结果 411-420 的 4,023
Characterization of the particulate matter and relationship between buccal micronucleus and urinary 1-hydroxypyrene levels among cashew nut roasting workers
de Oliveira Galvão, Marcos Felipe | de Queiroz, Jana Dara Freires | Duarte, Ediclê de Souza Fernandes | Hoelzemann, Judith Johanna | André, Paulo Afonso de | Saldiva, Paulo H. N. (Paulo Hilário Nascimento) | Menezes Filho, José Antônio | Batistuzzo de Medeiros, Silvia Regina
The present study is the first assessment of occupational risk associated with artisanal cashew nut roasting using exposure and effect biomarkers, as well as a characterization and dispersion analysis of the released particulate matter (PM). A real-time particle monitor was used to quantify PM1.0, PM2.5 and PM10. Furthermore, the PM was sampled using a Handi-vol sampler, and the physicochemical characteristics were determined by SEM-EDS analysis. Trajectories, dispersion and deposition of the emitted material were calculated using the NOAA-HYSPLIT model. Urinary 1-hydroxypyrene (1-OHP) levels were analyzed by HPLC. DNA damage, chromosomal instability and cell death were measured by a buccal micronucleus cytome assay (BMCyt). The PM concentrations for all measurements in the exposed area were higher than in the non-exposed area. SEM-EDS analyses exhibited a wide variety of particles, and K, Cl, S and Ca biomass burning tracers were the major inorganic compounds. In addition, atmospheric modeling analysis suggested that these particles can reach regions farther away than 40 kilometers. Occupational polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon exposure was confirmed by increases in 1-OHP levels in cashew nut workers. Frequencies of BMCyt biomarkers of genotoxicity (micronuclei and nuclear bud) and cytotoxicity (pyknosis, karyolysis, karyorrhexis and condensed chromatin) were higher in the exposed group compared with the controls. The influence of factors, such as age, on the micronuclei frequencies was demonstrated, and a correlation between 1-OHP and micronuclei was observed. To the best of our knowledge, no other study has demonstrated a correlation between these types of biomarkers. The use of exposure (1-OHP) and effect (BMCyt) biomarkers were therefore efficient in assessing the occupational risk associated with artisanal cashew nut roasting, and the high rates of PM2.5 are considered to be a potential contributor to this effect.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Breast and prostate cancer mortality and industrial pollution
García-Pérez, Javier | Pérez-Abad, Natalia | Lope, Virginia | Castelló, Adela | Pollán, Marina | González Sánchez, Mario | Valencia, Jose Luis | López-Abente, Gonzalo | Fernández-Navarro, Pablo
We investigated whether there might be an excess of breast and prostate cancer mortality among the population residing near Spanish industries, according to different categories of industrial groups. An ecologic study was designed to examine breast and prostate cancer mortality at a municipal level (period 1997–2006). Population exposure to pollution was estimated by means of distance from town of residence to industrial facilities. Using Besag-York-Mollié regression models with Integrated Nested Laplace approximations for Bayesian inference, we assessed the relative risk of dying from these tumors in 2-, 3-, 4-, and 5-km zones around installations, and analyzed the effect of category of industrial group. For all sectors combined, no excess risk was detected. However, excess risk of breast cancer mortality (relative risk, 95% credible interval) was detected near mines (1.10, 1.00–1.21 at 4 km), ceramic industries (1.05, 1.00–1.09 at 5 km), and ship building (1.12, 1.00–1.26 at 5 km), and excess risk of prostate cancer was detected near aquaculture for all distances analyzed (from 2.42, 1.53–3.63 at 2 km to 1.63, 1.07–2.36 at 5 km). Our findings do not support that residing in the vicinity of pollutant industries as a whole (all industrial sectors combined) is a risk factor for breast and prostate cancer mortality. However, isolated statistical associations found in our study with respect to specific industrial groups warrant further investigation.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Effects of anthropogenic heavy metal contamination on litter decomposition in streams – A meta-analysis
Ferreira, Verônica | Koricheva, Julia | Duarte, Sofia | Niyogi, Dev K. | Guérold, François
Many streams worldwide are affected by heavy metal contamination, mostly due to past and present mining activities. Here we present a meta-analysis of 38 studies (reporting 133 cases) published between 1978 and 2014 that reported the effects of heavy metal contamination on the decomposition of terrestrial litter in running waters. Overall, heavy metal contamination significantly inhibited litter decomposition. The effect was stronger for laboratory than for field studies, likely due to better control of confounding variables in the former, antagonistic interactions between metals and other environmental variables in the latter or differences in metal identity and concentration between studies. For laboratory studies, only copper + zinc mixtures significantly inhibited litter decomposition, while no significant effects were found for silver, aluminum, cadmium or zinc considered individually. For field studies, coal and metal mine drainage strongly inhibited litter decomposition, while drainage from motorways had no significant effects. The effect of coal mine drainage did not depend on drainage pH. Coal mine drainage negatively affected leaf litter decomposition independently of leaf litter identity; no significant effect was found for wood decomposition, but sample size was low. Considering metal mine drainage, arsenic mines had a stronger negative effect on leaf litter decomposition than gold or pyrite mines. Metal mine drainage significantly inhibited leaf litter decomposition driven by both microbes and invertebrates, independently of leaf litter identity; no significant effect was found for microbially driven decomposition, but sample size was low. Overall, mine drainage negatively affects leaf litter decomposition, likely through negative effects on invertebrates.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]A quantitative assessment of source contributions to fine particulate matter (PM2.5)-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and their nitrated and hydroxylated derivatives in Hong Kong
Ma, Yiqiu | Cheng, Yubo | Qiu, Xinghua | Lin, Yan | Cao, Jing | Hu, Di
Atmospheric polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and their derivatives are of great concern due to their adverse health effects. However, source identification and apportionment of these compounds, particularly their nitrated and hydroxylated derivatives (i.e., NPAHs and OHPAHs), in fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in Hong Kong are still lacking. In this study, we conducted a 1-year observation at an urban site in Hong Kong. PM2.5-bound PAHs and their derivatives were measured, with median concentrations of 4590, 44.4 and 31.6 pg m−3 for ∑21PAHs, ∑13NPAHs, and ∑12OHPAHs, respectively. Higher levels were observed on regional pollution days than on long regional transport (LRT) or local emission days. Based on positive matrix factorization analysis, four sources were determined: marine vessels, vehicle emissions, biomass burning, and a mixed source of coal combustion and NPAHs secondary formation. Coal combustion and biomass burning were the major sources of PAHs, contributing over 85% of PAHs on regional and LRT days. Biomass burning was the predominant source of OHPAHs throughout the year, while NPAHs mainly originated from secondary formation and fuel combustion. For benzo[a]pyrene (BaP)-based PM2.5 toxicity, the mixed source of coal combustion and NPAHs secondary formation was the major contributor, followed by biomass burning and vehicle emissions.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Toxicity assessment of perfluorooctane sulfonate using acute and subchronic male C57BL/6J mouse models
Xing, Jiali | Wang, Gang | Zhao, Jichun | Wang, Eryin | Yin, Boxing | Fang, Dongsheng | Zhao, Jianxin | Zhang, Hao | Chen, Yong Q. | Chen, Wei
Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) is a principal representative and the final degradation product of several commercially produced perfluorinated compounds. However, PFOS has a high bioaccumulation potential and therefore can exert toxicity on aquatic organisms, animals, and cells. Considering the widespread concern this phenomenon has attracted, we examined the acute and subchronic toxic effects of varying doses of PFOS on adult male C57BL/6 mice. The acute oral LD50 value of PFOS in male C57BL/6J mice was 0.579 g/kg body weight (BW). Exposure to the subchronic oral toxicity of PFOS at 2.5, 5, and 10 mg PFOS/kg BW/day for 30 days disrupted the homeostasis of antioxidative systems, induced hepatocellular apoptosis (as revealed by the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling assay), triggered liver injury (as evidenced by the increased serum levels of aspartate aminotransferase, alanine amino transferase, alkaline phosphatase, and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase and by the altered histology), and ultimately increased the liver size and relative weight of the mice. PFOS treatment caused liver damage but only slightly affected the kidneys and spleen of the mice. This study provided insights into the toxicological effects of PFOS.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Ecotoxicity and genotoxicity of cyclophosphamide, ifosfamide, their metabolites/transformation products and their mixtures
Česen, Marjeta | Eleršek, Tina | Novak, Matjaž | Žegura, Bojana | Kosjek, Tina | Filipič, Metka | Heath, Ester
Cyclophosphamide (CP) and ifosfamide (IF) are commonly used cytostatic drugs that repress cell division by interaction with DNA. The present study investigates the ecotoxicity and genotoxicity of CP, IF, their human metabolites/transformation products (TPs) carboxy-cyclophosphamide (CPCOOH), keto-cyclophosphamide (ketoCP) and N-dechloroethyl-cyclophosphamide (NdCP) as individual compounds and as mixture. The two parent compounds (CP and IF), at concentrations up to 320 mg L−1, were non-toxic towards the alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata and cyanobacterium Synecococcus leopoliensis. Further ecotoxicity studies of metabolites/TPs and a mixture of parent compounds and metabolites/TPs performed in cyanobacteria S. leopoliensis, showed that only CPCOOH (EC50 = 17.1 mg L−1) was toxic. The measured toxicity (EC50 = 11.5 mg L−1) of the mixture was lower from the toxicity predicted by concentration addition model (EC50 = 21.1 mg L−1) indicating potentiating effects of the CPCOOH toxicity. The SOS/umuC assay with Salmonella typhimurium revealed genotoxic activity of CP, CPCOOH and the mixture in the presence of S9 metabolic activation. Only CPCOOH was genotoxic also in the absence of metabolic activation indicating that this compound is a direct acting genotoxin. This finding is of particular importance as in the environment such compounds can directly affect DNA of non-target organisms and also explains toxicity of CPCOOH against cyanobacteria S. leopoliensis. The degradation study with UV irradiation of samples containing CP and IF showed efficient degradation of both compounds and remained non-toxic towards S. leopoliensis, suggesting that no stable TPs with adverse effects were formed. To our knowledge, this is the first study describing the ecotoxicity and genotoxicity of the commonly used cytostatics CP and IF, their known metabolites/TPs and their mixture. The results indicate the importance of toxicological evaluation and monitoring of drug metabolites as they may be for certain aquatic species more hazardous than parent compounds.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Studies on size distribution and health risk of 37 species of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons associated with fine particulate matter collected in the atmosphere of a suburban area of Shanghai city, China
Wang, Qingyue | Kobayashi, Keisuke | Lu, Senlin | Nakajima, Daisuke | Wang, Weiqian | Zhang, Wenchao | Sekiguchi, Kazuhiko | Terasaki, Masanori
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in suspended particulate matter (SPM) contribute significantly to health risk. Our objectives were to assess the size distribution and sources of 26 PAHs and 11 polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) in SPM in the suburban area, Shanghai city, China. Air sampling was carried out on the rooftop of a five-stories building in the campus of Shanghai University. An Andersen high-volume air sampler was employed to collect ambient size-segregated particles from August to September 2015. The toxic particulate PAHs were determined by the gas chromatography mass spectrometry. The concentrations of total PAHs (TPAHs) in SPM and PM1.1 (suspended particulate matter below 1.1 μm) were in the ranges of 4.58–14.5 ng m−3 and 1.82–8.56 ng m−3, respectively. 1,8-naphthalic anhydride showed the highest concentrations among 37 species of PAHs and PACs ranging 7.76–47.9 ng m−3 and 1.50–17.6 ng m−3 in SPM and PM1.1, respectively. The concentrations of high molecular weight 5–6 ring PAHs followed a nearly unimodal size distribution with the highest peak in PM1.1, while other lower molecular weight PAHs were not dependent on particle sizes. The toxicity analysis indicated that the carcinogenic potency of particulate PAHs primarily existed in PM1.1. Regarding meteorological parameters and other pollutants, the positive effect of humidity and NO2 over PAHs was confirmed. Diagnostic ration indicated that the particulate PAHs in Shanghai were mainly derived from motor-vehicle or petroleum combustion. The highest benzo[a]pyrene equivalent (BaPeq) in SPM and PM1.1 were 2.15 ng m−3 and 1.43 ng m−3 calculated by the toxicity equivalency factor, and 69.31 ng m−3 and 47.81 ng m−3 estimated by the potency equivalency factors, respectively. The highest contributors in the total carcinogenicity of the particulate PAHs were dibenzo[a,h]pyrene (46.2% and 45.0%) and benz[j]aceanthrylene (80.2% and 83.1%), respectively while benzo[a]pyrene is lower contributor than other carcinogenic PAHs.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Adsorption and desorption of dissolved organic matter by carbon nanotubes: Effects of solution chemistry
Engel, Maya | Chefetz, Benny
Increasing use of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) has led to their introduction into the environment where they can interact with dissolved organic matter (DOM). This study focuses on solution chemistry effects on DOM adsorption/desorption processes by single-walled CNTs (SWCNTs). Our data show that DOM adsorption is controlled by the attachment of DOM molecules to the SWCNTs, and that the initial adsorption rate is dependent on solution parameters. Adsorbed amount of DOM at high ionic strength was limited, possibly due to alterations in SWCNT bundling. Desorption of DOM performed at low pH resulted in additional DOM adsorption, whereas at high pH, adsorbed DOM amount decreased. The extent of desorption conducted at increased ionic strength was dependent on pre-adsorbed DOM concentration: low DOM loading stimulated additional adsorption of DOM, whereas high DOM loading facilitated release of adsorbed DOM. Elevated ionic strength and increased adsorbed amount of DOM reduced the oxidation temperature of the SWCNTs, suggesting that changes in the assembly of the SWCNTs had occurred. Moreover, DOM-coated SWCNTs at increased ionic strength provided fewer sites for atrazine adsorption. This study enhances our understanding of DOM–SWCNT interactions in aqueous systems influenced by rapid changes in salinity, and facilitates potential use of SWCNTs in water-purification technologies.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Effects of disturbance and vegetation type on total and methylmercury in boreal peatland and forest soils
Braaten, Hans Fredrik Veiteberg | de Wit, Heleen A.
Mercury (Hg) concentrations in freshwater fish relates to aquatic Hg concentrations, which largely derives from soil stores of accumulated atmospheric deposition. Hg in catchment soils as a source for aquatic Hg is poorly studied. Here we test if i) peatland soils produce more methylmercury (MeHg) than forest soils; ii) total Hg (THg) concentrations in top soils are determined by atmospheric inputs, while MeHg is produced in the soils; and iii) soil disturbance promotes MeHg production. In two small boreal catchments, previously used in a paired-catchment forest harvest manipulation study, forest soils and peatlands were sampled and analysed for Hg species and additional soil chemistry. In the undisturbed reference catchment, soils were sampled in different vegetation types, of varying productivity as reflected in tree density, where historical data on precipitation and throughfall Hg and MeHg fluxes were available. Upper soil THg contents were significantly correlated to throughfall inputs of Hg, i.e. lowest in the tree-less peatland and highest in the dense spruce forest. For MeHg, top layer concentrations were similar in forest soils and peatlands, likely related to atmospheric input and local production, respectively. The local peatland MeHg production was documented through significantly higher MeHg-to-THg ratios in the deeper soil layer samples. In the disturbed catchment, soils were sampled in and just outside wheeltracks in an area impacted by forest machinery. Here, MeHg concentrations and the MeHg-to-THg ratios in the upper 5 cm were weakly significantly (p = 0.07) and significantly (p = 0.04) different in and outside of the wheeltracks, respectively, suggesting that soil disturbance promotes methylation. Differences in catchment Hg and MeHg streamwater concentrations were not explained by soil Hg and MeHg information, perhaps because hydrological pathways are a stronger determinant of streamwater chemistry than small variations in soil chemistry driven by disturbance and atmospheric inputs of Hg.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Manganese concentrations in drinking water from villages near banana plantations with aerial mancozeb spraying in Costa Rica: Results from the Infants' Environmental Health Study (ISA)
van Wendel de Joode, Berna | Barbeau, Benoit | Bouchard, Maryse F. | Mora, Ana María | Skytt, Åsa | Córdoba, Leonel | Quesada, Rosario | Lundh, Thomas | Lindh, Christian H. | Mergler, Donna
Elevated manganese (Mn) in drinking water has been reported worldwide. While, naturally occurring Mn in groundwater is generally the major source, anthropogenic contamination by Mn-containing fungicides such as mancozeb may also occur. The main objective of this study was to examine factors associated with Mn and ethylenethiourea (ETU), a degradation product of mancozeb, in drinking water samples from villages situated near banana plantations with aerial spraying of mancozeb. Drinking water samples (n = 126) were obtained from 124 homes of women participating in the Infants' Environmental Health Study (ISA, for its acronym in Spanish), living nearby large-scale banana plantations. Concentrations of Mn, iron (Fe), arsenic (As), lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd) and ethylenethiourea (ETU), a degradation product of mancozeb, were measured in water samples. Only six percent of samples had detectable ETU concentrations (limit of detection (LOD) = 0.15 μg/L), whereas 94% of the samples had detectable Mn (LOD = 0.05 μg/L). Mn concentrations were higher than 100 and 500 μg/L in 22% and 7% of the samples, respectively. Mn was highest in samples from private and banana farm wells. Distance from a banana plantation was inversely associated with Mn concentrations, with a 61.5% decrease (95% CI: −97.0, −26.0) in Mn concentrations for each km increase in distance. Mn concentrations in water transported with trucks from one village to another were almost 1000 times higher than Mn in water obtained from taps in houses supplied by the same well but not transported, indicating environmental Mn contamination. Elevated Mn in drinking water may be partly explained by aerial spraying of mancozeb; however, naturally occurring Mn in groundwater, and intensive agriculture may also contribute. Drinking water risk assessment for mancozeb should consider Mn as a health hazard. The findings of this study evidence the need for health-based World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines on Mn in drinking water.
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