结果 971-980 的 1,309
Adsorption of Petroleum Monoaromatics from Aqueous Solutions Using Granulated Surface Modified Natural Nanozeolites: Systematic Study of Equilibrium Isotherms
Seifi, Laleh | Torabian, Ali | Kazemian, Hossein | Bidhendi, Golamreza Nabi | Azimi, Ali Akbar | Charkhi, Amir
Petroleum monoaromatics including benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) are among the notorious volatile organic compounds that contaminate water and soil. In this study, a surfactant- modified natural zeolite and its relevant granulated nanozeolites were evaluated as potential adsorbents for removal of petroleum monoaromatics from aqueous solutions. All experiments performed in batch mode at constant temperature of 20°C and pH of 6.8 for 48 h. The results revealed that the amount of BTEX uptake on granulated zeolites nanoparticles were remarkably higher than the parent micron size natural zeolite (in the order of four times). The isotherms data were analyzed using five models namely, Langmuir, Fruendlich, Elovich, Temkin, and Dubinin–Radushkevich models. It was concluded that the Langmuir model fits the experimental data. The measured adsorption capacities were 3.89 and 4.08 mg of monoaromatics per gram of hexadecyltrimethylammonium-chloride and n-cetylpyridinium bromide (CPB)-modified granulated nanozeolite, respectively. Considering the type of surfactant, adsorbents modified with CPB showed greater tendency for the adsorption of the adsorbates.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Phytoavailability of Toxic Heavy Metals and Productivity in Wheat Cultivated Under Residual Effect of Fertilization in Soybean Culture
Gonçalves, Affonso Celso, Jr | Nacke, Herbert | Schwantes, Daniel | Nava, Ivair André | Strey, Leonardo
Achieving high productivity in agriculture is increasingly needed and requested; however, this activity should be performed in a sustainable and rational way. The use of micronutrients in the fertilization of the most diverse cultures is becoming a common practice on farms, but it is important to conduct studies in relation to fertilizers used for this supplement, including raw materials with which they are produced. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the phytoavailability of nutrients and toxic heavy metals Cd, Pb, and Cr; productivity; and yield components in wheat sown in soil with residue of N/P2O5/K2Oâ+âZn-based fertilizer applied in previous crop. Treatments consisted of residual fertilization of five forms arranged in two doses (D1â=â300 kg ha−1 and D2â=â600 kg ha−1). The five types of fertilization were composed of formulated N/P2O5/K2O and the variation of different Zn sources. In the assessment of phytoavailability were determined levels of K, Ca, Mg, Cu, Mn, Zn, Fe, Cd, Pb, and Cr in wheat leaves. The results show that the residual effect of fertilization was not enough for there being difference between treatments at both doses used; however, it was found that the fertilizers used to Zn supply provided residual effect, providing significant levels of Pb and Cr for wheat plants.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Airborne Volatile Organic Compounds and Their Potential Health Impact on the Vicinity of Petrochemical Industrial Complex
Thepanondh, Sarawut | Varoonphan, Jarupun | Sarutichart, Panukorn | Makkasap, Thagoon
The aggregate potential health impact due to ambient volatile organic compounds on the population living in the area nearby the petrochemical industrial complex in Thailand was evaluated using measured air contaminants concentration. Airborne volatile organic compounds were collected using canisters and were analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrophotometer following the US.EPA TO 15 procedure. Composite samples taken over a 24-h period were collected monthly. Concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were analyzed for a suite of 24 compounds covering both carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic substances. Results were determined and analyzed in order to evaluate their spatial variability and their potential health risk. Comparison of data from each monitoring site indicated that patterns of VOCs across sites were different from their major species and their concentrations which might be influenced by nearest potential emission sources. Carcinogenic VOCs such as benzene, 1,3butadiene, and 1,2 dichloroethane were found to be higher than their annual national standards. A potential cancer risk map was drawn based on benzene concentration in order to illustrate the zone of impact and the number in the population likely to be exposed. Results indicated that 82% of the total area, and 89.6% of the total population were within the impact area. It was suspected that high concentrations of benzene and 1,3 butadiene might be attributed by both the mobile source and the point source of emissions while 1,2 dichloroethane was suspected to be emitted from factories located upwind from the monitoring sites. Hazard quotients and hazard indexes were applied to determine chronic health effects with non-cancer endpoints. Calculated values of hazard indexes for each of the target organ systems were lower than 1, which indicated that the non-cancer chronic risk due to level of volatile organic compounds in the study area was less.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Mercury (Hg) Transport in a High Arctic River in Northeast Greenland
Rigét, Frank | Tamstorf, Mikkel P. | Larsen, Martin M. | Søndergaard, Jens | Asmund, Gert | Falk, Julie Maria | Sigsgaard, Charlotte
In a warming climate, mercury (Hg) pathways in the Arctic can be expected to be affected. The Hg transport from the high arctic Zackenberg River Basin was assessed in 2009 in order to describe and estimate the mercury transported from land to the marine environment. A total of 95 water samples were acquired and filtered (0.4 μm pore size), and Hg concentrations were determined in both the filtered water and in the sediment. A range of other elements were also measured in the water samples. Hg concentrations in the filtered water were in general highest in the beginning of the season when the water came mainly from melted snow. THg concentrations in the sediment were in general relatively constant or slightly decreasing until mid-August, where after the concentrations increased. A principal component analysis separated the samples into spring, summer and autumn samples indicating seasonal characteristics of the patterns of element concentrations. The total amount of Hg in the sediment transported was estimated to 2.6 kg. Approximately 60% of the sediment-transported Hg occurred during a 24-h flood in the beginning of August caused by a glacial lake outburst flood. The total amount of transported dissolved Hg was estimated to 46 g, and 13% of this transport occurred during the 24-h flood. If it is assumed that the Hg transport by Zackenberg River is representative for the general glacial rivers in East Greenland, the total Hg transport into the North Atlantic from Greenland alone is approximately 4.6 tons year−1 with an estimated annual freshwater discharge of â¼440 km3.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Microbially Mediated Degradation of Common Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in Soil Under Aerobic and Reduced Oxygen Conditions
Carr, Deborah L. | Morse, Audra N. | Zak, John C. | Anderson, Todd A.
Biological degradation rates of estrogen compounds and common pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs) were examined in soils with a long history of exposure to these compounds through wastewater effluent and in soil not previously exposed. Biological degradation rates over 14 days were compared under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Estrogen compounds including estrone, 17β-estradiol, estriol, and 17α-ethinylestradiol exhibited rapid degradation by soil microorganisms in both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Rapid degradation rates for estrone, estriol, and 17α-ethinylestradiol occurred in pre-exposed soil under aerobic conditions; half-lives calculated under these conditions were 0.6, 0.7, and 0.8 day, respectively. Unexposed soil showed similar or slightly longer half-lives than pre-exposed soil under aerobic conditions. The exception was 17β-estradiol; in all treatments, degradation in unexposed soil resulted in a shorter half-life (2.1 versus 2.3 days). Anaerobic soils exhibited high biological degradation of estrogens as well. Half-lives of all estrogens ranged from 0.7 to 6.3 days in anaerobic soils. Triclosan degraded faster under aerobic conditions with half-lives of 5.9 and 8.9 days in exposed and unexposed soil. Under anaerobic conditions, triclosan half-lives were 15.3 days in unexposed and 28.8 days in exposed soil. Ibuprofen showed the least propensity toward biological degradation than other chemicals tested. Biological degradation of ibuprofen was only observed in unexposed soil; a half-life of 41.2 days was determined under anaerobic conditions and 121.9 days under aerobic conditions. Interestingly, unexposed soil exhibited a greater ability under anaerobic conditions to biologically degrade tested compounds than previously exposed soil.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]A Comparison Between Field Applications of Nano-, Micro-, and Millimetric Zero-Valent Iron for the Remediation of Contaminated Aquifers
Comba, Silvia | Di Molfetta, Antonio | Sethi, Rajandrea
In the last 10 years, the number of field applications of zero-valent iron differing from permeable reactive barrier has grown rapidly and at present are 112. This study analyzes and compares such field applications. By using statistical analysis, especially ANOVA and principal component analysis, this study shows that chlorinated solvent contamination can be treated efficiently by using zero-valent iron material singly or associated with other technologies. In the analyzed sample of case studies, the association with microbial dechlorination increased significantly the performances of nanoscale iron. This is likely due to the synergistic effect between the two processes. Millimetric iron was always used in association with source zone containment; therefore, it is not possible to distinguish the contributions of the two techniques. The comparison also shows that catalyst addition seems to not dramatically improve treatment efficiency and that such improvement is not statistically significant. Finally, the injection technology is correlated to the type of iron and to the soil permeability.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The Impact of an Abandoned Uranium Mining Area on the Contamination of Agricultural Land in its Surroundings
Mihalík, Ján | Tlustoš, Pavel | Szaková, Jiřina
This paper focuses on the influence of uranium tailing piles on the contamination of their immediate surroundings. The monitoring was carried out on arable land near Pribram in Central Bohemia, Czech Republic. The monitored arable land is located 600 m northeast of the bottom of the piles. In addition, the high uranium (U) content in the topsoil ranged from 40 to 220 ppm. A former portion of it was found in an exchangeable fraction (49%). Both of these facts make this land unsuitable for agricultural use. The sequential extraction discovered a shift in the U content among sample spots situated in and outside the path of the predominant wind direction. In the first group, uranium binds mainly to Fe/Mn oxides, while in the other samples, U is accumulated in the more mobilizable fractions.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Preliminary Evaluation of Biological and Physical–Chemical Chromium Removal Mechanisms in Gravel Media Used in Constructed Wetlands
Dotro, Gabriela | Larsen, Daniel | Palazolo, Paul
Constructed wetlands have been shown to achieve high chromium and organic matter removal efficiencies when treating tannery wastewaters. Further, findings suggested chromium was potentially binding to iron oxides and microbial surfaces on the wetland media. The purpose of the present study was to distinguish between physical–chemical and biologically mediated removal mechanisms operating on iron-containing media. A total of 12 small-scale reactors were used for testing three conditions: biotic, abiotic aerobic and abiotic anaerobic. All systems were operated in 3-day batches, with the biotic and abiotic aerobic systems operating for 11 batches and the abiotic anaerobic operating for five batches. The results show that biotic systems achieved significantly higher chromium removal efficiencies (83%) than both abiotic treatments (16%). Biotic reactors quickly lowered dissolved oxygen concentrations, removing an average of 53% of the influent organic matter in the process. Redox conditions were affected by microbial metabolism, favouring iron release from the media surface. Findings suggest that microbiological activity catalyses chromium removal from tannery wastewaters. Chromium removals achieved in sterile reactors illustrate that the media influences metal retention in constructed wetlands; however, microbial interactions with both the media and tannery effluent achieve overall greater chromium removal than achieved solely by physical–chemical mechanisms.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]A Study of Chromium, Cooper, and Lead Distribution from Lignite Fuels Using Cultivated and Non-cultivated Plants as Biological Monitors
Sawidis, Thomas | Metentzoglou, E. | Mitrakas, M. | Vasara, E.
Concentrations of chromium, copper, and lead were determined in soil and plant specimens collected from the area of coal power plant (CPP), A. Dimitrios, the largest CPP in Greece located on the eastern part of Ptolemais basin, Macedonia. Two cultivated plants (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L. and Zea mays L.) and two non-cultivated plants (Rumex acetosa L. and Verbascum phlomoides L.) were chosen. The mean heavy metal content in the soil is described in the descending order of Cr>Pb>Cu, while for the plant material, the order was Cr>Cu>Pb. Stations in the vicinity of the CPP showed a distinctly high load of Cr in the soil, whereas for the other metals, no such correlation has been noted. Unexpectedly, high levels of chromium and copper have been found in plant samples of the control station (Grevena) where there is no significant point source of air pollution by particulate matter. In general, roots revealed a higher metal concentration than that of the other plant organs. This is more obvious in B. oleracea var. capitata for all metals studied. Thus, B. oleracea var. capitata possesses the potential for phytoremediation of soils contaminated by metals since this plant is removable together with its roots from the contaminated soil. The most contaminated leaves showed a variation in surface roughness. In V. phlomoides the non-glandular, branched candelabrum-like trichomes on the leaf epidermis effectively trapped and retained a considerable number of particles. In contrast, the waxy cuticle of R. acetosa, which forms a smooth sheet over the epidermal cells, enabled the fast removal of particles by rain or wind. In the case of Z. mays, seeds accumulated the lowest amount of all metals.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Heavy Metal Concentration Survey in Soils and Plants of the Les Malines Mining District (Southern France): Implications for Soil Restoration
Escarré, Jose | Lefebvre, Claude | Raboyeau, Stephan | Dossantos, Anabelle | Gruber, Wolf | Cleyet Marel, Jean Claude | Frérot, Helene | Noret, Nausicaa | Mahieu, Stéphanie | Collin, Christian | van Oort, Folkert
Mining activities generate spoils and effluents with extremely high metal concentrations of heavy metals that might have adverse effects on ecosystems and human health. Therefore, information on soil and plant metal concentrations is needed to assess the severity of the pollution and develop a strategy for soil reclamation such as phytoremediation. Here, we studied soils and vegetation in three heavily contaminated sites with potential toxic metals and metalloids (Zn, Pb, Cd, As, TI) in the mining district of Les Malines in the Languedoc region (southern France). Extremely high concentrations were found at different places such as the Les Aviniéres tailing basins (up to 160,000 mg kg–1 Zn, 90,000 mg kg–1 Pb, 9,700 mg kg–1 of As and 245 mg kg–1 of Tl) near a former furnace. Metal contamination extended several kilometres away from the mine sites probably because of the transport of toxic mining residues by wind and water. Spontaneous vegetation growing on the three mine sites was highly diversified and included 116 plant species. The vegetation cover consisted of species also found in non-contaminated soils, some of which have been shown to be metal-tolerant ecotypes (Festuca arvernensis, Koeleria vallesiana and Armeria arenaria) and several Zn, Cd and Tl hyperaccumulators such as Anthyllis vulneraria, Thlaspi caerulescens, Iberis intermedia and Silene latifolia. This latter species was highlighted as a new thallium hyperaccumulator, accumulating nearly 1,500 mg kg–1. These species represent a patrimonial interest for their potential use for the phytoremediation of toxic metal-polluted areas.
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