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Acceptability of selected common shrubs/tree leaves in Nigeria by West African Dwarf goats
Ikhimioya, I.
Fodder production, dry season leaf retention, and concentrations of crude protein and in vitro dry matter (DM) digestibility in fodder of Desmanthus virgatus, Desmodium cinereum, Desmodium gyroides, and Cajanus cajan were compared under cutting on an acid soil in southern Ethiopia. Desmodium cinereum, D. distortum, D. discolor, and C. cajan retained a higher percentage of green more fodder than D. gyroides and Desmanthus virgatus. Crude protein concentration in fodder of all species during the dry season was above 130 g kg DM, indicating that these species could be used as protein banks to supplement native pastures and crop residues during the dry season. Based on fodder production, dry season leaf retention, and concentration of crude protein in fodder, D. cinereum, D. distortum, D. disolor, and C. cajan are recommended for further testing with animals.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Non-genetic factors affecting early growth traits and survival in Horro sheep
Abegaz, Solomon | Duguma, G. | Gelmesa, U. | Terefe, F. | Negussie, E. | Rege, J.E.O.
Factors affecting the early growth and survival of indigenous Ethiopian Horro sheep were identified and the influence of each was assessed, based on data collected from 1978 97 from 4031 lambs at Bako Research Centre, Ethiopia. Year of birth, sex, type of birth or rearing, and parity had significant (P < 0.01) effects on birth weight (BWT), weaning weight (WWT), and six month weight (6MWT). With the exception of parity, the same factors affected yearling weight (YWT). Male lambs were heavier by 0.14, 1.1, 1.9, and 4.2 kg than females in BWT, WWT, 6MWT, and YWT. Single born lambs were heavier by about 0.5 kg than multiple born lambs at birth. Lambs born from primiparous ewes were lighter by 0.2 0.3 kg than lambs born from multiparous ewes at birth. With the exception of effect of type of birth and ewe age on survival to 3 and 7 days of age, respectively, year of birth, ewe (dam) age, type of birth, and BWT had significant (P < 0.01) effect on survival from three days to one year of age. The survival of multiple-born lambs was 0.8, 3.7, 8.3, 12.2, and 12.496 lower than single-born lambs at the age of 3, 30, 90, 180, and 365 days, respectively. Lambs born from primiparous ewes had lower survival rates compared to those born from multiparous ewes. Survival was very low in lambs with low BWT and improved with increase in BWT. In general, there are indications that there exists a critical BWT (about 2.6 kg) below which the survival of lambs declines drastically.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Extent and implications of incorrect offspring-sire relationships in pastoral production system in Kajiado District, Kenya
Maichomo, M.W. | Gitau, G.K. | Gathuma, J.M. | Ndung'u, J.M. | Kosura, O. | Olivier, H.O.
The aim of this study was to evaluate accuracy of farmer's paternity identification which determines success of future breed selection and hence genetic gain. Paternity of 269 Orma/zebu and Sahiwal/zebu calves was evaluated using genetic markers and the likelihood based method. Results indicate that only 6.7% farmer alleged paternities were confirmed, 88% parent-offspring relationships were rejected and 18% parent-offspring relationships were undetermined. However, 82% of offsprings were assigned at least 80% confident paternities to one of the sampled candidate males. These results suggest that there is need to institute proper breeding program in the pastoral area if farmers are to benefit from their current efforts of breed improvement.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Studies on the growth performance of native chicken ecotypes and RIR chicken under improved management system in northwest Ethiopia
Hassen, H. | Neser, F.W.C. | Dessie, Tadelle | Kock, A. de | Marle-Koster, E. van
A study was conducted to evaluate the growth performance of native and RIR chickens under intensive management condition for 22 weeks using a standard commercial ration. Seven native chicken populations were collected from representative administrative zones in northwest Ethiopia. The experimental layout was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with three replications. Data on feed consumption, body weight and related parameters were collected up to the age of 22 weeks. The mean total feed intake for the seven native chicken ecotypes and RIR chicken lines at the end of their growth phase were 13.80, 15.16, 13.44, 13.25, 13.81, 13.36, 14.11 and 12.83 kg for the native chicken types named as Tilili, Gellilia, Debre-Ellias, Mello-Hamusit, Gassay, Guangua, Mecha and RIR, respectively. There was no significant difference in feed consumption among the tested chicken ecotypes. However, a significant (p<0.05) difference was observed in average body weight and body weight gain between the different lines. The average body weights for Tilili , Gellilia, Debre-Ellias, Mello-Hamusit, Gassay, Guangua, Mecha and RIR were 1191, 1186, 1054, 1222, 1038, 1249, 1257 and 1394 g respectively. The lowest and highest mean mature body weight at the age of 22 weeks were 1038 g for Gassay and 1257g for Mecha native chicken lines, respectively. Besides, the average mature body weight for Tilili, Gellilia, Debre-Ellias, Mello-Hamusit, Gassay, Guangua, Mecha and RIR was 1191, 1186, 1054, 1222, 1038, 1249, 1257 and 1394 g and their mean daily body weight growth rates were 7.6, 7.5, 6.7, 7.8, 6.6, 7.9, 8.0 and 8.8 g per bird, respectively. The native chicken lines named as Mello-Hamusit, Guangua and Mecha were the fastest growers among the native chicken lines. Mortality from hatching to end of the growth period i.e. at maturity was higher for all the native and RIR chickens used under intensive management condition.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Characteristics of feeding and breeding practices for intensification of smallholder dairy systems in the Kenya highlands
Bebe, B.O. | Udo, H.M.J. | Thorpe, W.R.
This study aimed at better understanding of the characteristics of feeding and breeding practices smallholder farmers adopt in intensifying their dairy production. Use of hired labour for fodder gathering, growing of fodder crops and purchase of feeds increased with increasing intensification, but Bos taurus breeds did not respond to increasing feeding intensification while Bos indicus cattle responded, calving at earlier age and yielding more milk. Overall, first calving occurred at 32 months, but days open prolonged to 250 days with milk yield of 4 litres per day of calving interval. A principal component analysis extracted six feeding and breeding components, explaining 71.79% of the total variations in feeding and breeding practices for dairy intensification. The six components were labelled: non-intensified feeding and breeding; breeding decisions based-intensification; high external resource based-intensification; moderate resource based-intensification; resource poor based-intensification; and moderate external resource based-intensification. These characteristics points to some 'evolutionary process' of intensification involving feeding and breeding decisions, depending on the risk-bearing capacity of the household. Intensification enhancing interventions for smallholders need be considered in the context of the household economy. Interventions on feeding and breeding have to be packaged together holistically if intensification is to enhance productivity. A selective intervention on only one of these is associated with low productivity levels, only contributing to sustaining family subsistence livelihoods.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Income effects of fodder and herd management on small-scale milk producers in the northern Peruvian Andes
Bernet, T. | León Velarde, C.U.
A linear programming model was used to analyze the effects of different herd and fodder management levels on agricultural income of small-scale mountain dairy farmers in northern Peru. Results demonstrate that fodder and herd management strongly impact farm profits. There exists considerable potential to improve this situation, as many farmers in the study region are deficient in their fodder and herd management. When moving from average to high management levels, farmers could double their farm profits. In general, high mortality rates, long calving intervals, and inefficient fodder storage practices depress farmers' incomes most. Because of feeding deficiencies, especially in the dry season, recommended extension activities primarily must emphasize fodder storage and improved pasture management, to subsequently also enhance better herd management practices.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The feed values of indigenous multipurpose trees for sheep in Ethiopia: The case of Vernonia amygdalina, Buddleja polystachya and Maesa lanceolata
Haile, Aynalem | Tolemariam, T.
The feed resources base, the feeding systems and feed values of three indigenous trees Girawa, Anfare and Kelewa (Local (Amharic), Ethiopian names ) were studied for sheep in sub humid, mid altitude area of south western Ethiopia. The study involved a survey of the feed resources base and assessment of the feeding systems, chemical analysis and in vitro dry matter digestibility. In addition, Girawa was selected to study its effect on growth performances using 32 lambs. The levels of Girawa used for the growth performance study in groups I, II, III and IV, respectively were 100 g/d, 200 g/d, 300 g/d and 400 g/d. The main feed resources for sheep in Jimma area were found to be natural pasture, crop residues, crop aftermaths and indigenous multipurpose trees. Grazing on natural pasture constituted the main feeding system. The indigenous trees were cut and fed occasionally. The levels of CP ranged from 186.2 to 244.4 g/kg DM with minimum level in Anfare. Higher values were recorded for Girawa. Organic matter content was higher for Anfare (924.3 g/kg DM) and lower for Girawa (877.9 g/kg DM). In vitro dry matter digestibility values were 0.448, 0.422 and 0.458 for Girawa, Anfare and Kelewa, respectively. Supplementation of Girawa had an effect (p<0.01) on live weight gains of lambs. Lambs that were offered 400 g/d of Girawa had a higher daily live weight gain (95.1 g/d) compared to those supplemented with 200 (43.3 g/d) and 300 g/d (50.5 g/d) of Girawa as well as the control group (34.0 g/d). Weight gains were not different between the control group and those supplemented with 200 and 300 g/d of Girawa. It was concluded that these feed resources represent a great potential for sheep production in areas where the resources are available. It is also suggested that more studies are needed on higher level of Girawa than the present study on animal performances along with its anti-nutritional effects.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Hypotheses on inland valley development for smallholder dairy production in three West African countries Côte d'Ivoire, Mali and Nigeria
Agyemang, K. | Yapi-Gnoare, C.V. | Ouologuem, B. | Barje, P.P. | Adediran, S.A.
A set of pre-formulated hypotheses about the potentials of inland valleys to agricultural production in general, and livestock (dairy) - based enterprises in particular, were tested with data collected from five regions comprising 71 villages/towns and 630 households in three countries (Nigeria, Mali and Côte d'Ivoire). The study was undertaken to test hypothesis concerning the potentials of the inland valleys systems to agricultural production, and those pertaining to the intensification of livestock production in the valleys systems and their relationships with demand for livestock (dairy) products. Results from the analysis showed that many of the previously held views about inland valley and their potential were supported by the data from the three countries. Most of the hypotheses relating directly with inland valley potentials were accepted in the majority of locations. However, there were few hypotheses which were not supported by data from all countries and study sites. The overall assessment from the surveys is that the potentials of the inland valleys towards dairy production are currently good in all the countries and could be better if the resources available in the inland valley environments (for example crop residues) are better managed and utilized. Intensive use of inland valleys was related more to population density than access to market. Similarly consumption levels of domestic dairy products were influenced by population concentration. Instead access to market influenced positively farmers' practices towards specialization and intensification of dairy production. Increase demand for milk and dairy products is met by intensification and not by increase in herd size. Efforts to ensure continued milking through feeding was not related to herd size. As revenues (sales and home consumption) increased, more lands were left to fallow. These results confirm the assertion that the presence of inland valley systems for cropping and livestock rearing promotes diversification of agriculture, and presumably reduces farmers' production risks.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Anthelmintic effect of Halothamus somalensis in Arsi-Bale goats
Dawo, F. | Tibbo, Markos
The root of the medicinal plant Halothamnus somalensis traditionally used to treat endo-parasites of animals and humans was evaluated against endo-parasites in naturally infected goats. The goats were drenched with a crude preparation of the plant at two different doses (0.5 and 2 g/kg live weight [LW]). The dose of 2g/kg LW reduced faecal egg count (EPG) by 50%. Packed cell volume (PCV) was also significantly higher for goats that received 2 g/kg LW. The reduction in faecal EPG and increase in PCV values were negatively correlated. There was no effect on LW change but body condition score was higher for goats that received treatment than goats in the control group. Future research should focus on evaluation of different extracts from different parts of the plant using laboratory animals and small ruminants.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Species diversification, livestock production and income of the poor in the Indian State of Andhra Pradesh
Akter, S. | Farrington, John | Deshingkar, P. | Rao, L. | Freeman, H.A.
This paper investigates the factors associated with private sector smallholder livestock and the associated income of the poor in the Indian States of Andhra Pradesh. The data used are drawn from the Livelihood Options Study led by the Overseas Development Institute, London, specifically the Census Survey 2001/2 and Panel Survey of early 2005. Poorer households depend disproportionally on livestock. Important changes were noted; the average size of any single species declined considerably in the five year period beginning from 1996/7, the number of farms keeping the species rose in the 1996/7 to 2001/2 period but dropped in the recent 2001/2 to 2003/4 period. The poorer households kept fewer small ruminants and poultry in the latter period but richer households kept more. This might suggest that the technology is shifting towards what the better off can afford like the intensive poultry keeping, and that they have better access to certain resources such as crop residues. On the other hand, policies such as the ban on grazing by goats will also have affected the poor more since they rely on open-grazing methods. Farmers identified shock/stress variables and natural environment as important for the decrease in livestock population. Livestock act as a very real means of smoothing income by allowing debts to be repaid, farm inputs and medical treatment to be purchased, and dowry to be paid. More than 22% of the farmers mentioned disease problems as a cause of the decline in livestock population. This problem needs to be addressed, possibly through public-private partnership arrangements as are being tried in other countries.
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