[ 发表于: Pollution ]

结果 51-60 的 174

Attempt of using peach plant antioxidant system elements changes as a test-factor of acid stress


Klymenko, O.E. | Klymenko, M.I. (Nikita Botanical Gardens UAAS, Simferopol (Ukraine). Steppe Department)

Institute of Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation - Slovakia - Slovakia

Consequences of elevated CO2 and O3 on birch canopy structure


Kull, O. (University of Tartu, Tartu (Estonia). Institute of Botany and Ecology) | Tulva, I. | Vapaavuori, E.

Institute of Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation - Slovakia - Slovakia

Acid rains in Belgrad forest, Istanbul


Serengil, Y. (University of Istanbul, Istanbul (Turkey). Faculty of Forestry)

Institute of Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation - Slovakia - Slovakia

Implementation of remediation measures in forests with the emphasis on the forests in Spis region


Vosko, M. (Forest Research Institute, Zvolen (Slovak Republic))

Institute of Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation - Slovakia - Slovakia

Is abundance of moth Bucculatrix ulmella affected by immissions?


Kulfan, J. | Zach, P. | Suslik, V. | Zelinkova, D. (Slovak Academy of Sciences, Zvolen (Slovak Republic). Institute of Forest Ecology) | Anderson, J. (7709 N. Wall, Spokane, Washington (USA))

Institute of Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation - Slovakia - Slovakia

Restoration of functioning forest ecosystems in the Krusne Hory Mts.


Podrazsky, V. | Karas, J. (University of Agriculture, Prague (Czech Republic). Faculty of Forestry)

Institute of Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation - Slovakia - Slovakia

Surface liming of immission clear-cuts: benefits and risks


Podrazsky, V. | Ulbrichova, I. (Czech University of Agriculture, Prague (Czech Republic). Faculty of Forestry)

Institute of Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation - Slovakia - Slovakia

Foliar elements of Scots pine across the transect from the ammonia emission source (1995-1998)


Kupcinskiene, E. (University of Agriculture of Lithuania, Kaunas (Lithuania). Kaunas-Akademia)

Institute of Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation - Slovakia - Slovakia

Acclimatory responses in Scots pine needles during three years of growth at elevated CO2 and temperature


Luomala, E.M. (Finnish Forest Research Institute, Suonenjoki (Finland). Suonenjoki Research Station) | Lattinen, K. | Kellomaki, S. | Vapaavuori, E.

Institute of Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation - Slovakia - Slovakia

Differentiation of ozone, heavy metal or biotic stress in leaves and needles


Gunthardt-Goerg, M. S. | Vollenweider, P. (Swiss Federal Research Institute, Birmensdorf (Switzerland))

Institute of Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation - Slovakia - Slovakia