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Improvement of customs and tax administration ICT system performance
Petersone, M., Riga Technical Univ. (Latvia) | Ketners, K., BA School of Business and Finance, Riga (Latvia)
Nowadays ICT has a significant role in public administration by creating opportunities to automate a lot of manual operations. ICT plays an important role both in improving customer service in public administrations as well as internal and inter-institutional co-operation processes in public administrations that promote access to services and service quality, facilitate administrative processes for citizens and businesses and contribute to the accessibility of information. Public authority daily faces a major challenge – on the one hand to reduce labour costs and on the other hand to introduce innovations. In the implementation of both these objectives public administrations deal with a serious problem – to operate in a connected environment by involving stakeholders and at the same time to solve problems by using new working methods, tools and management models. One of the strategic objectives of tax and customs administrations is to increase resource use efficiency and effectiveness; therefore, they continuously search solutions to simplify administrative procedures, to improve and develop the quality of services provided and the business environment in general, and how to automate internal work processes and significantly reduce manual workload. This study aims to examine the structure affecting the efficiency indicators, to point out the factors which have the biggest impact on increasing effectiveness of institutions.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Information technology competency management in financial sector: literature review
Supe, L., BA School of Business and Finance, Riga (Latvia) | Natrins, A., BA School of Business and Finance, Riga (Latvia | Mikelsone, E., BA School of Business and Finance, Riga (Latvia | Sarnovics, A., BA School of Business and Finance, Riga (Latvia
Rapid technology development has had an evident impact on the financial sector during the last eight years. The financial sector experiences changes and it is important for the contemporary financial organizations to set a sustainable business perspective through competency management to ensure competitiveness. The current paper additionally focusses on fintech. Information technology development and competency management are the basis of the research. Authors of this research performed literature review to clarify the technology management competency model proposed by Doggett, McGee and Scott (2013) with the purpose of customizing the model for finance and technology knowledge-intensive fintech companies.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Challenges in human resource management in the culture industry in Latvia
Bethere, S., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia) | Licite-Kurbe, L., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia)
The culture industry and its human resources have been little researched in Latvia, yet research on the culture industry is important, because the industry makes a significant contribution to economic growth by promoting employment and the development of competitive regions. The culture industry encompasses libraries, folk art, theatre, music, museums, the creative industry and other sub-industries, yet in recent years those working in all the culture subindustries faced various challenges, including: a low remuneration and insufficient monetary and non-monetary bonuses, resulting in lower job satisfaction and a high personnel turnover. Accordingly, the aim of the research is to develop recommendations for hiring and retaining human resources by examining challenges in managing human resources in the culture industry. The authors conducted a survey among the personnel of the Board of Culture of Jelgava municipality. The survey found that the main challenges faced by the administration of the Board of Culture were an uncompetitive remuneration, the aging of the personnel and generational change as well as inefficient and insufficient motivation for working. The research has developed two scenarios for recruiting: ‘promotion of creativity and non-monetary motivation’ that aim to publicly appreciate human resources, so that they would feel important and significant as well as facilitate creativity, innovation and collective solidarity, while for the purpose of retaining human resources in a long-term and decreasing their turnover, the second scenario ‘competitive remuneration and the differentiation by position category’ aims to gradually raise the remuneration and differentiate it for all categories of personnel.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Social capital in Pieriga region, [Latvia]
Igaune, E., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
At rural enterprises, besides the traditional resources - natural, financial, and human capital - there is some other kind of capital - it is social capital. Foreign scientists have done a lot of researches on it. The nature of social capital and its role in economics is not much studied in Latvia. The present scientific article reflects consumptions on social capital by different foreign scientists. The World Bank as an institution has also approached to the research of social capital. It studies social capital at institutions. The World Bank describes the social capital of two kinds. The scientific article characterizes Pieriga region. Rural enterprises and businessmen of agricultural, industrial and service branches in Pieriga region have been enquired. By the results of the enquiry, the presence of social capital in rural enterprises and its impact on their development have been analysed.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Competence in higher education in multi-dimensional aspect
Tomsons, V.(Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia))E-mail:Vilnis.Tomsons@llu.lv
The term "competence" has not been clearly defined in the literature. Two meanings of the term have been identified. One refers to the outputs or results of education (training), but other - to the inputs or underlying attributes needed for a person to demonstrate competent performance. Each meaning has been used to describe both individual and organizational competences. A classification of the meanings of competence is given to show that the term has several meanings depending on the purpose for which it is used. Although competence is an important concept in education, it is unclear what competence is. Constructivism is a way out of the competence confusion - we don't search for one absolute true definition, but do use the competence concept for our own purposes. At the end of article a description (definition) of competence is given. This definition is appropriate to define inputs for undergraduate programmes and to improve student's lifelong and life wide learning competences while studying undergraduate study programmes.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]GIS [geographic information system] for planning and monitoring land use practices in shifting cultivation areas
Sherchan, D.P. (Local Initiatives for Biodiversity, Research and Development, Pekhara, Kaski District, P.O. Box 324 (Nepal))