[ 发表于: Research for Rural Development ]

结果 1-9 的 9

Research on genetic aspects of Scots pine resistance to root rot


Skipars, V., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia) | Baumanis, I., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia) | Rungis, D., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia)

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Influence of genetic factors on Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) above-ground biomass and its distribution


Libiete-Zalite, Z., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia) | Jansons, A., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia)

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Productivity benchmarks for community-based genetic improvement of Abergelle, Central Highland and Woyto-Guji indigenous goat breeds in Ethiopia


Jembere, Temergen | Haile, Aynalem | Dessie, Tadelle | Kebede, Kefelegn | Okeyo Mwai, Ally | Rischkowsky, Barbara A.

International Livestock Research Institute - Kenya

Genetic evaluation of growth traits in a crossbreeding experiment involving two local strains of chickens using multi-trait animal model


Iraqui, M.M. | Hanafi, M.S. | Khalil, M.H. | El-Labban, A.F. | Ell-Sisy, M.

International Livestock Research Institute - Kenya

Variability and genetic determination of Scots pine quantitative traits at the age of 32 years


Jansons, A. | Baumanis, I. | Dreimanis, A. | Gailis, A.

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

[Effect of fertilization on the yield and different potato varieties destined for processing into chips]


Makaraviciute, A. (Lithuanian Inst. of Agriculture (Lithuania). Elmininkai Research Station)

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Genetic particularities of the population of causal agent of barley powdery mildew Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei in Latvia


Kokina, I. (University of Daugavpils (Latvia)) | Araja, I. | Rasals, I.

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia