结果 1-10 的 11
Achieving the adoption of green manure/cover crops: systems that are attractive to farmers
Bunch, R. (COSECHA Apartado 3586, Tegucigalpa, Honduras (Central America))
Participatory on-farm experimentation and evaluation
Coe, R. | Verbist, B.
Enhancing sustainability of shifting cultivation in the Philippines through policy and institutional support
Vergara, N.T. (Green Tropics International, Timugan, National Highway, Los Banos, Laguna (Philippines))
Adoption of joint forest management for areas under shifting cultivation in northeast India
Darlong, V. T. (Ministry of Environment and Forests, N.E. Regional Office, Upland Road Shillong, 793003 (India))
Technology assessment for sustainable agricultural production systems and rural development in different agro-ecological zones: some conceptual considerations
Kwaschik, R.
Policy analysis of technology transfer: a synthesis
Bonifacio, M.F. (Philippines Univ., Diliman, Quezon City (Philippines). Coll. of Arts and Sciences)
Socio-cultural considerations of policy issues associated with technology transfer in rural development
Sison, O.F. (Philippines Univ., Los Banos, College, Laguna (Philippines). Dept. of Agricultural Education and Rural Studies)
This paper presents the consequences of technology transfer, identifies policy issues/research concerns associated with technology transfer in rural development and identifies socio-cultural areas of concern in the training of extension workers involved in technology transfer activities. Using as basis for analysis, the author looks into the transfer of Azolla technology, hybrid seed production, Masagana 99 package of technology, farm mechanization, and introduction of post-production technology. After studying the above technology transfer activities, the author recommends the following: a) for any technology transfer activity, a state of the art of technology development and transfer must be made available so that a thorough analysis on the social aspects can be made. b) a feedback mechanism to create awareness on socio-cultural dimensions of policy issues associated with technology transfer in rural development must be created. c) a training program for the change agents who will be involved in the technology transfer activities should be developed. d) piloting of a technology at the micro level before nationwide scale promotion should be encouraged. e) a greater number of farmers in technology development and transfer should be involved particularly with regard to decision making.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Economic considerations of policy issues associated with technology transfer in rural development
Rola, L.R. | Peria, A. (Philippines Univ., Los Banos, College, Laguna (Philippines). Coll. of Economics and Management)
This paper looks into the Masagana 99 Rice Production Program to identify policy issues associated with technology transfer in rural development, determine and evaluate the economic implications of policy issues and identify research training concerns. After considering the issues, the author presents two major conclusions: 1. That Masagana 99's short-run goals and objectives focused only on increased production and productivity but overlooked the well-being of primary beneficiaries of development in terms of income, employment, education, health, participation on involvement in the program, and many others. 2. That Masagana 99 implementors failed to provide credit, marketing and processing, and technical support services. The author proceeds to present an estimate of the probable cost necessary to correct the above inefficiencies.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Ecological considerations of policy issues associated with technology transfer in rural development
Fellizar, F. Jr. (Philippines Univ., Los Banos, College, Laguna (Philippines). Coll. of Human Ecology)
The author examines the ecological impact of technology transfer in rural development. He says that developing countries like the Philippines face many problems resulting from the manipulations in ecosystems as a result of technology transfer. For example, the use of chemicals to protect new rice varieties has resulted in environmental hazards. He further says that developing countries face conflicting choice whether to promote their development or sacrifice ecological aims. To resolve the conflict of technology transfer creating havoc to the ecological system, the author presents an alternative development strategy which is called the ecodevelopment strategy. This strategy calls for the understanding of the interrelationship between the environment and development. The author also encourages policy makers to examine first the kind of development to be introduced that would protect and improved the environment and not vice-versa. Finally, the author quotes Dasmann who said that development should not be implemented at the expense of natural system vital to long-term healthy functioning of the human environment.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Factors affecting the adoption of soil and water conservation technologies in semi-arid Zimbabwe
Ellis-Jones, J. (Silsoe Research Institute, Bedford (United Kingdom)) | Mudhara, M. (Department of Research and Specialist Services, Harare (Zimbabwe) Farming Systems Research Unit)
This paper examines those factors influencing the uptake and impact of renewable natural resource's research giving particular attention to the identification of promotion pathways, dissemination and adoption of soil and water conservation technologies suitable for small farmers in semi-arid parts of Zimbabwe. Problems faced by communal area farmers in these areas cannot be solved by simply adaption and introduction of already existing technologies. Apart from technologies for maize and cotton successfully developed for high potential areas, technology does not exist or inappropriate as it is perceived as too risky by farmers. To make research more effective more attention needs to be given to project identification, design and appraisal with active involmentand consultation with intended beneficiries and stakeholders usingmore participatory methods that consider socio-economic acceptability and identify dissemination pathways
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