[ 发表于: Research for Rural Development ]


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Acceptability of selected common shrubs/tree leaves in Nigeria by West African Dwarf goats


Ikhimioya, I.

International Livestock Research Institute - Kenya

Non-genetic factors affecting early growth traits and survival in Horro sheep


Abegaz, Solomon | Duguma, G. | Gelmesa, U. | Terefe, F. | Negussie, E. | Rege, J.E.O.

International Livestock Research Institute - Kenya

Extent and implications of incorrect offspring-sire relationships in pastoral production system in Kajiado District, Kenya


Maichomo, M.W. | Gitau, G.K. | Gathuma, J.M. | Ndung'u, J.M. | Kosura, O. | Olivier, H.O.

International Livestock Research Institute - Kenya

Studies on the growth performance of native chicken ecotypes and RIR chicken under improved management system in northwest Ethiopia


Hassen, H. | Neser, F.W.C. | Dessie, Tadelle | Kock, A. de | Marle-Koster, E. van

International Livestock Research Institute - Kenya

Characteristics of feeding and breeding practices for intensification of smallholder dairy systems in the Kenya highlands


Bebe, B.O. | Udo, H.M.J. | Thorpe, W.R.

International Livestock Research Institute - Kenya

Income effects of fodder and herd management on small-scale milk producers in the northern Peruvian Andes


Bernet, T. | León Velarde, C.U.

International Livestock Research Institute - Kenya

The feed values of indigenous multipurpose trees for sheep in Ethiopia: The case of Vernonia amygdalina, Buddleja polystachya and Maesa lanceolata


Haile, Aynalem | Tolemariam, T.

International Livestock Research Institute - Kenya

Hypotheses on inland valley development for smallholder dairy production in three West African countries Côte d'Ivoire, Mali and Nigeria


Agyemang, K. | Yapi-Gnoare, C.V. | Ouologuem, B. | Barje, P.P. | Adediran, S.A.

International Livestock Research Institute - Kenya

Anthelmintic effect of Halothamus somalensis in Arsi-Bale goats


Dawo, F. | Tibbo, Markos

International Livestock Research Institute - Kenya

Species diversification, livestock production and income of the poor in the Indian State of Andhra Pradesh


Akter, S. | Farrington, John | Deshingkar, P. | Rao, L. | Freeman, H.A.

International Livestock Research Institute - Kenya