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Research for Rural Development 2021. Annual 27th International Scientific Conference Proceedings.Volume 36
International Scientific Conference: Research for Rural Development 2020, 27, Jelgava (Latvia), 12−14 May 2021
The Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies and Organizing Committee of Annual 27th International Scientific Conference ‘Research for Rural Development 2021’ tried to continues a tradition of bringing together researchers, academic and professionals in Jelgava, from 12 to 14 May, 2021 from all over the world. But, unfortunately, this year again the rules were set by the Covid-19 virus pandemic. We did start new tradition from 2020, account from 1st until the 27th conference and totally are 36 Volumes. The interdisciplinary papers contributed the most recent scientific knowledge in crop production, animal breeding, agricultural engineering, agrarian and regional economics, food sciences, veterinary medicine, forestry, wood processing, water management, environmental engineering, information and communication technologies. These Proceedings will furnish the scientists of the world with an excellent reference volume. We trust also that this will be an impetus to stimulate further study and research in all these areas.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Research for Rural Development 2020. Annual 26th International Scientific Conference Proceedings.Volume 35 (Online resource)
Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies and Organizing Committee of Annual 26th International Scientific Conference on Research for Rural Development 2020 tried to continues a tradition of bringing together researchers, academic and professionals in Jelgava, from 13 to 15 May, 2020 from all over the world. But, unfortunately, this year the rules were set by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. We did start new tradition from 2020, account from 1st until the 26th conference and totally are 35 volumes. The interdisciplinary papers contributed the most recent scientific knowledge in agricultural sciences, forestry and wood processing, food sciences, veterinary medicine, economics, rural and environmental engineering, water management; information and communication technologies and education. These Proceedings will furnish the scientists of the world with an excellent reference volume. We trust also that this will be an impetus to stimulate further study and research in all these areas.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Research for Rural Development 2017. Annual 23rd International Scientific Conference Proceedings. Volume 2
The four independent reviewers estimated each paper and recommended 81 articles for publishing at the proceedings consisted of 2 volumes, which started life as presentations at the Annual 23rd International Scientific Conference “Research for Rural Development 2017” held at the Latvia University of Agriculture, in Jelgava, on 17 to 19 May 2017. In the retrospect of four months later, we can count the Conference as a great success. The theme – Research for Rural Development - attracted participation more than 155 researchers with very different backgrounds. There were 124 presentations from different universities of Poland, Kazakhstan, France, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Estonia, India, Russia and Latvia. Thank you for your participation! We are sure that you have learned from the presentations and discussions during the conference and you can use the outcomes in the future. The cross disciplinary proceedings of the Annual 23rd International Scientific Conference “Research for Rural Development 2017” (two volumes since 2010) are intended for academics, students and professionals. The subjects covered by those issues are crop production, animal breeding, agricultural engineering, agrarian and regional economics, food sciences, veterinary medicine, forestry, wood processing, water management, environmental engineering, landscape architecture, information and communication technologies. The papers are grouped according to the sessions in which they have been presented.
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