结果 401-410 的 4,959
Responses of forest ecosystems in Europe to decreasing nitrogen deposition
Schmitz, Andreas | Sanders, Tanja G.M. | Bölte, Andreas | Bussotti, Filippo | Dirnböck, Thomas | Johnson, Jim | Peñuelas, Josep | Pollastrini, Martina | Prescher, Anne-Katrin | Sardans, Jordi | Verstraeten, Arne | de Vries, Wim
Average nitrogen (N) deposition across Europe has declined since the 1990s. This resulted in decreased N inputs to forest ecosystems especially in Central and Western Europe where deposition levels are highest. While the impact of atmospheric N deposition on forests has been receiving much attention for decades, ecosystem responses to the decline in N inputs received less attention. Here, we review observational studies reporting on trends in a number of indicators: soil acidification and eutrophication, understory vegetation, tree nutrition (foliar element concentrations) as well as tree vitality and growth in response to decreasing N deposition across Europe. Ecosystem responses varied with limited decrease in soil solution nitrate concentrations and potentially also foliar N concentrations. There was no large-scale response in understory vegetation, tree growth, or vitality. Experimental studies support the observation of a more distinct reaction of soil solution and foliar element concentrations to changes in N supply compared to the three other parameters. According to the most likely scenarios, further decrease of N deposition will be limited. We hypothesize that this expected decline will not cause major responses of the parameters analysed in this study. Instead, future changes might be more strongly controlled by the development of N pools accumulated within forest soils, affected by climate change and forest management.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Characteristics of biological particulate matters at urban and rural sites in the North China Plain
Shen, Fangxia | Zheng, Yunhao | Niu, Mutong | Zhou, Feng | Wu, Yan | Wang, Junxia | Zhu, Tong | Wu, Yusheng | Wu, Zhijun | Hu, Min | Zhu, Tianle
Depending on their concentrations, sizes, and types, particulate matters of biological origins (bioPM) significantly affect human health. However, for different air environments, they are not well characterized and can vary considerably. As an example, we investigated the bioPM differences at an urban (Beijing) site and a rural (Wangdu) site in the North China Plain (NCP) using an online monitoring instrument, an ultraviolet aerodynamic particle sizer (UV-APS), the limulus amebocyte lysate (LAL) assay, and a high-throughput sequencing method. Generally, lower concentrations of viable bioPM (hourly mean: 1.3 × 10³ ± 1.6 × 10³ m⁻³) and endotoxin (0.66 ± 0.16 EU/m³) in Beijing were observed compared to viable bioPM (0.79 × 10⁵ ± 1.4 × 10⁵ m⁻³) and endotoxin (15.1 ± 23.96 EU/m³) at the Wangdu site. The percentage of viable bioPM number concentration in the total PM was 3.1% in Beijing and 6.4% in Wangdu. Approximately 80% of viable bioPM was found to be in the range from 1 to 2.5 μm. Nevertheless, the size distribution patterns for viable bioPM at the Beijing and Wangdu sites differed and were affected by PM pollution, leading to distinct lung deposition profiles. Moreover, the distinct diurnal variations in viable bioPM on clean days were dimmed by the PM pollution at both sites. Distinct bacterial community structures were found in the air from the Beijing and Wangdu sites. The bacterial community in urban Beijing was dominated by genus Lactococcus (49.5%) and Pseudomonas (15.1%), while the rural Wangdu site was dominated by Enterococcus (65%) and Paenibacillus (10%). Human-derived genera, including Myroides, Streptococcus, Propionibacterium, Dietzia, Helcococcus, and Facklamia, were higher in Beijing, suggesting bacterial emission from humans in the urban air environment. Our results show that different air harbors different biological species, and people residing in different environments thus could have very different biological particle exposure.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Recent findings of halogenated flame retardants (HFR) in the German and Polar environment
Dreyer, Annekatrin | Neugebauer, Frank | Lohmann, Nina | Rüdel, Heinz | Teubner, Diana | Grotti, Marco | Rauert, Caren | Koschorreck, Jan
To get an overview about distribution, levels and temporal trends of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) and halogenated flame retardants (HFR) of emerging concern, different types of environmental samples archived in the German Environment Specimen Bank as well as fish filet samples from the Arctic (n = 13) and Antarctica (n = 5) were analysed for 43 substances (24 PBDE, 19 HFR) using a multi-column clean-up and GC-API-MS/MS or GC-MS. Sample types were herring gull egg (n = 3), blue mussel (n = 3) and eelpout filet (n = 3) from the German North- and Baltic Sea, bream filet (n = 7), zebra mussel (n = 6) and suspended particulate matter (SPM, n = 7) from German freshwater ecosystems as well as tree leaves (n = 9)/shoots (n = 10), soil (n = 4), earthworm (n = 4) and deer liver (n = 7) as representatives of German terrestrial ecosystems. PBDE and emerging HFR were present in each investigated matrices from Germany and Polar regions showing their widespread distribution. The presence in Arctic and Antarctic fish samples confirms their long-range transport potential. Average concentrations of total emerging HFR were highest in SPM (26 ng g⁻¹ dry weight (dw)), zebra mussel (10 ng g⁻¹ dw) and herring gull egg (2.6 ng g⁻¹ dw). Lowest levels were measured in fish filet samples from Antarctica (0.02 ng g⁻¹ dw). Average total PBDE concentrations were highest in bream filet (154 ng g⁻¹), herring gull egg (61 ng g⁻¹ dw), SPM (21 ng g⁻¹ dw), and zebra mussel 18 (ng g⁻¹) and lowest in deer liver (0.04 ng g⁻¹ dw). The patterns of non-fauna terrestrial samples (leaves, shoots, soil) as well as SPM were dominated by DBDPE and BDE209. Elevated proportions of DPTE and in most cases the absence of DBDPE characterized all fauna samples with the exception of Polar samples. Overall, emerging HFR appeared to be less bioaccumulative than PBDE. Temporal trends were generally decreasing with few exceptions such as DBDPE.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Tropical climate effect on the toxic heavy metal pollutant course of road-deposited sediments
dos Santos, Paula R.S. | Fernandes, Glauber J.T. | Moraes, Edgar P. | Moreira, Lucio F.F.
In modern society, the intense vehicle traffic and the lack of effective mitigating strategies may adversely impact freshwater systems. Road-deposited sediments (RDS) accumulate a variety of toxic substances which are transported into nature during hydrologic events, mainly affecting water bodies through stormwater runoff. The aim of this study was to evaluate the RDS metal enrichment ratio between the end of wet season and the middle of the dry season for Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn in samples from Natal, Brazil. Twenty RDS, drainage system and river sediment samples were collected in the wet and dry seasons using a stainless-steel pan, brush and spatula. In the laboratory, the samples were submitted to acid digestion and heavy metal concentrations were measured by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS). A consistent RDS enrichment by heavy metals in dry season samples was followed by an increase in the finest particle size fraction (D < 63 μm). Maximum concentrations were 5, ND, 108, 23810, 83, ND, 77 and 150 mg kg⁻¹ for Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn, respectively. The RDS enrichment ratio was Cr(1.3 ×), Cu(2.6 ×), Fe(3.3 ×), Mn(1.5 ×), Pb(1.5 ×) and Zn(2.1 ×). The Geo-accumulation Index values showed that RDS were moderately polluted for Cu and slighted polluted for Zn and Pb. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) showed that the accumulation of toxic heavy metals decreased according to water flow.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Antibiotic resistome profile based on metagenomics in raw surface drinking water source and the influence of environmental factor: A case study in Huaihe River Basin, China
Bai, Ying | Ruan, Xiaohong | Xie, Xianchuan | Yan, Zhongyue
The contamination with antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in raw drinking water source may pose a direct threat to human health. In this study, metagenomics sequencing and analysis were applied to investigate the ARG pattern in 12 drinking water sources in upper and middle reach of Huaihe River Basin, China. Based on the redundant analysis and multi-linear regression model, location, specific microbial taxa, number of livestock and health facilities significantly influenced the ARG profile in drinking water sources. Besides the cluster effect of ARG in samples from plain and bedrock mountain areas, the samples from fracture aquifer areas also showed a distinctive biogeographic pattern with that from porous aquifer areas. Putative ARGs host Opitutus and Flavobacterium were the enriched biomarkers in plain and fracture aquifer area respectively, which mainly carried bacitracin, multidrug, beta-lactam and tetracycline ARGs. This result illuminated that both natural background and anthropogenic activities in the watershed influenced the ARG profile in natural freshwater system significantly. The low MGEs abundance and absence of pathogen revealed a low ARG dissemination risk in sampled drinking water sources, while Polynucleobacter was an abundant ARGs host and was significantly related to the ARG profile, which indicated that specific bacteria was responsible for ARGs propagation and accumulation in surface freshwater system. Further researches are needed to assess human exposure to raw drinking water source and the potential risk, as well as the species interaction in microbial community and its impact on ARG propagation under oligotrophic condition.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Bacteriological and geochemical features of the groundwater resources: Kettara abandoned mine (Morocco)
Zouhri, Lahcen | El Amari, Khalid | Marier, David | Benkaddour, Abdelfattah | Hibti, Mohamed
Waste water of the Kettara village, as well as the abandoned tailings, constitute a potential environmental issue with direct consequences on air, soil, water resources qualities and, on human health. In this paper, experimental investigations examine the environmental impact which is induced by the wastewater, mine tailings and the lithological factors of rocks. This multidisciplinary research allows to i) understand the transfer of the Metallic Trace Elements (selenium, arsenic, nickel and zinc) and sulfate ions in the fractured shales media, ii) to assess the water potability by using the microbiological analysis. The microbiological results reveal the domestic impact by the presence of several kinds of bacteria in the groundwater resources: E. coli, Fecal coliforms, Total coliforms, Enterococci, Mesophilic Aerobic Flora, Sulphite-reducing bacteria and Salmonella.Selenium, arsenic and the bacteriological contamination of the groundwater could be explained by five kinds of factors: i) the geological formations and the nature of the hydrogeological system (unconfined layer), ii) the groundwater flow, the hydraulic relation between the hydrogeological wells and, the fractures network in the shale aquifer. The piezometric map allows to highlight the groundwater flow from the North-East to North-West and to the South-West, the drainage axis towards the P21 well and the presence of the dividing axis in the contaminated zone by the arsenic, iii) the absence of the unhealthy habitats with permeable traditional septic tanks in the village; iv) the transfer of the spreading animal excrements from the soil to groundwater and, v) the migration of the wastewater towards downstream of the groundwater flow. The presence of the reed beds could explain the reduction of bacteria in the hydrogeological wells of the study area.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Applications of dynamic models in predicting the bioaccumulation, transport and toxicity of trace metals in aquatic organisms
Wang, Wen-Xiong | Tan, Qiao-Guo
This review evaluates the three dynamic models (biokinetic model: BK, physiologically based pharmacokinetic model: PBPK, and toxicokinetic-toxicodynamic model: TKTD) in our understanding of the key questions in metal ecotoxicology in aquatic systems, i.e., bioaccumulation, transport and toxicity. All the models rely on the first-order kinetics principle of metal uptake and elimination. The BK model basically treats organisms as a single compartment, and is both physiologically and geochemically based. With a good understanding of each kinetic parameter, bioaccumulation of metals in any aquatic organisms can be studied holistically and mechanistically. Modeling efforts are not merely restrained from the prediction of metal accumulation in the tissues, but instead provide the direction of the key processes that need to be addressed. PBPK is more physiologically based since it mainly addresses the transportation, transformation and distribution of metals in the organisms. It can be treated conceptually as a multi-compartmental kinetic model, whereas the physiology is driving the development of any good PBPK model which is no generic for aquatic animals and contaminants. There are now increasingly applications of the PBPK modeling specifically in metal studies, which reveal many important processes that are impossible to be teased out by direct experimental measurements without adequate modeling. TKTD models further focus on metal toxicity in addition to metal bioaccumulation. The TK part links exposure and bioaccumulation, while the TD part links bioaccumulation and toxic effects. The separation of TK and TD makes it possible to model processes, e.g., toxicity modification by environmental factors, interaction between different metals, at both the toxicokinetic and toxicodynamic levels. TKTD models provide a framework for making full use of metal toxicity data, and thus provide more information for environmental risk assessments. Overall, the three models reviewed here will continue to provide guiding principles in our further studies of metal bioaccumulation and toxicity in aquatic organisms.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Association of urinary 3-phenoxybenzoic acid level with pulmonary function reduction in an urban elderly population with repeated measures data
Kim, Jin Hee | Lee, Seungho | Kim, Kyoung-Nam | Hong, Yun-Chul
Pyrethroids are a class of man-made insecticides associated with various adverse health outcomes including respiratory problems. However, there were limited evidences on the relation between 3-phenoxybenzoic acid (3-PBA) as a metabolite of pyrethroids and pulmonary function, particularly among elderly population who have declining pulmonary function. Therefore, we collected urine samples and performed pulmonary function test (PFT) repeatedly in a total of 559 Korean elderly living in Seoul as an urban area. After measurement of urinary 3-PBA levels, cross-sectional relations of visit-to-visit variation in 3-PBA level on visit-to-visit variation in PFT parameters were evaluated using linear mixed effect models and generalized additive mixed models after adjustment for age, sex, body mass index, smoking status, education, visit episode, and phthalate metabolite levels. The Korean elderly were highly exposed to pyrethroids with 30.2% of elderly people with 3-PBA level over reference value derived on the 95th percentile of representative samples (2 ng/mL). Forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV₁), forced vital capacity (FVC), and forced expiratory flow between 25% and 75% of FVC (FEF₂₅–₇₅) as PFT parameters showed significant reductions by an increase of 3-PBA level (FEV₁, β = −1.48, p-value < 0.01; FVC, β = −1.14, p-value < 0.01; and FEF₂₅₋₇₅, β = −1.11, p-value = 0.03). The negative associations of 3-PBA level with FEV₁, FVC, and FEF₂₅₋₇₅ were found only for females (FEV₁, β = −1.64, p-value < 0.01; FVC, β = −1.47, p-value < 0.01; and FEF₂₅₋₇₅, β = −1.06, p-value = 0.07), but not for males. However, the longitudinal effect of 3-PBA level on the trajectory of FEV₁, FVC, and FEF₂₅₋₇₅ declines in females was not found. Community-level exposure to pyrethroids was associated with pulmonary function reduction in elderly population, indicating that more stringent control of pyrethroids is necessary to protect the elderly who have declining pulmonary function.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Characteristics of environmentally persistent free radicals in PM2.5: Concentrations, species and sources in Xi'an, Northwestern China
Chen, Qingcai | Sun, Haoyao | Mu, Zhen | Wang, Yuqin | Li, Yanguang | Zhang, Lixin | Wang, Mamin | Zhang, Zimeng
Environmentally persistent free radicals (EPFRs) are a new class of environmental risk substances that can stably exist in atmospheric particles and pose a potential threat to human health. In this study, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy was used to study the concentration levels, species characteristics, and sources of EPFRs in PM₂.₅ in Xi'an in 2017. The results showed that the concentrations of EPFRs in PM₂.₅ in Xi'an in 2017 ranged from 9.8 × 10¹¹ to 6.9 × 10¹⁴ spins/m³. The highest concentration of EPFRs occurred in winter when the average concentration was 2.1 × 10¹⁴ spins/m³. The lowest concentration of EPFRs occurred in autumn when the average concentration was 7.0 × 10¹³ spins/m³. According to the annual average atmospheric concentration of EPFRs, the amount of EPFRs inhaled by people in Xi'an is equivalent to approximately 5 cigarettes per person per day and approximately 23 cigarettes per person per day in winter when haze occurs. The results of the study on the EPFR characteristics show that the EPFRs in PM₂.₅ in Xi'an are mainly C-center organic radicals that are primarily non-decaying types, accounting for approximately 75% and 85% of total concentration of EPFRs in autumn and winter, respectively. Finally, a correlation analysis was used to explore the origins of EPFRs in PM₂.₅. Significant positive correlations were found between EPFRs and SO₂, NO₂ and the thermally derived OC3 and OC4 carbonaceous components. The results suggested that coal-fired and traffic may be important sources of EPFRs in PM₂.₅ in Xi'an. In addition, EPFRs are significantly positively correlated with O₃ in summer, suggesting that some EPFRs may also originate from secondary processes. This study provides important basic data and evidence for further assessments of the potential health risks of EPFRs in PM₂.₅ and the development of effective air pollution control measures.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Fungal biodegradation of the N-nitrosodimethylamine precursors venlafaxine and O-desmethylvenlafaxine in water
Llorca, Marta | Castellet-Rovira, Francesc | Farré, María-José | Jaén-Gil, Adrián | Martínez-Alonso, Maira | Rodríguez-Mozaz, Sara | Sarrà, Montserrat | Barceló, Damià
Antidepressant drugs such as Venlafaxine (VFX) and O-desmethylvenlafaxine (ODMVFX) are emerging contaminants that are commonly detected in aquatic environments, since conventional wastewater treatment plants are unable to completely remove them. They can be precursors of hazardous by-products, such as the carcinogenic N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), generated upon water chlorination, as they contain the dimethylamino moiety, necessary for the formation of NDMA. In this study, the capability of three white rot fungi (Trametes versicolor, Ganoderma lucidum and Pleurotus ostreatus) to remove both antidepressants from water and to decrease NDMA formation potential was investigated. Furthermore, transformation by-products (TPs) generated along the treatment process were elucidated and also correlated with their NDMA formation potential.Very promising results were obtained for T. versicolor and G. lucidum, both being able to remove up to 100% of ODMVFX. In the case of VFX, which is very recalcitrant to conventional wastewater treatment, a 70% of removal was achieved by T. versicolor, along with a reduction in NDMA formation potential, thus decreasing the associated problems for human health and the environment. However, the NDMA formation potential remained practically constant during treatment with G. lucidum despite of the equally high VFX removal (70%). This difference was attributed to the generation of different TPs during both fungal treatments. For example, G. lucidum generated more ODMVFX, which actually has a higher NDMA formation potential than the parent compound itself.
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