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Economic impacts of semi-subsistence farm support measure of Latvian rural development programme 2007-2013
Benga, E., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Priekuli, Priekuli parish, Priekuli Municipality (Latvia). Inst. of Agricultural Resources and Economics
The evaluation of EU Member States’ co-founded programmes was assigned particular importance in recent years. The core question to be answered in programme evaluation is whether the stated objectives are accomplished by particular intervention. Until recently, the use of ‘naïve’ estimates was common in the evaluations of EU Member States Rural Development Programmes. The use of these estimates leads to potentially substantial selection bias resulting from using the outcomes of non-participants as a proxy for the possible outcomes of participants in the case of non-participation. The effectiveness of interventions on outcomes of interest can be better evaluated by propensity score matching (PSM). The objective of the study is to determine the net average effects from semi-subsistence farm support measure of the Latvian Rural Development Programme 2007 – 2013. To reach the research objective, propensity scores based on the most important characteristics were calculated for participants and non-participants of the measure and average treatment effects for gross value added were evaluated by matching methods. The research results show that the positive programme effects evaluated by ‘naïve’ estimators are overestimated in comparison with the results obtained by more rigorous PSM method.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Spatial analysis of afforestation in Poland under rural development programme 2007-2013
Kurowska, K., University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland) | Kryszk, H., University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland) | Marks-Bielska, R., University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland) | Kietlinska, E., University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland)
The paper covers spatial analysis of the Measure “Afforestation of agricultural and other than agricultural lands” implemented in Poland within the framework of the Rural Development Programme 2007 – 2013 (RDP 2007 – 2013). Beneficiaries obtained payments for afforestation based on the commitments made during the programming perspective of 2004 – 2006 or they joined the programme during the perspective of 2007 – 2013. Data obtained from the Department for Direct Payments of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development as of 31 December 2012 formed the base of the analysis. Payments made in the country to the beneficiaries considering their activity and absorption of funds within the framework of the measure are presented. Next, given the disbursements made in voivodships and counties of Poland, the activity of beneficiaries was indicated and average disbursements per beneficiary were determined. The analysis aims at investigating the consistency of the afforestation policy implemented in Poland as of 2004 and showing the role of afforestation projects implemented within the RDP framework. The aim of the article is to show spatial changes in the intensity and dynamics of agricultural land afforestation projects implemented within the framework of the RDP 2007 – 2013 considering natural conditions. The afforestation rate and the ownership structure of the forestland in Poland is diverse. Afforestation allows and rationally manages agricultural land, which is of little use for agricultural production. The utilization of EU funds supporting afforestation of agricultural land in Poland is characterized by spatial variability.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The importance of the LEADER programme 2007 – 2013 in the rural areas development in Poland
Wojewodzka-Wiewiorska, A., Warsaw Univ. of Life Sciences (Poland)
The article deals with the implementation of the LEADER programme in Poland. The aim of the paper was to present the influence of the LEADER programme 2007 – 2013 on rural areas development taking into account its objectives. This topic is current in the context of the Rural Development Programme 2007 – 2013 evaluation and search for effective tools for supporting rural areas. The results of research conducted in 2016 among residents and local action groups are presented. Firstly, the LEADER programme had little impact on the possibility of finding work outside the agriculture. Secondly, the realized projects have contributed to the improvement of the quality of life of the residents in rural areas, especially when it comes to meeting the needs of tourism and leisure. The programme was of great importance in underpinning social capital in the countryside, especially its behavioural and bonding dimension. It is very significant taking into account the low level of social capital in rural areas in Poland. An overall level of activity of rural residents and other entities increased, so as the propensity to engage in joint initiatives and the level of trust. The observed effects of the LEADER programme may in the future contribute significantly to the endogenous development of rural areas.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Cross-border assignment – the study method supporting internationalization of SMEs [small- and medium- sized enterprises] and linkage between HEIs [higher education institutions] and industry
Lescevica, M., Vidzeme Univ. of Applied Sciences, Valmiera (Latvia) | Titov, E., Estonian Entrepreneurship Univ. of Applied Sciences, Tallinn (Estonia)
The variety of study methods used at universities still is conservative and more pragmatic, but there is an increasing tendency to change study methodology to more and more student-centred and to focus on the students’ ability to become valuable workforce for SMEs. The necessity for development of study methods clearly demonstrates the research problem. At the same time, universities are facing pressure from governmental authorities to internationalize – student and teacher mobility, international partners and projects are highly recommended. The main process at universities is the study process. But also internationalization should support the study process and students in achieving practice-based learning outcomes. Facing these challenges, NOBANET network of universities has elaborated and piloted the study method Cross-Border Assignments (CBA) linking students’ future ability to successfully incorporate in the job market and the requirement for internationalization of studies. The aim of this article is to introduce and assess the CBA as a method to involve student work and students to engage in entrepreneurship problems. The authors have collected and analysed feedback of 10 CBAs implemented in 6 different universities. The feedback was received by using questionnaires with mainly closed questions. The results show that companies are satisfied with students’ work and they also appreciate teachers. The main conclusion about assessment of this method gives valuable contribution to scientific literature as a description of modern study method and good practice in linking HEIs and SMEs. Gratitude is expressed to the Nordic Council of Ministers for funding NOBANET project and project EKOSOC-LV, part 5.2.2. and INTERFRAME-LV.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Development of educational tourism in Lithuanian rural areas
Zaleckiene, J., Vytautas Magnus Univ., Kaunas (Lithuania) | Turcinskaite, L., Vytautas Magnus Univ., Kaunas (Lithuania)
Tourism development contributes to the vitality of rural areas: it increases employment opportunities for residents, promotes the development of relations among different business entities and attractiveness of rural environment. In this article, the situation regarding the development of one type of tourism – educational tourism – in Lithuanian rural areas, factors encouraging and limiting this development have been analysed. The research question is what are the main problems regarding the development of educational tourism in rural areas. The aim of the research is to present relevant solutions after the analysis of the problems regarding the development of educational tourism in rural areas. Theoretical research was performed while applying methods of content analysis and synthesis of scientific literature and other researches. The method of case analysis was chosen to describe the state of the development of educational tourism and to identify main problems. In total 18 cases were analysed (18 providers of the educational tourism services in rural areas). In order to collect necessary information, methods of semi-structured interview, analysis of secondary informational resources and direct participation in researched educational programs were applied. The development of educational tourism is promoted by the factors related to the environment of manor, historical place or nature as well as professional qualification, working experience, enthusiasm and ability to be flexible about customers’ needs of actors responsible for rural development. Volatility of demand regarding educational programs, lack of specialists and challenges related to cooperation were identified as problematic issues.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Changes in the engineering students’ procrastination self-evaluation within the experimental approbation of career education program
Jerkunkova, A., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia) | Katane, I., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia) | Baltusite, R., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia)
One of the modern education problems being investigated is a phenomenon of student procrastination and minimisation of its influence on achievement of career goals. A transformative pedagogical experiment was carried out involving 1st year engineering students of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies during the 2018/2019 academic year. The aim of the transformative pedagogical experiment was to promote the reduction of student procrastination levels and achievement of their goals by practical experimental approbation of a career education program. During the experiment, self-evaluation of student procrastination was performed before and after the implementation of the career education program. The methodology included 20 indicators of procrastination self-evaluation. The program included three topic-based parts: 1) understanding and setting student career goals; 2) defining procrastination levels and factors; 3) the influence of procrastination minimisation on career goals’ achievement. The study results allowed to conclude that due to the career education program elaborated and implemented in practice, substantial changes in student procrastination self-evaluation took place during the transformative pedagogical experiment. There was a significant difference in student procrastination levels before and after the transformative pedagogical experiment. The study results demonstrated that the elaborated and experimentally implemented career education program is valid and can be further used for minimisation of student procrastination, it can contribute to career goals’ achievement and for the reduction of early discontinuation of studies and dropping out of university as there is a correlation between procrastination and dropout phenomena.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Impact evaluation of the rural development programme support to small farms with regression discontinuity design
Hāzners, Juris | Vēveris, Armands | Benga, Elita
Nowadays, when the economic development of countries is more and more influenced by knowledge-based, innovative entrepreneurship, particular attention is paid to the application and protection of intellectual property. Enterprises can acquire intellectual property rights in various ways externally and such rights can also be generated by enterprises internally: they launch and subsequently produce new or improved products and services (research and development) and ensure the protection of intellectually intensive products (patents, trademarks, computer software, etc.). Thus, it is important to study the valuation and accounting of intellectual property rights. The aim of the research is, on the basis of the studies of intellectual property rights accounting policy in Latvia, to identify the shortcomings related to the valuation and accounting of intellectual property rights and to develop recommendations for their elimination. The following research tasks are subject to the aim: to study IPRs concept, regulatory framework and statistical data, to valuate accounting policy for IPRs; to identify shortcomings related to the valuation and accounting of IPRs; to develop recommendations for the elimination of identified shortcomings. The results of research enable to draw a conclusion that the requirements of the laws and regulations of Latvia do not prevent from the capitalization of intellectual property rights as intangible assets; however, it is necessary to revise and improve some requirements. In the conclusion of research, the authors have elaborated recommendations for the elimination of identified shortcomings.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Regional analysis of performance indicators of Latvian business incubators
Markus, Karlis | Rivza, Baiba | Rivza, Peteris
A regional analysis of performance indicators for Latvian business incubators provides a valuable insight into the performance of the business incubator ecosystem in various regions and helps to make future policy decisions on providing funding for the incubators that aim to support the growth and success of start-ups. The present research performed a regional analysis of operational programmes for two periods from 2007 to 2021. The strengths and weaknesses of Latvian business incubators across various regions of Latvia could be identified based on the analysis. This can help to make policy decisions and guide resource allocation to contribute to the development of the business incubator ecosystem in the future.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Career development for enhancing employability of students as prospective specialists in the university educational environment
Troshkova, Marina
Universities play an important role in providing a wide range of services and connecting all stakeholders, such as employers, alumni, and other community members to prepare students for future employment, establish networking with labour market representatives, assist them in integrating into the labour market, and develop students’ as potential specialists’ employability skills, thereby fostering their career development in the university educational environment. The aim of this study is to analyse the career related theories and propose a career development model for economics and business-focused universities. The following research methods were used: desk study, analysis and evaluation of scientific literature (theoretical research method); reflection of personal experience (empirical research method). The theoretical research emphasised modern career-related theories and resulted in a proposal for a career development model for a university. A mandatory course that formally prepares students as prospective specialists for employment and internship, exposure to the labour market via internship, networking events, and mental support provided by qualified psychologists, university teachers as part of an academic advising programme and alumni organized in the form of an alumni mentorship programme, are the main pillars of the proposed career development model.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]CCAFS approach for climate information services inspired a rural development program in Burkina Faso
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
The CCAFS Climate Information Services in West Africa project, in collaboration with meteorological services, radio stations, and mobile phone companies, was instrumental to the development of a component dedicated to the use and dissemination of climate information for VALPAPE program in Burkina Faso. A study tour to was organised to the Climate-Smart Villages of Tibtenga (Burkina) and Cinzana (Mali), made up of a group of 20 people from local communities, agricultural services, farmers' associations, national extension services and agricultural research.
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