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Change in the area of Lithuanian wetlands (2002-2021) /
Ivavičiūtė, Giedrė,
The topic of the article is especially relevant, because not only in Lithuania, but also all over the world, due to human activities, climate change and other processes, the most natural component of the landscape-wetlands-is rapidly disappearing. Wetlands not only have a unique biodiversity, are valuable elements of the landscape, but also perform many important functions for humanity. Drainage of wetlands results in the loss of most of these functions, as well as secondary problems such as greenhouse gas emissions, water pollution by peat decomposition products, and many others. Wetlands are declining or deteriorating in many parts of the world. More than 90% of former wetlands have been destroyed or severely damaged in Western Europe, more than 50% in Central Europe and about 70% in Southeast Asia. The aim of this article is to determine the change in the areas of Lithuanian wetlands. Thus, the study found that wetland areas were declining in all counties of the country. The largest percentage decrease in wetlands was in Kaunas (67.43%) and Tauragė (54.33%) counties. During the period of 2002-2021, the area of wetlands in the Republic of Lithuania decreased by 50,893.11 ha (34.60%) and in 2021 accounted for 0.15% of the country’s territory, while in 2002 – 2.25%. In order to protect the wetlands, it is necessary to take special measures, carry out intensive projects and works for the restoration of wetlands.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Change in the area of Lithuanian trees and shrubs greenery in 2002–2022 /
Ivaviciute, Giedre,
The topic of this article is relevant because in Lithuania the assessment of the area occupied by plantations and green spaces has shown that the area standards do not meet the requirements and recommendations of the World Health Organisation. Green spaces are regulated differently in different countries of the European Union. Lithuania has also developed a legal framework for the protection, management and establishment of new plantations and green spaces. However, this legal framework is im-proving and new laws are being added to it. Comparative, analytical, as well as statistical, and logical analysis methods were used for the investigation. The data of the Land Fund of the Republic of Lithuania for 2002–2022 were used for comparative investigation. The aim of this article is to perform an analysis of the change in the trees and shrubs greenery area of Lithuania in 2002–2022. In Lithuania, for example, trees and shrubs occupied 84,687.48 ha in 2002. In 2022, the plantation area amounted to 208,609.48 ha. From 2002 to 2022 the area of tree and shrub plantations in Lithuania increased by 123,922.00 ha or 146.33%. The analysis shows that in the period between the years 2002 and 2022 the biggest increase in the area of shrubs and plantations took place in Utena County (32,715.83 ha or 395.27%), but the smallest increase in Tauragė County (2,642.93 ha or 37.69%) and Marijampolė County (4,581.39 ha or 72.25%).The development of plantation areas has been positively influenced by the creation of an appropriate legislative framework and the implementation of plantation programmes in counties and municipalities.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Changes in Lithuanian meadows and natural pasture areas over a 20-year period and trends /
Ivavičiūtė, Giedrė,
In Lithuania, as well as throughout Europe, the areas of natural meadows and pastures are gradually decreasing due to the intensification of agriculture, leading to the plowing of meadows and the consequent loss of valuable biodiversity, a crucial component of the landscape. The problems associated with meadow and pasture reduction is essential for informed decisionmaking, sustainable land management, the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Various methods, including comparative, analytical, statistical, and logical analysis, were employed in the investigation. The comparative study employed information from the Land Fund of the Republic of Lithuania covering the period from 2003 to 2023. The article also analyzes the reasons and perspectives of the decrease in meadow and natural pasture areas. In 2023, meadows and natural pastures in the Republic of Lithuania covered 362,351.79 ha, constituting 5.55% of the countryʼs territory. From 2003 to 2023, the total area of meadows and natural pastures decreased by 135,439.55 hectares or 27.21%. From 2003 to 2023, in nine out of ten Lithuanian counties, the areas of meadows and pastures decreased. The most significant loss of these areas occurred in Siauliai County (36,828.33 ha or 59.02%), while the least loss was in Klaipeda County (141.05 ha or 0.34%). The decrease in meadow and natural pasture areas can be attributed to various factors: changes in land use, urbanization, climate change and other influencing factors. The area of meadows and pastures in Lithuania should increase by 87,000 hectares, and meadows and pastures in country would cover an area of 449,351.79 ha or 6.88% of the total area of the Republic of Lithuania.
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