结果 71-80 的 219
Wet and dry deposition of sulphates and nitrates in eastern Canada: 1979-1982
Barrie, L.A. (Atmospheric Environment Service, Downsview, Ont. (Canada)) | Sirois, A.
A comparison of summer and winter measurements of atmospheric nitrogen and sulphur compounds
Anlauf, K.G. (Atmospheric Environment Service, Downsview, Ont. (Canada)) | Bottenheim, J.W. | Brice, K.A. | Wiebe, H.A.
Fish responses to acidity in Quebec lakes: a review
Frenette, J.J. (Ministere de l'Environment du Quebec, Sainte-Foy (Canada). Direction des releves aquatiques) | Richard, Y.
Nutrient supply and forest decline in southwest-Germany
Zoettl, H.W. (Albert-Ludwig-Universitaet, Freiburg (Germany, F.R.). Inst. of Soil Science and Forest Nutrition) | Huettl, R.F.
Atmospheric deposition in Fenno-Scandia: characteristics and trends
Semb, A. (Norwegian Inst. for Air Research, Lillestroem (Norway)) | Dovland, H.
Asessment of relative sensitivities during early growth stages of selected crop species subjected to simulated acidic rain
Enyedi, A.J. (Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Toronto (Canada). Air Resources Branch) | Kuja, A.L.
A review of the chemical record in lake sediment of energy related air pollution and its effects on lakes
Norton, S.A. (Maine Univ., Orono (USA). Dept. of Geological Sciences)
Effect of a stratus cloud on the redistribution and transformation of pollutants
Cho, H.R. (Toronto Univ. (Canada). Dept. of Physics) | Iribarne, J.V. | Kavassalis, T.A. | Melo, O.T. | Tam, Y.T. | Moroz, W.J.
Rainfall acidity in northern Britain; exploring the data
Cape, J.N. (Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Midlothian, Scotland (UK)) | Fowler, D.
A mobile rain exclusion canopy system to determine dose-response relationships for crops and forest species
Kuja, A. (Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Toronto (Canada). Air Resources Branch) | Jones, R. | Enyedi, A.