结果 91-100 的 181
Metals in stocked lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) in lakes near Sudbury, Canada
Bowlby, J.N. (Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Toronto (Canada). Fisheries Branch) | Gunn, J.M. | Liimatainen, V.A.
Growth responses of maize, soybean, and tomato to sulphur dioxide and ozone exposure patterns utilizing an incomplete block factorial experimental design
Ormrod, D.P. (Guelph Univ., Guelph, Ont. (Canada). Dept. of Horticultural Science) | Deveau, J.L. | Marie, B.A. | Allen, O.B.
Aluminium sulphate solubility in acid forest soils in Denmark
Gundersen, P. (Technical Univ. of Denmark, Lyngby (Denmark). Lab. of Environmental Sciences and Ecology) | Beier, C.
Influence of methanol and hexane on soil adsorption of atrazine
Miller, N.A. (Arkansas Univ., Fayetteville (USA). Dept. of Agronomy) | Wolf, D.C. | Scott, H.D.
Nitrate assimilation in pea leaves in the presence of cadmium
Singh, D.N. (Rohilkhand Univ., Bareilly (India). Dept. of Plant Sciences) | Srivastava, H.S. | Singh, R.P.
Evaluating soluble toxicants in contaminated soils
Pratt, J.R. (Virginia Polytechnic Inst., Blacksburg, VA (USA). Dept. of Biology) | McCormick, P.V. | Pontasch, K.W. | Cairns, J.
A short-term microcosm evaluation of CO2 evolution from litter and soil as influenced by SO2 and SO4 additions
Larkin, R.P. (Tennessee Valley Authority, Oak Ridge, TN (USA). Cooperative Forest Studies Program) | Kelly, J.M.
Comparison of mussels and crustacean plankton to monitor heavy metal pollution
Balogh, K.V. (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Tihany (Hungary). Balaton Limnological Research Inst.)
Mobilization of Cu and Zn in contaminated soil by nitrilotriacetic acid
Linn, J.H. (Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park, PA (USA). Agricultural Engineering Dept.) | Elliott, H.A.
Forest clearcutting effects on trace metal concentrations: spatial patterns in soil solutions and streams
Fuller, R.D. (State Univ. of New York, Plattsburgh, NY (USA). Center for Earth and Environmental Science) | Simone, D.M. | Driscoll, C.T.