结果 671-680 的 4,298
Co-transport of chlordecone and sulfadiazine in the presence of functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes in soils
Zhang, Miaoyue | Engelhardt, Irina | Šimůnek, Jirka | Bradford, Scott A. | Kasel, Daniela | Berns, Anne E. | Vereecken, H. (Harry) | Klumpp, Erwin
Batch and saturated soil column experiments were conducted to investigate sorption and mobility of two ¹⁴C-labeled contaminants, the hydrophobic chlordecone (CLD) and the sulfadiazine (SDZ), in the absence or presence of functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs). The transport behaviors of CLD, SDZ, and MWCNTs were studied at environmentally relevant concentrations (0.1–10 mg L⁻¹) and they were applied in the column studies at different times. The breakthrough curves and retention profiles were simulated using a numerical model that accounted for the advective-dispersive transport of all compounds, attachment/detachment of MWCNTs, equilibrium and kinetic sorption of contaminants, and co-transport of contaminants with MWCNTs. The experimental results indicated that the presence of mobile MWCNTs facilitated remobilization of previously deposited CLD and its co-transport into deeper soil layers, while retained MWCNTs enhanced SDZ deposition in the topsoil layers due to the increased adsorption capacity of the soil. The modeling results then demonstrated that the mobility of engineered nanoparticles (ENPs) in the environment and the high affinity and entrapment of contaminants to ENPs were the main reasons for ENP-facilitated contaminant transport. On the other hand, immobile MWCNTs had a less significant impact on the contaminant transport, even though they were still able to enhance the adsorption capacity of the soil.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Molecular investigation on the binding of Cd(II) by the binary mixtures of montmorillonite with two bacterial species
Du, Huihui | Qu, ChenChen | Liu, Jing | Chen, Wenli | Cai, Peng | Shi, Zhihua | Yu, Xiao-Ying | Huang, Qiaoyun
Bacteria–phyllosilicate complexes are commonly found in natural environments and are capable of immobilizing trace metals. However, the molecular binding mechanisms of heavy metals to these complex aggregates still remain poorly understood. This study investigated Cd adsorption on Gram-positive Bacillus subtilis, Gram-negative Pseudomonas putida and their binary mixtures with montmorillonite using surface complexation model, Cd K-edge extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy and isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC). We have shown that larger amounts of Cd are adsorbed by B. subtilis than by P. putida at pH<∼6, and Cd sorption that binding to phosphate groups plays a more important role in P. putida than in B. subtilis. This remind us that we should consider the microbe species when predict the biochemical behavior of trace metals in microbe-bearing environments. The observed Cd adsorption on the binary bacteria–clay composites was more than that predicted based on the component additivity approach. When taking bacteria–clay (1:1 mass ratio) as a representative example, an approximately 68%:32% metal distribution between the bacterial and mineral fraction was found. Both the EXAFS and ITC fits showed that the binding stoichiometry for Cd-carboxyl/phosphate was smaller in the binary mixtures than that in pure bacteria. We proposed that the significant deviations were possibly due to the physical-chemical interaction between the composite fractions that might reduce the agglomeration of the clay grains, increase the negative surface charges, and provide additional bridging of metals ions between bacterial cells and clays.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Short-term exposure to gold nanoparticle suspension impairs swimming behavior in a widespread calanoid copepod
Michalec, François-Gaël | Holzner, Markus | Barras, Alexandre | Lacoste, Anne-Sophie | Brunet, Loïc | Lee, Jae-seong | Slomianny, Christian | Boukherroub, Rabah | Souissi, Sami
Calanoid copepods play an important role in the functioning of marine and brackish ecosystems. Information is scarce on the behavioral toxicity of engineered nanoparticles to these abundant planktonic organisms. We assessed the effects of short-term exposure to nonfunctionalized gold nanoparticles on the swimming behavior of the widespread estuarine copepod Eurytemora affinis. By means of three-dimensional particle tracking velocimetry, we reconstructed the trajectories of males, ovigerous and non-ovigerous females. We quantified changes in their swimming activity and in the kinematics and geometrical properties of their motion, three important descriptors of the motility patterns of zooplankters. In females, exposure to gold nanoparticles in suspension (11.4 μg L−1) for 30 min caused depressed activity and lower velocity and acceleration, whereas the same exposure caused minimal effects in males. This response differs clearly from the hyperactive behavior that is commonly observed in zooplankters exposed to pollutants, and from the generally lower sensitivity of female copepods to toxicants. Accumulation of gold nanoparticles on the external appendages was not observed, precluding mechanical effects. Only very few nanoparticles appeared sporadically in the inner part of the gut in some samples, either as aggregates or as isolated nanoparticles, which does not suggest systemic toxicity resulting from pronounced ingestion. Hence, the precise mechanisms underlying the behavioral toxicity observed here remain to be elucidated. These results demonstrate that gold nanoparticles can induce marked behavioral alterations at very low concentration and short exposure duration. They illustrate the applicability of swimming behavior as a suitable and sensitive endpoint for investigating the toxicity of nanomaterials present in estuarine and marine environments. Changes in swimming behavior may impair the ability of planktonic copepods to interact with their environment and with other organisms, with possible impacts on population dynamics and community structure.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Time-averaged concentrations are effective for predicting chronic toxicity of varying copper pulse exposures for two freshwater green algae species
Angel, Brad M. | Simpson, Stuart L. | Granger, Ellissah | Goodwyn, Kathryn | Jolley, Dianne F.
Intermittent, fluctuating and pulsed contaminant discharges may result in organisms receiving highly variable contaminant exposures. This study investigated the effects of dissolved copper pulse concentration and exposure duration on the toxicity to two freshwater green algae species. The effects of single copper pulses of between 1 and 48 h duration and continuous exposures (72 h) on growth rate inhibition of Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata and Chlorella sp. were compared on a time-averaged concentration (TAC) basis. Relationships were then derived between the exposure concentration and duration required to elicit different levels of toxicity expressed as inhibition concentration (IC). Continuous exposure IC50's of 3.0 and 1.9 μg/L were measured on a TAC basis for P. subcapitata and Chlorella sp., respectively. Algal growth rates generally recovered to control levels within 24–48 h of the copper pulse removal, with some treatments exhibiting significantly (p < 0.05) higher rates of cell division than controls in this recovery period. For both algae, when exposed to treatments with equivalent TACs, the continuous exposure elicited similar or slightly greater growth rate inhibition than the pulsed exposures. To elicit equivalent inhibition, the exposure concentration increased as the exposure duration decreased, and power models fitted this relationship reasonably well for both species. Water quality guideline values (WQGVs) are predominantly derived using data from continuous exposure toxicity bioassays, despite intermittent contaminant exposures often occurring in aquatic systems. The results indicate the WQGV for copper may be relaxed for pulsed exposures by a factor less than or equivalent to the TAC and still achieve a protection to these sensitive algae species.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Microbes from mined sites: Harnessing their potential for reclamation of derelict mine sites
Thavamani, Palanisami | Samkumar, R Amos | Satheesh, Viswanathan | Subashchandrabose, Suresh R. | Ramadass, Kavitha | Naidu, R. | Venkateswarlu, Kadiyala | Megharaj, Mallavarapu
Derelict mines pose potential risks to environmental health. Several factors such as soil structure, organic matter, and nutrient content are the greatly affected qualities in mined soils. Soil microbial communities are an important element for successful reclamation because of their major role in nutrient cycling, plant establishment, geochemical transformations, and soil formation. Yet, microorganisms generally remain an undervalued asset in mined sites. The microbial diversity in derelict mine sites consists of diverse species belonging to four key phyla: Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria, Firmicutes, and Bacteroidetes. The activity of plant symbiotic microorganisms including root-colonizing rhizobacteria and ectomycorrhizal fungi of existing vegetation in the mined sites is very high since most of these microbes are extremophiles. This review outlines the importance of microorganisms to soil health and the rehabilitation of derelict mines and how microbial activity and diversity can be exploited to better plan the soil rehabilitation. Besides highlighting the major breakthroughs in the application of microorganisms for mined site reclamation, we provide a critical view on plant−microbiome interactions to improve revegetation at the mined sites. Also, the need has been emphasized for deciphering the molecular mechanisms of adaptation and resistance of rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere microbes in abandoned mine sites, understanding their role in remediation, and subsequent harnessing of their potential to pave the way in future rehabilitation strategies for mined sites.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Oxidative stress and respiratory symptoms due to human exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Kumasi, Ghana
Bortey-Sam, Nesta | Ikenaka, Yoshinori | Akoto, Osei | Nakayama, Shouta M.M. | Asante, Kwadwo A. | Baidoo, Elvis | Obirikorang, Christian | Saengtienchai, Aksorn | Isoda, Norikazu | Nimako, Collins | Mizukawa, Hazuki | Ishizuka, Mayumi
Studies of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and its metabolites in PM10, soils, rat livers and cattle urine in Kumasi, Ghana, revealed high concentrations and cancer potency. In addition, WHO and IARC have reported an increase in cancer incidence and respiratory diseases in Ghana. Human urine were therefore collected from urban and control sites to: assess the health effects associated with PAHs exposure using malondialdehyde (MDA) and 8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG); identify any association between OH-PAHs, MDA, 8-OHdG with age and sex; and determine the relationship between PAHs exposure and occurrence of respiratory diseases. From the results, urinary concentrations of the sum of OH-PAHs (∑OHPAHs) were significantly higher from urban sites compared to the control site. Geometric mean concentrations adjusted by specific gravity, GMSG, indicated 2-OHNaphthalene (2-OHNap) (6.01 ± 4.21 ng/mL) as the most abundant OH-PAH, and exposure could be through the use of naphthalene-containing-mothballs in drinking water purification, insect repellent, freshener in clothes and/or “treatment of various ailments”. The study revealed that exposure to naphthalene significantly increases the occurrence of persistent cough (OR = 2.68, CI: 1.43–5.05), persistent headache (OR = 1.82, CI: 1.02–3.26), tachycardia (OR = 3.36, CI: 1.39–8.10) and dyspnea (OR = 3.07, CI: 1.27–7.43) in Kumasi residents. Highest level of urinary 2-OHNap (224 ng/mL) was detected in a female, who reported symptoms of persistent cough, headache, tachycardia, nasal congestion and inflammation, all of which are symptoms of naphthalene exposure according to USEPA. The ∑OHPAHs, 2-OHNap, 2-3-OHFluorenes, and -OHPhenanthrenes showed a significantly positive correlation with MDA and 4-OHPhenanthrene with 8-OHdG, indicating possible lipid peroxidation/cell damage or degenerative disease in some participants. MDA and 8-OHdG were highest in age group 21–60. The present study showed a significant sex difference with higher levels of urinary OH-PAHs in females than males.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Development of a statistical oil spill model for risk assessment
Guo, Weijun
To gain a better understanding of the impacts from potential risk sources, we developed an oil spill model using probabilistic method, which simulates numerous oil spill trajectories under varying environmental conditions. The statistical results were quantified from hypothetical oil spills under multiple scenarios, including area affected probability, mean oil slick thickness, and duration of water surface exposed to floating oil. The three sub-indices together with marine area vulnerability are merged to compute the composite index, characterizing the spatial distribution of risk degree. Integral of the index can be used to identify the overall risk from an emission source. The developed model has been successfully applied in comparison to and selection of an appropriate oil port construction location adjacent to a marine protected area for Phoca largha in China. The results highlight the importance of selection of candidates before project construction, since that risk estimation from two adjacent potential sources may turn out to be significantly different regarding hydrodynamic conditions and eco-environmental sensitivity.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Spatial variation in the accumulation of POPs and mercury in bottlenose dolphins of the Lower Florida Keys and the coastal Everglades (South Florida)
Damseaux, France | Kiszka, Jeremy J. | Heithaus, Michael R. | Scholl, George | Eppe, Gauthier | Thomé, Jean-Pierre | Lewis, Jennifer | Hao, Wensi | Fontaine, Michaël C. | Dāsa, Kr̥shṇā
The bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) is an upper trophic level predator and the most common cetacean species found in nearshore waters of southern Florida, including the Lower Florida Keys (LFK) and the Florida Coastal Everglades (FCE). The objective of this study was to assess contamination levels of total mercury (T-Hg) in skin and persistent organic pollutants (PCBs, PBDEs, DDXs, HCHs, HCB, Σ PCDD/Fs and Σ DL-PCBs) in blubber samples of bottlenose dolphins from LFK (n = 27) and FCE (n = 24). PCBs were the major class of compounds found in bottlenose dolphin blubber and were higher in individuals from LFK (Σ 6 PCBs LFK males: 13,421 ± 7730 ng g⁻¹ lipids, Σ 6 PCBs LFK females: 9683 ± 19,007 ng g⁻¹ lipids) than from FCE (Σ 6 PCBs FCE males: 5638 ng g⁻¹ ± 3627 lipids, Σ 6 PCBs FCE females: 1427 ± 908 ng g⁻¹ lipids). These levels were lower than previously published data from the southeastern USA. The Σ DL-PCBs were the most prevalent pollutants of dioxin and dioxin like compounds (Σ DL-PCBs LFK: 739 ng g⁻¹ lipids, Σ DL-PCBs FCE: 183 ng g⁻¹ lipids) since PCDD/F concentrations were low for both locations (mean 0.1 ng g⁻¹ lipids for LFK and FCE dolphins). The toxicity equivalences of PCDD/Fs and DL-PCBs expressed as TEQ in LFK and FCE dolphins is mainly expressed by DL-PCBs (81% LFK - 65% FCE). T-Hg concentrations in skin were significantly higher in FCE (FCE median 9314 ng g⁻¹ dw) compared to LFK dolphins (LFK median 2941 ng g⁻¹ dw). These concentrations are the highest recorded in bottlenose dolphins in the southeastern USA, and may be explained, at least partially, by the biogeochemistry of the Everglades and mangrove sedimentary habitats that create favourable conditions for the retention of mercury and make it available at high concentrations for aquatic predators.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Enantioselective uptake, translocation and degradation of the chiral pesticides tebuconazole and imazalil by Phragmites australis
Lv, Tao | Carvalho, Pedro N. | Casas, Mònica Escolà | Bollmann, Ulla E. | Arias, Carlos A. | Brix, Hans | Bester, Kai
Phytoremediation of realistic environmental concentrations (10 μg L−1) of the chiral pesticides tebuconazole and imazalil by Phragmites australis was investigated. This study focussed on removal dynamics, enantioselective mechanisms and transformation products (TPs) in both hydroponic growth solutions and plant tissues. For the first time, we documented uptake, translocation and metabolisation of these pesticides inside wetland plants, using enantioselective analysis. Tebuconazole and imazalil removal efficiencies from water reached 96.1% and 99.8%, respectively, by the end of the experiment (day 24). Removal from the solutions could be described by first-order removal kinetics with removal rate constants of 0.14 d−1 for tebuconazole and 0.31 d−1 for imazalil. Removal of the pesticides from the hydroponic solution, plant uptake, within plant translocation and degradation occurred simultaneously. Tebuconazole and imazalil concentrations inside Phragmites peaked at day 10 and 5d, respectively, and decreased thereafter. TPs of tebuconazole i.e., (5-(4-Chlorophenyl)-2,2-dimethyl-3-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-ylmethyl)-1,3-pentanediol and 5-(3-((1H-1,2,4-Triazol-1-yl)methyl)-3-hydroxy-4,4-dimethylpentyl)-2-chlorophenol) were quantified in solution, while the imazalil TPs (α-(2,4-Dichlorophenyl)-1H-imidazole-1-ethanol and 3-[1-(2,4-Dichlorophenyl)-2-(1H-imidazol-1-yl)ethoxy]-1,2-propanediol) were quantified in both solution and plant tissue. Pesticide uptake by Phragmites was positively correlated with evapotranspiration. Pesticide removal from the hydroponic solution was not enantioselective. However, tebuconazole was degraded enantioselectively both in the roots and shoots. Imazalil translocation and degradation inside Phragmites were also enantioselective: R-imazalil translocated faster than S-imazalil.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]CO2 emissions from the 2010 Russian wildfires using GOSAT data
Guo, Meng | Li, Jing | Xu, Jiawei | Wang, Xiufeng | He, Hongshi | Wu, Li
In the summer of 2010, more than 6 hundred wildfires broke out in western Russia because of an unprecedented intense heat wave that resulted from strong atmospheric blocking. The present study evaluated the CO2 emissions using GOSAT (Greenhouse gases Observing SATellite) data from July 23 to August 18, 2010 for western Russia. The results demonstrated that the GOSAT CAI (Cloud and Aerosol Imager) was well-suited for the identification of smoke plumes and that the GOSAT FTS (Fourier-Transform Spectrometer) TIR (Thermal InfraRed) could be used to calculate the height of the plumes at approximately 800 hPa (1.58 km). Using GOSAT data, we estimated that the 2010 fires in western Russia emitted 255.76 Tg CO2. We also calculated the CO2 emissions by employing the Biomass Burning Model (BBM) for the same study site and obtained a similar result of 261.82–302.48 Tg CO2. The present study proposes a new method for the evaluation of CO2 emissions from a wildfire using remote sensing data, which could be used to improve the knowledge of the burning of biomass at a regional or a continental scale, to reduce the uncertainties in modeling greenhouse gases emissions, and to further understand how wildfires impact the atmospheric carbon cycle and global warming.
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