of Firmicutes in the contaminated groundwater. The combined characteristics of increased species diversity, distinct phylogenetic composition, and the possible presence of fecal and/or pathogenic bacteria could indicate different types of contamination. Significant correlations between ARGs, MGEs and specific taxa within the groundwater bacterial community were identified, revealing the potential hosts of resistance types. Although no universal marker gene could be determined, a co-selection of int1, qacEΔ1 and sulI genes, a proxy group for anthropogenic pollution, with the tetC, tetO, tetW resistance genes was identified. As the tet group was observed to follow the pattern of environmental contamination for the groundwater samples investigated in this study, our results strongly support the proposal of this group of genes as an environmental tracer of human impact. Overall, the present study investigated several emerging contaminants in groundwater habitats that may be included in monitoring programs to enable further regulatory and protection measures.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Uptake kinetics of pesticides chlorpyrifos and tebuconazole in the earthworm Eisenia andrei in two different soils
Svobodová, Markéta | Šmídová, Klára | Hvězdová, Martina | Hofman, Jakub
Agriculture is today indispensably connected with enormous use of pesticides. Despite tough regulation, their entrance into soil cannot be excluded and they might enter soil organisms and plants and continue further to terrestrial food chains. This study was conducted to investigate the bioaccumulation of two pesticides currently used in large amounts, the insecticide chlorpyrifos (CLP) and the fungicide tebuconazole (TBZ). Their detailed uptake kinetics in the model earthworm species Eisenia andrei were measured in two arable soils differing in organic carbon content (1.02 and 1.93% respectively). According to our results, a steady state was reached after 3–5 days for both pesticides and soils. The values of bioaccumulation factors calculated at the steady state ranged from 4.5 to 6.3 for CLP and 2.2–13.1 for TBZ. Bioaccumulation factors were also calculated as the ratio of uptake and elimination rate constants with results comparable with steady-state bioaccumulation factors. The results suggested that the degradation and bioaccumulation of tested compounds might be influenced by other factors than only total organic carbon (e.g. clay content). The lower Koc and hydrophobicity of TBZ relative to CLP probably led to higher availability of TBZ through pore water exposure. On the other hand, CLP's higher hydrophobicity probably caused an increase in availability by its additional uptake via ingestion. To enable a proper ecological risk assessment of current pesticides in soils, it is necessary to accurately determine their bioaccumulation in soil invertebrates. We believe that our study not only brings such information for two specific pesticides but also addresses key methodological issues in this area.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Long-term dim light during nighttime changes activity patterns and space use in experimental small mammal populations
Hoffmann, Julia | Palme, Rupert | Eccard, Jana Anja
Artificial light at night (ALAN) is spreading worldwide and thereby is increasingly interfering with natural dark-light cycles. Meanwhile, effects of very low intensities of light pollution on animals have rarely been investigated. We explored the effects of low intensity ALAN over seven months in eight experimental bank vole (Myodes glareolus) populations in large grassland enclosures over winter and early breeding season, using LED garden lamps. Initial populations consisted of eight individuals (32 animals per hectare) in enclosures with or without ALAN. We found that bank voles under ALAN experienced changes in daily activity patterns and space use behavior, measured by automated radiotelemetry. There were no differences in survival and body mass, measured with live trapping, and none in levels of fecal glucocorticoid metabolites. Voles in the ALAN treatment showed higher activity at night during half moon, and had larger day ranges during new moon. Thus, even low levels of light pollution as experienced in remote areas or by sky glow can lead to changes in animal behavior and could have consequences for species interactions.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Vertical variation of PM2.5 mass and chemical composition, particle size distribution, NO2, and BTEX at a high rise building
Zauli Sajani, Stefano | Marchesi, Stefano | Trentini, Arianna | Bacco, Dimitri | Zigola, Claudia | Rovelli, Sabrina | Ricciardelli, Isabella | Maccone, Claudio | Lauriola, Paolo | Cavallo, Domenico Maria | Poluzzi, Vanes | Cattaneo, Andrea | Harrison, Roy M.
Substantial efforts have been made in recent years to investigate the horizontal variability of air pollutants at regional and urban scales and epidemiological studies have taken advantage of resulting improvements in exposure assessment. On the contrary, only a few studies have investigated the vertical variability and their results are not consistent. In this study, a field experiment has been conducted to evaluate the variation of concentrations of different particle metrics and gaseous pollutants on the basis of floor height at a high rise building. Two 15-day monitoring campaigns were conducted in the urban area of Bologna, Northern Italy, one of the most polluted areas in Europe. Measurements sites were operated simultaneously at 2, 15, 26, 44 and 65 m a.g.l. Several particulate matter metrics including PM₂.₅ mass and chemical composition, particle number concentration and size distribution were measured. Time integrated measurement of NO₂ and BTEX were also included in the monitoring campaigns. Measurements showed relevant vertical gradients for most traffic related pollutants. A monotonic gradient of PM₂.₅ was found with ground-to-top differences of 4% during the warm period and 11% during the cold period. Larger gradients were found for UFP (∼30% during both seasons) with a substantial loss of particles from ground to top in the sub-50 nm size range. The largest drops in concentrations for chemical components were found for Elemental Carbon (−27%), iron (−11%) and tin (−36%) during winter. The ground-to-top decline of concentrations for NO₂ and benzene during winter was equal to 74% and 35%, respectively. In conclusion, our findings emphasize the need to include vertical variations of urban air pollutants when evaluating population exposure and associated health effects, especially in relation to some traffic related pollutants and particle metrics.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Occurrence and distribution of old and new halogenated flame retardants in mosses and lichens from the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica
Kim, Jun-Tae | Choi, Yun-Jeong | Barghi, Mandana | Yoon, Young-Jun | Kim, Jeong-Hoon | Kim, Ji Hee | Chang, Yoon Seok
The spatial distribution of old and new halogenated flame retardants (HFRs), including polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDs), and Dechlorane Plus (DPs) and related compounds (Dechloranes), were investigated in the South Shetland Islands of Antarctica, employing mosses (Andreaea depressinervis and Sanionia uncinata) and lichens (Himantormia lugubris and Usnea antarctica) as bioindicators. The levels of PBDEs, HBCDs, and Dechloranes ranged from 3.2 to 71.5, 0.63–960, and 2.04–2400 pg/g dw (dry weight) in the mosses, and from 1.5 to 188, 0.1–21.1, and 1.0–83.8 pg/g dw in the lichens, respectively. HFRs were detected in all of the collected samples, even in those from the remote regions. The dominance of high brominated-BDE, anti-DP fraction, and HBCD diastereomeric ratio in the samples from remote regions suggested the long-range atmospheric transport (LRAT) of the HFRs. The relatively high HBCDs and Dechloranes contamination and their similar chemical profile with commercial products in the vicinity of Antarctic research stations indicated that human activities might act as local sources, while PBDEs appeared to be more influenced by LRAT and bioaccumulation rather than local emission. Lastly, the relatively high HFR levels and dominance of more brominated BDEs at the Narębski Point and in the wet lowlands suggested that penguin colonies and melting glacier water could be secondary HFR sources in Antarctica. The HFR levels differed by sample species, suggesting that further research on the factors associated with the HFR accumulation in the different species is necessary. This study firstly reports the alternative HFR levels in a wide area of the Antarctica, which could improve our understanding of the source, transport, and fate of the HFRs.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Tadpoles of the horned frog Ceratophrys ornata exhibit high sensitivity to chlorpyrifos for conventional ecotoxicological and novel bioacoustic variables
Salgado Costa, C. | Ronco, A.E. | Trudeau, V.L. | Marino, D. | Natale, G.S.
Previous studies reported that some species of the family Ceratophryidae are able to produce sounds during premetamorphic tadpole stages. We have now determined the effects of the cholinesterase-inhibiting insecticide chlorpyrifos (CPF) on sounds emitted by tadpoles of Ceratophrys ornata. Tadpoles were exposed individually in order to evaluate the progression of effects. Effects on sound production were complemented with common ecotoxicological endpoints (mortality, behavior, abnormalities and growth inhibition). C. ornata was found to be more sensitive than other native (= 67%, 50%) and non-native species (= 75%, 100%) considering lethal and sublethal endpoints, respectively. Effects on sounds appear along with alterations in swimming, followed by the presence of mild, then severe abnormalities and finally death. Therefore, sound production may be a good biomarker since it anticipates other endpoints that are also affected by CPF. Ceratophrys ornata is a promising new model species in ecotoxicology.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The combined toxicity effect of nanoplastics and glyphosate on Microcystis aeruginosa growth
Zhang, Qi | Qu, Qian | Lu, Tao | Ke, Mingjing | Zhu, Youchao | Zhang, Meng | Zhang, Zhenyan | Du, Benben | Pan, Xiangliang | Sun, Liwei | Qian, Haifeng
Waste plastics can be degraded to nanoplastics (NPs, diameter<1 μm) by natural forces. NPs not only directly affect aquatic organisms but also adsorb other pollutants, causing combined pollution. Glyphosate is one of the most widely used herbicides and is commonly monitored in freshwater systems. In this study, the effects of the combined toxicity of polystyrene cationic amino-modified nanoparticles (nPS-NH₂) and glyphosate on a blue-green alga, Microcystis aeruginosa, were investigated. Our results demonstrated that 5 mg/L glyphosate had a strong inhibitory effect on M. aeruginosa (the 96-h inhibitory rate was 27%), while 5 mg/L nPS-NH₂ had no apparent effect on the growth of M. aeruginosa. Interestingly, nPS-NH₂ combined with glyphosate showed antagonistic effects on the inhibition of algal growth because nPS-NH₂ displayed a strong adsorption capacity for glyphosate, which significantly alleviated the inhibitory effect of glyphosate on M. aeruginosa growth. However, the presence of glyphosate enhanced the stability of the dispersion system, which allowed more nPS-NH₂ to adsorb on the surface of M. aeruginosa and may result in greater enrichment of nPS-NH₂ in the food chain to show potential repercussions to human life. Our current study provides a new theoretical basis for the combined effects of NPs and pesticide pollution.
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