结果 81-90 的 97
Enzymatic phosphatase activity of water accumulation 'Grliste' [Serbia (Serbia and Montenegro)] as a monitoring parameter
Nakic, S.(JKP 'Vodovod', Zajecar (Serbia and Montenegro))E-mail:cicanakic@ptt.yu
In recent works enzymatic phosphatase activity state as a new potential good indicator for water saprobity and trophic state in water. On water reservoir 'Grliste' reinstated monitoring on the base physico-chemical, microbiological and biological analysis from beginning works water factory 1990 but, from 1998 use of this new biochemical method in monitoring as reliable additional indicator in fast preliminary water quality and the ecophysiological state of water. According to the results obtained for index of phosphatase activity (IFA) (Matavulj, 1986) water of 'Grliste' water accumulation belongs to category 3-A (polluted water).
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The results of the analysis of phytoplankton and trophic status of Krajkovac [water] reservoir [Serbia (Serbia and Montenegro)]
Cado, S. | Djurkovic, A. | Miletic, A. | Andrejevic, S. | Maljevic, E.(Republicki hidrometeoroloski zavod Srbije, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro))
The examined period is characterized by small floristic variety and well advanced eutrophication process. By the phytoplankton qualitative analysis it has been noted the domination of Bacillariophyta algal division. The values of density on phytoplankton population and their biomass show the domination of bluegreen algae, before each other, that of the species Gomphosphaeria lacustris Chod. As the consequence of the eutrophication, these algae develop intensively, up to the degree of water blossoming. The very high concentrations of the primary and secondary nutrients have also been noted. The trophic status of the reservoir on the basis of OECD classification can be defined as eutrophic.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Classification of the sediment from the Begej canal [Serbia (Serbia and Montenegro)]
Ivancev-Tumbas, I.(Prirodno-matematicki fakultet, Novi Sad (Serbia and Montenegro). Departman za hemiju)E-mail:ivana@ih.ns.ac.yu | Kooij, A. van der | Dalmacija, B. | Prica, M.
Dutch classification system for sediment pollution was applied at the Begej canal in Serbia (Serbia and Montenegro). The method used calculates the class of the sediment on the basis of the sediment composition, organic matter fraction and mineral clay fraction as well as data on ecological risks. Results obtained showed that sediment is heavily polluted and urgent remediation is necessary. The contamination consists of heavy metals, especially cadmium, copper and chromium (class 4). Regarding organic micropollutants some high levels of PCB's and organochlorine pesticides like DDT/DDD/DDE were found (class 3).
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Water source Mareza [Montenegro (Serbia and Montenegro)]: characteristics, polluters and proposed protective measures
Vukcevic, S.V.(Univerzitet Crne Gore, Podgorica (Serbia and Montenegro). Institut za tehnicka istrazivanja)E-mail:slobo_v@yahoo.com
This paper presents general characteristics of water source Mareza, which has been used for water supply of the town of Podgorica, as well as potential risks that can affect water quality of this source. Measures for the source protection in order to maintain existing high quality of the source water are presented.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Removal of natural organic matter from water using the ozone-biologically activated carbon system
Agbaba, J.(Prirodno-matematicki fakultet, Novi Sad (Serbia and Montenegro). Departman za hemiju)E-mail:agbaba@neobee.net | Dalmacija, B. | Klasnja, M. | Ivancev-Tumbas, I.
The paper presents the results of a pilot study of the combined process of ozonation and filtration through biologically activated carbon to remove residual organic matter in the process of drinking water production. It was established that the application of these procedures resulted in the removal in average of 74% PB, 50% TOC, 60% of total aldehydes, and 54% PFTHM, the result being a consequence of the adsorption/biosorption processes involved.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Agricultural lignocellulosic wastes as adsorbents of heavy metals from water
Sciban, M.(Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Novi Sad (Serbia and Montenegro). Tehnoloski fakultet)E-mail:msciban@uns.ns.ac.yu | Klasnja, M.(Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Novi Sad (Serbia and Montenegro). Tehnoloski fakultet)
In this study, the possibility of application of agricultural lignocellulosic waste materials as adsorbents of different heavy metals ions from water was investigated. As adsorbents, wastes of widely cultivated plant cultures in our country were used. They were wheat straw, cornstalk, corn cob and soybean straw. These materials were showed as good adsorbents in most cases. But, leaching of organic matters from them during adsorption was observed. It was unfavourable. Because of that, adsorbents washed and dried. After that leaching of organic matters was significantly decreased, but also adsorption efficiencies slightly decreased, too.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Forest belts and protection of surface water
Ristic, R. | Letic, Lj. | Djekovic, V.(Sumarski fakultet, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro))E-mail:ratkor@yubc.net
The role of forest belts for surface water protection has great importance in two geomorphological ambiances: plains and hilly-mountainous. Plains ambiances are concerned to regions where dominates wind erosion: Backa, Banat, Macva, sandy terrains (Deliblatska, Suboticko-Horgoska, Ramsko-Golubacka, Kladovska), spacious surfaces in surroundings of hydrosystem DTD, natural and artificial reservoirs, river beds. Hilly-mountainous ambiance is related to regions where dominates pluvial erosion: catchment areas of reservoirs for water supply south from Sava and Danube, Fruska Gora mountain and Vrsac mountains.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Water quality analysis of the rivers Tamis, Plovni [and] Stari Begej [Serbia and Montenegro] using the WQI method
Dopudja-Glisic, T. | Denic, Lj.(Republicki hidrometeoroloski zavod Srbije, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro))E-mail:kvalitet_voda@hidmet.sr.gov.yu
This paper presents the results of water quality analysis of the rivers Tamis, Plovni and Stari Begej, using the WQI method, for the time periods 1987-1991 and 1998-2002. It also show the trend of water quality of these water streams for two characteristic time periods, through trend of WQI index.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The Danube water quality control in relation to protection and sustainable use
Perisic, M.(Geoinstitut, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro))E-mail:perisicm@sezampro.yu | Tutundzic, V.(Geoinstitut, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro))
SeLar - Serbian lakes and [water] reservoirs information system
Comic, Lj.(Prirodno-matematicki fakultet, Kragujevac (Serbia and Montenegro). Institut za biologiju i ekologiju)E-mail:ljilja@kg.ac.yu | Radojevic, I. | Curcic, S. | Ostojic, A.
Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac (Serbia, Serbia and Montenegro), has developed SeLar Information System (Serbian Lake and Reservoirs Information System) which provides all the information of Serbian lakes and water reservoirs. Information system is needed for transfer of knowledge and informations, cooperation among participant in management and support of sustainable using of water resources. The paper presents the basic system components and some applications examples.
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