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The influence of nitrogen fertilisers and fungicide on the yield and quality of spring barley
Braziene, Z. (Lithuanian Inst. of Agriculture (Lithuania). Rumokai Experimental Station)
Spring barley grain of the new registered Lithuanian variety 'Alsa' and German malty variety 'Otis' cultivation, the influence of different rates of nitrogen fertilisers and fungicide Tango on their yield and quality was investigated in the Rumokai Research Station of the Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture in 1998-2000. It was established that nitrogenous fertilisers have been increasing grain yield in the spring barley 'Alsa' every year. The influence of nitrogen fertiliser was negative on the spring barley 'Otis' only for the 1998 yield due to meteorological conditions, that were favourable for spreading leaf diseases. Fungicide Tango gave a reliable yield increase - from 0,21 to 1,14 t ha*[-1) - through the whole investigation period. The amount of proteins in grains was reliably increasing due to nitrogenous fertilisers within all the years of investigation, excluding the year 1999. Meteorological conditions made a great influence on protein amount in 1999. No reliable interaction was established between nitrogenous fertilisers, grain size and starch. Medium or strong negative correlation was observed between the grain size and proteins (correlation coefficient was deviating from 0,40 to 0,81). A reliable positive correlative relation was established between starch and grain size in 1998 only.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Research on sugar beet quality in the Rumokai Experimental Station
Petkeviciene, B. (Lithuanian Inst. of Agriculture (Lithuania). Rumokai Experimental Station)
The experiment was carried out in 1990, 1991, 1993 in the Rumokai Research station of the Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture. The following nitrogen norms were analysed: 0(0+0), 45(0+45), 45(45+0), 90(45+45), 90(90+0), 135(90+45), 135(135+0), 180(135+45), 180(180+0), 225(180+45). Sugar production is negatively affected by soluble non-sugar substances (soluble potassium and sodium salts, amines) that prevent crystallization of sugar. Norms of nitrogen fertilisers increased the amount of: potassium by 8.9-38.2%, sodium - 11.0-54.4%, alpha-amine N - 43.0-163.5 %, while additional application of nitrogen -45 kg ha*[-1) - resulted in the increase of: 1.0 - 7.9% potasium, 1.0-8.0 % sodium, 18.2 - 44.9 % alpha-amine N. Strong positive corelation (eta=0.99) has been established between the norms of nitrogen fertilisers and soluble non-sugar substances. Potassium, sodium and alpha-amine N negatively influence the sugar content roots (eta=-0.59). Among the 14 analysed varieties, the amount of low soluble non-sugar substances was significant in the roots of Kristall, Accord and Extra varieties. The highest yield of white sugar has been found in the varieties of Freja, Anna, Accord, Extra (7.3-7.7 t ha*[-1)).
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-][Profitability of organic cereal production in Estonia]
Vasil'ev, N. | Ehllermae, O. (Estonian Agricultural Univ., Tartu (Estonia))
The importance of organic farming has increased rapidly in Estonia in the last few years. Nevertheless the higher prices of organic products are not presented in Estonia yet, but the official subsidies are often the main reason to start organic farming. The Estonian Republic supports organic farming as a branch of environmentally sustainable agriculture. The main theme of this article was to explain - is the organic cereal production profitable for farmers.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Influence of seed treatment on the diversity of pathogenic fungus of flaxseed and seedlings
Gruzdeviene, E. (Lithuanian Inst. of Agriculture, Upyte, Panevezys reg. (Lithuania). Upyte Research Station) | Lugauskas, A. | Repeckiene, J.
Major diseases occurring on flax crops in Lithuania are caused by Fusarium spp., Colletotrichum lini Manns et Bolley, Polyspora lini Laff. et Peth., Septoria linicola (Speg.) Gar. They can spread through seed, especially when the seed material does not meet quality standards. Microscopic fungi of other species can be found on flaxseed as well. Chemical seed treatment is one of the ways to control disease agents. When treated seed is sown, the seed treaters affect the indigenous micro-biota of the soil. The trial was carried out at the Upyte Research Station of the Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture in 1999. The tested seed treaters are registered for cereals in Lithuania. Our experimental results suggest that chemical treatment of flaxseeds is an efficient method to control seed-borne diseases. The microscopic fungi on seeds and roots of seedlings were analysed at the Institute of Botany. The data on the effect of seed treaters on the diversity of pathogenic fungi of flaxseed and seedlings, and the impact of treatment on the seedling infection are discussed in this paper.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Preconditions for drainage channels to be anew exploited
Lamsodis, R. (Lithuanian Inst. of Water Management, Vilainiai, Kedainiai reg. (Lithuania))
The paper presents some data collected for various purposes on phenomena, which took place in drainage channels. The data shows a certain one-direction trend of development of these phenomena when slopes of channels are covered with woody vegetation: the intensity of sedimentation of channel's bottom slowed down (Fig. 1); cross section area blocked up by snow decreased (Table 1); concentrations of biogenic and organic (BOD) matter did not show the worsening of water quality (Table 2 and 3). In the most channnels the losses of hydraulic conductivity occuring because of woody vegetation are usually compensated by conductivity reserve of a bigger cross section area caused by a rather large depth of subsurface drainage systems.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The effect of milking equipment on raw milk quality. Laboratory experiment
Luik, M. | Leola, A. | Henno, M. (Estonian Agricultural Univ., Tartu (Estonia))
Activation of lypolysis during milking normally results from faulty design and instalation, and inadequate maintenance of milking equipment, and is associated with excessive air intake into the system, causing turbulence. Majority of pipeline milking systems used in Estonian dairy farms have been instaled in 70s and 80s. Their mounting does not meet the requirements of ISO 6690 and 5707. In recent years, besides installing of new milking equipment, the reconstruction of old ones has been started. There is little information on the effect of that kind of reconstruction on raw milk quality. In this study, the effect of three factors on induced lipolysis were investigated on original laboratory experimental equipment. The parameters of studied factors - the time of agitation the intensiveness of agitation and the rate of aeration - were changed independently. A preliminary study showed these three factors. Aeration rate was mainly responsible for the increased FFA content of raw milk.
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