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Assessment of landscape ecological aesthetics in urban areas. Example of Jelgava [Latvia]
Jankevica, M., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
Nowadays, linkage of landscape ecology with landscape aesthetics becomes very topical, especially when people move from rural areas to big towns and cities. Landscape ecological planning becomes more important in terms of sustainable environment. Landscape assessment and investigation needs a multidisciplinary approach. The aim of the study was to evaluate landscape ecological aesthetics in urban area. The selected city for study was Jelgava – city with a special characteristic landscape of Zemgale plains and wide green spaces in the city centre. Jelgava is one of the examples of complex urban system with ecological environment. This research presents landscape evaluation of Jelgava using ecological aesthetics assessment method. Territory of Jelgava was divided in groups of research areas: green spaces, residential areas and other territories. Qualitative and quantitative methods were used in the research. The methods applied in this research describe the present situation of the city. Landscape inventory, biotope structure analysis and evaluation of landscape ecological aesthetical qualities give a general overview of the problems and opportunities of the examined city. Research study was managed in autumn and winter 2011. The results show the need for sorting the cityscape and use of ecological principles in further urban planning. Green areas of Jelgava are ecological and aesthetical valuable but multi-storey residential areas have low quality of landscape ecological aesthetics.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Motivation tools for employees in regional municipal administrations of Lithuania
Zukovskis, J., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania) | Marcinkeviciute, L., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania)
This article analyses the advantages of applicable measures of motivation, taking into consideration the internal environment of an organization as a whole and focuses on the impact of internal environmental factors upon the results of the organization. The paper is based on the survey results obtained by inquiring, municipal administration employees in Lithuanian districts in February-June 2010. The goal of the research was to propose and justify theoretical components for the motivation model of municipal administration employees. The major integrated groups of motivation measures that are the most influential to the factors of internal environment as the main results of research were identified. The authors focus on the positional adjustment of the combinations of motivation measures, in order to improve the motivation of municipal administration employees.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Public perception about landscapes of watermills and small-scale hydroelectric power plants in Latvia
Lazdane, L., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
The landscape in Latvia is managed and planned in different levels and regulations. The survey has been undertaken in Latvia with the aim to assess the landscape as regards the aesthetical quality assessment in Latvian watermills and small-scale hydroelectric power plant territories by means of public perception. Duration of research was from May 2011 till March 2012. The method used in this survey is the public questionnaire method. Public notions concerning researched landscapes territories in Latvia reveal that the landscapes in these territories are mainly assessed critically; however, in the assessment of visual information from pictures taken in particular territories the results are different, and the value of these territories is mainly assessed positively. The contribution of Latvian people’s knowledge regarding improvement in the landscapes situations in researched territories of Latvia has to be realized.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The consumer's choice of branded products conformity to national identity: case of Baltic States
Bikernieks, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Eglite, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
The aim of the paper is to show the general trend of consumption in the Baltic countries. The member states of the European Union attach great importance to the well-being, health and the promotion of healthy lifestyle. In order to be able to make decisions on the future plan of action, COBEREN (Consumer Behaviour Erasmus Network) carried out a project with an aim of studying the food consumption habits in the European Union countries. The obtained results show the consumer habits of each participating state, although not on the regional level. This study will look at the consumption habits in the Baltic countries and find out the nature of consumption in those three states. The statistical method – analysis of variance – was used to analyse the COBEREN data. The main conclusion is that consumers of the Baltic countries do not differ greatly in their consumption habits.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Churchyard elements in Latgale Upland [Latvia]
Markova, M., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
Churchyard of Latgale Upland is one of the most important parts of cultural historic space of Latvia. The study is based on the materials from expedition made in summer and autumn 2011, as well as on literary studies. Architecturally compositional form of the church is a key part of the landscape, supplemented by other landscape elements. Research and evaluation of the individual elements give specific cultural space characteristics of each investigated area. Visibility in the main view points and links with residential buildings for the churchyard is vital. Each study of landscape area schemes formation is based not only on the church as a domination point expression. Separate churchyard elements - crucifixes, procession paths, burial area, meditation area and a planting in church gardens - are important in describing churchyards. The aim of the research was to find most common elements in churchyards to establish general guidelines for recording and evaluation of the churchyard in Latgale Upland in future. In perspective that could be used as basis for making the landscape typology. Results showed typical landscape elements in the churchyard. In describing churchyards is important to divide typical and unique elements. The research provides information that is important for the further local territorial development plans, focusing attention on the region’s cultural values and identity preservation.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The impact of management on ground vegetation in Riga’s urban forests
Kalnins, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Straupe, I., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Liepa, L., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
Urban forests provide ecological and social functions and significantly improve esthetical value of these ecosystems. These forests also function as recreational areas for urban residents. The aim of this study was to assess the influence of understory cutting of different intensity on vegetation and coincidence with Myrtillosa forest type in Mežaparks, Riga. In total nine study sites were established: three sites adjacent to roads where regular undergrowth management is practiced, three adjacent sites to edges of the pathways, where undergrowth management is practiced only occasionally and three adjacent sites to roads where there is no management activity at all. Combined 54 sample plots were created (each sized 10 × 10 m, area 100 m2 ), where vegetation survey was done using Braun-Blanquet method. This study showed that with an increase in the intensity of undergrowth management, in general, the species richness and their coverage increases, or more specifically, the number of herbaceous and moss species increases, but the occurrence of shrub species decreases. In all study sites we observed the development of synantrophic species, especifically, the development of fructification which was indicated by the following species: Sambucus nigra L., Sambucus racemosa L., Amelanchier spicata Lam. If management intensity decreases, the proportion of competitor species decreases, but the proportion of CSR strategy type species stabilizes.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Consumers’ willingness to pay for agricultural landscape improvements in Lithuania: estimation framework
Novikova, A., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania) | Vaznonis, B., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania)
Agriculture not only supplies food and fibre to the society, but also provides other services, which are not revealed in the market prices. The role of agricultural activities is essential in forming and improving the landscape, in particular, for Lithuanian case study. Therefore, the paper focuses on development of the framework for estimation of consumers’ willingness to pay for agricultural landscape improvements. The objectives of this paper are to present construction of the estimation framework for eliciting willingness to pay (WTP) for non- market agricultural landscape goods through choice experiments (CE) in Lithuania; then, to show the results of framework pre-test, and identify applicability of the framework designed. CE is a survey-based method implying creation of repetitive choice situations about alternatives of agri-environmental schemes for revealing how inhabitants of Lithuania value public goods from agricultural landscape (scenic views, variety of flora and fauna species, recreational infrastructure and services, the objects of cultural heritage), enabling to estimate Lithuanian residents’ WTP and the demand for improvements of agricultural landscape. The results of the pilot survey have shown that the questionnaire was comprehensible and interesting to the respondents, revealing that the valuation of agricultural landscape is in demand by the society. The results of modelling, applying conditional logit, have shown a good model fit, allowing the usage of the estimation framework for the main survey and an estimation of consumers’ willingness to pay for public goods/improvements from agricultural landscape.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The assessment of vegetation in unmanaged nemoral forests in Zemgale [Latvia]
Broka, D., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Liepa, L., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Straupe, I., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
Zemgale geobotanical region historically was dominated by large broad-leaved forests, but last centuries the high anthropogenic pressure on these territories has reduced the area of these forests. In fragmented landscape small patches of natural broad-leaf forests are protected to preserve the forest structural features, which also function as habitats for rare and protected species. The aim of this study was to compare the natural broad-leaf forest habitats and structural elements and vegetation in woodland key habitats in production forests and protected areas (nature park ''Tērvete'' and nature reserve ''Ukru gārša'') in Zemgale. In total, 12 sample plots were established (the size of sample plot 0.1 ha) in Aegopodiosa forest type. In all sample plots forest structural features were measured and vegetation survey using Braun-Blanquet method was made. In this study, we found that average amount of dead wood varies between 78.7 m**3 haE-1 in woodland key habitats in production forests and 133.0 m**3 haE-1 special protected areas. Considerable amount of broad-leaf natural forests represented by nemoral species (50 – 58% of species richness), which corresponds to these forest type communities in the region.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Open geo-spatial data for sustainable forest management: Lithuanian case
Tiskute-Memgaudiene, D., Vytautas Magnus Univ., Kaunas (Lithuania) | Mozgeris, G., Vytautas Magnus Univ., Kaunas (Lithuania) | Gaizutis, A., Forest Owners Association of Lithuania, Vilnius (Lithuania);Vilnius University (Lithuania)
In Lithuania, forests are managed by Lithuanian State Forest Enterprise, municipalities, ministries, etc. and private forest owners. About 50% of all forest land is State importance, privately owned forests cover 40% of forest land, and about 10% of forest land belongs to forests reserved for restitution. Forest management of private ownership force many challenges, because private forest owners are people, who have purchased or received the property after restitution, and often lacks knowledge about forest resources, its dynamics and sustainable forest management. As remote sensing is a valuable source for forest monitoring, because it provides periodic data on forest resource and condition status, these methods are gaining increased attention worldwide. In this context, more scientific efforts are made at developing remote sensing derived geo-spatial data services for sustainable forest management through a web service platform, which would integrate geo-information into daily decision making processes and operation for private forest owners. This article presents a review of privately owned forests’ statistics, questionnaire-based survey about GIS usage and demand for forest owners in Lithuania and links available sources of open geo-spatial data useful for sustainable forest management.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Service quality concerns of farmers selling their property through real estate agencies
Pileliene, L., Vytautas Magnus Univ., Kaunas (Lithuania) | Simkus, A., Vytautas Magnus Univ., Kaunas (Lithuania)
In a period of economic prosperity, the real estate market is very active. The demand for real estate is causing the growth of prices, thus inducing people to sell their properties. As the easiest and often most convenient way of selling the property is partnering a real estate company, even 95 per cent of sales are provided through the mediation. However, the increasing demand in services is often leading to the decrease in service quality. It is worth mentioning that, while the amount of real estate agencies is increasing, service quality becomes the main competitive advantage for companies. In order to contribute to a body of knowledge on service quality, this research deals with a problem: what service quality is provided by real estate agencies to farmers selling their properties, and what service quality dimensions have to be improved. The research aims to establish the undermanaged dimensions of service quality obtained by Lithuanian farmers selling their property through real estate agencies. The determination of latter dimensions is crucial for real estate agencies achieving to successfully compete in the market of real estate in Lithuania. In order to reach the aim of the research, previously elaborated service quality models were analysed and adapted to a current research framework. The questionnaire survey was provided to establish a model of service quality real estate agencies expected by farmers selling their property. Finally, the four-dimensional REASQ model was established.
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