结果 1-5 的 5
Revitalized agriculture for balanced growth and resilient livelihoods: Toward a rural development strategy for Mon State, Myanmar
International Food Policy Research Institute | Michigan State University | Center for Economic and Social Development | Filipski, Mateusz J. | Nischan, Ulrike | Van Asselt, Joanna | Holtemeyer, Brian | Schmidt, Emily | Kedir, Mekamu | Kennedy, Adam | Zhang, Xiaobo | Dorosh, Paul A.
Revitalized agriculture for balanced growth and resilient livelihoods: Toward a rural development strategy for Mon State
Center for Economic and Social Development | International Food Policy Research Institute | Michigan State University
The purpose of this report is to provide national- and state-level policymakers, private-sector investors, civil society, and donors with an analysis of the rural economy of Mon State and pathways to improved prosperity for its population. The analysis is based on a representative survey of rural households, which make up 73 percent of Mon State’s 2 million residents, and extensive interviews with farmers, traders, processors, local leaders, and government officials. Whereas some parts of the Mon State economy are quite dynamic, such as construction, others are stagnant and far from reaching their full potential. Furthermore, the dynamic sectors are heavily dependent on remittances from migrants to neighboring countries. The current pattern of donor investment is heavily focused on necessary infrastructure and energy investments, but with only very limited support to productive sectors, especially agriculture and fisheries. Major investments in education, both formal and vocational training, are also necessary to support the growth of a modern economy. The analysis in this report identifies options for more balanced growth, leading to a vibrant economy in which returning migrants can invest and find employment.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Rural livelihoods in Mon State: Evidence from a representative household survey
Myanmar Centre for Economic and Social Development | International Food Policy Research Institute | Michigan State University | Hein, Aung | Htoo, Kyan | Kham, L. Seng | Win, Myat Thida | Thinzar, Aye Mya | Naing, Zaw Min | Thida, Mi Win | Lei, Ni | Min, Lu | Mwee, Naw Eh | Oo, Zaw | Filipski, Mateusz J. | Nischan, Ulrike | Van Asselt, Joanna | Holtemeyer, Brian | Schmidt, Emily | Kedir, Mekamu | Kennedy, Adam | Zhang, Xiaobo | Dorosh, Paul A. | Payongayong, Ellen | Belton, Ben | Boughton, Duncan
The purpose of this report is to provide information and analysis to government, civil society, and donors interested in improving the well-being of the rural population of Mon State. Specifically, the report analyzes the different sources of income for rural households, as well as their socioeconomic characteristics, with a view to identifying potential pathways to improving incomes, especially for poor households, and stimulating inclusive rural growth. The overall picture that emerges is one of an economy heavily dependent on services for local employment and on international migration for income. Like a two-legged stool, such an economy is potentially unstable in the face of external shocks. Diversification of the Mon State economy, including diversification and increased productivity within the agricultural sector, will lessen the relative dependence on external migration remittances and result in more resilient growth in the future
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Revitalized agriculture for balanced growth and resilient livelihoods: Toward a rural development strategy for Mon State
Filipski, Mateusz J. | Nischan, Ulrike | Van Asselt, Joanna | Belton, Ben | Kennedy, Adam | Hein, Aung | Dorosh, Paul A. | Boughton, Duncan
This report offers specific policy and investment options articulated around two broad areas: (1) stimulating growth in agriculture and sustainable management of fisheries and (2) providing public infrastructure and services that strengthen the enabling environment. A plan to stimulate growth in agriculture and fisheries, the first broad area, could be centered around the following set of goals: revitalize the rubber sector, develop high-value fresh products, improve rice productivity, modernize land and input markets, expand access to loans for machinery and seasonal input purchases, strengthen agricultural extension services to ensure dynamism in Mon State’s farm sector, improve management of marine capture fisheries, and facilitate expansion of aquaculture. The first part of the report details the challenges and potential solutions presented by each of these points. The second part of the report details options to create a growth-enabling environment through public infrastructure and services, centered around the following goals: improve the budgetary and fiscal process to enable locally driven public investment, improve access to and reliability of infrastructure, expand the formal credit market, promote productive investment by the private sector, strengthen regulatory frameworks for the construction sector, exploit the potential for the development of tourism, and improve the quality of and access to education and health services.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Livelihood resilience and the agrifood system in Myanmar: Implications for agriculture and a rural development strategy in a time of crisis
Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity
Myanmar’s agrifood system has proven surprisingly resilient in the face of multiple crises—COVID 19, the military coup, economic mismanagement, global price instability, and widespread conflict—with respect to production and exports. Household welfare has not been resilient, however. High rates of inflation, especially food price inflation, have resulted in dietary degradation across all house hold groups, especially those dependent on casual wage labor. Among household members, young children experience the highest rates of inadequate dietary quality. Expanded social protection to improve access to better-quality diets for vulnerable households and individuals is therefore needed. Beyond the current political crisis, increased public and private investment in a more efficient and dynamic agrifood system should be a high priority. This will help drive down poverty rates and ensure access to healthy diets in the near term, while laying the foundation for sustained growth and struc tural transformation of the economy.
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