结果 81-90 的 198
Physiological responses of soybean (Glycine max L. Merr) to simulated acid rain and ambient ozone in the field
Takemoto, B.K. (Bowling Green State Univ., Bowling Green, OH (USA). Dept. of Biological Sciences) | Shriner, D.S. | Johnston, J.W.
Survey on Yersinia enterocolitica and related bacteria in shellfish
Chiesa, C. (Roma Univ. (Italy). Inst. of Experimental Medicine CNR) | Pra, A. dal | Guarneri, G. | Penso, S. | Rodella, L. | Volterra, L. | Zugno, A.
Aeromonas hydrophila densities in thermally-altered reservoir water and sediments
Burton, G.A. Jr (Texas Univ., Dallas (USA). Graduate Program in Environmental Sciences) | Lanza, G.R.
Influence of alkaline particulates on the chemistry of fog water at Delhi, North India
Khemani, L.T. (Indian Inst. of Tropical Meteorology, Pune (India)) | Momin, G.A. | Prakasa Rao, P.S. | Safai, P.D. | Prakash, P.
Organochlorine insecticide residues in air in Delhi, India
Kaushik, C.P. (Delhi Univ. (India). Dept. of Zoology) | Pillai, M.K.K. | Raman, A. | Agarwal, H.C.
Adsorption of mercury compounds by tropical soils, 3: adsorption isotherms
Semu, E. (Agricultural Univ. of Norway, Aas (Norway). Dept. of Soil Fertility and Management) | Singh, B.R. | Selmer-Olsen, A.R.
Mercury and selenium content in bouri (Mugil cephalus)
Moharram, Y.G. (Alexandria Univ. (Egypt). Food Science and Technology Dept.) | El-Sharnouby, S.A. | Moustaffa, E.K. | El-Soukkary, A.
Uptake and speciation of mercury and selenium in vegetable crops grown on compost-treated soil
Cappon, C.J. (Rochester Univ. Medical Center (USA). Environmental Health Sciences Center, Div. of Toxicology)
Fly ashes as an amendment in cultivated soils
Cervelli, S. (Istituto per la Chimica del Terreno, Pisa (Italy)) | Petruzzelli, G. | Perna, A.
Influence of pH on the toxicity of aluminium and other inorganic contaminants to east coast striped bass
Buckler, D.R. (National Fisheries Research Lab., Columbia, MO (USA)) | Mehrle, P.M. | Cleveland, L. | Dwyer, F.J.